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Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 CHARTER SUBSCRIPTION BENEFITS 1. You'll be one of the 2. You'll save $8.051 You 3. You'll et a 100 percent first people in America to get pay just 59.95 for twelve issues, money-back guarantee! No the exciting PREMIER ISSUE the that's 45 percent less than the risk! You may cancel at any time intelligence community will be newsstand price of 518.00! during the Charter year. for any studying, using and collecting! reason, and receive your money back in full, no matter how many issues you have received! r _ _. _. _.._ ._. r.. ,A V) '-'l' 4 T-% ' "fib 'TI '' 'T? T'b I T.,\ " j I Y` ,a -- . : scriber to INSIDER, reserve me a copy of the amazing Premier Issue and bill me later at the Charter Rate of just $9.95 a year (12 issues). That's $8.05 off the newsstand price-a saving of 45 percent! And I can cancel my paid subscription for a 100 percent refund at any time during the CharterYear, no matter how many issues I've received. P. S, IF YO! FIND 4 FI1-E ON ME, '31ARAJ ii'/ Send no money now ! Just tear off this portion of the card and return it in the postpaid envelope to: INSIDER, Windsford, Dickerson, MD 20753 .Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 TAT ;inclsford ickcrson, M I? 20753 Th4 se 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 Through exclusive contacts with undercover organizations, INSIDER delivers and evaluates the raw, fascinating --.and often brutal -- findings reported from the field on conflicts overseas and power struggles at home. In-person intelligence gathering is still the most dangerous game in the world. And that lends the people and the events we report on all the excitement of a James Bond adventure. Plus the added dimension of reality. Every month INSIDER puts classified information straight from the field into your hands. In our pages this "raw" material is subjected to expert content analysis. Content analysis is a new method of sifting through conflicting reports to discover the kernels of truth hidden in a maze of deception and disinformation. Our intelligence network is wired into clandestine services in many countries, from the SDECE in France to the Mosad in Israel. But there is equal focus on domestic issues. Obviously, America's survival as a world power hinges on what we do at home as well as abroad. And that is a factor of how much people like you know about what really goes on -- of whether you will then act upon what you know. What makes you an outsider is this: /4? The insiders, the decision makers who shape your life, require facts to win their games of international Monopoly. They have ways of getting those facts. And hoarding them, on the grounds that, the less Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 you and I know, the more freely they can operate. So the American people settle for the bits and pieces fed to them on TV news programs that focus on events rather than issues. Or the laundered, Panglossian coverage you get in news magazines and the daily paper. It's six years since OPEC dropped its first price bomb on us. While inflation soars and the dollar plummets, our major oil companies stress the need for higher profits to increase exploration. The President supports decontrol and synthetic fuel development and nuclear energy is on trial. After six years of confusion and shortages, do you know how it all came about or how to solve it? Have we stepped through Alice's looking glass? Senator Herman Talmadge, found guilty of serious offenses by his peers, claims that he has been vindicated... Congressmen are accused of taking bribes from a Korean. agent but appear to get off scot-free... Proposition 13 was marketed as the salvation for the middle-class taxpayer in California, yet the state and federal governments and commercial real estate interests are the only true beneficiaries... And nobody believes anything anymore. Nobody, that is, except the insiders who really know what's going on. And you can become one of them, by entering a Charter Subscription to the amazing new intelligence monthly, INSIDER. INSIDER magazine has to be seen to be believed. In our pages you won't find a single public relations plant. No "pseudo-events" except to be exposed as such. No "special interests" receiving "special treatment." No partisan politics. We don't have a pail of whitewash in the house. No snow jobs. No muckraking. No scandal for its own sake. With the Premier Issue of INSIDER in your hands, all that trivia will vanish like a bad dream. We stick to our guns. Our purpose is to Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 reveal, explore in detail and subject to content analysis the stark war-and-peace realities which surround us. The events which threaten our survival. The policies which can enhance our well being. To acquaint you with how different, daring and vitally important is our approach to the news, we.want to get our Premier Issue into your hands. That's why we want you to enter your Charter Subscription to INSIDER right this minute! We offer you escape -- not from -- but into reality, learning the rules of the game of real life. Through the pages of INSIDER you'll become an insider yourself... living among spies and counterspies. . .double agents... moles. . .agents provocateurs. If your nostrils flare at the scent of danger, you're in for the most exciting and stimulating experience of your life. And you can receive INSIDER under the protection of a unique guarantee through which you will never risk a penny! You may cancel your paid subscription at any time during the Charter year, for any reason, and receive a 100 percent refund, no matter how many issues you've received! The dimensions of the underground you'll have access to through INSIDER -- and our own private intelligence network -- are enormous. 1. Under every flag that flies over the United Nations in New York,. there's an alien spy network in full operation. Some of these networks are friendly. Most are enemies. They're here to discover our secrets, corrupt our scientists and engineers, steal our weapons and some even to bribe our duly elected representatives. 2. We are menaced not only by hostile nations but by, groups large and small, in this age of terrorism. American businessmen are kidnapped in Latin America; tourists ambushed in Italy; political exiles murdered on the streets of Washington; Lord Mountbatten Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 assassinated by the IRA, by men trained by the KGB and financed by people who live in your neighborhood; Russia trains the PLO, the Red Brigade, the murderous groups in Iraq and Libya -- and through that training, uses Third World officials to spy on the West, to threaten our stability. 3. The huge multinational corporations are now bigger and richer than most countries. And the giants among them are of super-power size. Like the super-powers, they each have their own underground espionage organizations. Some of them conduct secret operations of a magnitude that may jeopardize national security and American national interests. INSIDER will investigate allegations that multinational corporations use their influence and operatives to unilaterally interfere with governments and citizens of other nations for their own profits. The true importance of INSIDER lies not in the exciting, hair-raising stories that cram our pages. Or even in the fascinating profiles of master spies you'll find in every issue... (Our first issue -- which I again urge you to send for today -- tells about Olege Penkovsky, a KGB colonel who spied for us and the British. Rather than defect, he was asked by the CIA to stay in Russia from where he delivered reams of important material. After his arrest and execution in 1963, The Penkovsky Papers were published, full of accusations against the Soviets. The book made Penkovsky famous -- but since it was written by CIA staff, some allege that the facts were slanted. A classic example of the murky world of the spy.) No, the uniqueness of INSIDER lies in two special areas: First, we deliver vital security information on current crises not available elsewhere. These inside stories come from our secret sources in the intelligence communities of most world powers. We also maintain an espionage network of our own to check on the veracity Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 and motives of our informants. Second -- and most importantly -- we subject all of this information to content analysis. "Content analysis," in its various forms, is the most sophisticated tool yet developed by the intelligence community. We use it, here at INSIDER, to assess future probabilities from current facts with a degree of accuracy heretofore unattainable. Content analysis resolves surface contradictions... separates. actual from empty threats... and often reveals the probable outcome of events both at home and abroad. You'll find practical demonstrations of the power of this tool in every issue of INSIDER. The appalling fury and bloodshed on both sides in the recent border clash between China and Vietnam led the world to believe that the area was exploding into a major confronta- tion. However, content analysis by the CIA confidently predicted a dispute of short duration. Every issue of INSIDER will bring you comparable analyses of troubled areas throughout the world.. .Rhodesia. . .terror-wracked Argentina... Northern Ireland...South Africa-the Middle East... In all cases new facts will be examined and new options and probabilities will be explored through the methodology of content analysis. One fascinating story INSIDER will probe is the recent "discovery" of Russian "combat troops" in Cuba. Since all informed parties have known of their presence since 1962, analysis indicates that their discovery now has all the earmarks of a "pseudo-event." Although some maintain that they have assumed combat status, the Russians appear to be mostly training units and technicians from the signal corps. They monitor us with our tacit permission just as the Russians tacitly permit us to monitor their homeland from Turkey and, until recently, from Iran. Was the timing of their sudden discovery in Cuba "arranged" for self-serving political ends such as undermining of the SALT Treaty and helping in an election campaign? Only in INSIDER will you find the whole story of the mass defections from the Bolshoi Ballet -- including that of the famous star Alexander Gudonov...You'll discover what we're doing about rebuilding our relationship with Iran under the shaky regime of the Ayatollah... You'll learn of the startling role Mosad, Israel's Secret Service, played in Andrew Young's affair. You'll see why most old hands at the CIA take Approved For Release 2004/10/12 CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9 a dim view of Stansfield Turner's appointment as Director... INSIDER will demonstrate how highly successful lies can be fabricated entirely of truths...(it's the things left out that make them lethal). And in the areas which are closest to you INSIDER will utilize its unique resources to examine the inner workings of the IRS and tell you how vulnerable you actually are. Applying probability techniques to political, economic, demographic data will show you what the middle class in America will look like in 15 years and whether you are likely to be a part of it. In your Premier Issue of INSIDER you'll learn the reasons why many intelligence experts predict a major conflict between China and Russia, a confrontation that would drastically alter our world. INSIDER will trace their hostility back to its roots. We'll tell why British expert, Edward Crankshaw, predicted in 1955 that the two powers would go to war. Why American observers described the schism as phony, a device to make us lower our guard. By acting fast and returning the Charter Subscription Reservation Form, you can receive the Premier Issue of INSIDER and 11 subsequent issues for just $9.95: That's a saving of $8.05 -- 45 percent off the news- stand price: And under INSIDER's unique and amazing guarantee plan, you risk absolutely' nothing! If at any point during the Charter year INSIDER disappoints you in any way, simply write and tell us so. In that case we will return every penny of your paid subscription -- and that includes repayment for the issues you've already received. But we'll bet that won't happen. We're convinced that you'll find INSIDER the most exciting and engrossing news source you've ever encountered. And that it will deeply enrich your understanding of the world events that are shaping the future for all of us. You don't have to be an outsider any longer. For an INSIDER's understanding of what's really going on in the world, send no money. But get that Charter Reservation Form back in the mail to us today! A :4J. Shinitzky Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100660013-9