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August 1, 1979
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SocL( cl, I See CON t TS The Nasca Lines of Peru by Tony Morrison ............ page 2 Planetary Chauvinism: Speculation on the `Others' by Stanislaw Lent.............. page 5 The Scientist and the Contactees by john Taylor .............. Page 10 Siheriart Explosion of 1908. Latest Findings from the Soviet Union by Villen Lyustiberg........... Page 1.3 Oasis in Space by Jarret Wollstein...... ..... page. 16 THE IDEAS OF SCIENCE FICTION Religioks? in the Dunes by Stan Gooch ............... page 20 BOOK REVIEWS Has the CIA Mastered Mind Control by Victor Marchetti... . ...... page 22 Time Zero and the Big Bang by Christopher Serpel......... page 23 A Visual Feast by Pe u. T'ur'in.. ......... Page 24 Where :Facts Are Scarce by Iwen Williams............ page 26 CHRONOLOGY OF THE UFO PIIELVOATENON............ page 30 Publisher 11VILLIA,,Vf BONN.ER Senior Editors RANDY FITZGERALD ROBERT K.G. TEMPLE Managing Editor LISA NEHER ArtDirector ELIZABETH PHILIP Design. Consultant JOHN MOSS Graphics C.'Ia' iULL'S '1108 f' PATTY SMITH Circulation Manager PATIIUFY Second Look (ISSN 0164.5072) is published monthly by Second Look, Washington, D.C. See and class postage paid Washington, O.C. 20003. .CORRESPONDENCE ...For creative theorizing To the editor: jay Gourley's article in the May 1979 issue was interesting but hardly yielded any surprises. The names Eunza (sic), and Alfa from Uranus have already been published much earlier than the occurrence of the Naval Intelligence discovery (cf. George H. Williamson and Alfred C. Bailey, The Saucers Speak, New Age Publ. Co., Los Angeles, 1954). Both of these authors, as you will recall, witnessed Adamski's by now famous first encounter with a Venusian (cf. George Adamski, Flying Saucers Have Landed, The British Book Centre, New York, 1967, 14th printing.). This interesting detail might throw some light on Gourlev's future researches. Similar interesting UFO related coincidences (if.that is What in- deed they are) have also been noted by John Keel in The Mothman Pro- phecies, Perhaps the hoaxes are more elaborate than we ever dared to sup- pose. On the other hand, some kind of manipulative conditioning might truly be indicated. On another note ... in my-estimation Jacques Vallee is the first author to deal with the-UFO as an indicator of some kind of a dynamic mechanism, which, though little understood, may have a patterned behavior. Though he might be chastised for some of his personal in- terpretations, as a social scientist he is paradigmatically sound. In support of Valltie's work, I must state unequivocal- ly that "nuts and bolts" (and all the stuff we erroneously think science is made of) are of scientific value only if placed into a meaningful context. This he has tried to do more than once; his efforts deserve cerned with devising methodologies for throwing babies out with the bath water. Chris von Volborth Cincinnati, Ohio ...The New Zealand sighting To the editor: In "The Psychology of the UFO Phenomenon" in your June issue, Stan .Gooch used the New Zealand UFO sighting of December 31, 1978, as an - example of a UFO case which is more important because of its psychological, effect than for any information it may provide about UFOs. Gooch used this example because, in his opinion. "much of the initially impressive evidence here appears to collapse on examination." Actually, Gooch should have made clear that his opinion on this case was not based on close examination of the evidence. I can forgive him for not closely examining the evidence because, as with most media-reported UFO stories, the available evidence was minimal and somewhat self- contradictory. Nevertheless, what evidence was available should have cau- tioned him against uncritically accep- ting the explanation that the film showed a "magnified picture of the planet Venus (or even of Jupiter)" or that "smaller, rapidly zig-zagging lights" were "prohabiy lights from the Japanese fishing fleet." 'The airplane crew was quoted in the news media as saying that they had ac- tually flown over the bright light which they saw near Christchurch. and that they had picked out the l-ishin boat Continued on page 29 Ad-iron a,1 rr,rae,ponoence to 10 r. at.. ..~.. great applause. Washington, D.C. 20003. Publisher cannot be :ble farunsolicite l manuscripts. Copyright [it Conclusion, let me express my s roa t 1979 by Second L.fook All rights rfservrd. Single sincere hope that future issues will allow o ,v $ 1 year subscri i e I r! l are on the Nusea Plain ,fc 1 yak lelea~4?12BetCl:l~t4P1'$09~'4R0006(J~ Gerald Haw