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opy o. ~ tl CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CPS 1~1(y ::;-IA,1'JFat_ IN CLASS LcCLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS u C NEXT REVIEW DATE: a-~ 1 a,,,,,~~~ DATE:.? ~s~ ~Q AEVIEWEfi; J Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Dept. review completed j///////~~~s. zoBLM'ioSF~'alAkTis.o~~~//////j~ 19 October 1954 ~/ // 25X1 A~ Approved For~le a 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T00975 1700220001-8 SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 2. Cam o a em ar ng on neu ra is course a ge 3). Comment on threatening Indonesian cabinet crisis (page 4). NEAR EAST _ AFRICA 4. Comment on Israeli relations with the Arab states and the United Nations (page 5) EASTERN EUROPE 5. Moscow radio credits Xugoslav partisans with role in liberation page 5) . 3~ 25X1A 19 Oct 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved For Rele - A001700220001-8 25X1A Approved For~#l~lease 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T0097~01700220001-8 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 2. Cambodia embarking on neutralist course: The king of Cambodia recentl left the strong impression hat he would try to steer a precar- ious middle course between the East and es , The king hopes in this way to~ be able to obtain the ene i s o o ~3Vestern aid and Communist good will. The chief of the French military mission in .Cambodia has told Ambass~.dor McClintock that while many Cambodian .leaders were opposed to any attempt to steer a .middle course, the king would not listen to them. 19 Oct 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Fage 3 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releas~e`ZVa4f07/08:CIA-RDP79T00975A001700220001-8 25X1A 25X1A Approved For.;B,~lease 1IIlT~1lTT1D~Z - 01700220001-8 Comment: The .American embassy has recently suggested that an attack of "Nehruitis'' in .Cambodia has been brought on partly by the neutralist advice of French, British, and Indian officials there. Despite evidence of the king's neutralism, Cambodia appears determined to rid itself of Communist influence and has expressed strong dissatisfaction with the .delayed and in- complete demobilization of native ~Tiet Minh forces in .Cambodian 3. Comment on threatening Indonesian cabinet crisis: The demand of the Greater Indonesian Party (PIR), a small .nationalist group, that Premier Ali Sastroamidjojo's cabi- net resign before 25 October or face the loss of its support, represents the most serious threat to the gov- ernment since it came to power 14 months ago. Two other parties represented in the cabinet have also called for ashake-up and would undoubtedly join the PIR in any walkout. Government leaders have indicated--with confidence of success--an intention to fight to remain in power. In this they probably will be supported by President Sukarno,. who is still extremely influential despite the scandal created by his matrimonial difficulties. Moxeover, to overthrow the government by a vote of no confidence, practically all opposition members as well as the defecting parties would have to be present and voting. The rebellious attitude within the govern- ment coalition has been .motivated in part by dissatisfaction over the .division of spoils. It also reflects growing disgust in Indonesia with incompetence and corruption in government agencies, particu- larly the Finance and Economic Affairs Ministries, and the inability of the overnment to deal with increasingly severe economic prob- lems. 25X1A 19 Oct 54 .CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved For Relea - 001700220001-8 25X1A Approved For`'i~elease 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T009701700220001-8 .NEAR EAST -AFRICA 4. .Comment on Israeli relations with the Arab states and the United Nations 25X1A ing to i e some ng, The UN group investigating the alleged firing on Egyptian fishermen by the Israeli vessel Bat Galim has tentatively concluded that that the Egyptians are sin- cere in their accusation but have no proof whereas the Israelis are "lying and try- UN truce organization in the area. group in the Israeli government. to eliminate the influence of the Israeli foreign policy is Curren y ca cu ated to hamstring the UN in its efforts to improve Arab-Israeli relations . Ambassador Lodge in New York says that the "diatribe" of an Israeli representative against the Palestine Conciliation. Commission's recent position on the Arab blocked-ac- counts issue- was an obvious attempt to put the commission in a bad light. Lodge reports that the :representative's statement and demeanor at the 15 October meeting were replete with "implica- tions of wrongdoing, evasion of responsibility and bad faith on the part of French, .Turkish and United States representatives~~" UN truce supervisor Burns has told the American consul general in Jerusalem that he believes the refusal of the Israeli delegate to sign an Israeli-Jordanian "commanders' agreement" represents another effort on the part of the "activist" 25X1A 5. 25X1A EASTERN EUROPE Moscow radio credits Yugoslav partisans with role in liberation: Approved For Releas A001700220001-8 Moscow radio, in one of a series of tenth anniversary accounts of the liberation of CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A Approved For`R~"lease 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T009701700220001-8 Yugoslavia, gave- the Yugo-slav partisans cr-edit for playing a major roleo Although the account emphas-ized the role of the Soviet army, it made repeated references to the collaboration and assistance of the partisans. The broadcast concluded that tenayears have not erased the memory of the .time when the Soviet- and Yugoslav peo- ples fought side by side against the common enemy. Comment; This is the first time since 1948 that the Soviet Union has recognized the-role of the .Yugoslav partisans in the liberation. This lack of Soviet recognition in the past had been regarded by the Yugoslavs as a distortion of history and had been a major public factor in Yugoslav-Soviet antagonism. . The significant reversal of attitude this year is a further manifestation of the Soviet propaganda campaign for improved relations which has included the quotation of selected excerpts from the Yugoslav press and the cessation of hostile prop- aganda, including the removal of anti-Tito books in Polando The new move will probably impress Yugoslav Communists more than past "normalization" moves, but; Tito's policy still app-ears to be based upon obtaining the maximum benefits from the Soviet attitude without dropping his gus,rd. 25X1A 19 Oct 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved For Rele 25X1 001700220001-8