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June 11, 2003
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STAT gpproved For Release 2003/08/08 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6
Approved For Release 2003/08/08 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6
Approved For Release 2003/08/08 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6
During her South American cruise, RANGER made
goodwill calls in Trinidad, Brazil, Chile, Peru and ~1ex-
ico, arriving at ti:1S Alameda, Calif., on lugust 20, 1958.
chile operatingg out of Alameda during the remainder
of 1958, R:1tiGEli carried on extensive carrier qualifi-
cations for various 1lest Coast squadrons.
On Jan. 3, 1959, RINGER departed ti:1S Alameda for
her first tour of duty with the U. S. Seventh Fleet in the
Far East. During this cruise, she visited Pearl [larbor,
Yokosuka and Kobe, Japan, Okinawa, ~1anila and lloug
Kong. During this seven month tour of the Orient,
R.aNGER hosted thousands of visitors, including Presi-
dent Carlas Garcia of the Philippines and Prince and
Princess Takamaesu and Princess Chichibu of the
Japanese Imperial Family.
Upon return from the Far East in July 1959, RANGER
entered drydock at the San Francisco 'Naval Shipyard
for six weeks of work, followed by five months of exten-
sive air operations off the California coast, part of the
ship's readying process for her second 1{~estPac cruise,
which began with R INGER's departure from N.IS .Ila-
meda on February 6, 1960.
?woll adeD pue sa~,tawt- ytnoS ein taal,~ ailiaBJ
ayt ia~j pat~edap ays way,H `gc6i aunl? litun sade~ eiui~
N',1 ayt ?}lo pate~ado l13Dti~ u 'poiaae p~e~C ytuow aa~yt
e ~ttintollo~j ?slel~t aaunldaaas leai3 gay pataldwoa ays
aJay.M 'unaggcae;J ayt of paumta~ ays `8S6i ,Caenue(' al
va-.uea .Mau ayt ~cq Pattsin trod u~ia~o~j tsa[i ayt
?(o~niwoU otues Mou) ollifn~1, pspniJ 'ailgndaii Heal
-uiwo0 ayt ~jo letidea silt patisin 213J\~ 21 ':.56i `~agwa
-nod ~ui~np asin~a ttMOpa~eys gay no pa~legwa ajiy~
?letsai~o3 ~Cq palsasn ,Cttliasl ~a~rel ayt otu! PateOi!
Se.M i1JJ\~~11 J? Ilny Pataldwoa-,Cllettisd ayt `payaunel
seM letsa,uo1 ayt uayM `sytuow lnoi ~atJe tnq `~aop
lallews a ui pallets se.M ~~on+ 'uoitan~tsuoa atcpadxa
o~ ?diys ayt plrny of s~aop ~C,p on~t foot ti teat taej ayt
se., B~D41 R to uo-aanitsuoa ayt ui tuana lensnun u~-
?~lets Jo s3atyD tu-o(' ayt Jo
ueuu-eyJ lawloJ ayt Jo alti.~ `p~o3Pell '11 '?'It'~ ?s~l, .cq
pa~osuods `9561 '6~ 'tcla5 uo pauatsi~ya seM ll_1!) \~ y
?e \ `s~+a~ tlod++a~ `~Cuedwo,) ~aop.UO pue euipltnq
-diys sMa~ t~od~~a~ aiP ~9 Patan~tsuoa seM `s~aurea
t,e~ane ?laette ssnla-letsa~~o~ ayt io pnyt ayt pus aweu
teyt ~eaq of diys ytq~ia '(i9-~ .1~) ll:~l`J\1 ll 5Sl ay.L
The administration of a ship R'1NGER's size demands
a competent force of men trained to do a vibe tExecutiwe
although not a department technically,
Staff-, under the supervision of the Executive Officer,
handles all the ship s administrative problems, inctuaing
personnel and records, the Chaplain's services, the legal
Exe utiive Staff off~ces are on thensecond deekst of the
The primary concern of RANGER is to operate. As one
~f this nation s most vital vehicles of defense, the ship
and its men must be ros t on anywhere ino the world la-
assume an operating p e 0 erations Ilepartment
gainst potential stggression. Th P
is thefficers and'~men actNtoEp ovide radar control oftthe
300 0
11ith Carrier :fir Group 'Vine embarked, the carrier = USAF and Navy
proved her capabilities as the main offensive and de- ~ review(s) completed.
fensive power of the SeveP,t,Il,lFd~l~td~~~9{29re~~'~~/08/08 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6
deployment. `'~~
8/08 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6
Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP99BOOOdt~ ~ '~
Approved For Relea~e 2003/08/0:8 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6
?sa!uowaaaa llu ;g saouoy Jo uuap
-ua~,aadoad ayt aoJ pus 'wall ay; Jo saaa!JJIJ ayt Jo aiu-
-u!ea; ay; aoJ aly!suodsaa s! ?sa!tnp ,Casw!ad s!y o; not;!p
-pe u! 'aotE~!ne~ aye ?~u!;told len;au ay; Jo yanw ~u!
-waoJaad pus '~0.1 ~aalj ~~y~noa,~ s~d!ys ayt ~u-urs;u!ew
?palaaaaoa s;aeya du!daa~ 'ao;e~!ne~ ayt sp!e ya;sU
ay; Jo as;suuua;aenU aye ?uo!;g~tneu a-uoa;aala pue
lu!;salsa 'lens!n Jo asn ay; y~noayt `uo!;!sod ;aexa st! Jo
a~paln+ou~ a;sanaas ,Cq drys ayt Jo ,C;aJus ayt saansu! aaa
"!JJO'UO!tu~!^u\ aye ?,(ao;uueldxa-Jlas s! aauetaodw! s;!
'II~Jf~t ?I u! tuaw;asdap tsallgws ay; s! s-y; y~noytlt
? ?~C;!1!ysdea ,Caolutlg;aa pus an-suaJ
-ap wnw!xuw ana!yas o; s;uaw;aedap say;a Jo sno-;aunt
y;!,M a;ea~atu! pue spuewap leuot;saado ;saw ll!M tayt
uo!taunJ patgu!paooa ,Cljy;oows n o;u! s~se; asayt ~u!z!
-us~ao aoJ aly!suodsaa s! aaa!JJ(1 sao!teaadU ay,L ?saapao
uo!;eaado pus salnpayas ;y~!U aandaad pue 'uo!;ewaoJ
-u! lea!~oloaas pue aaua~!lla;u! al!dwoa 'suo!;ea!unw
-woa lens-n puu o!pea ute;u!ew ';Js~a auaoya!e s d!ys
y, aoJ aly!suodsaa s! pox 'suo!stnrp anoJ Jo pasodwoa
! aaao`I wall aya, ? ~aap puoaas ayt uo 'aa!JJD ~CaauunD
y; woaJ palloaluoa pun patuu!paooa aau asa41, ?aauau
Sao pue ~aap 'sdnoa~ one; o;u! pap!n!p ay ,Cow ~CaauunD
maw O~y ,Clatuw!xoadde 'suo!s!n!p OI Jo ~u!;s!suoJ
?pusls! ay; u! lanai 6-O ay;
w '~l1 !aJ woaJ sa-;rn!;ae snotaun asay; sa;BU!paooa aaa
!J3D a!~` ay.L '~Jgaaa!u ~u!aanoaaa ao ~u!yauntil aanauayn~
-as ayt woaJ anasaa ;ol!d aoJ parrn~ ausld ~lJ o; puu
:asodand ,C;-lpn aoJ ;uaw;agdap s!y; ,Cq pau!u;u!uw oslu
ore saatdoa!lall ?saa!naas ;Jeaaa-u ao '~u!lanJ 'aua~ ~u!
-;saaag pus s;lndu;na ayt `~aap ayl uo ,`~u!lpuuy ;Jnaaa!n
~; aarl;!a ';Ct!1!q!suodsaa ;au!;s!p un~o s;! sgy uo!s!ntp
3;Baudas yag;y ?,Caua!a!JJa pus aaaoJ wnw!xew ;e sa;g
-aado dnoaJ a!~- s,ll~Diti1'21 ;ey; ass o; s! ,C;-l!y!suodsaa
a~;uawiaeda(l a!~' ay; 'suots!n!p an!J Jo ~u!;s!suo~
The stores necessary for the creation of 10,500 meals
daily plus, as well, the maintenance of airplanes and
RANGER itself are truly immense. Supply operates the
ship's barber shoi-s, dry cleaning plant, laundry, cobbler
shop, smoke shoE-, bakery, and, of course, among many
more, two ice cream plants. Everything from the 35,000
items required to maintain RANGER'S aircraft to the
72,000 eggs ^_onsumed each month by the crew must be
bought, sold, stored,distributed and accurately accounted
for. Supply, a major function of any operation, wields its
influence from its. offices on the second deck .
Equipped to handle any emergency, R-ANGER'S medi-
cal facilities are the most modern, with special features
designed for the particular requirements of treatment at
sea. In effect, "sickbay is the equivalent of a medium
sized hospital. '[ts spaces include two wards, surgical
and medical, two quiet rooms, an isolation ward, a labor-
story, a pharmacy, X*r~ay rooms, surgical operating room,
diet pantry and examination rooms. All these are located
on the second deck, ,joist forward of the Dental spaces.
The Dental Department is capable of performing any
dental procedure common to the largest shore establish-
ments..Among the various services rendered are oral dia-
gnosis, operative, crown and bridge, oral surgery, full
and partial denture prosthesis, periodontics and a thor-
ough teeth-cleaning, iif that's all you need.
Approved For Release 2003/08/08 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6
Approved For Release 2003/08/08, :CIA-RDP
Approved For Release 2003/08/08 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6
Approved For Release 2003/08/08
maintainance and operation of the ship's ground tackle
(with its 30 ton anchors), the ship's boats, and the ship's
replenishment rigs. The ordnance gang consists of the
remaining six divisions, and its responsibility is to
operate and maintain the armaments and fire control
.equipment, the guided missile men, the aviation ordnance
men and the ship's'Narine detachment.
The four main engine rooms of RINGER, together
with .auxiliary emergency machinery, demand continual
attention. The [;ngineering Department insures that this
attention is precise and that our engine combinations are
in perfect condition. Central Control, on the fourth deck
level, amidships, is the heart of the engineering plant.
From this position, before a variety of dials, status
boards and communications equipment, engine operation
is carefully monitored. Occupying an area in the after
section of Central Control is the Damage Control Station,
where all information regarding damage, fire, and flooding
is evaluated and corrective action is initiated. Engineer-
ing furthermore guarantees that fresh water for all pur-
poses as well as steam for the launching of planes is al-
ways available. The Engineering (?ffice is located on
finding your way around the ship is not too difficult..
once you know the system used to identify the various
There are 245 frames in the ship, numbered from bow
to stern. The decks of the ship are numbered from the
main (hangar) deck downward, 1, 2, 3, etc., and from the
hangar deck upward,. Ol, 02 fl3, etc.
Ship compartments are numbered from forward aft.
The first group of numbers represents the deck; the
second group the frame, and the third the compartment at
that frame, numbered from the centerline outboard, even
numbers on the port? odd on the star board.
Thus, compartment 0~-127-2-L means:
It is on the 03 level, three decks above the hangar
[t's located at frame 127, approximately amidships.
It's the first compartment outboard of the port side .
"L" stands for "'living compartment".
second deck..
----Navigation Bridge ~
Types of Campartments~
L-Living i
Q-Shops i
E-Machinery i
2.....Location at Frame
M-Magazine i
Odd numbers-Starboard
A-Stores i
Even numbers-Port
V-Voids i
L.....LivinF Compartment
0 Level ~
Fli ht Deck
03 Level
Gallery Deck
02 Level
Ol Level
Engineering spaces-
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Approved For Release 2003/08/08 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6
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Approved For Release 2003/08/08 :CIA-RDP99B00048R000100290001-6