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,-,rte; a67R Approved For Release4000/08/31 : CIA-RDP78BO4767A000300050002-0 25X1 A ----- Copyof Attendees: Prepared Ad Hoc Committee for J-3 System Capabilities Minutes for Meeting #5 Date: 10 June 1968 Location: National Photographic Interpretation Cen 25X1A Attended only during discussion related to polarizes filters and color film. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Review of Mission 1103 Bi-Color - 25X1.A gave the COMIREX a Bi-Color status briefing on 6 June 1968. They were advised. that the exploitation techniques employed to date have not been as successful as originally anticipated, and that as a result of a meeting held at NPIC on 5 June 1968, a redirection of effort has been established. 25X1A A three-man National Committee composed of CIA, Chairman; NPIC Photo Interpreter; an NPIC/TSSG was established to review the Bi-Color analysis procedure and to report the suggested equipment, technique, and procedure for analyzing Bi-Color to COMIREX by 1 August 1968. The National Committee is not willing to accept orthoprinting as the best technique without first looking at all available equipment. Therefore, the National Committee report will probably be delayed. As a result of the 5 June community meeting held at NPIC, ACIC has been tasked to attempt orthoprinting with an optical device known as GZ-1 vice the electronic scanner orthoprinter AS-11C (See Attachment 1). Also, AMS has tried the Unimace printer. _ suggested that Bi-Color prints be attempted with the Electronic Color Printer at Westover Air Force Base. GB35 7 Exclude( trsm autainflo' dewa,ra~ii~ aeclassl'fl d6i rdi 25X1A ed For Release 2000/08/31 : C A-RDP78B04767A0003000~ CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY , 4' P`?, Approved For Relea2000/08/31 : R ` 8047600300050002-0 25X1A 25X1A Questions 1. ~-What is the best method of gathering Bi-Color information from a PI standpoint? Answer--The ARES has the advantage of being a real time device, but is not economically feasible and results in a resolution loss. A group of ARES machines is not considered a suitable solution. However, a combination of equipment will probably always be needed and the ARES is promising because of the real time advantage. 2. What schedule has the National Committee or others concerned developed for Bi-Color analysis? Answer--The National Committee was originally to report by 1 August, but that date will probably not be met due to the various equipment to be tested. 25X1A prepared a TWX (as a result of the 5 June community meeting) that tasked DIA /AMS and DIA /ACIC to 25X1A perform some additional work and report within six weeks following DIA approval. )riginally advised COMIREX that the 1 August date selected for the National Committee report was extremely optimistic. Discussion It was concluded that those involved with Bi-Color exploitation are extremely interested in making the technique a success. A healthy attitude is being maintained by all concerned. Final Review of Exposure Report 25X1A The problems associated with finalizing the exposure report have been solved. The report, J-3 Systems Capability Report No. 2, is scheduled for distribution to the community on 21 June 1968 25X1A 25X1A Evaluation of SO-230 on Mission 1102, 1046 25X1A A TW giving the results of the NPIC analysis of SO-230 has been prepared for the community. In brief, the characteristics of SO-230 and 3404 were found to be comparable under in-flight conditions with the exception that the speed of SO-230 is twice that of 3404. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/31 CIA-RDP788 660300050002 Approved For Releas 000/08/31 : CIA DO`~4d&4767p00300050002-0 25X1A 25X1A is experimenting with a change to the curl characteristics of S0-230 to make it match the curl of 3404. Also, -reports that the emulsion lift-off problem has not been solved. Further SO-230 comments will be made by at the 1103 PET meeting, _ reiterated that SO-230 will not again be flown until the emulsion lift-off problem is solved. Evaluation of Wratten 12 :-'ilter on Mission 1103 - Four passes of Mission 1103 were scheduled to have flown with the Wratten 12 filter. Due to an operational priority, only two passes were taken. These two passes were both 60 to 70 per cent obscured by weather. It is concluded that more data will be needed for a final analysis of the Wratten 12. This topic will be considered at the next Ad Hoc Committee Meeting. 25X1A - described tha planned targets for the SO-180 evaluation. These fall into three basic categories- Evaluation of SO-380 on Mission 1103 - 25X1A A tag on test strip of SO-380 was flown on Mission 1103. Time has not permitted a thorough analysis; however, preliminary results show no difference between the SO-380 and 3404. Pending final analysis, NPIC will advise the community of their findings by TWX. 1105 is now scheduled for a full load of SO-380 with a tag on strip of SO-121 in one instrument. Flight Plans for Mission 1104 - 25X1A 25X1A 25X1.A 25X1A _ advised that 1104 will be flown with a Bi-Color capability and will have a 1600 foot tag on strip of SO-180 on one instrument. The 3400 sun line test is postponed until winter. See Attachment 2 25X1A for J-3 test plan. He confirmed thatI11111111111111111111111111111was arranging for the proper filters for SO-180 and requested that-insure that the horizon camera have the appropriate alternate filter for SO-180. 25X2 c. Agricultural targets 25X1A 25X1A 7387-68 Page Three 25X1A Approved For Release 20001081V CONTROL 5Y_ I t *Approved For Releasej000/08/31: CIA-RDP78B04767 00300050002-0 25X1A Special Briefing (arranged bv= On Use of Polarizers 25X1A With Color Films - 25X1A briefed The Ad Hoc Committee on their work with polarizers and color film. Approximately a year and a half ago, 25X1A processed material from Air Force flight tes s. Looking a- is material, the Air Force concluded that the polarizer was of 25X1A zero value. physicist studied the atmospheric particles and spectral problems and concluded that the Air Force had failed to achieve results with the polarizer because it was not oriented in the proper plane. Independent flight tests by_ 25X1A 25X1A show that the polarizer does enhance imagery under certain conditions. Rayleigh scattered particles (molecules) are especially susceptible to polarizer filters. Aerosal particles are of various composition and size and contain only a small percentage of polarized light. The polarizer is least helpful with aerosal particles. The polarizer film is especially helpful when shooting long-range oblique photography into the sun and is ideal for penetrating water. For operational use, 25X1A has developed an automatic sensing device that properly orients the polarizer filter. The physical size of this device is approximately 25X1A 411 by 4". Th aircraft will be used to conduct some SO-180 tests un er an existing OSA contract. 25X1A 25X1A - are coordinating. As a separate topic, confirmed that the Electric Color Printer at Westover will accept an input as large as 9" by 9" and will produce an output as large as 20" by 2011. Each copy is individual, thus the last takes as long as the first, that is, approximately six minutes. Action Items 25X1A 25X1A 1._will request orthoprints from ACIC for Westover to use in preparing electronic color prints. 25X1A 2. will schedule Kodachrome II vs SO-121, and SO-180 flight tests with OSA. will 25X1A work jointly on these tests. 25X1A 7 87-b8 Page Five 25X1A IA Approved for Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP}78BO4767A ~bjQ iuv ORET Approved For Releas,,2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP78BO47674000300-050002-0 25X1 A 25X1A Special Briefing (arranged by On Use of Polarizers With Color Films - 25X1A briefed The Ad Hoc Committee on their work with polarizers and color film. Approximately a year and a half ago, 25X1A processed material from Air Force flight tests. Looking at this 25X1A material, the Air Force concluded that the polarizer was of zero value. A physicist studied the atmospheric particles and spectral problems and concluded that the Air Force had failed to achieve results with the polarizer because it was not oriented in the proper plane. Independent flight tests by - 25X1A 25X1A show that the polarizer doe's enhance imagery under certain con itions. Rayleigh scattered particles (molecules) are especially susceptible to polarizer filters. Aerosal particles are of various composition and size and contain only a small percentage of polarized light. The polarizer is least helpful with aerosal particles. The polarizer film is especially helpful 25X1A when shooting long-range oblique photography into the sun and is ideal for penetrating water. For operational use, has developed an automatic sensing device that properly orients the polarizer filter. The physical size of this device is approximately 25X1A 4" by 4". The aircraft will be used to conduct some SO-180 tests under an existing OSA contract. 25X1A 25X1A are coordinating. 25X1A As a separate topic, confirmed that the Electric Color Printer at Westover will accept an input as large as 9" by 9" and will produce an output as large as 20" by 20". Each copy is individual, thus the last takes as long as the first, that is, approximately six minutes. Action Items 25X1A 1. will request orthoprints from ACIC for Westover to use in preparing electronic color prints. 25X1A 2. will schedule Kodachrome II vs SO-121, and SO-180 flight tests with OSA. will 25X1A work jointly on these tests. 25X1A Page Five Approved For Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP 8B04767A00030005 .. TOP EMU Approved For Releasg2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP78BO4767&000300050002-0 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 3. will insure that the proper filter is selected for the horizon camera on Mission 1104. 4. - will determine whether SO-180 will fly in the forward or aft camera. 5. All previous action items are closed with one exception. Attem is to locate the -reports have not been successful. 25X1A is taking this action item. The previous minutes reported that 113400 with the appropriate processing would equal the speed of 3401. The added advantage 25X1A is that 3400 is of finer grain. pointed out that the appro- priate processing refers to "a special process only on the versamat" and asked that this statement be added to this minutes for clarification. 25X1A Minutes Approved 25X1A A r a ~? HANDLE VI ;CONTROL GY5TEM ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP78BO4ZG7IQQ03O805000 Q X1A i ~i~iiiiiriiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii All 1111111,111 101 . Approved For Releas 00/0aO CISKR f O47 7 03fl0 0 < . L 0 25X1A CONTROL No. M7387-68 cy 5 ) / REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME NAME Q OFFICE SYMBOL ATE Handle Via Indicated Controls 25X1A 7 Access to this document will be restricted to those persons WARNING / This document contains information affecting the national security; of the United States within the meaning / of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmission or / the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner d f f l h h f h b f / prelu icia to t e so ety or interest o t e United States or or t ene e it or any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive information in the des' nated control channels. Its security must be maintained in accordance with regulations pertaining t~Control System. 25X1A j GROU / P 1 E.clud.d ~C ~ OF 0 CI 04767A0003000500 '???I.eT"??'???"'??"?? / Approved For Release 2000/ 1