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25X1 Approved IRelease 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T0A009100010001-9 TOP SECRET 8 July 1966 JCS and State department review(s) completed. 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CURRENT INTELLIGENCE RELATING TO NATIONAL SECURITY 25X1 EXCLUDED FROM DOWNGRADING T09 V ~ o~f I ET AND DECLASSI CIASSIF15p r ved For Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A 0 1 00 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100010001-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100010001-9 ---------------------- rms, proved :or Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79TOO975AO091 C 0010001 -9 25X1 MEN 8 July 1966 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 1. Vietnam. Current situation report. (Page 1) 2. Warsaw Pact - Vietnam: Pact statement on Viet- nam pledges "volunteers" if Hanoi requests them. (Page 4) 3. Egypt: Disenchantment with Nasir regime growing. (Page 5) 4. Congo (Brazzaville): Government leaders maintain- ing tenuous control. (Page 6) 5. Notes: Communist China; Bolivia. (Page 7) ME. 011 A ---------- ~J_ ~_l- - - - ^^^~I^AIA A ~IA 25X1 j A roved r Release 2003/04/14 CIA-RDP79T00975A009 00010001-9 25X1 j CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 8 July 1966 *Vietnam: (Information as of 4:30 AM EDT) Political Developments in South Vietnam: Con- tinued postponement of the planned cabinet reshuffle may be another indication of friction within the mili- tary leadership, An adviser to Premier Ky stated yesterday that the announcement of the new cabinet alignment has been delayed a few days in order to work out details involving only a few ministries. It may be, however, that Deputy Premier Co--who was earlier reported to be questioning some appointments and who stands to lose considerable responsibility in the cabinet re- organization- -is balking at the proposed transfer of several ministries presently under his control to a new supra ministry-1 General Thi, meanwhile, is scheduled to be inter- rogated by a specially appointed council of 20 generals on 9 July before a decision is made on his possible court martial. )Thi has thus far refused to supply written answers to a comprehensive and detailed series of questions concerning his role and that of others in the "struggle" movement With respect to Buddhist/government affairs, mod- erate Buddhist Institute Chairman Tam Chau appears to be exploring the limits of the regime's announced policy of leniency toward "struggle" supporters. In three public letters issued to government officials on 5 July, Chau asked that he be permitted to visit all Buddhists under detention, that all "strugglers" be released and returned to their offices "except. for a. few individuals as stated by the Prime Minister,'" and that repressive measures against Buddhist "compa- triots" in central Vietnam come to an end. Chau also informed the government that the Institute has not yet considered the matter of naming a representative for the newly-announced Civilian - Military Advisory Council. Low Approved ror Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A00 100010001-9 L////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Approved For Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A009100010001-9 `Savannakhel \ NfRTH .Oon8Hoe VIETNAM SOUTH VIETNAM CURRENT SITUATION be ,S loom- . T. lYe ~. e ' R.~prriltHc 25X1 A proved For Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO0910001 001-9 8 Jul 66 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map 25X1 E A pproved F r Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09 00010001-9 ARVAT)+rrrniund mnlfibatt line South yVietnomese '"m y operations in the north-central coastal plain and in the Mekong Delta have inflicted heavy losses on the Communists. Two hundred and seventy-five miles northeast u 25X1 Approved or Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A00 100010001-9 battalions in a pursuit operation reacting to a Viet Cong attack of 6 July north of Qui Nhon have thus far killed 166 Communist troops. Fifty miles southwest of Saigon, units of the 9th ARVN Division reported 113 Viet Cong killed during a three-day search-and- destroy operation in Vinh Long Province. of Saigon, in coastal Binh Dinh Province, six ARVN Viet Cong military activity during the past 24 hours was highlighted by a mortar attack last night against Binh Thuy Air Base in Phong Dinh province, southwest of Saigon. An estimated 40 rounds of 81-mm. mortar fire was directed against the recently com- pleted USAF/VNAF jet air strip, resulting in five US casualties and three helicopters destroyed or damaged. There are indications that major Communist units may be moving through the southern area of Pleiku and Darlac provinces en route to coastal Phu Yen Province. According to recent prisoner interrogation a newly-infiltrated North Vietnamese Army (JPAVN) regiment--the 49th of the 320th PAVN Divi- sion--recently deployed from the Chu Pong Mountain area eastward to join forces with the 18 "B" and 95th PAVN Regiments. They are to protect infiltration corridors and secure rice harvests in Phu Yen and Phu Bon provinces. The massing of three PAVN regiments in this strategic coastal area might comprise a divi- sion-size unit, which would be the sixth detected to date in South Vietnam. Military Developments in North Vietnam: US pilots reported that North Vietnamese MIG-21 Fishbeds fired air-to-air missiles during a clash with two USAF F-105 Thunderchiefs about 30 miles north of Hanoi on 7 July. Neither US aircraft was hit. Although air-to-air 8 J l 66 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiaio Approved ForRejease 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100010001-9 ----~-- -- .---.- .. ;'jpong Van C Hf,I N A Ching-hst Boo Lac i ac r I : ~ a He Gang Lao cal Cao Bang Phuc Yen'*~,? Son Tsye - HANOI Phu Tho t Dien Bien Phu L A 0 S Samneuso Lang Sony ,--0 Sac Giani Sac Minn 'PT Boats Attacked By Navy Aircraft \POL tacit-I?y 4 t lung Yen Ph,, L. 3 .. .. Nom C Cimh Bmh Thar h Hoa MIG '~ Engagement Nghu Loe Yen Bar\ THAILAND Muang Nakhon Phanom NORTH VIETNAM \Dong Hoi Vinh Linh ~, `?X'` DEMARCATION LINE -- .. _- i Oong He S>4ponea 8c No Su Quang Tri {tll_ n SOUTH a ''4 Muong Non~?.,VIETNAM LAGS ~..~1 J eSararane A0 proved For Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO0910001 8 Jul 6CENTRPL -_ - - Approve For Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO091 0010001-9 25X1 missiles have reportedly been fired by North Vietna- 25X1 mese pilots on a previous occasion, their presence in the DRV air force has not yet been confirmed. US Navy A4E Skyhawks again struck the Haiphong POL storage facility on 7 July, causing multiple fires and secondary explosions which produced a smoke column estimated to be 20, 000 feet high. One A4E was lost to ground fire but the pilot was recovered. According to pilot reports, Navy aircraft also attacked four North Vietnamese patrol boats on 7 July, sinking two, beaching and burning the third, and heavily damaging the fourth. P1. Mr/11 Political Developments in North Vietnam- The official Czech news agency claimed in a dispatch from Hanoi on 7 July that the North Vietnamese may soon begin trials of captured US airmen and that death sen- tences will be demanded for some. The report stated that the trials will begin either on 20 July, the anni- versary of the signing of the 1954 Geneva Agreements on Vietnam or on 4 August, the second anniversary of the Tonkin Gulf incident. The pilots will probably be tried before military tribunals in the provinces in which they were captured, according to the report. There has, as yet, been no announcement from the North Vietnamese that trials will be held. In re- cent weeks, however, Hanoi has mounted an unprece- dentedly vehement propaganda campaign against what it calls "criminal" US airmen. Specific threats have been made regarding both trials and demands for death penalties. The total number of US airmen held by the North Vietnamese is unknown but there are probably at least thirty-five. 8 Jul 66 Approved F 25X1 25X1 25XlApprove *Warsaw Pact - Vietnam: The pledge "to allow their volunteers to go to Vietnam" if Hanoi requests them, which highlights the 7 July Warsaw Pact state- ment on Vietnam, puts a bloc-wide stamp on separate pledges to the same effect made earlier. 25X1 25X1 Soviet spokesmen and some of the East Europeans have made similar conditional pledges of volunteers in the past. Moscow probably hopes that a renewal of the pledge at this time will help to generate third-country pressures on the US to cease bombing North Vietnam. Moreover, the unified position adopted by the Warsaw Pact states serves to point up their solidarity on Viet- nam in contrast to the go-it-alone policy of the Chinese. The occasion has again demonstrated the value of the Warsaw Pact to Moscow as a forum for eliciting bloc backing for important Soviet positions. Well- hedged offers of volunteers contain little hazard and at the same time dramatize bloc support for the Viet- namese Communists. Because of the shortage of time for preparation of this item, the analytic interpretation presented here has been produced by the Central Intelligence Agency without the participation of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State or of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense 8 Jul 66 Approved 25X 1, Approv For Release 2003/04/14: CIA-RDP79TOO975AO 9100010001-9 25X1 25X1 Disenchantment with the Nasir regime Egy~pt: R seems to growing among important elements of the Egyptian population-i there are few Eg~ptians who have not hact a reiative of friend killed in Yemen, arrested for suspected political activity, or arbitrarily treated in the recent campaign against land- owners evading the reform laws. Last week the re- gime ousted several hundred village chiefs, who usually come from influential local families.7 I Prime Minister Zakariya Muhyi al-Din is at oacts witti Ali 8abri, wnorn Nasir removed from the premiership last fall. Sabri is using his present position as head of the state- sponsored Arab Socialist Union to advocate further socialization. These efforts conflict with Muhyi al- Din's reform program stressing austerity and efficiency. Nasir continues to subordinate reforms to political con- siderations. [There is still no information that the dissat ' is'f ac - tion is being translated into new, active antiregimie moves. Nevertheless, last summer the Muslim Brotherhood plotting reached a fairly advanced stage before the regime uncovered it and suppressed itj. 8 Jul 66 5 25X1 Approved For Release ZUUJIU4/14: UA-KUV1U FUMUDAW IUMIUMI-to ----_-_---- 03/04/14: CIA-RDP79TOO975AO0911oooloool-9 25X1 r// /I WMEN/~ Congo (Brazzaville): Government leaders are mabil'Eining tenuous control in Brazzaville following last week's abortive army revolt. 25X1 President Massamba-Debat and Prime Minister Noumazalay claim the support of army and gendarmerie leaders and have refused to accede to most of the de- mands made by dissident army elements. They are said to have admitted publicly that only Cuban support kept them in power. There are approx- imately 200 to 300 Cubans in the country, some 50 of whom form the presidential bodyguard. Order has been generally restored,, [but some in- dividuals are taking advantage of the situation to settle old tribal and personal quarrels, resulting in several deaths.1 25X1 8 Jul 66 25X1 rKraleasee-003,04,14: %~im-rxuri;uivv;utumvv;ulvvvivvvi-;u A... --A R l s 7nn4/nA/4A CIA RP1o7oTAno79Anno4 0010004 o e ea e NOTES Communist China: Severe flooding in southern China, particularly Kwangtung Province, is cutting down the early rice crop. The extent of the damage is not yet known, but Kwangtung Province normally ac- counts for about 35 percent of the early rice crop, or about five percent of China's total grain harvest in re- cent years. With the wheat areas of northern China suffering from drought, the over-all outlook is poor 25X1 25X1 unless growing conditions are much better than, average in the last half of the year. Bolivia: With approximately 80 percent of the vote counted, Rene Barrientos is assured the presi- dency and his Bolivian Revolutionary Front 82 of the 102 seats; in the.Chamber: of;Deputies and:18 of. 27 in the Senate. In the important La Paz department, however, a real battle, which could lead to violence, is devel- oping between the Christian Democratic Community (CDC) and the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement. In each department, the party receiving the second highest number of votes is automatically awarded one.. fifth of the deputy seats and one third of the senate seats for that department. Should the CDC--which ran its three top candidates in the La Paz department-- lose its current lead there, it may not accept the de- 8 Jul 66 r~NNr~vGU ry 00010001-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 j j I 25X1 M, rm=FnrPplp.q--~pgnniinA/lA-riA-PnP7qTnnA7f;An innninnni-A ON. NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE The United States Intelligence Board on 7 July 1966 approved the following national intelligence esti- mates: 25X1 25X1 NIE 14.3-66, "North Vietnamese Military Potential for Fighting in South Vietnam" NIE 31/32-66, "The Foreign Polities of India and Pakistan" 1 ::1 NIE 60-1-66, "The Radical West African States" MEN. so 8 Jul 66 8 Approved Pik THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistants to the President The Scientific Adviser to the President The Director of the Budget The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Under Secretary of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, United States Army Commandant, United States Marine Corps U.S. Rep., Military Committee and Standing Group, NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific Commander in Chief, Atlantic The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Director, The Joint Staff The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force The Department of Justice The Attorney General The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Administrator The Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman The National Security Agency The Director The United States Information Agency The Director The National Indications Center The Director Approved For R ease - 00010001-9 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2PGVP4/1S 7l9T00975AO09100010001-9 Approved For Release- $4I E EP-F9T00975AO09100010001-9