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Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date: 
October 19, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP57-00012A000200010005-5.pdf133.27 KB
Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP57-00012AO00200010005-5 J r 25X1A9a Th .ORANDUM FOR: D/ST ./ D/W SUBJECT: TRC Get-Together, October 311)81-1 2 - By: 1. In connection with the meeting of all TRC personnel scheduled for R&S Auditorium at 1610, 31 October 1951, the following subjects, suggest themselves tome in the order shown as items of sufficient interest to those attending to be called to their attention. The group attending will consist of all available TRO personnel from all TRC activities, including, administrative, instructional, training support, plans, etc. 2. It is requested that you indicate the propriety of each item by checking the column under "yes" or "no"; if checked "yes" show the priority -which you consider this item should be given, assuming that all of the items cannot be covered within the fifty-minute allotment. Space is provided for additional items to be suggested by you. Recommendations as to visual aids, charts, graphs, etc., would also be appreciated under such remarks as you choose to make. 3. The headings which I am giving are necessarily brief; if not understood, consultation is invited. It is further desired that the attached form be returned directly to me not later than the 214th of October.. 9 ocument No. No Fi?Y .Ll ~i1 pia . j -T MMMM~ 3 Approved For Release 2001/0 A-RDP57-00012AO00200010005-5 25X1A9a Approved For Rase 29Q1 bx: 'WA-RDP57-00012A000200010005-5 SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR 31 OCTOBER M ING th rt ~Tr- ning A ory Committee nd r tee annels. The creation of the Office of Director of Training, involving trative set-up. personnel policies-rotation. The" instructor-student load ratios ~. a. Shortages b. Effect on rotation c. Action being taken The clerical sitia.tion a. Development schedule b. Planning in progress c. Ultimate plans d. Action being_1 Programs of instruction as being formulated ' A ".~ ?? ..- - C purposes achieved. ' 25X1A6a CONFIDENTIAL, Approved For RelI~ase 2 01/03/30 : CIA-RDP57-00012AO0020001000 -5