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POST-VVA&"C0Qv"02 COPIED BY JAPAN The first phase of the Japanese Diet Library's seven-year $9 million project to microfilm all 35 million pages of the records of the post-war Allied occupying forces in Japan has been completed. Some 820,000 pages selected by two researchers working since June were microfilmed at the National Archives' Washington National Records Center in Suitland. The records are from the General Headquarters of the occupation forces. Documents to be microfilmed in fiscal 1979 concern such issues as the Emperor's war responsibility, actions of the Tokyo Military Tribunal, and crimes committed by members of the U.S. armed forces in Japan. This will be the first time that information on the ini- tial state of the occupation of Japan by Allied powers immediately after World War II will have been made accessible to the Japanese people. A similar massive records-copying project is being conducted at Suitland by the West German government. Documents of the American forces' occupation of West Germany from 1944 through 1949 are put on mi- crofiche. Present plans call for the filming of one million frames per year for the next five years. The microfiche will be available at the West German state archives in Coblenz. NEW COURSE A valuable course has been initiated by NARS for career development system interns. Second-year trainees re- ceive a full-week's training on such items as budgeting, personnel administration, outreach programs, the law as it affects archives, and professional developments. Dr. Trudy Peterson of the Deputy Archivist's staff organizes the periodic advanced archives administration classes. NEW PUBLICATION NARS recently issued an 84-page catalogue to the 1900 population census that is being circulated widely and is stimulating a flood of orders for census microfilm from the public. Even without the catalogue, NARS in the nine months it had been offering 1900 census informa- tion (1,854 rolls and a 7,846-roll index), sold 66,399 rolls. Most of these sales, however, were to institutions, which were given priority over individuals to speed dis- semination of the schedules. SAYING IT SILENTLY: Albert Meisel, assistant archivist for educational programs, begins his remarks at the opening day of the Gallaudet exhibit in sign language. Gallaudet is the only liberal arts college in the world for the deaf. Meisel, who was instructed by Susie Marshburn of the Still Pictures Branch in the manual alphabet, said: "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure for me to be with you". The display, part of our continuing educational outreach program, showed copies of documents from the Archives pertaining to the history of Gallaudet College. Exhibits included the school's act of incorporation signed by Franklin Pierce, an 1887 map of Washington, and a letter written in 1952 accusing the dietician of feeding "seconds" to black students. The exhibit was researched by archivist Lance Fischer, a graduate of Gallaudet, and organized by Lillian Grandy of the exhibits staff. HUGE DECLASSIFICATION BACKLOG IS FACED BY ARCHIVES When Executive Order 12065 took effect late last year, it reduced the 30-year review requirement for U.S.- originated classified information to 20 years. This put the National Archives a decade behind in declassification review, since it immediately faced a backlog of 238 mil- lion pages of permanently valuable material in its cus- tody; in addition, the Archives expects that new acces- sions of classified information will equal roughly 42 million pages a year. As in the past, the bulk of this material is from Defense, State, the National Security Council, and CIA. The present declassification division staff is able to review and declassify about 40 million pages of material per year. In order to keep up with accessions and to reduce the backlog created by President Carter's new order, NARS is seeking funds to accelerate its effort. February 1979 Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93BOl 194RO01 200130001-4 13 LOAN AGREEMENT: The Archivist borrows, on behalf of the'National Archives, the original German copy of the Armistice agreement ending World War II. The ceremony was held in the German Embassy in Washington. Dr. Niels Hansen, minister in the embassy, watches the proceeding. The 22-page Armistice was hand-carried to the LBJ Library in Austin where it was a featured display in the library's exhibition "The War to End All Wars." This was the first public display of the document in history. The German copy of the Armistice is apparently the only one in existence. The copy made for the Allies and kept by the French, because Allied armies were commanded by Marshal Ferdinand Foch, disappeared after the conquest of France by the Nazis during World War II. Photograph by Kathy King WHAT THE ARCHIVIST HAD TO SAY "The Roman poet Virgil wrote: `Happy is the man who plucks the fruits from branches that the fields willingly yield; and avoids the iron laws, the mad courts, and the public archives.' "We in the archival profession look toward the day when the warning of Virgil is universally recognized as totally inapplicable, for we are striving to make research in archives easy and fruitful. We believe that exploring of the roots of our common heritage is important, both for what it teaches us about ouselves and for the guid- ance it may provide us for the future." Dr. Rhoads, in an address at Western Washington College in Bellingham. RIGOROUS INSPECTIONS NARS is planning a series of rigorous inspections dur- ing the current fiscal year. The Office of Federal Rec- ords Centers, which has already inspected all 15 centers once since 1975, will cover all 15 a second time by the end of the year; three of the installations-at San Bruno, Philadelphia, and Bayonne-will receive their third vis- its. These team inspections last at least two days. Meanwhile, the Office of Presidential Libraries will inspect all six existing Presidential Libraries as well as the Ford Library Project; two-person teams will be used. The Office of Records Management intends to study five of the 10 regional records management divisions, while the Office of the National Archives will inspect 5 of the 11 regional branches. Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93B01194RO01200130001-4 14 ON THE RECORD Approved For Rele 2002/01/25 : CIA Tr~ M FS1 ] BIOGRAPHER AT WORK IN KANSAS CITY Joseph G. Rosa strode through the swinging doors of the Kansas City Regional Archives Branch one day, pad and pencil in hand. After years of exchanging letters with the branch staff while working at his home in Ruislip, near London, Joe was in town to tie up a few loose ends in his research into the life and adventures of James Butler Hickok-better known to just about everyone as "Wild Bill." "Joe is one of our most dependable researchers," says Bob Knecht, an archivist at the branch. "As we process our Kansas Court records, references to `Wild Bill' keep turning up, and we pass the news on to Joe the next time he contacts us." Rosa has written a number of articles for Western By Alan F. Perry photographs, and spurs. As well as artifacts, he is fasci- nated with the facts and myths about Hickok. "I think it is very clear that `Wild Bill' was no way near as wild as his reputation," says Rosa. "He was ex- tremely courteous and he could read and write, which a lot of people of his generation could not." Why is Hickok so fascinating to Rosa? "The man is still an enigma. We know a lot about him, but we still don't know as much as we'd like about him as a person. As long as you live, you'll always find something new. Once you get hooked on these charac- ters, you never give up." In addition to his research on Hickok, Joe Rosa is at work on "Rowdy Joe" Lowe, Wichita saloon-keeper and magazines as well as three books: They Called Him Wild gunfighter. This ~resrearch, and a separate project in- Bill, Alias goJack t o Pr e r ' ` ds et o 5v re') return to h sl should Myth. He got e on i i an e e est o esunsure oe s return to a ansas ity c ryes. 19th century America when he saw the film The Plainsman with Garv C,nnner'17 vearc ian Tmhiied with Ap d For Rekw6e 200 ' IA-R ? 3B01134 X200130001-4 RITE: In a ceremony at the White House, President Carter is presented with leather-bound copies of the first two volumes of his public papers. The two-book set includes his inaugural address, executive orders, reorganization plan, and a digest of his daily schedule. The publication was compiled by the Office of the Federal Register. Attending the ceremony were, to the President's right, Jay Solomon, GSA Administrator, and Federal Register staff members: Ernie Galdi, Robert Lewis, Fred Emery, Martha Girard, Richard Claypoole, Margaret Donohoe, Kenneth Payne, Kathy Mellody. The Archivist is at left. PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES: PEOPLE AND EVENTS As a public service, the Firestone Tire Company re- placed the worn tires on the 1936 Ford convertible on display at the Roosevelt Library. The auto is famous be- cause of the many photographs made of President Roosevelt while he rode in it .... Under a grant from the LBJ Foundation, the LBJ Library has initiated a scholar-in-residence program. First recipient of the award is William J. Jorden, former ambassador to Panama and member of the National Security Council. He'll use the grant to write a book on his career .... With work on the Kennedy Library in Boston proceed- ing well, the library board has begun planning for a gala opening of the dramatic I.M. Pei waterfront building. A public celebration, Boston Pops concert, marathon, re- gatta, and fireworks are projected. An opening either next October or in the spring of 1980 is antici- pated .... In a related matter, the Douay version of the Bible used by John F. Kennedy at his inauguration has been donated to the Kennedy Library by Thomas A. Fitzgerald Jr., a cousin of the late president's mother. The Bible contains handwritten records dating back to 1857 of births, deaths, and marriages in the Fitzgerald family, including many written in by Rose Kennedy, such as the listing of her own marriage to Joseph Ken- nedy and the births of their nine children .... Adm. Hyman Rickover, father of the nuclear submarine, has been named winner of the 1979 Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Foundation Award. It will be presented in Kansas City at the annual Truman Library celebration of the late President's birthday .... Ground-breaking for the Gerald R. Ford library building in Ann Arbor, scheduled late last year, was canceled due to a conflict in former President Ford's schedule. A cornerstone-laying ceremony probably will be scheduled for next spring .... Directors of the Presidential Libraries dis- cussed security, public education, budgets, and archival programs at a meeting at the Hoover Library. Economy measures were a key topic, with measures formulated to establish greater controls over travel, time and attend- ance, and contracts and purchases .... Federal Women's Week was observed at the Eisenhower Library with the presentation of eight programs over three days. Featured speakers discussed such topics as self-defense, battered women, assertiveness training, biofeedback, in- vestments, consumer frauds, trust funds, and women's legal rights. Thirty-two businesses in the Abilene area sent 87 representatives to the programs. Twenty-one members of the library staff attended. ARCHIVES DOCUMENTS IN ISRAEL In honor of Israel's 30th anniversary as a nation, the National Library in Jerusalem put on public view three documents from the Truman Library: Chaim Weiz- mann's request for U.S. recognition of the new state of Israel on May 13, 1948; President Truman's draft statement the next day tendering de facto recognition only 11 minutes after the declaration of Israeli state- hood; and a photograph of Weizmann presenting a torah to Truman at the White House. Sent in mid- summer, the documents remained on view through the end of the year. Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93BOl 194RO01 200130001-4 16 ON THE RECORD Approved For`' (ease 2002/01/25 : C1A-RDP93B0119F4,BRO01200130 -4 ON THE EEO PROGRAM GAINS AT ST. LOUIS By Norman Eisenberg The Archivist of the United States visited the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis to meet with management officials, the supervisory staff, and officers of the union represented at the center in order to discuss accomplishments and problems in the equal employ- ment opportunity program. An Equal Employment Opportunity Division report had led the Archivist to establish a study team to review the affirmative action and equal employment opportunity areas. The team consisted of Gil Dorame, director of the Atlanta Federal Archives and Records Center; Wendell Evans, the former director of the Boston Federal Ar- chives and Records Center and now an Office of Rec- ords Management staff member; and Jane Hudson, also from the Office of Records Management. In 1977 the team visited the center and conducted an in-depth sur- vey of activities and operations. The findings of the team are important because they found no evidence that NPRC policies cause, maintain, perpetuate, or encour- age discriminatory practices in the workforce. Based on their interviews, the team concluded that most discrimi- nation complaints stemmed from "vexing human rela- tions problems" rather than discriminatory practices, and this finding is supported by the fact that only one charge of discrimination in nine formally resolved corn- plaints has been upheld. Reporting to the Archivist, the team suggested he make a firm reiteration of his commitment to the prin- ciples of affirmative action. It is for this reason he visited the St. Louis Center last Aug. 24, where in the past six years the changes in the workforce have been impres- sive. The number of women at the GS-6 level and above increased from 21 percent to 43 percent. Minorities in 1972 constituted only 18 percent of the workforce at the GS-6 level and above; they now represent 34 per cent. Especially impressive were the gains achieved by women and minorities in the supervisory ranks. In 1972 women filled only 14 percent of the supervisory posi- tions and minorities occupied only 23 percent. Both groups now fill 40 percent of the positions. The per- centage of women in the total workforce has increased from 51 percent to 60 percent and the percentage of minority employees has increased from 39 percent to 41 percent in the years between 1972 and 1978. In spite of these accomplishments, the Archivist was quick to point out to persons attending the meetings the need for action to provide even further improvement. Gil Dorame Wendell Evans Jane Hudson For example, the EEO officer, supervisors, and manag- ers will work together in tailoring the affirmative action plan. Other interested parties such as the unions and EEO counselors will be given an opportunity to com- ment on the plan before it is submitted. An awards pro- gram will be established for employees-both managers and nonmanagers-who make significant contributions to the improvement of the EEO situation. (continued on page 2) Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93BOl 194RO01 200130001-4 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (eontkHAM V6r4j&l In order to improve internal communication between management and employees, summa- ries of the affirmative action plan will be distri- buted to all employees. An internal employees' newsletter has been in- stituted and briefings of supervisors and manag- ers on all new policies affecting the center is being done on a regular basis. The Spanish- speaking program will 'I 9lle made available 4R& h' *V to the person serving as aaniish-speaking coordinator. Tli .Archivist stressed his strong belief that the super- visory staff needs to realize that many of the center's problems stem from the relatively low grade level of most of the employees and failure of lines of communi- cation. He urged supervisors to become more sensitive to these problems. As part of his appearance at the center, Dr. Rhoads presented awards to several center employees. A Public Service Award went to Minnie Liddell for her work in the St. Louis community in the area of civil rights. Other persons receiving awards were Raymond Puder, Lloyd Huber, Cynthia Griffin, Robert Orf, James Wil- son, Janette McGee, Harold Harte, and Elma Donley. Eisenberg is on the management and technical staff of the National Personnel Records Center. Photograph by Dorothea Lange, War Relocation Authority collection of the National Archives. Taken on April 20, 1942 at a San Francisco elementary school, the Japanese-American children in the foreground are pledging allegiance two weeks before their relocation to a camp. The photograph is part of the teaching packet "World War 11-The Home Front." These packets, an educational innovation introduced by the National Archives, contain copies of original documents as sources for study in secondary schools. (See story on p. 12.) Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93B0l194R001200130001-4 2 ON THE RECORD lease 2002/01/25 _ DP93130119101200130001-4 HONORED: Minnesota State Archivist Lucile Kane (right) is pictured at a reception given her by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Author of A Guide to the Care and Administration of Manuscripts and other books and articles, Ms. Kane has been a leader in archives administration, document preservation, and historical editing. She is shown with Jane F. Smith (seated left), director of NARS' Civil Archives Division; and from the left, Frank Burke, NHP RC executive director, Mabel E. Deutrich, assistant archivist for the Office of the National Archives; and Oliver Wendell Holmes, former NHPRC executive director. OLD FILM BURNS AT SUITLAND Lack of storage space for records is a continuing, and increasing, problem for the National Archives and Rec- ords Service. Old nitrate film, notoriously flammable because of its chemical instability, poses a storage diffi- culty all its own. On December 7, fire swept one of two buildings at the Archives nitrate film storage vaults in suburban Suitland, Maryland. Twenty of the 27 vaults in Building A burned out and approximately 12.3 million linear feet of Universal newsreels were lost. The films were "out- takes"-footage not used in final releases. One-fourth of the 3.4 million feet of film salvaged from the blaze was damaged by either water, smoke, or fire, and is currently being brought in small batches to the National Archives building for washing and drying in the laboratory of the Photographic Services Branch. Salvaged film not at the Archives building or in transit is stored in a large refrigerated truck at Suitland to guard against possible spontaneous combustion. The cause of the blaze remains unknown. It is being probed by a joint GSA-NARS ad hoc team and the in- vestigation can be expected to be lengthy, since 13 fire companies were involved in fighting the conflagration. Among issues being probed is failure of the fire to be contained in a single vault. An accelerated program to copy the surviving film on modern safety film has been instituted by NARS, but a lack of funds precludes the speedy effort that is so desir- able. It is estimated that $2.5 million alone is needed to finish the most pressing part of the task in the next two years. Commenting on the fire, the Washington Post in an editorial suggested that the project could be further speeded if funds to support this vital service were di- verted from the audiovisual budgets of other govern- ment agencies, particularly the military services, which spend many times that sum on new audiovisual produc- tions each year. Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93BOl 194RO01 200130001-4 February 1979 3 d` BO' 4R0'0k 1x1'30001-4 PARIS: Dr. Frank Evans has been the National Ar- chives' man in Paris for two years now. And he loves it. As chief UNESCO expert on archives, he's doing professional work that is challenging, and, in his view, immensely useful. And he adores living in Paris-"a beautiful, livable city." Evans, 51, deals with archival problems across a vast range of UNESCO disciplines. He develops programs, with particular emphasis on the third world at this point, and then works to get them adopted. As a veteran of the American archival profession, Evans feels he's the right nationality for the job. "The U.S. is way ahead of the rest of the world in dealing with archives," he says. lie cites pioneering work in developing machine- readable records, in preservation, in designing buildings specifically for records, in promoting "selectivity" or records management. On the other hand, he emphasizes that in archival work there can be no one model and that advanced ideas have to be adapted to various nations. "Where there is poor maintenance, there isn't much point in urging the use of high-cost technology. It's a problem. Equatorial Africans see something working in Europe, they want it for themselves." Evans may find himself in the position of having to discourage adoption of some- thing he has just been praising. What's really needed, he thinks, are people so well- trained in the archival field that they can adapt basic ideas to their own unusual circumstances. So his per- sonal emphasis has been on creation of skilled archival manpower through courses, fellowships, instructional materials. Just from a language standpoint, it can get a little complicated. There are six working languages at UNESCO-English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese; important documents are issued in four languages. Does UNESCO work benefit the U.S. too? Evans points out that original studies into knotty aspects of preservation have been done in such countries as Ger- many, Israel, Poland, and Yugoslavia. He also thinks the superior status conferred archivists in some parts of the have simp world is a conception well worth importation into the EVANS TALKS ABOUT ARCHIVES U.S. Veteran of a dozen jobs at the National Archives until his appointment to the UNESCO job in April two years ago, Evans has been extended there to 1980. After that, he thinks it will be hard to make the daily commute to Bowie, Md., where he owns a home, after living in an apartment in Pans "just an eight minute walk from work" Evans, wife, and two daughters are in Paris; two other children work in the U.S. In Paris, there's also "Jacques-Pierre," his '67 BMW auto. From the perspective of Europe, how does Evans view the operations of the National Archives and Rec- ords Service? Here are ideas that spring to his mind. He suggests bringing in scholars to do guides relating to their specific areas of expertise. "We need something between the Guide to the National Archives of the United States and the 400 inventories. Too many of the finding aides are written for other archivists, rather than scho- lars and the public." He'd like to see a pamphlet on every major treaty, complete with commentary. "Wouldn't you like to read a good text on the Treaty of Hidalgo?" He feels a good book on the Archives' science and technology holdings is vital. Ditto, for one on women's history, a project now being done by Virginia Purdy. "The conference volumes are good, but need improve- ment." "Maybe we need to provide the world with more leadership in the machine-readable field. Other countries are floundering around." As to the Archives itself, "I'm concerned we're over- loaded with professional staff There are limited oppor- tunities. There are too many overqualified people for the available jobs; this leads to frustration." "And we need space so badly," he concludes. During an interview, Evans quotes former Archivists Bahmer, Grover, and Buck, calls the present Archivist "highly skilled", mentions views of Jefferson and Richard Neustadt to make points. He manages to eat and drink well at lunch and then proves he has turned completely Parisian by getting in the last word about a driver who has just imperiled his life in the street. "I once read that the French, who are addicted to hunting, ly exchanged the horse for the car." Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93B01194RO01200130001-4 4 ON THE RECORD SPY DOCUI Iq For lease 2002/0 WrN SEAW01200130001-4 Copies of records on the operations of U.S.-controlled German agents during the period 1944-45 have been accessioned by NARS from the National Security Agency. The xeroxed records include information for transmission by the agents prepared by the special sec- tion of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs joint security control unit. Designed to fool the enemy, the data was some- times valid, sometimes fabricated, sometimes a combi- nation. Also in the records to be received by the Military Archives Division are messages sent and received by the agents, as well as intercepted relays of the material be- tween Berlin and Tokyo. California has joined six other states in passing a law protecting archives and libraries from thefts. The California statute extends the state's shop-lifting deten- tion law to archives and libraries and requires a minimum mandatory $50 fine for anyone convicted of stealing archival materials or books; in lieu of levying a fine, however, a court is permitted to order an offender to perform public services. Archives and libraries in the state will be required to post notices of possible deten- tion. California joins Ohio, Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi as states having ar- chival theft laws. IKE SHY AND HAD AWFUL TEMPER, GRANDSON DAVID RECALLS David Eisenhower, grandson of one president and son-in-law of another, says Dwight Eisenhower was a rawboned, shy, starchy figure who had a temper like a Bessemer furnace-and whose famous grin "masked his efforts to obscure himself." Smoking a cigarette, dropping its ash in a paper cof- fee cup, shrugging, talking rapidly and easily, David, 30, shared with a public lecture audience at the National Archives some of what he's learned about his grand- father in the past two years. He's writing a book about him, much of it researched at the Eisenhower Library, and it might be done, he said with a memory-raising grin, in "1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983." He called Ike "Granddad" sometimes, or "Eisen- hower," He spoke of Richard Nixon, his father-in-law, simply as "Nixon." Eisenhower was unpredictable, David said. He kept a shotgun by the television set to shoot crows at his re- tirement farm at Gettysburg, and he gave orders to shoot cats on sight. All 65 ex-associates of Eisenhower he has interviewed for the book remember the temper, David said, but no one remembers anything Ike said when he got mad. Once when he was young, he said, Eisenhower hired him to paint the barn. One day at lunchtime David got into a game of Hollywood bridge with a pal and it con- sumed most of the afternoon. When Eisenhower came upon this display of idleness, "I looked into the Bessemer furnace. I remember two words: `You're fired,'" Later, Ike forgave his grandson. David Eisenhower Someone asked how Eisenhower got along with his vice president, Nixon. Rumors that Ike and Nixon intensely disliked each other were not true, he said. Eisenhower's staff and his political friends did not like Nixon, felt they could not get a handle on him and may have secretly worked for his defeat, but not Eisenhower, he said. And how does he feel about his father-in-law? "A man who made mistakes which he conceded to the country, but he was also a good man who wanted to do well." Eisenhower scorned John Kennedy, but got along fine with Lyndon Johnson, who was Senate Democratic leader during his presidency. They understand each other. They shared a common background: "Granddad was rawboned, he was Kansas, from a cowtown." What was Eisenhower really like? Complex, said David. These are some words he used to describe him: "austere," "single-minded," "all busi- ness," "lonely," "cocoon-like in many ways." His own father, Maj. John Eisenhower, said Ike had "starch", David recalled. David was asked about how he felt about Eisenhower's bowing to Sen. Joseph McCarthy in 1952 and deleting praise for his war-time colleague, Gen. George Marshall, from a Wisconsin campaign speech. "I'm sorry he did it," he said. "Writing this book, I'm rooting for him to do right." Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93B01194RO01200130001-4 February 1979 5 or~"efease02~ _/5 CIA-RDP 11R0L1101 30 -4 HONOREE: Artel Ricks (left), commissioner of Region 9, receives the Administrator's Exceptional Service Award from Jay Solomon. This award, the highest honor given by the National Archives, cites Ricks' "outstanding leadership and significant contributions" in the field of records management. An employee of the National Archives for 25 years, he plans to "retire" to private consulting in the San Francisco area this year. He also hopes to devote more time to genealogy and family history in which, as a Mormon and a father of nine children, he has an avid interest. PEOPLE APPOINTMENTS Sally R. Sims, GS-5, NLN James W. Bicknell, WG-3, NAS Deborah D. Ward, GS-4, NI Terrance C. Brennan, GS-5, NNVM For October in Washington Area Phyllis E. Whittington, Edward Cain, GS-4, NCWR Pamela S. Benchof , 6S-4, NCWR GS-2, NCWR William P. Connors, GS-8, NFP Joanne E. Boswell, GS-2, NCWR Gail M. White, GG-2, NACDO Shirley A. Consolvo, GS-12, NEPE Michael A. Bradley, GS-3. NNB Jean C. Wiley, GS-12, NAA John E. Davenport, GS-4, NCWR Inez R. Carroll, GS-2, NCWR Linda K. Wolfe, GS-7, NLN Charles L. DeArman, GS-5, NNV David A. Crissman, GS-2, NCWR Melody A. Young, GS-2, NCWR Karen T. Dews, GS-3, NCO Kathleen Q. Donald, GS-11, NEPE Alicia J. Estes, GS-5, NLN Deborah J. Duckett, GG-5, NACM For October in the field Beverly A. Faulkner, GG-5, NAPA (.;eorge D. E, ps, GS-3, NCWM Ella M. Alexander, GS-5, 4NR Gloria J. Gordon, GS-5, NCD Anthony B. Fragomeni, GS-2, NCWR Nadia H. Alul, GS-4, NCP Mary E. Hooper, GS-11, NFP Daniel J. Gorman, Sr., GS-2. NCWR Patricia S. Badock, GS-4, NCP Gerald E. Horton, GS-2, NNVM Stephen E Hannestad, EF, NAA Evelyn A. Craig, GS-4, NCP Marilyn S. Johnson, GS-7, NFP Jeri W. Hart, GS-3, NNFD Jean M. Deken, GS-5, NCP Billy M. Jones, GS-9, NROI David P. W. lacona, GS-3, NCWM Bruce L. Dudley, GS-4, NCP John Paul C. Jones, GS-3, NNB Vallarie L. Jarrett, GS-4, NNTS Deborah Greene, GS-3, NLK John F. Lumb, GS-5, NLN Keddrick N. Kilpatrick, GS-I, NAP Jackie A. Karpel, GS-3, NCP Janice B. Moore, GS-4, NRM June C. Krankowski, GG-2, NACDO Marilyn E. Leach, GS-3, NCP Zenaida T. Odom, GS-3, NNCC Mary R. Levanty GG-3, NNC Dennis W. Lueck, GS-4, NCP William D. Owens, GS-4, NCWR Jill D. Merrill, GG-11, NE Nancy A. Schuster, GS-5, NCP Donna M. Paige, GS-4, NACI Kathleen A. McVeigh, GS-5. NFE William G. Seibert, GS-5, NCP Cynthia L. Peterman, GG-2, NAPM William F. Miner, GS-13, NED Beverly Stampher-Ashley, Nancy H. Petschek, GS-7, NEE Michael G. Mitchell, GS-2, NCWR GS-5, 5NC-D Sheila A. Plummer, GS-4, NFP Claudia J. Nicholson, GS-4, NEE Lupe C. Vidouria, GS-4, NLJ Deborah J. Prince, GG-2, NAPP Bonnie S. Nixon, GS-2, NCWR Ronald Whealan, GS-3, NLK John W. Roberts, GS-4, NNFJ (wary J. Pizzuti, GG-2, NAPM David J. Rustay, GS-3, NNVM Ruth E. Reedy, GS-5, NFE For September in Washington area Donna J. Simmons, GS-6, NFP Harvey D. Robinson. GS-3, NNCC Deborah M. Bailey, GS-5, NACD Nadine T. Smith, GS-7, NEE Michael Rusnak, GG-7, NAPP Moorean A. Baker, GS-4, NNCR Joanne Szafran, GG-5, NEE Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93BOl 194RO01 200130001-4 6 ON THE RECORD Lisa D. Thompson, /i>7S} diMIFor I I au4802M42'6.,:(fARWP iB01 01420040*0O$-, NNGP Yen T. Tran, GG-2, NAPP Anne C. Mackenzie-Haslam, Cl nce McMorns, WG-3, NAS Marilyn Vegh, GG-7, NAC Joan E. Waddell, GS-4, NI Lauren E. Matey, GS-3, NCWR Barbara A. O'Neil, GS-11, NNR Kerry M. Ward, GS-4, NFE Kenneth E. Nero, GS-4, NNCC Richard N. Sheldon, GS-12, NP R. Paul Williams, GS-3, NNB Judith R. O'Sullivan, GG-12, NEE Daniel L. Smith, GS-12, NED Michelle Page, GS-2, NCWR Robert T. Stanley GS-4, NCWR ' For September in the field Marvin W. Patterson, GS-2, NCWA ~S-12, NF Ann H. Stevens, U Paul L. Agosti, GS-4, NCP Freda V. Pinkney, GS-2, NCWR Charles R. Stokely, GS-6, NNDG Karen K. Barnes, GS-3, NCP Victoria E. Quinn, GS-12, NAB Michael J. Sullivan, GS-11, N2,N Bruce A. Brooks, GS-4, NCP Chandra J. Shahani, GS-12, NAPD Ethel R. Theis, GS-12, NI A. Degenhart, GS-4, NCP Grego Dan E. Shaw, GS-2, NCWA Samual P. Watkins, GS-7, NCW Henry . Feltman, GS-4, NCP T Steven M. Sincere, GS-2, NCWR Janet E. Ziffer, GS-12, NROI Floyd Ingram GS-4 NLJ NCWR Milton L. Staton GS-2 , , GS-4 NCP Nancy D. Ivandick , , NCWR Daryl K. Stone GS-2 For October in the field , , Gerald R. Martinez GS-4 5NC-C , Alfreda A. Washington, GS-4, NNR Debra D. Altemus, GS-9, NCP , , NLJ Linda Miller GG-2 NCWR Pamela J. Wheeler GS-2 Jess D. Bivins, GS-5, NCP , , GS-3 4NR Marsha A Montgomery , , Peter L. Workman GS-3 NNB William R. Craig, GS-8, NCP , . , NCP Sandra K. Patterson GS-4 , , David D. Drake, GS-13, 4NC , , James R. Peterson GS-3 NCP For July in the field Raymond Fleming, GS-7, NCP , , GS-4 NCP Larry Schanuel NLJ Barry Baxter GS-2 Raymond C. Hasting, GS-6, NCP , , Jr. GS-4 NLJ Herman Streeter , , NCP Daniel M. Chott GS-3 Thomas E. Helfrich, GS-11, NCP , , , NCP Louis P. Vetere GS-5 , , Linda Delgado GS-5 NLJ David O. Hollingsworth, GS-7, NCP , , GS-4 NCP Pamela Watkins , , NLK Pauline Fluet GS-11 Marvin H. Kabakoff, GS-9, NCP , , , , GS-4 NCP Kathryn E. Friend Dorothy L. Kennedy, GS-6, NCP For August in Washington area , , Deborah Greene GS-3 NLK Teresa A. Manning, GS-4, NCP Carolyn A. Brooks GS-9 NCO , , Oscar Roberts GG-2 NLJ Robert L. Meisenheimer, GS-12, NCP , , NNVM Elbert R. Brower GS-2 , , Shirley J. Newton, GS-6, NCP , , GS-4 NROF Janice A. Euell For June in Washington area Marsha A. Pointer, GS-5, NCP , , Fannie B. Gallion GG-2 NACDO NNCR Cheryl N. Berthau GS-3 Gregory A. Pomicter, GS-9, NCP , , Marian M. Garcia GS-4 NNVM , , NCWA Patrick W. Brown GS-2 Barbara J. Robnett, GS-8, NCP , , Tanya Y. Hall GS-5 NNMO , , NNCC Carolyn L. Calkins GS-3 Marietta A. Shelton, GS-6, NCP , , Montez R. Hill, GS-5, NNCC , , Dean E. Gadsden, GS-2, NCWR Charlotte Woodfm, GS-4, NLK Angela J. Kieres, GS-5, NLN Terri L. Jankowski, GG-2, NACD For September in Washington area Louis Lovett, Jr., GS-4, NNCR Ellen M. Jones, GS-7, NL Jeffrey M Boswell GS 11 NLN McIntosh GS-3 NNMO Lonnie T NAP Peter W Kronowitt GS-1 . , , , , . Betty Jo Robinson, GS-3, NNHP , , . Robert L. McClain, GS-4, NNTS Ann E. Brinsmead, GS-6, NNDA Patrice C Brown GS-9 NNGP Robert E. Spinner, Jr., GG-3, NEPS Barbara A. Morgan, GS-3, NNFN , . , Rosanne T Butler GS-12 NCD David M. Taylor, Jr., GG-5, NEPS Karen D. Paul, GS-9, NCW . , , Mary J M NNFS Dowd GS-13 Ethel S. Waltzer, GS-3, NROX Ilean E. Prescott, GS-2, NCWR . . , , Sharon K Fawcett GS-13 NNGR Andrea L. Santiago, GG-2, NACDO . , , Mar A Giunta GS-12 NP For Au ust in the field NCWR Willie B Shaird GS-4 y . , , g . , , Marietta Gordon GS-4 NCO Gretta E. Brockman, GS-5, 4NC Catherine L. Shirey, GS-4, NEE , , Terese E NNMM Hammett GS-6 Valeria A. Burnett, GS-3, NCP Kevin S. Simmons, GS-3, NNB . , , Darlene E Hicks NI GS-5 Clayton Fields, GS-3, NCP James R. Swager, GG-13, NNR . , , Susan E Jackson GG-5 NAPR Geraldine Frison GS-3 NCP NFP Torres GS-4 Margarita R . , , , , Marianne Kaiser, GS-12, 5NR , . , Mary Ellen Trautman, GS-12, NNHL Maarja Krusten, GS-9, NLN Debra W Leahy GS-12 NCD Curtis Nash, GS-4, NCP William W. Traylor, GS-2, NCWR , , . Michael E Pilgrim GS-9 NNDA Vickie Owens, GS-2, 5NC-D Sean Wallace, GS-2, NCWA . , , George D Pomeroy NAPM GS- 11 Oneta J. Pratt, GS-3, NCP Vivian J. Willinger, GS-9, NROI . , , Robert E Richardson NNTS GS-7 Charles G. Ranzy, GS-3, NCP Harry W. Wilson, GS-2, NCWR , . , Marcia A Ritz GS-7 NCW Katinka D. Schneidler, GG-2, NLJ Benjamin B. Zangara, GS-5, NNDA . , , Roxanne M Smith GS-4 NCWR Greg R. Shaw, GS-4, NCP . , , Joan E Szivos GS-6 NNFN Renee Striblin, GS-3, NCP . , , Jo Ann Tyson, GS-4, NACID John A. Vernon GS-11 NNGP For July in Washington area For October in Washington area , , Diana M. Wade NACIR GS-11 Marcia A. Bell, GS-4, NLF Delia V. Alvarez, GUS, NAPM , , Annie V. Ward GS-8 NNVM Sherri R. Burkhammer, GS-2, NCWR Beiugno Baguio, GG-4, NAPM , , Harold D. William GS-12 NCWA David L. Chase, GS-2, NCWR Judith A. Barnes, GS-7, NCW , , Stephen E. Wimbourne NNDG GS-11 Janet M. Childs, GS-2, NCWR Roscoe C. Buffington, Jr., GS-13, NAA , , Sean E. Cleary, GS-2, NCWR Delores A. Dorsey, GS-5, NRM For September in the field Thelma G. Davis, GS-2, NCWR Charles F. Downs, II, GS-7, NNGR Betty J. Anthony, S-5, NCP Joseph W. Dorsey, GS-3, NNB Heidi R. Eisengrein, GS-5, NFP Anthony R. Beard, GS-4, 5NC-C Vincent A. Ford, GS-2, NCWR Gloria R. Freeman, GS-12, NROF David Comelisse, GS-7, 5NC-D Joseph F. Forrestel, GS-2, NCWR Elsie F. Freivogel, GS-13, NEE Kathryn E. Friend, GS-6, NCP Richard W. Fulling, GS-2, NCWR Sandra E. Glasser, GG-11, NACM Charlotte R. Guy, GS-5, NCP Kenneth R. Gorman, GS-2, NCWR Rodney C. Guliford, GS-7, NRM Linda L. Kolkhorst, GS-12, NCP Donald M. Hartiwanger, GS-2, NNVM William G. Harper, GS-3, NAS Alan J. Kramer, GS-12, NCP Ramond V. Harris, Jr., GS-2, NCWR Thomas E. Henderson, Jr., GS-13, NA Ralph W McCann, GS 12, NCP Alesia L. Johnson, GG-2, NAC Ellen M. Jones, GS-8, NL Frederick D. Millsaps, GS-5, 5NC-C Ortez G. Jones, GS-2, NCWR Anna J. Klotz, GG-7, NAPP Joan O'Connor, GS-7, NLK Kathryn A. King, GG-5, NAPP Edward G. Lyons, WG-5, NCWA Denis P. Paskauskas, GS-5, 5NC-C Luann Lancaster, GS-2, NCWR Brian D. Marshall, GS-12, NROD (continued on page 8) Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93BOl 194RO01 200130001-4 February 1979 7 l .il r6 1 a e 2002/0*126IJ.C'1 BG11O4R`1Y0120& O& *-Washington area Linda Tourrusio, G. NCP Shirley A. Arthur, GS-8, NNVM Christopher M. Beam, GS-11, NL Edward L. Wynne, GS-11, NCP John S. Ashlin, GS-12, NFE Catherine A. Bush, GS-3, NNMM George L. Banks, GS-5, NNDG Ernest M. Byrd, Sr., GS-9, NCW For Augustin Washington area Lewis V. Barnes, Jr., GS-6, NNDA Larry S. Clark, GS-4, NNFD Elizabeth Berrio, GS-12, NROI Gertrude E. Belton, GS-11, NFE Dorian K. Colona, GS-5, NL Richard L. Claypoole, GS-13, NFP Blaine T. Bentley, GS-7, NEPE Willie H. Daniel, GS-5, NCWR Gregory Conway, GS-9, NROX Thomas E. Brown, GS-11, NNR Joan R. Edelen, GG-7, NAB James G. Cooper, GS-6, NNCC Calvin O. Burke, GS-7, NNCC Wendell Evans, GS-14, NRM Bridget T. Dorsey, GS-5, NROD Laurence L. Davey, GS-11, NFE Mary M. Fallie, GS-5, NN Brian R. Hermes, GS-9, NFP Gail J. Dillard, GG-4, NAPM Jams Y. Foster, GS-4, NAPD Brenda K. Jones, GS-6, N Elizabeth P. Epps, GS-9, NNDA James J. Frimmel, GS-6, NNDA Donald Lovett, GS-6, NL Robert D. Fox, GS-11, NFE ELizabeth G. Fultz, GS-9, NCW Clifford L. Muse, Jr., GS-9, NL Martin V. Franks, GS-11, NFE Wilma 1. Greene, GS-11, NFP Howard L. Nash, GS-5, NNVP Blenda G. Gately, GS-6, NI Dorothy L. Harris, GS-4, NNCC Linda B. Reese, GS-4, NACIR Ann Louise G. Gates, GS-11. NFE John T.' Jackson, WG-5, NAS Robert E. Richardson, GS-6, NNTS Susan R. F. Goff, GG-9, NNR Lee R. Johnson, GS-13, NL Donald L. Roe, GS-11, NNVM Ronald E. Grim, GS-13, NNTS Bernadette N. Jones, GS-9, NNB Richard B. Smith, GS-11, NEP Kenneth G. Hafeli, GS-5, NI, Faith H. Klareich, GS-4, NFE Diana M. Wade, GS-11, NACIR Noreen T. Hannigan, GS-11, NFE Constance J. Maxwell, GS-4, NFE Jessie M. White, GS-6, NNHL Jo Ann D. Harte, GS-11, NFE John W. McCrae, GS-5, NCWR Richard E. Wood, GS-11, NNGP Michele R. Henderson, GG-6, NAC Mary J. McGuire, GS-7, NE For August in the field Leonard Amico, GS-6, 5NC-C Betty J. Anthony, GS-4, NCP Penny J. Augustine, GS-6, NCP Cheryl A. Betts, GS-7, NCP Alonzo Bouie, GS-7, NCP Isabelle Brzana, GS-4, 5NC-C Russell Butler, GS-6, 5NC-C Jeffrey L. Cahoon, GS-5, NCP Kenneth Casey, GS-6, 5NC-C Joyce Coleman, GS-6, NLJ Stephanie Danko, GS-5, 5NGC Deborah A. Downs, GS-4. NCP Donna M. Elbert, GS-4, NC1' Suzanne Forbes, GS-11, NLK Phyllis D. Freeman, GS-5, NCP S. French, GS-5, NCP Lae 'IV Ann Glowacki, GS-4, 5NGC Eugene Harris, GS-4, NCP N. Jean Hirsch, GS-5, NCP Joan Hoopes, GS-7, NLK Deborah Lanius, GS-9, NCP Cynthia L. LaRose, GS-4, NCP Lillian Platt, GS-4, 5NC-C Diane C. Rademacher, GS-9, NCP Bettie A. Stafford, GS-7, NCP Thomas W. Steinichen, GS-9, 4NC Karen A. Swoboda, GS-5, NCP Patricia S. Virgen, GS-4, NCP Far July in Washington area Marie B. Allen, GS-13, NL Jane D. Hudson, GS-14, NRO Cynthia P. Middleton, GS-4, NNMO John T. Hughes, GS-9, NROM Reginald A. Miles, GG-4, NACD Thomas D. Kevan, GS-11, NFE Thelma S. Neilan, GG-4, NAC Dennis M. Lakomy, GS-5, NL John D. Phillips, GS-12, NF Howard M. Landon, GS-7, NFE Barbara J. Reed, GS-5, NROF Barbara R. Lewis, GS-9, NNVP Brenda A. Robeson, GS-11, NFP Wilbert B. Mahoney, GS-11, NNGR John W. Saunders, GS-12, NCWA Molly McFarland, GS-5, NNFJ Mary J. Shaab, GS-6, NNDG Regina A. McNew, GS-6, NCO Temple Stevens, GG-5, NAPM Albert Meisel, GS-16, NE Margot R. Michalski, GS-7, NFE Catherine S. Miller, GS-4, NNTS Cora A. Moorehead, GS-11, NFE Roy M. Nanovic, GS-11, NFE Abram Primus, GS-11, NFE Charles G. Ratcliff, GS-11, NFE Walter W. Rice, GS-7, NFP Katherine M. Rinehart, GS-6, NNB Raymond F. Schweitzer, GG-il, NACD Karen W. Stewart, GS-7, NFE Kenneth L. Sullivan, GG-5, NEPS Nancy L. Taylor, GS-6, NL Adrienne C. Thomas, GS-14, NAA Douglas L. Thurman, GS-11, NL Mary Ann Wallace, GS-13, NNB Reginald Washington, GS-6, NNDG Lana Y. Watkins, GS-7, NACI For July in the field David Humphrey, GS-11, NLJ Martin McCann, GS-6, NLK Joan Sands, GG-5, NLJ Nancy Smith, GS-11, NLJ PUBLIC GIVE For November in the field Myrtle O'Neill, 5NC-C For October in Washington area Ruth R. Allen, NNHL Alfreda G. Bozarth, NAPP Frank A. Foster, NNGR For September in Washington area Mary K. Barton, NNGR For August in Washington area Edward J. Crawford, NCWR Frederick A. Greenhut, II, NNFD For June in Washington area James N. Duncan,NCWA Marion W. Hibbard, NCWR Compiled by Lorraine Herbert Starting with George Washington, presidents leaving office controlled their own records. No more. N Effective Jan. 20, 1981, presidential and vice presi- dential records become the property of the public when th t d d ill b t d t th N ti l e ey are crea an w urne over a ona e o e O~Z,~~T~T F- ~T ~/v B. 1 l~ Archives when each administration leaves office. Legislation establishing this historic precedent was re- OF cently signed by President Carter. Carter and Vice President Mondale are expected to go along with the PRESIIaE provisions voluntarily for their current terms. The law, designated Public Law 95591, was passed partly in re- PAPERS sponse to the controversy over ownership of Richard Nixon's records. Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93BOl 194RO01 200130001-4 8 ON THE RECORD GETFNG ~'2l 93T1 2 1 ER By Robert Svenningsen When Sharon Lou Roadway was selected for a clerk- stenographer position as the Denver Federal Records Center 16 years ago, she had to ask permission for four hours leave on the first day of her job. Her high school class was graduating and she wanted to attend the cere- mony. She used her position to learn as much as she could about the records center. "Eventually, I realized that everything came across my desk. I couldn't help but ].earn every part of the operation." MEN= Sharon Lou Roadway At that time, "Shari" was the only woman in the building. In 1972, Del Bishop, now director of the Philadelphia Federal Archives and Records Center, of- fered her a job as an archives technician in the Accession and Disposal Branch. She remembers that there was some resistance from the men with whom she worked. "However," she says, "I found that this faded once they saw that I was willing to unload trucks." To assure that sensitive matters will be documented with candor, the new legislation provides that a presi- dent can delay release of certain documents for up to 12 years. The Freedom of Information Act will apply to all records not subject to such restrictions. Congressman Richardson Preyer of North Carolina, chairman of the House subcommittee that drafted the bill, called the legislation "an important turning point in preserving rightfully public records for the public's use and benefit." In related action, Congress passed and President Carter signed all four bills which made up the NARS legislative program for the year. P.L. 95378 abolishes the Federal Records Council and P.L. 95379 appoints By 1974, her experience and skill enabled her to ad- vance to GS-9. Two years later she was promoted to GS-11 and became chief of the Accession and Disposal Branch, where she had started four years before as a GS-5. In this capacity, she was responsible for the custody and disposition of the center's 58,000 cubic feet of non-current records. It occurred to her, and others, that lifting 50 pound boxes of records on a ladder up 14 feet was a precarious and inefficient way of working. So she set to work to design a catwalk-fashioned after the one in the Fort Worth Center-to divide the shelves into seven-foot levels. "In this way," she says, "working with the records would not only eliminate the need for ladders but em- ployees could use both levels at once. Since shelving is part of my job description, the task of designing and assembling the catwalk fell to me. Of all the things I have done, this was the one about which I was the least sure, but it turned out very well. I consider it my biggest accomplishment." Work on the catwalk typifies Shari's approach. She says, "I try to listen and ask questions. I also believe in studying everything I can find on the subject on which I am working." She characterized the catwalk project as a "tremendous cooperative effort involving interns, staff, and the Fort Worth Center. I hope to be around to help with the design of the catwalks for the new building, scheduled to open in 1982. It was really a creative experience." When the Denver center was reorganized last Oc- tober, Shari Roadway was promoted to chief of the Op- erations Branch and assistant director, the first woman in this position. She is now a GS-12 with responsibility for the center's reference service in addition to her other functions. Much has changed since she first came to the center in 1962. "Most of the staff are women; I find that they are pretty much accepted or not according to their own merits." Certainly Sharon Lou Roadway has found this to be true. new members to the National Archives Trust Fund Board. P.L. 95416 reduces from 50 to 30 years the time at which records must be offered to the Administrator for transfer to the National Archives, and also reduces to 30 years the period during which the transferring agency may set restrictions on use of the records; an amend- ment to P.L. 95416 also establishes in law the 1952 agreement between the Archivist and the director of the Bureau of the Census to release census schedules 72 years from the time when the census was taken. The Census Bureau had lobbied for a longer restriction period. P.L. 95440 requires mandatory application of general records schedules throughout the government. February 1979 Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93B0l194R001200130001-4 9 tow Approved For fe1V2,,r1Qf -RQfftWEW1 94RQP' W1NQ I,4the federal court J system as an "instrument for a revolution of racial jus- ATT tice" in the 1960s, by Burke Marshall, former assistant J1K S attorney general; the federal government as repressor of REE black radicalism in the case fr Marcus Garvey, by Robert Hill, of the Center for Afro-American studies at TT C T A . .na th Ar b, , A s ive ` i e a .. rc infinite store of legal records," by Mike McReynolds, YEARdeputy assistant to the Archivist. STI11[JI[)\]' Or The most unusual, and lengthy, paper was prepared OF f by Paul Baier, a professor of constitutional law at U.S GOVERNMENT Distinguished scholars from across the country attended the National Archives' 18th. annual conference, this one on legal history- The conference, "The Law and Ameri- can Society: New Historical Perspectives and Re- sources" focused on problems of privacy, development of wildlife law, the impact of legal institutions on American women, and the federal government and black protest. In his keynote address before a full house, Chief Jus- tice Burger proposed that the nation devote three years, beginning in 1985, to a "serious rethinking" of the roles of the three branches of government. The Chief Justice suggested that 1985 be dedicated to a discussion of Ar- ticle I of the Constitution, which concerns the Con- gress; 1986 to Article II, the executive branch; and 1987, to Article III, the judiciary. Since all three branches have evolved in ways "unforeseeable two cen- turies ago," Burger suggested that the 200th anniversary of the Constitution in 1987 trigger a national debate "to see if we have gone off on the wrong track." Highlights of the conference included papers on the potential of the Freedom of Information Act as a tool for the selective release of classified information, by Louisiana State University. The paper, entitled "What Is the Use of a Law Book Without Pictures or Conversa- tions?" was 63 pages-with 137 pages of footnotes. Clarence Lyons, chief of the Judicial and Fiscal Branch, who with McReynolds organized the confer- ence, emphasized that one of its primary purposes was to acquaint many of the 180 participants with the re- sources of the Archives. "Traditionally, legal history has not been written from archival records but, rather, from published decisions. Recently, there has been a broadening of legal history research in both sources and subject matter, and the National Archives is an impor- tant part of that change." THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES: PEOPLE AND EVENTS Aloha South received a certificate of commendation from the Society of American Archivists for her recently issued Guide to Federal Records Relating to Africa .... The Archives' lively 11-minute animated film "Con- quering the Paper Mountain" received one of 29 CINE awards presented to outstanding 1978 government films. CINE stands for Council on International Non- theatrical Events. "Paper Mountain" earlier won a bronze plaque at the Columbus Film Festival in Ohio .... Professor Donald McCoy of the University of Kansas has published The National Archives: America's Ministry of Documents, 1934-1968. It was issued by the University of North Carolina Press .... Asa Briggs and J.H. Plumb, eminent British historians, will be the fea- tured speakers at a Victorian Society in America sym- posium at the Archives March 21-24. The theme of the conference is "Victorian Album: Aspects of American Life, 1865-1900." NARS is co-sponsoring the confer- ence. Information: Elsie Freivogel at (202) 523- 3298 .... The executive committee of the International Council on Archives, headed by Dr. Rhoads, has au- thorized an International journal ofArchives, to be issued twice a year. The Deputy Archivist will serve as editor. Verlag Dokumentation of Munich will be the publisher and advertisements will be accepted to help the ICA de- fray costs of publication .... A new publication of the National Archives Trust Fund Board is a checklist of captured and monitored Nazi sound recordings. The 64 historically important recordings selected from the little known holdings of the Audiovisual Archives Division include speeches by Hitler, Himmler, Goering, and Speer .... Tames D. Walker, director of genealogical programs at the National Archives, recently became the youngest person ever made a fellow by the National Genealogical Society. Walker is 50. Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93BOl 194RO01 200130001-4 PU`bpIoTZoA! sR? PMEf4J LAUDS THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES By Jill Merrill John Toland, author of three books on Adolf Hitler, says he never wants to talk about him again. Recently, however, he relented. "I am so indebted to the Archives that I agreed to talk about Hitler and show some of the superb photographs from the Archives collection." Toland, whose latest book is Hitler: A Pictorial Documentary of His Life, spoke in the theater here to a standing room only crowd. Hundreds more were denied reservations. After the lecture, he said: "Even though I am sick of Hitler, I am more than happy to discuss the archivists who have made my research so much easier. My work has taken me to archives all over the world and the Na- tional Archives is by far the most efficient-and the most magnificent." Toland, who first came to the Archives while working on a book about the Battle of the Bulge, calls it "home for 22 years." In 1956, his research took him to the records stored in the old torpedo factory in Alexandria. "The place was a fire trap if ever I saw one, but the people were just wonderful. They were my friends from the beginning and I'll never forget them. Bill Nye and Lois Aldridge, now retired, were superb. If they knew you were looking for the truth and were willing to pur- sue it wherever it led, they were tremendously helpful." Toland's work on other books brought him to the Military Archives Division in the 1960s. "Bob Wolfe's office is very helpful and well-run. I found wonderful people here, like John Taylor, who has worked tirelessly to help me. Taylor isn't interested in personal glory; he just wants to help. Of course, the fact that he remem- bers everything is a great asset. And the new generation of archivists, like Bill Cunliffe and Tim Nenninger, are equally helpful and efficient." John Taylor has been at the National Archives since September 1945. His proprietary feeling toward the records is apparent from a walk through the stacks with him. "I am constantly on the look-out for the human interest aspects of history, the off-beat stories. Of course, the scholarly side appeals to me as well but everyone here is looking for that." It was Taylor who put Toland onto the intelligence report, datelined "Iceland, 1943," on Adolf Hitler's hysterical blindness in 1918. On the strength of this little-known fact, Toland was able to put together other testimony substantiating the origins of Hitler's "mission". "By early November in 1918 his sight returned," To- land wrote in his new book, "but when he heard on Nov. 9 that the Kaiser was abdicating and that the John Toland fatherland had become a republic, he again lost his sight. As he lay in despair, Hitler heard voices sum- moning him to save Germany. All of a sudden, he could see again and he vowed he would `become a politician and devote his energies to carry out the command he had received!' " Taylor and Toland are well-suited as researchers; they are ferrets of facts. Toland, who believes that a "thesis is the enemy of history," never begins his research with a point of view, a prejudice. Taylor says this is unusual. "Most academics, for example, have a theory that they want to disprove. John Toland begins with a completely open mind and reads everything. He's very thorough." Toland will be back in the spring; not to talk about Hitler, but to work on his new book about Pearl Harbor and try to win a second Pulitzer prize with it. "I plan to camp out at the National Archives as usual. It's my favorite place in Washington." Approved For Release 2002/01/25 : CIA-RDP93B0l194R001200130001-4 February 1979 11 TrT ease 2002/01 /25 : PACKETS USE COPIES OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS In an educational innovation. the National Archives i making available to secondary schools across the country teaching packets that contain original documents as source material for study. Photographs, letters, reports, sound recordings, maps and charts-in reproduction-permit students to make original interpretations of U.S. history. There are three packets currently available, with these themes: "World War I-The I lame Front," "The Great Depression and the New Deal," and "World War II- The Home Front." Each has copies of 40 or more original documents. JA 'ti We Sf Y -4 i t The ~firiaqbatch of Office of Strategic Services records from orld War II will be turned over sometime this year to the Archives by the CIA, successor aet4o the OSS. The collection of documents total 5,000J,kubic feet and deals with covert operations and oofi't'rCtivities in combat and enemy-occupied zones. Because of their extreme sensitivity, the documents will require painstaking evaluation and processing. OSS records in the Archives have been heavily used by researchers over the years. SUCCESS STORY: Amplifying these basic materials are a brief historical ST. LOUIS introduction, a teacher's guide, suggestions for student activities, and a bibliography. Documents in the World War II packet, for example, include: a newspaper advertisement soliciting support for a war-loan drive; a poster urging high school stu- dents to join the Victory Corps; a photo of a Japanese- American girl waiting to be sent to a relocation camp; a newspaper article supporting equal pay for women in war industries; a letter from A. Philip Randolph to Mrs. Roosevelt requesting her to speak before black marchers in Washington; a letter from a black soldier complaining of discrimination; a survey of conditions in textile mills; and a memo on soap rationing. The packets cost $25 and were put together by Elsie F-reivogel and her staff in the Office of Educational Programs. KISSINGER LOSES COURT APPEAL The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has ruled that Henry Kissinger's thousands of telephone conversations as secretary of state belong to the public, not to Kissinger. This affirms a U.S. District Court de- cision that they are records and are subject to public access under the Freedom of Information Act. A Kis- singer appeal has been taken to the Supreme Court. The Reporter's Committee for Freedom of the Press, joined by two scholarly orgnizations, filed the suit against Kissinger. Initial court action on the litigation rendered moot the Archivist's concurrent attempt to obtain Justice De- partment intervention against Kissinger's claim. While ruling against Kissinger on his State Depart- ment materials, the Court of Appeals agreed with the District Court that Kissinger's telephone notes during his five years as White House adviser to President Nixon were not subject to public access because of his status as a confidential presidential assistant. When people at the National Personnel Records Center say that Thelma Martin has come a long way, they mean it in more than one sense. True, the new chief of the Navy Reference Branch has progressed rapidly, beginning as a GS-4 archives techni- cian in 1972. Mrs. Martin is now responsible for the work of approximately 125 employees. But even getting to St. Louis required her to come a long way, starting from Baclaran, Luzon, Philippine Islands, where she was born in 1949. Although her father was a United States citizen when he brought his family to St. Louis in 1954, his 5-year- old daughter spoke no English when she began public school. Whether she spoke the language or not, Martin, who describes her ancestry as "three-quarters Filipino," was determined to learn and to succeed. And learn the language she did. In fact, her bachelor's degree from the University of Missouri in St. Louis is in English. Martin she went is certified to teach high school English, but straight to work for NARS after spotting an announcement for the old Junior Federal Assistant Pro- gram test. Her federal career has followed a pattern of frequent reassignments, then promotions. She has held such jobs as management assistant (typing); manage- ment analyst; chief of the Air Force Correspondence Section; and assistant chief of the Navy, Air Force, and Army Reference Branches. Although she advanced from GS-4 to GS-9 as a member of the management and technical staff, she considers her first supervisory posi- tion the turning point of her career. The new branch chief, who married while in college, does not feel that either her family-the Martins have a 6-year-old son-or her career has suffered in any way because of the demands imposed by the other. She is quick to add: "My desire to be successful in both neces- sitates a lot of hard work on my part, and requires much support from my family. A large bottle of aspirin and Geritol also help." Approved For Release 2002/01/25 :'CIA-RDP93B01194RO01200130001-4