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?zzzzzz,/ ,/Pwv6 w ase 2(1U /BMd*6JT79TO 25X1 17 December 1954 Copy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE; RUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: REVIEWER: F NO CHANGE IN CLASS. L1 DECLASSIFIED GOCUMEN`f NO. 43 Office of Current Intelligence review(s) completed. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1A Approved For R IW a RAB1800420001-5 SUMMARY GENERAL 1. Comment on Soviet Foreign Ministry statement on Formosa (page 3). 2. Comment on Soviet note threatening ;annulment of pact with France (page 3). FAR EAST 3. Delay in Swedish-Swiss response on problem of Korean Neutral Commission indicated (page 4). 5.. Chinese Communist junks may be engaged in amphibious r n ng (page 5). SOUTHEAST ASIA 6. Recent campaign illustrates Vietnamese army's negligible effec- tiveness (page 6). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 7. Iranian officers do not expect to fight in the event of Soviet aggres- sion (DaLre 9. Moroccan nationalists decide to adopt anti-American a u. e (page 8). WESTERN EUROPE 11, Rome embassy estimates annual trade profits of Italian Commu- nists at $7,000,000 (page 9). 25X1 1.7 Dec 54_ _CURRF,NT_MELLIGENCE_l-ULLaT N 20001= 25X1A ge 2 25X1A Approved For R. eas 2004/12/21- CIA RDP79T0097 GENERAL 25X1A 1. Comment on Soviet Foreign .Ministry statement on Formosa: The harsh tone of the Soviet communi- qu6 of 15 December on Formosa and its linking.of American "aggressive -aims." in Asia with. the rearmament of West. Germany indicate that the purpose of the communiqu6 is to generate fear in the Western camp that such actions are leading directly to war. There is an increasing emphasis on this point in Soviet and Chi- nese Communist propaganda and in official statements as the French debate on ratification of the Paris agreements draws closer. The statement is another step in Moscow's documentation. of Communist China's claims to. Formosa. The So- viet Union and China are building up a case against the American position on Formosa on the grounds that it violates Chinese terri- torial integrity and sovereignty, and that it constitutes unwarranted interference in China's internal affairs. Like Khrushchev's speech in .Peiping on 30 September and the joint Sino-Soviet communique of 11 October, this statement contains no pledge of Soviet military commitment to a Chinese. campaign against Formosa. All of these pronounce- ments have made a distinction between the Chinese claims against Formosa, which are endorsed by the "Soviet government," and the stated Chinese intention to "liberate" the island, with which the "Soviet people sympathize. 25X1A 25X1A 2. Comment on Soviet note threatening annulment of pact with France: unequivocal than Soviet hints to this effect in the last few days. This indicates that Moscow still believes there is a substantial possibility of preventing ratification by the French assembly. The Kremlin can be expected to take other measures toward that end-- The statement in the Soviet note to France on 16 December that "ratification of the Paris agreements will annul the French- Soviet treaty" is far more specific and 17 Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved For ReleaaaA12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975A001800420001-5 25X1A Approved For Fle a e20( 12/21 : CI^ RDP lTnnn X 1800420001-5 25X1A declared that the Swedish-Swiss reply to the allied request for disposing of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Com- Swedish foreign minister Unden has mission in South Korea could not be expected until January, ac- cording to the American embassy in Stockholm. Comment: The delay in the Swedish- probably more by use of threats than by offers of concessions-- before or during the assembly debates which begin 20 December. Neutralist elements in the French National Assembly will probably use the Soviet demarche in a last minute effort to delay the ratification debate due to open on 20 December. In addition, Gaullist deputies can be expected to give more attention to General de Gaulle's reiterated warnings that Western persistence in arming Germany without negotiations with the East might lead to ."impulsive,' Soviet countermoves im- periling peace. Nevertheless, the chances for ratifica- tion on 23 December are still considered good despite the threat to implementation suggested by the current French-German diffi- culties over the Saar. 25X1A FAR EAST 3. Delay in Swedish-Swiss response on problem of Korean Neutral Commission indicated: Swiss response and the lack of nay action.to remove the neutral inspection teams from South Korea raise the possibility of new South Korean threats and steps against Polish and Czech repre- sentatives. Following .General Hull's warning that he would pro- tect the teams'.. South Korea withdrew its threat to act against the Communists if the teams did not leave the country by 29 November. Action at this time by "unofficial" armed patriotic groups would provide Rhee with a dramatic is- sue to divert attention from any steps he contemplates against his recently emboldened political opposition. 17 Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved For ReleaaMt1aJ12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01800420001-5 25X1A Approved For RsFeas - X1800420001-5 25X1A 25X1 5. Chinese Communist junks may be engaged in amphibious training: Approximately 900 junks operating in areas near Macao on the South-China coast have been commandeered by Communist authorities since 1 September and refitted and painted black, according to reports from American military liai- son officers at Hong Kong. Half of these junks were reportedly ob.- served in mid-October as they sailed 17 Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved For Relea2 /12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01800420001-5 25X1A Approved For Rase - A 1800420001-5 25X1A past Macao to Shangchuan.Island, off the Kwangtung coast, about 40 miles southwest of Macao. The other half left the Macao area, apparently en route to Shangchuan, in early November. The junks were laden with supplies and manned by crews wearing army uni- forms. Comment: The Chinese. Communists could use these junks, whiff are capable of transporting a total of about 45,000 troops, to train crews for future amphibious opera- tions. Amphibious training could be held at Shangchuan with little risk of detection 25X1 The weather there is suitable for amphibious training in winter. SOUTHE AST ASIA 6. Recent campaign illustrates Vietnamese army's negligible effec- tiveness: The Vietnamese army's recent indecisive campaign against a dissident faction of the Hoa Hao in South Vietnam is a further illustration of inability to plan, execute and support even a minor operation again. negligible opposition, according to the American army attache in. Saigon.. . One notable feature of the five-day operation, which was discontinued on 13. December, was the complete lack of any artillery support. The attache comments that the combat effectiveness of Vietnamese army units, when compared with. the probable strength of future Viet. Minh opposition, approaches zero. Comment: The rebel Hoa Hao leader, Ba Cut, with a force estimated a00 men, has been harassing the countryside west of Saigon for several months. The Vietnamese army force involved against him totaled up to ten battalions, or roughly 7,000 men. 17 Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN. Page 6 Approved For Releaa6lddi/12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01800420001-5 25X1A Approved For Ryas e1A-RE)P A1800420001-5 NEAR EAST - AFRICA 7.. Iranian. officers do not expect. to_fight.in the event of Soviet aggress on- 25X1 25X125X1A Iran wou not fight the Soviet army but would 'Just turn over to the Reds all the arms, equipment, ammunition and other things the United States has given us as MDAP and other aid.. In.return the Rus- sians will not only show mercy on Iran but will also pay us some baksheesh.' The American army. attache comments that many Iranian officers, including those on the General Staff, believe that in the event of an attack by the USSR, huge American and British forces will immediately appear in Iran and solve the problem for them. 25X1 Comment: The Iranian armed forces are incapable of effective defense against a Soviet attack, and realization of this has produced a defeatist attitude among some Iranian officers. Neither the army's capabilities nor the offi- cers' morale Is likely to be improved significantly in the near future. 17 Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 if war came with the USSR, Approved For Re1ea261dO /12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01800420001-5 25X1 Al ,I Approved For ReWas6 2004t! 21 . e'Ok-RDP 9975A"4 800420001-5 25X1 25X1 25X1A 90 Moroccan nationalists decide to. adopt anti-American attitude: These ea d ers may now accept. Communist support as preferable to continued colonialism. They are considering a boycott against all American products, and some are counseling attacks against Americans. 25X1 The American diplomatic agent in Tangier believes that this is a fairly accurate portrayal of nationalist feelings. He fears for the safety of American bases in Morocco unless the French government takes strong measures to cope with the Moroccan situation. Comment: merian prestige among a native Moroccans has declined in recent months, and Moroccan leaders may reverse their instructions that no attacks be made on Ameri- cans. . 17.Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Many Moroccan nationalist leaders have decided to turn definitely against the United States because of its. recent pro- French stand in the United Nations, I 25X1 Approved For Releai, O4I12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01800420001-5 25X1 25X1A Approved For Re{ea de 200412i WESTERN EUROPE 11. Rome embassy estimates annual trade profits of Italian Commu- nisso , 000,000: 25X1A 17 Dec 54 Italian press reports that the Italian Communist Party (PCI) profits $50,000,000 a year from Orbit trade CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 Approved For ReIe259144/12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975A001800420001-5 25X1AI Approved For Re ase 1W4112121 : ( - A 1800420001-5 with Italy are greatly exaggerated, according to the American embassy in Rome. The embassy estimates these profits at about $2,000,000 from legal trading activities, plus not more than $5,000,000 from illegal trade. Comment: The Italian under secretary of foreign commerce last July es mated the PCI's annual profit from legal trade at $2,300,000, and denied that the PCI was able to carry on illlclt.trade, .. He stated that the income from trade was a small part of the party's total income of between $61,000,000 and $76,000,000. One of the aims of Scelba's anti-Communist campaign, as reaffirmed on 4 ,December, is to reduce drastically PCI trade profits. Although. one government-sponsored company has been set up to control trade with Communist China, little. real progress has been made. ThePCI is. so deeply entrenched in this trade through hidden transactions, covert firms, and tacit support from non-Communist companies paying blackmail that only a deter- mined government effort could have any real results. 25X1 17 Dec 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 10 Approved For Releas A) Y12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01800420001-5 r- I 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01800420001-5 Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01800420001-5