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25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP96601172R000300020003-5 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP96601172R000300020003-5 -,.Chernav ii3Onneward-bound at Heathrow yesterday with his wife N'alehtin'a and their seven-year-old son Anton, ? Prime had list .BONUS F01 FALKLAND SETTLERS GEOFFREY Pftlit, the By TONY ALLEN-MILLS jailed spy, acted as a' A,_ GROUP of siFt teacher:- " talent spotter " for his A and on public work - Soviet administrator are due to masters and ? drew itp....a detailed list of staff leave Britain for the Falk- ' at the Governmen1 land Islands next ?tnonth. 41?11110,....-.--am-r,,-,..-5,-.....-..-.--...? -....,.., as part of a Government. Communications H 9.....12 scheme offering tax-free C it e I t e n It a m who he bonuses worth up - to ihoueht could be black- I.:6,000 a year to ? pi-ores- mailed. sionals prepared to accept During his .14 years as a -Rus- short-term contracts over- seassian linguist, the last two at . . ' GCHQ Prime, 42, .who was The teachers will he among jailed for 35 years in Noverro the first civilians to. settle in her, built .up details on file of the Falklands since the Aro,en- the people he worked with. As a result of the discovery of a considerable number of files containing hundreds of per- sonal facts about his Colleagues, those .naMed have- been inter- viewed by officers of NI15 and GCHQ's security division. F.L12.211:atiLEDELii 1w Prime have si221nn_t_ter?F?Tfliscl.p- a==rl?i'S?Se6rne ea - at1?: oie_caus'ir-thrt- ecniFfifle TTira?ITZ?aTirTiFiT5 The people were questioned in an attempt to discover if they had been put under any pressure by the Russians. Facts withheld The live who lost security clearance, and as a result were demoted, tried to cover up cer- tain facts which they did not know their interrogators were aware of as a resul of Prime's information. Although 'none was found to be limier pressure from the Russians, they have been de- moted because they failed to disclose certain personal details. The inquiries, descrihed . by one of the five as" hostile,'- the aftermath of the involved detailed examination victory against Argentina, thr. of their own private bank flood of applications to emigrate accounts and extended to what to the Islands suggests that the they did in their private lives. Government may well find it no Replaced by 'mule' longer needs to offer people in- ducements to woidi there. - The reason for the intensive But f' interview is that MIS believe alklands officials point s that %% hen Prime Ca1110 tO legvae(i n"1"o'nth?s'h` ` ' before the Islands s'lanisseveral (ao the base in 1977. he process applications and accom- already been mutated by at least one other o mole o who modate new arrivals. had an equal if not greater In the meantime the Over- access to classified information. seas Development Administra? Other? i?? Prim? wont(' have fbeen cuicuticageil to -.- firirli insrcrielisniLilninagicwi:1?11ittisir ithh jams and a -Sree-ci posts dealing with the after- division. But instead the Rns- tevin and even oltered li:iu suans a-i-ret if ti) 1 ,rni cittil ii the l' (;41 crielNe'ticIL:IntoceLnatIci'hi'acrhi:sa v el e abvei 0Bit:1-let raei rid en pension for life. two-year- contracts with a third- Prime who also built no a Year option- They will fly to detailed nle ?f ?).WM) Ascension Island and then con- three ?f ?1,11,1, he , tinue to Port Stanley by ship. assaulted in attacks which uJfv id to his arrest and the. discovery id' his spying actiy- jE'au PUSHES au,. is due to appeal against his sentence later in the year. FOR 'MORE be cl.iiming Holt 11i .1 WOW 1,,CIArP000.1391c1721R,,s 94319in3-10 CHINA roved For Release of the fact that hi. ?4:1e po!itt. Iv Vvi harsh a Neutron,: in view. :mil it tidt o tine invasion. They have been recruited be the Overseas- Dove.loptitent Ad- ministration, a branch of the Foreign Office Which also SVTI(k British professionals to under- developed Third World coun- tries. , A spokesman for the Adminis- tration said yesterday the bonus scheme, which had, been in operation for "many years." wasintended to "tap up" salaries paid by the Falkland Islands Government and oder British teachers an inducement to move to the South Atlantic. Staff salaries Teachers' s.darie?, on the Islands range from C3,500 to just over ?4,400. The tax-free " too-up" can be worth between ?4,300 and E6,000 a year. The bonuses are only payable. to staff appointed by the Falk- land !stands Government and recruited by the Overseas De- velopment Administration. The incentive scheme was de- vised in the pre-invasion days when most Britons needed a large atlas to pinpoint th!>: whereabouts of the Falklands. ? Approved For Rele GEOFFR EY PRIME We are asked to state that Geoffrey Prime, 42, sentenced at the Old Bailey in November to 33 'ears' imprisonment for spying for Russia, denies that anv t me he kept a blackmail I. It ;s also denied that he passed on to the Russians per- ,;onal (arts .about colleagues at I GC U which could have been j used for blackmail. 0003-5 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP96601172R000300020003-5 STAT Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP96601172R000300020003-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP96601172R000300020003-5