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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO099Jfr e.2ret 25X1 25X1 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin DEPT OF STATE review(s) completed. Top Secret c 160 22 May 1967 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 Approved For Rele 9900190001-2 25X1 25X1 22 May 1967 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS Vietnam: Current situation report. (Page 1) 25X1 Hong Kong: Local Communists continue efforts to provoke exploitable incidents. (Page 9) Peru: New political crisis may be impending Page 10) North Korea - South Korea: Explosion demolishes US barracks (Page 1O Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0p9900190001-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 Approved For Rel *Vietnam: (Information as of 4:30 AM EDT) The Military Situation in South Vietnam: Major ground fighting was reported throughout the four corps areas of South Vietnam during the weekend, the heavi- est in I Corps. Fourteen US Marine and ARVN battalions continued to press four coordinated offensives against an estimated 9,000 North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars in the southern portion of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and in adjacent areas of northeastern Quang Tri Province. As of 21 May, Operations HICKORY, BEAU CHARGER, BELT TIGHT, and LAM SON 54 had resulted in cumula- tive enemy losses of 550 killed as against allied casual- ties of 83 killed (56 US) and 648 wounded (466 US). Elsewhere in Quang Tri Province, two battalions of the 1st ARVN Regiment fought a 14-hour engagement on 20-21 May with an estimated NVA battalion some five miles east of Quang Tri City. South Vietnamese forces reported killing 152 Communist troops and capturing 76 weapons while losing 49 killed, 96 wounded, and 26 miss- ing. Additionally, on 21 May, North Vietnamese gun crews launched artillery and mortar attacks against the forward headquarters of the 3rd US Marine Division at Dong Ha in the province's northeastern sector and against the allied special forces camp at Lang Vei in the western sector near the Lao border. On. 20 May, in the western highlands, three compa- nies of the US 4th Infantry Division (Operation FRANCIS MARION) in night defensive positions some 21 miles south- west of Pleiku City were shelled by an estimated 225 rounds of rocket and mortar fire. In the enemy ground assault that followed, 18 US troops were killed and 76 wounded as compared with known Communist losses of 18 killed. This engagement appears to be another in a series of recent in- dicators suggesting that elements of the five-regiment NVA "B-3 Front" western highland military command may be 22 May 67 1 25X1 - 5A009900190001-2 25X1 Approved For Rel 7 1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 ?Kavanniikhet THAI LAND NORR(((T ng Hol VIETNAM -ti~- k1lb I_J ~ 1-1 AAl ~q 1 l ~ ( tL PH IN .v? ~ V iiv1 PEN , ihanpl{KWile K![ N \`` '.I FAN 1", Z ;f'11 OF ;i1.1M N ,;`.. _i1Y:N uang In SOUTH VIETNAM M25 50 75 100 Mee, 0 25 50 75 100 K lometers 25X1 App oved or Release - tng Ngai? MAI.H(UP uc Pho o iii~laa V w i H A YAK' y'L'Nhon 1 '"Lit Y Hoa V{ rt4 Trang U;pNG OUC ' 1 Y. F- IN \ \ 'Da La t LAM ooN X T,41,kA IN iRang - -, 25X1 22. May 67 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Approved For Rele about to commence major operations against allied posi- tions in the Pleiku/Kontum/Ca:mbodia tri-border area. Elements of the US 101st Airborne Division conduct- ing Operation MALHEUR in southern Quang Ngai Prov- ince fought a 12-hour running battle with an estimated two enemy companies near Due Pho on 21 May. Sixty- one Viet Cong were killed; American losses were seven killed and 22 wounded. Northeast of Saigon, in Long Khanh Province, units of the US 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment participating in Operation KITTY HAWK sus- tained casualties of 18 killed and 32 wounded on 21 May when they prematurely triggered a battalion- sized Viet Cong ambush along Route 1 near Xuan Loc. Heavy fighting also erupted this weekend in the Mekong Delta province of Phong Dinh where, on 20-21 May, elements of the 21st ARVN Division killed 98 Viet Cong during Operation DAN CHI 287/B some 16 miles west of Can Tho. (Maps) 25X1 25X1 22 May 67 Approved For Rele - 009900190001-2 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 102 `\- ? u 14 Dang Van 10 C IN I A /` `--~ J b't\ 6 168 ? Ching-hsi -L / a ^ .f /M..! ~'~.? HaGiang ~' ^ CHINA n\\ t ?~- ? -~ S? r ? n ~ . -~ L,aoCai, G ~. ..j ~,? aoBa g ,.J,. .~ t`?? ~ ~ Bac Can ~. T 22- LaYChau ? ~1 -- - Ong - 22 ` ( ?~ --~ Tuyen Quang ? ng Sal; J ?4's `` - Nghia Lo ? t \-~ ? Yen J \. ~ Lan So ? ' g .~?,i1 _ ~ \ ? T r Phu Tho _. ;. ai Nguyen /.r~-" on a~ 1 F 1 DienBiekPhu Son La ~-; Vryuc Ye / ep Airfield ? Bac Giang Thermal -'i Power Y wer Plant i Hdn,oi Thermal Powerr Plan c Ai L H fi;l d? l an nal `.. Haiphongg ~J-errrial owef?Ia~testli` ii an t oa r a p ong PP Ya` ~? Phu L ?I M_Qepot t ?ThalBinh Samne a? Nam- LAOS Ninh Bin ~~..ng Prabang / a h Hoa Ban Chiang Rieng Khoua.ng ? ?CuaRoa PhuQui? t VangVieng? r\ f) i? - - A nh tya P / r r-Lift y~?"uv vam Th 7 \` Ca a Tinh ik- Aong hal THAILAND Mu n Dong Hoi MuanB Sakon Nak s \ \ inh Linh DEMARCATION UNE ng Ha NORTH VIETNAM 4pone BHoSu g Tri ? khet Locations of major US Air Strikes SOUTH. ng No\ Muang on~VIETNAM AL O S 1 .....+. -- - 0 25 50 75 Miles - - _I - - - 0 25 50 75 Kilometers A pone SaraJane 102 10 1 ~. -11 Al 06 ,a~~. % 1 0 Approved For Rel 2!K1 25X1 Military Developments in North Vietnam: Twelve US aircraft were lost in air action over North Vietnam during the past weekend. Four of these losses were at- tributed to AAA-fire, one to an SA-2 missile, one to a MIG- 17, and the others to unknown causes. Confirmed North Vietnamese losses in air engagements with US strike aircraft included seven MIG- 17s and three MIG- 21s. For the first time in the air war against North Viet- nam, US aircraft on 19 and 21 May attacked the Hanoi thermal power plant, located approximately one mile north of the city's center. A total of six US Navy A-4E aircraft--two on the 19th and four on the 21st--made the strikes, with each aircraft employing WALLEYE "TV- guided" air-to-ground missiles. Preliminary pilot reports indicated probable heavy damage to the plant's generator hall and boiler house, with no apparent secondary damage in nearby populated areas. At least 40 airborne SA-2s were encountered by US strike pilots, in addition to intensely heavy AAA-fire. Four US aircraft supporting the principal A-4E strike force were lost during the two raids. The thermal power plant provided 17 percent of the DRV's total electric power output and served as the ma- jor source of energy for Hanoi, the capital's military and industrial facilities, and was a supplemental source for Haiphong. Other major targets included the Van Dien Army Supply/SAM Depot, the Bac Giang and Haiphong West thermal power plants, and Kep and Hoa Lac airfields. 25X1 22 May 67 Approved For Release 20031041 IS m - 00190001-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 Approved For Rel Hong Kong: Local Communists are staging larger and more militant demonstrations probably in an effort to provoke incidents they can exploit. On 21 May Communist demonstrators defied a re- cently imposed ban on disorderly gatherings. Barbed wire barricades had been erected around Government House. In the ensuing demonstrations, riot police used tear gas and truncheon charges to disperse the mobs. There were numerous arrests and the Communists will doubtless make renewed charges of "police brutality." The Communist press in Hong Kong in inflammatory language alleged yesterday that thousands of persons were wounded, dead, or missing. 25X1 25X1 This morning, according to press reports, club wielding police repeatedly charged a mob of demonstra- tors on the island, causing numerous injuries and mak- ing further arrests. Anall-night curfew has been imposed. In nearby Macao, Communist groups have been har- assing British Consular personnel in protest over Brit- ish actions in Hong Kong. According to the press, the Portuguese have failed to provide police protection for the consulate. Communist elements over the weekend staged the largest demonstrations since the anti-Portu- guese outbreak last winter. 22May67 9 Approved For Rele; s 9003104118 ? CIA_ano79T00975A909900190001-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For R41ease 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975~009900190001-2 25X1 NOTES Peru: A political crisis may be impending as a re- sult of the continuing refusal of the opposition-controlled Congress to enact President Belaunde's tax reform. The US Embassy reports that rumors are circulating in Lima of some unspecified move by the military in support of the President. T e U Embassy does no believe that military y in ervention is likely, but Belaunde may be contemplating some radical move. North Korea - South Korea: Two US soldiers were killed and 18 others injured, including two ROK troopers, yesterday when four explosive charges demolished two 2nd Infantry Division barracks north of the Imjin River in the area of the Demilitarized Zone. A fifth satchel charge failed to detonate. One other US soldier has died this year in an incident in the area of the Demilitarized Zone. I 22 May 67 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Rellase 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975A009P00190001-2 25X1 Top Sirgyfifj For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2 Top Secret Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09900190001-2