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Publication Date: 
January 22, 1968
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NEW, Yoko 71~)M Approved For Release 20 1/ : CIA-RDP88-01315R00040 O JA JSA 2 1968 500 U. S. Writers Ask Soviet. To Free Sinyavshy and Daniel' More than 500 American authors, editors and publishers have petitioned the Soviet Government to grant amnesty to Andrei D. Sinyavsky and Suit M. IDnnlet, the two RUN- Sion writers jailed in February, .. 1966. The petition, sponsored by the American Center of the P.E.N. Club, was sent last week to the Soviet Embassy in Washington for transmittal to President Nikolai V. Podgorny. P.E.N., a world organization of poets, playwrights, editors, es- sayists and novelists, has 80 chapters with about 8,000 members.' The petition was the latest ,' and most extensive effort by Western intellectuals to seek the freedom of the two Rus- sians, who were convicted on charges of . having published abroad materials judged hostile to the Soviet regime. Mr. Sin- ? yavsky, who is 42, was sen- ii tenced to Seven years. at hard labor and Mr. Daniel, also 42, was sentenced to five years. The two writers were ex- eluded from the amnesty the Soviet Government decreed for political prisoners last Oct. even though repercussions of the Sinyavsky-Daniel case con- tiued to trouble the Soviet in- tellectual community and to ?;'draw criticism from abroad. The amnesty was issued as an act of "socialist humanism" in honor of the 50th anniver- sary of the Bolshevik Revolu- tion. The anniversary was cited in the P.E.N.-sponsored peti- tion as offering an occasion for "a special amnesty" for Mr. Sinyavsky and Mr. Daniel. 'Memorable Contribution' "Let the' Soviet Government now assert the right of its citi- zens to speak and write free- ly," the petition said. "By .doing so at this time of cele- bration, it will honor the tra- ' dition of its greatest creators .and make a. memorable con- tribution to. world under. . standing." Although `.previous appeals (by P.E.N. and other literary or- ganizations were rebuffed by the Soviet Union, Prof. Robert Halsband, president of ' the American Center of P.E.N., said yesterday that he, felt that the chances for leniency might have improved because of,the imprisonment earlier this month of four young intellectu- als accused of anti-Soviet ac- tivity. "it is quite possible that after this example of tough- ness, the Soviet Government might be ready to contemplate a humanitarian gesture," Mr. Halsband said. Mr. Halsband, a professor of English literature at Columbia University, said that the signers of the petition were not con- fined to P.E.N. members. Included among the 555 peti- tioners were such leading spokesman for liberal causes as Hannah Arendt, Daniel Bell, Max Lerner and Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., as well as po- litical conservatives such as William F. Buckley Jr. and Isaac Don Levine. Some of the prominent writ- ers who endorsed the petition were: Conrad Aiken, Edward Albee, Hortense Calisher, Paddy Chayevsky, Babette Deutsch, Allen Ginsberg, Eric Hoffer, Christopher Isherwood, Bernard Malamud, 'Herbert J. Muller, Lewis Mumford, Reinhold Nie- buhr, Chaim Potok, Upton Sin- clair, Isaac Bashevis Singer, William Styron, Louis Unter- meyer, John Updike, Mark Van Doren, Theodore H. White and Herman Wouk. Among the literary- critics were Richard Ellman, Jason Epstein, Eliot Fremont-Smith, Elizabeth Janeway, Alfred Kaz- in, Stanley Kunitz, Harry Levin, Dwight Macdonald, Norman Podhoretz and Samuel Yellen. The publishers included George Braziller., Frederick A. Praeger, Barney Rosset of Grove Press, Dagobert D. Runes of Philosophical Library, Harry Scherman,. president of the Book-of-the-Month Club; Roger W. Straus of Farrar, Straus & Giroux; Arthur H. Thornhill Jr. of Little, Browd, Frederick Un- gar and Arthur W. Wang. (9.f5, ,, PidLe ii' E ..&t Ira+s Paw ML ~,' ? a Approved For Release 2005/01/12: CIA-RDP88-01315R000400200001-8