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December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 26, 2004
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Publication Date: 
March 6, 1973
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ka /IN~c~ Tz-S 0/") .i (I C, r-, 1,t/,.st~~.`T*-,uxoxr POSIT L . 6- l e- c- )F00020'0460023-9 c- ol. 2: -TV r7" iFf 4: {/ t' -y~ a? ~a.~ !7 By ,i,cJ. itrirle'rcc;n .,but the deal fell through. Prouty refused to tarn over The cloak and-da '','r boys, the ealle`'s to the CL\, winch at the Central Intelligence! had a me sen_cr aaitin i'or~eident, the CIA went to court ]' it Agency are trying co get anithem at the bookstore. wwe can advance copy of it book whichiprovide the CIA, however, is highly critical of the CIA'siwith some of the highlights: "dirty tricks depart,nent." ex-Air Force The author , Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, wasi 9- The CIA. Prnut,y charges, the Pentagon support officer for the CIA over a nine-year period IIc did everythin trained agents in the .Maine woods because of the similar- iiv to the I-lussian fir forests. them get away Prouty'. s to block it book by one o torr.lcr employees, Victor Mar- chetti. But Prouty was never on the CIA payroll. When we asked the CIA whether an at- templ would be made to sup- press Prouty's book, a spokes- man said: "There are no plans whatsoever to do anything about the book." from supplying them with The n it, flew them to Norway .laines Bond weapons to ship-1where they were hopped into ping three dozen lobsters to a C;IA bigwig. And lie has written a book about it, "The Secret Team." To get the unedited galleys, the CIA library approached the distinguished S i d n e y Emmet, bookstore only a few blocks from the White House. A representative of the hook- store immediately called Prouty and suggested he could "help the. sale" of the book by providing it copy of the ;alleys. But Prouty. had been in in- telli ',ence ton long to he an easy touch. lIe agreed to meet: with the Kramer represent.- ath c and then secretly I'- their eoi:versation. Here is a partial transcript: "17o you represent others?" asked Prouty. ".1 can tell you who wants this," confided the cniissary. "They're on our baek.s-.the CIA." 'They are?" "Evidently someone was going to present them v:ith a copv the day before yester- i plane which landed oil a hid- den lake. d The CIA skillfully man- aged to keep out of the I'en- tagon Papers almost all men- tion of its assassination and other "dirty tricks" opec- atioris in South 1'ieiriam, 11- lrses Prouty. Instead, the CIA iarded tlie' Papers with ex- ,{iiiples ot, how c:oocl its in- ;ciIi'e:c'nce proved to be. a In I:i59, one of CIA Chief, = Mien Dulles, spy pieties al e g~.dly was shot ties- ri over i;ussia. The crew tray caip- tIt red, questioned by Soviet nl.cllisicnce anct later quietly. returned to the United :ttates.i v were debriefed aflc, TI ie heir return, by, a;non.g others,; lames iAlcCord, a lot met' CIA' tan convicted in the Water-, sate scandal.) Jkven tiloiigh the late Presi- }ent Kennedy ordered the Joint Chiefs to keep a fight rein on covert CIA military -iperations ,il'te[' the t?. y of Pigs debacle, rile CIA c?- -' cm vented the order in ViR'ti,.un day," said the represent-ative,`and the Pentagon supinely let p,,11~ RIIe,J -711 CC'o~~'r) 7'ta/vc Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-0135OR000200460023-9