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Document Creation Date: 
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 29, 2004
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Publication Date: 
February 13, 1970
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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01350R000200290014-8.pdf126.94 KB
'~erYCArO TrZ.in tJL Dd~'yl~ 5 5, ~eJ; t(u?~ . Approved For Release 2004/11EiE-PCI,WkDP88-01350R0002 0290014-8 ae ~t.CI-aeseg A JUSTICE DISGRACES A t < THE ' SUPREME COURT n, have found nothing in his record to sup- viously has become irresponsible an port charges of financial irregularity or competent to continue as a member of racism,, but they say he is a cipher in- the United States Supreme court., his tellectually. When liberals who fiefendcd wildly irrational remarks off the bench former Chief Justice Earl Warren impute will be exploited by, the gyn slingers of the Black Panther party, Communists, lack of Intellectual distinction to another student revolutionaries, and other terror- judge it is a rather feeble attempt to be ists to justify increasing violence intended Justice Douglas has just written a book to p0 ' a titled "Points. of Rebellion," to be pub lished Feb. 19 by. Random House, in which a Y terest, and his encouragement of the most s dangerous revolutionary and criminal ele- meanors." A man may be removed from .L_ r.....,.h eimnly because he Is not ttti funny. to bring down the system. The same liberals who clamor pharisai- Justice Douglas - is eligible J or retire- cally for, the appointment of learned ju- ment. if he refuses, the House judiciary rists In the tradition of Holmes, Cardozo, commtitcc should initiate impeachment and Brandeis are silent in the face of proceedings. Under the Constitution, Unit--- accumulating evidence that Justice Wil- ed States judges hold office not for life Liam 0. Douglas is.gaga. This is the most but "during good behavior," and. Congress charitable explanation that can be offered has the power of removal for misbehav- for his "ethical insensitivity,' to use a for. In one impeachment case,,the *prece- standard liberal term for conflicts of in. dent was established that it~is not~neces- to - prove "high crimes or r Opponents of Judge G. Harrold Cars- Whatever the psychiatrists might, say well's' appointment to the Supreme court about justice Douglas' symptoms, he ob- . d he argues that violent revolution may be "the only effective response" to what he calls "oppression by the establishment." He compares the so-called establishment, to George III and warns that if it con- itinues its ."oppression". the redress will be another American revolution, "hon- ored in tradition." Then he goes fuxther, echo Adolf Hitler," whom be quotes is' saying in 1932: "The streets of our coun- try are In turmoil. The universities are i ti lli d b ng. ng an o r e filled with students re , , ? We need law and order.' Denouncing the Pentagon, the FBI,-the; V CIA, government and corporate burocra ties, employers, educators, and especiAlly, the police, be tells dissenters they "need, Approved For. Release 2004/10/13 CIA-RDP88-0`1350R000200290014-8 ' who resists arrest is acting as a free He charges that' police methods em- ployed In all totalitarian countries are now. commonplace in' the United States. 'Very phone In every federal or state agency Is suspect," he writes. "Every embassy phone is an open transmitter. Certain hotels in Washington have allot- ments of rooms that are wired for sound and even contain two-way mirrors, so that the occupants can be taped or filmed." And the whole country, he asserts, is'en- thralled in "a black isilence -. of fear.!' STAT