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25X1 Approver Release 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79T 5 0940 Icret 25X1 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin Top Secret 25X1 State Dept., JCS rev" s pWglease 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79T00975A009400280001-7 A59 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09400280001-7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09400280001-7 ApprovedWr Relea a 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00 25X1 5AO09400280001-7 25X1 12 December 1966 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS 1. Vietnam: Current situation report. (Page 1) 25X1 3. Communist China - Macao: Peking puts new pressure on Portuguese to meet demands of Macao Chinese. (Page 5) 4. Communist China: Food situation forces Pe- king to purchase more foreign grain. (Page 6) 5. Communist China: Red Guards again attack chief of state Liu Shao-chi. (Page 7) 6. Indonesia: Renewed campaign to discredit Sukarno seems likely. (Page 9) 7. West Germany: Move to extend full voting rights to West Berlin members of Bundestag is under way. (Page 10) 8. Note: Bolivia. (Page 11) Approved For Reltase 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79T00975f 0094002800g3 Aft Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79TOO975A000280001-7 c .`~ Pleiku'-.. DARi_AC 7huot SANG Duc i-. { AOa Lat. N 1 N ,~' LAM DONG V. 25X1 65095 12-66 CIA Appro ed For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO0940028001-7 25X1 12 Dec 66 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map 25X1 Approveeor Rel `Vietnam: (Information as of 4:30 AM EST) Communist Political Developments: The Com- munists have rejected suggestions that the Christ- mas truce be extended to Tet, the lunar new year which will be celebrated between 8 and 12 February. A 10 December Liberation Front broadcast as- serts that recent calls for an extension of the truce were inspired by the US to detract from the signifi- cance of the Viet Cong's "humanitarian" gesture in announcing the cease-fire. The broadcast also de- nounced world figures who speak about peace in Viet- nam as supporters of US "aggression." The Military Situation in South Vietnam: US com- bat forces participated in 12 of the 26 battalion- size or larger operations conducted throughout South Viet- nam during the weekend. The most significant contact occurred yesterday in Tay Ninh Province where a US platoon engaged a Communist force about ten miles northeast of Tay Ninh city. Both sides suffered heavy casualties--18 Americans killed and 10 wounded, and 26 enemy soldiers reported killed. Twenty-four South Vietnamese Army soldiers were killed and 85 wounded on 10 December when their positions, ten miles northwest of Hue, were at- tacked by a Communist force of unknown size. The South Vietnamese also lost more than 100 weapons. Six enemy soldiers were reported killed. (continued) 12 Dec 66 Approved For Rele A00940 Q001-7 Approve,or Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T009#5A0094001-7 Viet Cong sabotage activity was high over the weekend. Two explosions at the Long Binh ammuni- tion depot, 13 miles northeast of Saigon, destroyed nearly two tons of ammunition in the third such at- tack in six weeks. Viet Cong frogmen failed in four attempts to blow up strategic bridges in the Saigon area. However, interdiction efforts along Route 1 in the three northern provinces have blocked road and rail transport connecting Thua Thien with Quang Tri and Quang Nam. 25X1 12 Dec 66 2 Approved For Releas - 00940(}%1-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09400280001-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09400280001-7 Approved Felea e 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79T009 A00480001-7 Communist China - Macao: Communist China has increased its pressure on the Portuguese authorities in an apparent effort to force full capitulation to the demands of Chinese Communist elements in Macao. On 11 December an authoritative People's Daily article asserted that the Macao authorities had only "superficially" accepted demands by the Chinese in Macao for an apology and for compensation for damage caused during the recent riots. The article warned that the "Chinese people" would not "tolerate" the '.'rtith- less persecution" of the Chinese in the Portuguese col- ony. It repeated a 9 December statement of support for the Chinese Communists in Macao by Kwangtung provincial authorities which demanded that the Portu- guese unconditionally accept all demands of the Chinese Communists in Macao and take steps to prevent Chinese Nationalist operations there. Communist China's continuing propaganda cam- paign against the Macao authorities appears aimed at forcing the Portuguese into a public display of sub- servience showing that the colony exists only at Peking's sufferance. However, the Chinese Communists are unlikely to move directly against Macao unless any fur- ther demonstrations in the colony get out of hand or un- less the Portuguese refuse to satisfy most of the Chinese demands. The situation in Macao itself has been returning to normal and the Macao authorities appear to be anxious to reach a compromise solution on the issue. In Lisbon, the Portuguese foreign minister has evi- denced a resigned and restrained attitude toward the 25X1 situation. I 12 Dec 66 5 Approved For Rele se - A0094OQ 001-7 Approved Fb Relealse 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79T00975~0094 1001-7 Communist China: Facing a worsening food situ- ation, China has bought an additional 914, 000 tons of wheat from Canada. With this latest purchase, China has contracted for the maximum annual amount of grain provided for in the three-year wheat agreement signed with Canada in the fall of 1965--2. 5 million tons--and has bought a total of five million tons from all sources for delivery during the year ending 30 June 1967. The prospects are that still more purchases will be sought in Canada and elsewhere, perhaps bringing the total delivery for the year ending 30 June 1967 to more than the 6. 3 million tons China procured in the 12-month period endin 30 June 1966. 25X1 China wants to buy "any quantity of wheat Argentina will be able to spare. " Argentina has supplied China with more than a million tons annu- ally during the past three years. China's need for food imports is greater now than at any time since 1962, when grain production was re- stored to the 1957 level of about 180 million tons follow- ing three calamity food years. in many urban areas and in wi esprea rural areas where early 1966 crops were reduced by bad weather, rations have been cut, in most cases to an inadequate 20-25 pounds of grain per month per adult. This is down a third or more from the estimated level of recent years. Present indications, moreover, are that the late harvest--now in progress--will bring a below-average yield insufficient to reverse the deterioration in ration levels. The authorities in one province have felt com- pelled to call on peasants to "practice the spirit of a 10-month grain allotment to last through 13 months, " while authorities in another province have warned local cadres that enforcement of distribution plans "correct" for this harvest "will encounter resistance. " 25X1 12 Dec 66 6 Approved For Rel 5A0094002$ DR11-7 Approvedo& r Rel 25X1 hasp 2003/01/29 - CIA-RDP79T0097 A009400280001-7 Communist China: Red Guards have renewed demands for the dismissal of chief of state Liu Shao- chi. A wall newspaper displayed on 8 December by a Red Guard unit at Peking University charged that Liu is the "Khrushchev of China" and must be com- pletely overthrown. It said that now that former Peking mayor Peng Chen, former propaganda chief Lu Ting-i, and others have been "exposed," it is time to go after their "big boss" Liu Shao-chi and his chief supporter, party general secretary Teng Hsiao-ping. According to the poster, Liu has been opposed to Mao Tse-tung and Lin Piao for many years. It charged that Liu began to create a faction within the party as long ago as 1936, a few months after Mao became party chairman, and named more than a dozen individuals said to be "devoted retainers" of Liu. Red Guard demands to dismiss Liu and Teng have not yet been endorsed in regime pronouncements. In speeches released on 3 December, Madame Mao and other officials indicated that the already disgraced Peng and former propaganda chief Lu will be further "exposed," but said that other unspecified individuals should be allowed to correct their mistakes. Since 3 December Peking newspapers have been focusing at- tacks against literary figures who were denounced last spring. This suggests that for the moment the regime wants to concentrate on cultural targets, rather than on senior party leaders. The new Red Guard charges against Liu Shao- chi, like those made in November, presumably have high- level backing, since they contain information available only to senior party leaders. The language of the 8 December charges implies that one such leader is Kang Sheng, a long-time intelligence specialist who 12 Dec 66 7 Approved For Release 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79T00975Ap094A 4001-7 Approve& pr ReI se - 5AO094002&28 7 was promoted into the politburo standing committee last August and is a key member of the party's cul- tural revolution group. He was demoted in 1956 from a full to an 'alternate member of the politburo. The reasons for this were never made public, but the latest charges now claim that he was one of those Liu was "keeping down." A few days after a similar attack in November, Liu and Teng showed up at a Red Guard rally with Mao, as if nothing had happened. It would appear either that the regime is engaged in a slow, devious process to bring them and their supporters down in disgrace, or that a faction at the top which is press- ing the charges has been successfully resisted by an- other group. 12 Dec 66 8 Approved For Release - AO0944g184 OO1-7 Approved ReI ase 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79TO09 5AO094002 91-7 Indonesia: General Suharto, under pressure from various quarters, is considering more decisive moves against President Sukarno. Suharto was appointing a special committee to work toward toppling Sukarno. At the same time he remains committed to the strict observance of legal processes, and apparently he has designated General Nasution, the chairman of congress, to plan and lead the necessary political action. Action would be based on evidence of Sukarno's involvement in the antiarmy move of 1 October 1965 which has been revealed and repeatedly corroborated in the current trial of former air force chief Omar Dani. Sukarno's own evasive deposition on his role in the events described by Dani, which was read in court on 10 December, is likely to be regarded by Suharto and others as inadequate and in some in- stances untrue. Heavy press coverage of the trial already em- phasizes Sukarno': foreknowledge of the action and his involvement. Nasution and his advisers believe that after the trial anti- Sukarno demonstrations by students and other groups can be renewed. These will be used to develop public receptivity for an emer- gency session of congress, Indonesia's highest policy- making body. Congress could then vote to depose Sukarno as president. The plan of action being considered may_encoun- ter obstacles and delays, but at the least a consid- erably expanded anti-Sukarno campaign seems likely. 12 Dec 66 9 28 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00942QQ loo Approvedr Releo West Germany: The Bundestag is moving to extend full voting rights to its West Berlin mem- bers despite Allied warnings that such a move could threaten Allied rights in Berlin. 25X6 West German political leaders have long been restive over Allied insistence that, because Berlin remains under four-power rule, the votes of the 22 West Berlin representatives in the federal parlia- ment should be limited to procedural matters only. Popular interest in this problem was heightened when the question of counting Berlin votes figured promi- nently in the recent Bonn government crisis. new Foreign Minister Willy Brandt, formerly Ber- lin's mayor, strongly favors removing all Berlin voting restrictions and has bitterly criticized the Allies for what he terms their "legal sterility and political malice" in connection with this issue. Ambassador McGhee in Bonn observes that in view of the actions already taken, it may be too late to dissuade the Germans from going ahead. Bonn's 25X1 25X1 12 Dec 66 10 Approved For Releo r0094q1 0001-7 Approved ,Rel ase 2003/01/29 : - AO094~$0001-7 Bolivia: The threat of violence appears to have lessened in the confrontation between the striking miners of Huanuni and the national guardsmen bivou- acked nearby. President Barrientos' personal inter- vention on Friday seems to have convinced the major- ity of the strikers that the government would negotiate in good faith and that nothing would be gained by vio- lence at this time. Barrientos said later in La Paz that he recognized the need to improve industrial re- lations and social conditions at Huanuni. and that. security forces would not enter the area as long as negotiations are in progress. 25X1 12 Dec 66 11 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0094QQQ001-7 F7 I TopSSeretFor Releaer'2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00 280001-7 Top Secret Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09400280001-7