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Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0170680w0
Central Intelligence Bulletin
DIA review(s) completed.
2 September 1970
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Approved For Release 2003/1 iCMFTDP79T00975A017000110001-0
No. 0210/70
2 September 1970
Central Intelligence Bulletin
Israel: Israel's representative to the peace talks
pro aably will not return before the end of this week.
(Page 1)
Cambodia: Military situation (Page 4)
Laos: Peace talks (Page 4)
Libya: Qaddafi speech (Page 5)
International Copper: Price decline (Page 5)
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Israel: Israel's representative to the peace
talks probably will not return to New York before
the end of this week at the earliest.
In its regular meeting on 30 August the cabinet
did not complete its discussion of tactics for Am-
bassador Tekoah's talks with UN mediator Jarring.
Tekoah's return will therefore be delayed, accord-
ing to reports in the Israeli press, until after
cabinet meetings scheduled for yesterday and pos-
sibly Thursday.
Meanwhile, the press has been making much of
the continuing cabinet discussion of Israel's posi-
tion on the talks. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan has
been cited as insisting on the correction of Egyp-
tian cease-fire violations before the talks could
continue. Other members of the cabinet are reported
by the press to be opposed to making an issue of
the cease-fire violations at this time and to be in
favor of continuing the talks. Prime Minister Golda
Meir, however, is known to have grave personal reser-
vations about the cease-fire violations and may her-
self be close to Dayan's position.
At any rate, the increased cabinet concern over
the violations has probably contributed at least in
part to a hardening of Israel's position toward the
talks. Press reports from Tel Aviv have indicated
that Israel will insist that Egypt remove from the
cease-fire zone missiles that the Israelis say were
moved into the zone since the cease-fire went into
As yet, however, no responsible Israeli offi-
cial has tied Tekoah's return to -a roll-back of the
Egyptian missile installations.
2 Sep 70 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Cambodia : Communist forces yesterday checked
a second effort by government troops to retake the
town of Srang, 25 miles southwest of Phnom Penh,
Cambodian casualties reportedly were light, however.
The US defense attache in Phnom Penh specu.at.es that
an enemy battalion from the headquarters of the North
Vietnamese lst Division, located some ten miles west
of Srang, may be participating in the battier
Laos: The Communists appear to be :making an
eleventh-hour effort to (jet. Prime Min-is ter Souvanna
Phouma to agree to their scenario for peace talks,
In a radio broadcast on l September, Pathet Lao
leader Prince Souphanouvong named a new representa-
tive who would be prepared to meet at. Khang Kbay
with Souvanna's plenipotentiary to "create con.d_i-
tions" for later negotiations Souphanouvong con-
demned his half brother's appointment of a "s B--cal: ed
government delegation" for the talks as contrary to
an alleged understanding that the meetings at Khang
Khay would be between representatives of the two
princes. Souvanna, who is scheduled to leave Laos
today on a two-month trip abroad, is unlikely to
accede to the latest Pathet. Lacs demands, a lthc ugh
it is possible that he may delay his depar,tur,e un--
til he meets with Sou hanouv ne ' emissary in Vien-
2 Sep 70 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Libya: On the first anniversary of the Libyan
coup, Premier Qaddafi limited his speech to a rhe-
torical diatribe on the necessity for Arab unity.
He laid great stress upon the upgrading of the Lib-
yan Army in the year since the revolution and noted
the presence of modern tanks and aircraft in the
parade. Qaddafi, however, reserved the details of
Libya's "great achievements"--which presumably will
include some reference to actions taken or contem-
plated against the oil companies--for another speech
to be given in Benghazi on 4 September. 25X1
1 -1
International Copper: The International Council
of Copper Exporting Countries will meet in Paris on
15 September to discuss means of stemming the decline
in the world market price for copper, which dropped
from 80 cents per pound last April to a current level
of 56 cents. Council members are Zambia, Chile, Peru,
and Congo (Kinshasa), all heavily dependent on copper
sales for foreign exchange earnings and government
.revenues. They are the major free world copper pro-
ducers besides the US and together account for more
than three fourths of world copper exports.
2 Sep 70 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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