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Schur HILL FARMS AND PADI FIELDS: LIFE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA by Robbins Burling THE COLD WAR ... AND AFTER by Charles 0. Lerche, Jr. THE ENLIGHTENMENT edited by Frank E. Manuel ? Complete backlist of 171 titles, almost all originals, arranged by subject. Students-many volumes are supplementary reading for required courses. Teachers-aids selection and ordering for classroom use. Librarians-alphabetical subject listing shows clothbound editions. ? Special series featured-Eyewitness Accounts of American History provid- ing the reader with an immediate sense of how the American people lived in the pivotal periods of our history; Twentieth Century Views offering the best of modern criticism on major writers; The American Assembly giving up-to-date information and remedies for major international and domestic problems. The new Spring 1965 catalog also announces two NEW series-Makers of Modern Social Science, Lewis A. 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"It is a natural, immutable Law," Adams wrote in his diary in 1759, "that the Buyer ought not to take Ad- vantage of the Sellers Necessity, to purchase at too low a Price." Here, too, there came a second thought on the heels of the first. "But Q. What Damage to Trade, what Inconvenience, if all Contracts made upon insuf- ficient Considerations were void." Well before the Declaration of Independence Adams' thought about politics had reached. a permanent resting-place. There was injustice and inconvenience attendant upon material in- equality, but any drastic attempt to remedy the situation would tend to destroy private property, which was essential to freedom. Hence when Paine in 1776 pro- posed that the American states become simple democracies, with one-chamber legislatures re- sponsible only to the electorate, Adams published his Thoughts On Government to counter its influence; and when, in the 1780s, French radicals and the agrarian debtors of Massachu- setts espoused Paine's concept, Adams wrote the three-volume Defense of the Constitutions in refutation. A strong executive and a senate were necessary, Adams argued, partly because rich men would be less danger- ous if confined to a separate branch of government, but also because senate and executive could check the attacks of the propertyless on the rich. Men without property were in the majority, Adams assumed, and the trend of development, as the United States became wealthier, would increase the disparity be- tween rich and poor. The intellectual grandeur of this, middle-class man lay in the honesty with which he faced the consequences of his assump- tions. A deep pessimism, square- ly faced, pervades the corre- spondence of Adams and Jef- ferson in the last years of their lives. Tell me, they wrote to each other, how you can have commerce without luxury, lux- ury without corruption, and cor- ruption without the downfall of the republic? Neither had an answer. The same question, the same pessimism, pursues the reader throughout the papers of the Fathers. Perhaps we will have learned what we need to from the New Dover Books 1136. EARLY DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF CONNECTICUT, J. Frederick Kelly. Richly illustrated survey of colonial homes, 1650-end of 18th century. 192 photos, 242 figs. 210pp. of text. 71/s x 103/a. $3.00 1143. LOST EXAMPLES OF COLONIAL ARCHITECTURE, John Mead Howells. Vital footnote to today's fight to preserve land- marks. 245 full-page plates show build- ings, interiors, etc. destroyed by time and Progress. 248pp. 7% x 103/4. $2.75 769. EINSTEIN'S THEORY OF RELATIVITY, Max Barn. 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