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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 24, 2003
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Publication Date: 
October 3, 1949
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80R01731R002600190003-5.pdf158.82 KB
tp, rit.o.6674 Approved For Release 2003/04RESinitil0g4J731R442600190003-5 ? OG mmone esIghearty airman, mterdeportmental on Internal Security 2107 Depearneent of Justice Yaehington 25, D. C. Dear Ur, lhearty In the r?t of the Attorney Cameras made on 22 SepteMber 1949 to the Jzdicia1 Conference of the United States' Mr* MeGrath directed the Conferenee's. attention to the prOblem of diselosure of national security documents or inforration duriee the course- of criminal trials* He also discussed the prOblem of cases ethers the information is such that it cannot be disclosed even to the court' the attorneys or the Jury, and eas ? of this type *here the Department of Jeatioe has been coppeIled to refrain from prosecuting. the offenders because of severity implications* The Attorney Otneral stated that the preblen ma important not ohly to the Department- of Ai-sties., but Aloe the Departments of State and Defense and the AMC*. among others* Ile further stated that because of this Oovernment- eide interest the problem has been brought to the attention of the Interdepartmental Committee an Internal Security, operating under the Yational Seicuritr Council. As no agengy may be more vitally affected by these the CIA, it would- appear that me should be represented ussions in socordanoe mith the provision. of the consideration of matters *hi& affect such agenci, * If in fact the ICIS is actively considerinc this Agency would appreciate having a. reproveltative of in the Committee's -working deliberations* c`incerely yours" al* 25X1 DISTRIBUTION Addressee - Original & 1 cc General Counsel I&S Arerls copy turn to ICAPS Central Records ICAPS Captains Uali 7trecutive Note: Affirmative reply received 12 October 1949. Original sent to General Counsel and I&S. L. a roved For Release 2003/04/02 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002600190003-5 Rerwrit ,en 3 0 cto 1949 CLW/hea Approved For Release 2003RESTIRIMED731R002600190003-5 i-dtritsund -i?beert; Chairman, Interdepartnental Committee on Internal Security 2107 Iwpartnent of Justice ?lasi,int,ters 25, L'? C. i'ear '.hearty, W.0-401.1 understami that on the 22nd of',..eptenLer 1947, the Attorsuy -,mnerel, Fr, Iiimirath, addressed V. Federal Confer- ence of :Ainior 414Lee and diecuesed the proUst of admission of claasified documents in public trial*, pertivamrlyetere the documents mUht impair national security, The Attormv 4.ienoral stated that not only the Justice 'ftpertnent ,u.t also tim ;.Wpartrvnits of :Ante and i?-efense and the A;X, were cm- sen-isid about this aituation, and 1C15 woo emmelderin?: the pruit4'1, As au ageac: is more vital.).y affected ty this oartter Umul CIA, it vmmild appear that we should be reprevented in thene discussions in accordance with the RIB charter. :17, in fact, the ICI ti is act val,y oonsiderin4 tUe suJject, ; sf.nould appreciate bovInt; a representative of CIA ine1uded in rrsAr tommitteele work:11v neilberatione, DISTRIBUTION Addressee .... rwiginal & 1 cc keener's' counsel IS nigneros Lopy ?Return to 'CAPS Central Records .1.11cere1 yours, .441 KILLNMIOETUR Kear Adactria, um; !Amstar of Central Totellieence ICA-WPC/my Ap p aRedITtarkelga442003/ORESTMEIRETI 1 R0026001 90003-5