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ARTICLE' Apps RFB Approved For ReleaWd@MAIOTMA-RbP88-01315 ON PAGE_A__--f..-_L, 20 MAY 1979 By Henry S. Bradsher Washington Star Staff Writer fu As the Soviet Union and--the United States near completion of a treaty to limit their long-range missiles and bombers,-both- nations, are moving ahead with death. ray technology that could change future warfare. Senior U.S. officials say the Soviets are building prototype. weapons based on one form of this directed energy technology, using high-energy lasers. The United States knows how to make laser weapons but so far thinks high-' speed missiles can do the same job bet- ter. There is dispute here about how far along the Soviets arein developing. the other militarily interesting pros. pect for a death ray device. It would use a beam of highly charged atomic particles. U.S. scientists do not yet know how to make a particle beam weapon.. But American laboratories are working on it-with Defense Depart- ment funding. After acaustic debate that divided both the scientific and intelligence communities over the value of U.S. or Soviet particle beam work, the Pentagon has pulled to-., gether pieces of old research pro.` grams into a coordinated, study of. weapons applications. SOME OFFICIALS picture the recent decision to establish a coordinated program as no great change from the piecemeal efforts long under way. But those who had been on the losing side of the debate, while warning that this country was falling` behind the Sovi- ets in. a vital field, feel there has been a policy reversal that: vindicates their osition. p r ptli lasers and particle beams can deliver potentially destructive energy on a tirget with: the speed of light - 186,0O0 miles a second. Lasers can de- stroy By. transmitting energy in the form of light, somewhat the same way a fire a dsunlight. started a magnify- m i ng glass ing are more like-'lightning bolts that o atm h h ' e t burn their way, throug being dissipated, on the. way. But the phereto zaP their ; target. difficulties have been immense The new strategic arms limitations treaty, SALT II, restricts offensive weapons It does not restrict defenses againsttheni. A.1972 Soviet-American treaty jimits one. type of defenses, against ballistic missiles, although it does not prohibit. research on them. Wiser or charged particle beams cculd become radically new forms of ballistic missile defenses if major physics and engineering. problems are overcome. A virtually instantane- ous ray that could wreck an attacking missile while if-is still out in space seems like theultiinate defense." . - The. possibility that' the. Soviet Union might be developing such a de- fense; and could put. it. into operation either secretly, or after denouncing the 1972 treaty, has worried those.who accept the feasibility of high-energy weapons. It raised the prospect of the Kremlin's threatening the United States with nuclear attack while itself immune to counterattack - thus holding this country at its mercy.. FOR YEARS SUCH fears were dis- missed by skeptics who said the physics problems were too great, par- ticularly with particle beams. The skeptics, including many leading U.S. scientists, insisted the Soviets were wasting their scientific talent and money. They argued. that the-United M38 (944 S, h e~z~ (Qt-D> SA J After a decade of intensive effort, '-'.people in the program just got worn .rout," according to a physicist then in . a group that included Harold Brown, ?- who is now the defense secretary. ;"!Every summer we had a new inven- dion to solve some problem, and every *inter we'd find out why it didn't `work. We realized that in the end we were not delivering much effective .,'energy on a target." y.. -`. THE 1972 MISSILE defense treaty re- ,duced U.S. interest in. particle beam . -.problems. At the same time, new ways ut of tiro raise the gross power outp Users increased their weapons poten- tial: . capability The of laser weapons to shoot down short-range attack mis- siles has been demonstrated- But, ,,being shafts of light, laser beams can ;44ot penetrate clouds. They therefore cannot be depended upon for general .;purpose defense of warships, one of the likeliest applications.' Some Pentagon officials take the ittitude that there is no sense in 'building them if laser weapons. would only be supplemental defenses, added -Mto high-speed missiles to defend ships ?~pgainst missile attack, for instance. ,,But others point out that redundancy :;jin defenses is common and advocate -developing laser weapons. Research is continuing on ways to -increase the power of lasers while. }ieducing the weight and bulk of the .equipment. A theoretical goal is a. mall enough device-to-be put into a:; ,tellite above the atmosphere, where unhindered by clouds it. could be an affective missile defense weapon. r The Soviet Union is presumably' looking at such uses. "We estimate -,i at the Soviets are at about the same evel of technology as the United States, and facing the same kinds of (laser weapons) systems problems that we're facing," according to Wil- liam J. Perry, the under secretary of C. TINUED States should not do the same. Despite the argument, this country, is now in a race with Moscow in death ray development. 'Advances, in lasers and a reassessment of particle beam possibilities have given new impetus to both types of high-energy. work in the United States The concept of particle beam weap- ons developed out of research into basic physics using the high-energy devices known to the public as "atom smashers.". The same principles that are used to split atoms: can be used to, .explode bricks by pumping atomic particles into them For more .than 20 years U.S. scten- ists. have sought ways. of generating h th e beams and sending them throug >yptmosphereso that effective energy -will arrive at a. target rather than Approved For Release 2005/01/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000400380044-2 Approved For Release 2005/01/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000400380044-2 defense iug. or research and engineer- "BUT THEY'RE making four or five nificant Soviet research program. But times the effort we are, and they've few people would listen. cision to build in the early and mid-'70s, Keegan d t d e e evidently ma he prototype weapons," Perry said in an ran a maverick intelligence a erasion interview. that ep coming up wit warnings The Kremlin has often in the past about Soviet military activities. Both authorized prototypes of weapons that the CIA and the Pentagon's own De- arenot fully proven and then later fenselnn ligence Agency took skepti. scrapped them. The United States cal attitudes toward his work, but he takes a more cautious approach of was later accepted as the first to spot a extensive research before putting number of important developments. money into hardware. Perry also said that the Soviets "evi- KEEGAN CONTENDED that. at a dently have a very significant re massive, expensive research facility search program." on particle beams. "I at Semipalatinsk in Soviet Central don't believe they have a weapons Asia the Soviets were well on the way program in this field." to solving the problems-of =particle This is the Pentagon's official judg- beam weapons and could within a few ment, but it is a controversial one. ..years :have an effective missile de- About the time the U.S. scientific. fense system. The rest of the intelli- community, was ready to give up in gence community scoffed. ,- frustration with particle beam re-.- The CIA brought together a panel of u g the same scientists who had failed to make breakthroughs in particle beam research themselves. They were therefore unable or unwilling to ac- cept that the Soviets might be solving the problems that stumped them,- al- though the objective evidence indi- cated they are, Keegan said. He retired from the air force in early 1977 and went public with his warnings. When The Star. took the. first close public,look at. them, in March 1977, the intelligence corn-- munity sought to discredit Keegan with the weight of scientific opinion against him, but no firm conclusion was possible. Later when other publicity was given Keegan's statements about Soviet particle beam work,. especially, by Aviation Week magazine, Defense Secretary' Brown dismissed them. But:, a panel of 53 physicists and engineers was named under Perry's deputy, Dr. Ruth M. Davis to re-examine the sub- ject. THE STAR REPORTED last January that the panel had recommended that .the Mentagon move ahead with' re- search, air force intelligence headed leading scientists to Study'the-evi- j denied that the Soviets Th ey by Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan Jr. dence. began to detect signs of that very sig- could be doing anything threatening. B t Kee an argued that these were search on particlebeam weapons. Asa result, funding is being increased_ rapidly. One possible interpretation of the panel's finding is-that Keegan has been vindicated.- that scientism in this countrynow accept that'-it is possible, or at least might be possible, to overcome the physics and engi- neering problems that. have so far. frustrated American researchers. Many scientists and official admin- istrators of military science programs: .remain skeptical: One says the Soviets are wasting, their money, thereby implying: that;-:: the..,United,._States` should keep its- program down tq avoid duplicating the waste.. But Davis is enthusfastic Testifying to the Senate Armed Services ComiiiitS tee two months ago;-she said she be- lieved that "if the difficult technical hurdles facing, directed energy tech- noi'ogy. . are surmounted,: the application of,this technology to mili tart' needs may revolutionize both strategic and tactical warfare.". The Defense Department now be. lieves that the "if' qualification is not large enough to make U.S research a complete waste. - Davis said that by Sept 30 $1.27 bil- lion. will have been spent-on high- energy laser technology, and another $1 billion will be spent by 1985 in com- pleting "lethality demonstrations. Research to determine particle beam : weapon feasibility-is to cost $29.3 mil- lion in the 1980 fiscal year she said'. 'A Approved For Release 2005/01/12: CIA-RDP88-0131f5 WQW80DA4z% developed to cost $31S million