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TOMORROW OUTLINE JOURNAL September, 1982 A Newsletter of alternatives dedicated to world peace, liberty, equality, truth logic and fairness. NUCLEAR FREEZE 1961 was an exciting year for disarmament. J.F.K. was preparing for his first Summit meeting and every one was feverishly working on some kind of formula that would lead the world away from the brink. Like most idealists, I also went to work on the subject of disarmament, planning my M.A. (and later my Ph.D.) thesis on it. But being also a realist, with a good dosage of war time experience, I decided to try for a formula that would be acceptable to most reasonable people. A formula that would provide protection from a nuclear holocaust without raising the anxiety, and objections, of less trustful souls. Therefore, instead of complete disarmament I proposed a nuclear freeze and I called it "interlock". The idea was to freeze all nuclear weapons production and to interlock existing weapons in such a manner that it would be suicidal for any country to use them. My proposal was first mailed out to opinion leaders such as Adlai Stevenson at the U.N. and Sorenson, J.F.K. speech writer, at the White House. On Nov. 28, 1963 an outline of the proposal was published in the International Edition of the New York Times, and in 1971 it was published in TOMORROW OUTLINE JOURNAL under the title "Planning the World Community". Unfortunately there was little support from the liberal elements, most of whom were holding out for complete disarmament and, or, World Government. We ended up with a joke called SALT. It is not too late now but it will be much more difficult to achieve agreement. Russia has caught up with us and many other countries have nuclear potentials, but it is worth a try. Nevertheless, the Freeze Movement must still come to grips with the old argument of "control". As in years past my idealistic, liberal colleagues tend to come up with great ideas but few practical proposals on how to implement them. The Freeze Movement has great potential, it certainly has come a long way from the chimerical "Total and Complete Disarma- ment NOW". But the freeze movement will waste its energies if it does not also provide acceptable alternatives for the problems, aspirations and fears of the many people and countries that make up our world. After all wars, any war, are not an end in themselves but the means to an end. Perhaps it is time for me to pull "Interlock" down from the shelves and update it as an idea whose time has come. REAGANOMICS ATTENTION, this is a scenario and only a scenario, any resemblance to existing facts, personalities or person is purely DELIBERATE. Reagan's supporters don't want to put their money where their mouth is. This is the first administra- tion in many a decades that manages to make the stock market: plunge every time one of their officials opens their mouth. Is it lack of confidence in the idol they have elected? You bet it is. But it is more than that. Since Reagan was elected I have watched the stock market timidly trying to rise a bit just to plunge right back again after listening to the wisdom of some White House mouthpiece. I wondered for awhile how could anyone be so stupid but I soon realized there was more to it than stupidity as a pattern began to emerge. Over the past couple of years mergers among the leading corporations have multiplied at an alarming rate as weaker firms are being gobbled up by the stronger ones. It is actually a war at the top between the Giants and the Titans. At the! lower level of the economy the mergers are few, bankruptcy is more the order of the day. It is a clear survival of the fittest situation. A war that, given the range of control of these Titans, is bound to spread to the international arena as soon as they have digested their American loot and consoli- dated their positions at home. And once the international fight is over, if every thing goes according to plans, there will emerge an Oligarchy of Corporate leaders ready to rule the world. And Communism? For the moment that is only a diversion. Something to keep the militaries at bay, and in Publish _r ur- l ~~ase4 Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274 U. training, for things to come. The Military-Industrial complex alliance is bound to be temporary. Both aspire to complete control but for different reasons. The military wants fortress America as number one in the world. Power and glory is their goal and Communism is their challenge and enemy at the present time. Only POWER and DOMINANCE have meaning in the corporate world. A power they don't intend to share with a trigger happy, glory bound military. Once the corporate Titans have consolidated their power in the capitalistic world they will, if necessary, unleash the militaries to subdue the Third World and other sources of raw material and markets. For this purpose they are in full agreement with the scenario of the militaries of the need for an Orwelian type society and superior military strength. Should they encounter resistance from the communist block they will, of course, take appropri- ate actions, but their first priority will be to do business with the communist world. After all they are not engaged in an ideological struggle, ideology has nothing to do with it, only market control matters as they have no objections to governments that control their labor force, only with those that interfere with their market expansion, power and profit. Eventually they may even form some type of world government. FOREIGN POLICY In analyzing Mr. Reagan's policy toward Cuba the respected British magazine THE ECONOMIST called it one of "point- less jabs". This pretty well applies to all of Mr. Reagan's foreign policy. Pointless jabs usually come from petty little people with petty little minds. ISRAEL WHAT ARE YOU? As I understand it the story goes as follows: God chose the Jews as his unique people, pledging that they would be indestructible and would live in peace and prosperity in their own land, Eretz Israel. Eretz Israel stretches from "the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates". The land was given as a reward and a blessing. Israel is more than a nation and the Jewish people are not like ordinary mortals who exist, evolve, and die out like the Finns, the Turks or the Canaanites. "Though I put an end to all the nations among whom thou art scattered, I will never put an end to thee." Israel is indestructible, it is unique, it is holy, it is the Chosen of the Lord. A kingdom of Priests and a holy nation. They are a unique people given uniquely a particular land. The rights of the Jewish people to the land is not based on human favors or historical residence, it is a TITLE granted by the BUILDER and OWNER. And it was not taken from one nation so that the others may share it with the Jews. There can be no other that can freely live there or share sovereignty and ownership. The previous inhabitants of the land refuse to recognize this fact but God said: "And you should drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, If you do this - it shall be good, if not - the waters shall come and inundate you. . When you shall eliminate the inhabitants of the land, then you shall be privileged to inherit the land and pass it down to your children. But if you do not ELIMINATE them, even though you will conquer the land you will not be privileged to hand it down to your children..." The land of Israel is not one more Asian nation, It is God's land, risen high, - at last to put an end to the humiliation of HIS house. (The house of Israel). "I do this not for your sake, 0 House of Israel, but rather for My holy name which you desecrated through the nations whither you came. And I will sanctify My great name that was desecrated amongst the nations. . . AND THE NATIIONS SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD WHEN I SHALL BE SANCTIFIED THROUGH YOU BEFORE THEIR EYES". The state of Israel is not a political creation it is a religious one. No power could have prevented its birth and no one can destroy it. It is the BEGINNING OF GOD'S WRATH, vengence against the nations who ignored, disdained and humiliated Him, who found him irrelevant, who "knew him not" But it is .A. Contributions welcomed only the BEGINNING A 0Pro+M fIl t F Ileagivr2?0Wd410k28 : CIA DR6&*40*4R0 3AO$2OO G for chewing lotdm, in.4, and when, depends on t e Jews. The world? The nations? - the hotel the help wanted panty hose, and people claiming to united or otherwise? What do they matter before the be Eastern European wanted us to buy them American omnipotence of the Almighty. "He that sitted in the heaven cigarettes. I was astonished at this. It reminded md of. post- shall laugh, and the Lord shall mock them" The Jewish people war occupation areas. How could something like this happeu- and state cannot be destroyed. Their weapon is THEIR God. ing in such a closely controlled society where exposure to "And then David removed Goliath's head from his shoulders Americans was minimal? Our seminar with Russian represent- and removed humiliation from Israel (God). Let us remove the atives of various fields was also illuminating. No little chat Arabs from Israel and bring redemption. over a glass of beer would ever develop from them. But they (All of the above was taken from the book THEY MUST GO by were very efficient and very direct in their answers. In answer Rabbi Meir Kahene.) to one of my statement they admitted that strict adherence to Marxists theories presented a problem to progress in various And what will become of the rest of us poor infidels? There is areas and such problems were being debated. Regarding no redemption for us in the Torah. No coexistance is allowed Russian's role as the motherland of communism which, I told because coexistance will "turn friends into lovers and Jewish them, made the West fearful of communist encirclement, they women will find coexistance with Arab men in bedroom candidly stated that they were also fearful of capitalistic retreats ..." this will pollute the Jewish race and destroy its encirclement, but admitted to changes in both systems which uniqueness. Jews must purify themselves from the many might result in a common future. This of course is quite in centuries spent in the aliens lands. They must become tune with Marxist theory which states that the new (progress) uniquely and solely Jewish once again. There is no malice or emerges from the struggle between two opposites. As we intended evil in Kahene's book, only a reflection of his faith. A departed Russia it became clear to me why so many faith that is shared by thousand of others whose present faith Americans do not like the Russians. The Russians are in Israel's indestructibility is not quite so strong and prefer a ambitious, aggressive, competitive and combative, just like little more prudence in asserting their mission in life. "No one us, except that they are on the other team. Those traits so can tell a Jew where he can or cannot go or do ... and let us highly valued in our society as the basis for success, are not stop talking about poor little Israel, Israel cannot be beaten". so likeable when observed in someone we consider a This is Begin talking not Kahene. What they want now is that friends and foes alike should tremble at the thought of potential menace. In perspective, really don't like, or trust w unleashing the wrath of mighty Israel (God). Since I have not ourselves very much. This is is is interesting because this is s how the Third World perceives us, as a potential menace, just as been blessed with being Jewish and I am not privy to the dictum we-see the Russians as a menace. I say Russians instead of of the Torah I accept their position and on that basis I feel free to communism or Russian government because the strongest judge their actions as I do the actions of any other Country, protest I heard from them was our tendency to disparage the including my own. I also happen to believe that in the process of Russian People instead of restricting ourselves to criticizing understanding and interpreting the will of the Creator, humans, their government, consequently, no matter what form of including Jews, (they are human until proven otherwise) tend to government they might have they will still feel threatened invest the Creator with the human value system and its frailties, by us because we do not like THE RUSSIANS, not just disagree such as vanity, (worship my name) and vengence. If, as the with their government ... Christians believe, God said "vengeance is mine" he did so not because he wished vengeance but because human imperfec- tions do not allow us to use power wisely. An Entity so supreme, THAILAND'S OPIUM WAR so powerful, so omnipotent as the Creator, does not play childish little games, or riddles, nor does he need favorites, or adoration, In my last newsletter I mentioned certain factors regarding or partners in vengeance. He can WILL compliance, he can WILL the drug traffic and its connection with gun runners. Last fall I knowledge and we would all know Him. Books like the Torah and went to the Golden Triangle and interviewed various people, the Bible are born of human despair, searching for hope through including members of the local Press who corroborated by an all powerful father that will come to our aid, just as our fathers contentions. But I also managed to uncover some significant came to our aid when we were children. Nevertheless, just as I facts that will help understand the situation. The first thing I believe there IS a higher force and intelligence in the universe, observed was a prevalent concern on the part of the people I the Jews have a right to believe their Torah and other people interviewed that I would "write something bad about Thailand". have a right to their beliefs. Israel must forgive me however if I There was so much defensiveness it approached fear. I soon will keep a wary eye on its action since its intentions as to MY discovered the answer to this behavior. Although the Thai future as a non-chosen inhabitant of our common planet is not government denies that it is under pressure from the U.S. to quite clear to me. I also believe that the U.S. should stop solve the opium problem an interview with Richard Hart, the patronizing Israel. Israel speaks of Allies, we speak of Friendship. top U.S. anti-drug officer in Bangkok, conducted by Sithichai Alliances are based on mutual interests, friendship on affection. Yoon, a reporter for THE NATION, reveals quite a different Like a mother hen we won't let go of the child, allowing it to make story. According to Mr. Yoon, Mr. Hart made the following its own decisions and take the full consequences for its actions. statements: "We have been promised 10 poppy-free villages We agonize over the punishment, but as an ally, Israel sees this for three years. How much longer do we have to wait?" When agonizing as posturing. Otherwise wewould have long ago done told that it was a difficult and complicated situation he what is usually done in international affairs, i.e., removed our- replied: "I don't know, you banned opium 22 years ago. selvesfrom asituation that iscompromising our national interest. WOULD YOU THI PEOPLE CONSIDER 22 years a long time And until we do so, Israel, the Arabs and the world will continue to or not?" (Actually the smoking of opium was first banned in interpret ouractionsas implied consent. "Mr. President, let Israel 1839. It was the first Royal Edict ever issued by a printing go... they have a father and a protector, THEIR God". Mr. Begin press). Mr. Hart must certainly be familiar with the geography, made it quite clear that he is tired of our charade. They wish to demography and conditions of Northern Thailand, if he is not make their own place in the world and they have a right to do so. he should be, therefore, it is a bit difficult to understand his So either we support them or we don't as our national interest disdainful statement. We have had a war on drugs in the U.S. dictates. Incidentally, We, the people, would also like to know, for much longer than 22 years and we haven't even made a unequivocally, what our national interest is in this matter. dent. Now let us look at the area around the Golden Triangle. Geographically it is a continuation of the Tibetian Highland. ASIA Directly North and North-East of the Triangle is the Yunnan Plateau, the Tausuch mountains and the Szechwan (4 rivers) CHINA AND RUSSIA: Basin which are now part of China. North-West is the Shan Plateau, which is part of Burma. The area is traversed by A contrast in personalities many navigable rivers including the Mekong, which passes close to Chiang Rai then turns toward Laos and the Salween Last March I visited China for the third time in two years and river which turns West into the Shan Plateau and Burma. This this time, as in previous times, I was pleasantly surprised to general area has been the origin of many ethnic tribes see how the Chinese government, and its people, are composed of fiercely independent, and primitive people who managing to introduce many progressive ideas from the West do not take kindly to strangers infringing on their turf. It could without the unpleasant side effects that often accompany almost be called a primordial area for the countries to the them. The Chinese people are still friendly, smiling, curious, South of it because from these areas came many of the polite and genuinely interested in learning all about us. They original races that now make up Thailand, Laos, Viet-Nam and are very relaxed and hospitable people. They are a gracious North-East Burma. They are generally considered Sino- people with an inherent dignity and elegance that even the Tibetian and break down into several ethno-linguistic groups. drab green uniform cannot conceal. The Foreign Editor of the As both China and Burma can attest these people do not People's Daily, whom I met on previous trips, spent the entire submit peacefully and meekly. Burma's constant fighting with day with us. He escorted us to the conference at the Foreign the tribes in the Shan Plateau and China's development of Ministry, a visit to the T.V. station and the People's Daily, the most favorable areas pushed many of the more fierce sightseeing, or just sitting around the lobby of the Peking tribes into remote valleys or higher elevations. This disloca- hotel drinking beer and talking about this and that, just like tion also brought privation and malnutrition due to lack of old friends happy to see each other again. It is difficult to appropriate resources for tribal sources of food. In the Golden dislike China and the Chinese. Triangle they soon discovered that the colorful poppies could Arriving in Russia from China was a chilly experience. quell the pains of hunger and bring instant happiness. They Everywhere, from Leningrad to Moscow, we were presented also discovered that opium grows easily and can be stored for with the evidences of the efforts the Russians have exerted long period of time, and, most of all, with increased contact to prove their equality, and gain the acceptance of a Western with the outside world brought on by wars, such as Viet-Nam, world which, for centuries, looked upon Russia as a culturally they also discovered that it made the best cash crop all and technologically backward non-entity. From the palaces of around. It became, therefore, the basis of their economy, as Leningrad, so carefully designed to rival 17th and 18th well as their social and spiritual life. But the major factor century France, to the futuristic Cosmos hotel, with its today is demand. Opium buys guns as well as the daily bread. gigantic sculpture of a rocket taking off into space, making Khun Sa, who is believed to control 75% of the heroin traffic sure that visitors do not forget Sputnik. And the people? Well in the area and who is the head of the Shan Army, built a I saw little difference there from most large U.S. cities. modern town for his people not far from Chiang Rai. It has Everyone is hurrying along, paying little attention to any thing hospitals, schools and modern facilities and is contrasting except achieving thejrobjective o time here tQ stopan ~(y ithttfjjmi~~rxQfth vilJagesn arfrdurC.- r WjiWt g=Q Q~ 8 : I {y ) 16F~vW0~1 d~d&kj gunsnsduriringthe Viet- chat, or smile at st 9 world. There was one very disturbing factor. In the street the Nam war in their efforts to win the support of the Hmong and :ether O ill Tribes people. e6Vr@1rp a gt, Mftli c0/28 : C RGI $ fl1314R000300120013-6 Nationalist Chinese army, h , Kuomintang, also once supported by us to 'fight mainland China then abandoned to fend for them .eives, which they did with opium traffic. They are the one's, it is beiieved, who actually introduced the refining process to the area. ]-hen there is the Lahu National Liberation Front (ofTibeto- Rurman stock). Both Thailand and Burma must also contend with their own communist insurgents, in fact, both Burma and Thailand have such a large number of troups committed to the anti- communist struggle that they have little manpower left for the opium war. Thailand has the majority of its forces along the Eastern borders facing 200,000 Vietnamese soldiers in Cam- bodia and Laos, furthermore Thailand has problems with the separatists movement in the South on the borders with Malaysia. Nevertheless, Thailand recently declared the Triangle area free of chemicals for heroin processing and the King is making pro- gress with some of his alternative cash crop experimental farms and opium-free villages among the less isolated tribes, parti- cularly the Miao. But to expect poppy-free villages everywhere in presently existing conditions is ridiculous. If we cannot convince our own, well educated, society that drugs are harmful to their health how can we expect the Thai authorities to convince these constantly hungry and primitive people suspicious of strangers and fiercely independent? Right now I would suggest that Mr. Hart got out of his Bangkok office and take an indepth tour of the area. Not by helicopter, but by mule and canoe through the jungle. And I would suggest a stop about midway between Thatorn and Chiang Rai at a particular Lahu (Muser) village on the banks of the river Kok, to look at the watery eyes and distended bellies of the children, and the desolate land and tell me what he would grow there. There is no school, no infirmary, absolutely nothing but a few chickens, pigs and corn. A sight that still haunts me. "They are nude because they have nothing to wear not because they want to" our guide told us, and a recent letter from her blessing me for the box of clothes and medicine I sent, which she distributed to some very surprised and happy people, told me that she was right. It is their plights that concerns me, just as much, if no more than a drug addict in New York or Beverly H ills, because they have so few choices available to them. Stopping the heroin traffic Mr. Hart, begins right here in the U.S.A. with undisciplined children and decadent adults and with corrupt and greedy officials everywhere. Furthermore, interviews with high level people in Bangkok brought out the question as to why the U.S. refuses to buy up the poppies and THEN burn them. Much of the poppies are raised for legitimate medicinal and commercial use. Why don't we buy up the surplus, we subsidize our own farmers that way. This would give Thailand time to industrialize and develop the area and integrate the tribes into the community. Why Don't WE? THAILAND YOUNG TURKS In l-hailand, as in other parts of the third world developing countries, a new breed of leadership is coming into power. People with ideas suited to the particular needs of their countries rather than dogmas and isms. Two such leaders are the brothers Sundaravej, Sumak and Sumit. The founders of one of the fastest growing party in Thailand, the Thai Citizen Party. Both have been elected to Parliament and have held responsible Ministries positions. While Sumit concentrates on ASEAN relations and the development of an ASEAN Parliament and permanent ASEAN Secretariat, Sumik is concentrating his efforts toward economic reforms. In an exclusive interview I was told that Thailand's primary economic problem is a re-distribution of income from the urban to the rural sector. He envisions the development of self- sufficient agricultural entities with the necessary technology snd facilities to process their product for direct marketing thus eliminating the middle man which now takes up most of the income. Such entities would also increase diversification and the utilization of by-products thus curtailing, or eliminating, imports of various commodities. This would allow the predomi- nantly agricultural population of Thailand to develop a decent standard of living without having to migrate to the cities. Sumak would also like to streamline the presently cumbersome govern- ment process. He points out that the success of Singapore is due primarily to the simplicity of its governmental structure. (Sing- apore, incidentally, just eliminated the only representative of an opposition party as non-productive). Sumik further points out that at the rate the Thai Citizens Party is growing they will be ruling Thailand in six years. Sumak is 47 years old and Sumit is even younger. BURMA Stepping into Burma from Bangkok is quite an experience. The colonists have gone but nothing else has changed. It is a place frozen in time. In such a situation it is difficult to assess the conditions. The people are friendly, well educated and appear happy. Life is simple, serene, there is no pollution and the streets are clean. Practicing Buddhist economics means keeping the country out of the world economic mainstream and allowing it to develop at its own pace on the basis of its own culture. The Government is downright oppressive in its effort of keeping out foreign influence. There is complete isolation, like a newly discovered South Sea island. It is an experiment that cannot be judged in terms of decades but in terms of centuries. Qualitatively one would have to say life is better in Burma if we speak in terms of environment. Bangkok's noise and smog pollution has become unbearable contrasting sharply with Rangoon but, there again one may argue as to what they prefer to give up. Personally I made a friend in Burma, with whom I am corresponding and who loves blue jeans. Through this newly found, and cherished, f riend I am learning to understand Burma. Zonta International (a service organization composed of execu- tive women) in cooperation with UNICEF is planning to build 4,000 shallow water wells to provide clean drinking water for 25,000 families in the Mahaweli Development area. As a member of Zonta, I, personally, bought the necessary pump for one well and I cannot tell you what a pleasure it is to be able to be directly involved in a project of this kind instead of just sending money, much of which is being absorbed by overhead in some bureau- crat organizational structure. Over the years Zonta has built Anne Frank Village for non- emigrable families in West Germany; a women's vocational school and teacher-training program in Ramallah; a Pan-African training and research centre for women for the recruiting and financing of the African Women's Volunteer Task Force to serve the needs of women in rural areas. and it just completed the Columbia urban slum project for the construction and equip- ment of health and education centers. For additional information on Zonta write to me. A recent visitor to Los Angeles was Ng Uyen Ngoc Tran, Vice Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology in Hanoi. About ten people had the pleasure of discussing Viet Nam with him over an informal lunch. There is no doubt that Viet Nam wishes to have friendly relations with the U.S. Mr. Tran urged us to exert whatever influence we had to bring this about. He frankly answered all questions admitting the existance of serious economic problems. He pointed out however that Viet Nam was emerging from 30 years of foreign destruction in the form of wars and exploitation and an even longer period of colonialism. Regarding Cambodia he reminded us that neither the U.N. nor any other nation lifted a finger to stop Pol Pot from slaughtering millions of people but that Viet Nam would gladly leave Cambodia if assurance were given that Pol Pot's troops would not regain control. Viet Nam, he stated, could not withdraw while the ASEAN countries, who were allied with the U.S. during the Viet Nam war, continue to support Pol Pot's people. He also stated that Viet Nam would have no objection to the return of Prince Sihanouk, the former King of Cambodia. Recently a coalition was finally formed between anti Viet Nam fighters. The coalition consists of the Khmer People's National Liberation Front headed by former Cambodian Premier Son Sann, The Khmer Rouge, the Pol Pot troops now headed by Khieu Samphan, and Sihanouk, Chief of the Moulinaka group. Sihanouk was named President. Each faction has a representa- tive on the various committees through which the coalition will govern. Referring to earlier statements he had made that the Khmer Rouge were assassins, Sihanouk simply stated that "As Khmers we prefer to be eaten by Khmers because we are nationalists, instead of being eaten by the Vietnamese". It is well known, however, that Sihanouk had no choice on the matter since the ASEAN nations, the U.S. the U.N. and other nations of the world have insisted on retaining recognition of Pot Pot's Khmer Rouge as the legitimate government of Viet Nam since it was the government overthrown by Viet Nam. The irrelevance of this logic is beyond my understanding however, the Khmer Rouge do have the strongest military force in the area. Viet Nam also just offered a withdrawal proposal. Viet Nam last month withdrew a significant number of troops and would withdraw the remainder if Thailand would agree to stop allowing supply to reach the Khmer Rouge through Thai territory. In conjunction with Laos and the present government of Kampuchea they also proposed a "safety zone" along the Thai-Cambodian border and an international conference to establish peace in South East Asia. ASEAN ASEAN is one of the world fastest growing economic areas with a growth rate of 4-8% in 1981 with Hong Kong and Singapore actually reaching 10%. The sales overseas during 1981-82 have been 8-15% higher than in previous years. Richard King, of Richard King International, predicts that "Asia, with 60% of the world population, will continue to set the pace for economic growth during the 80's with South East Asia and Japan leading the way. The Asian economies are expected to grow at an annual rate of 6 to 7% for the rest of the decade..." (World Trade Bulletin, August, 1982) SENEGAL The Zonta Club of Dakar has sponsored a project to help rural women and check the exodus from rural to urban areas. The project will create sources of income by diversifying production possibilities and creating new, small scale production possibil- ities. They also plan to promote activities that will permit women to participate in development projects. KEEP YOUR EYES ON DAR al MAAL Dar al Maal at Islami (The House of Islamic Funds), better known as the Islamic Bank, has moved into Africa with considerable success. Islamic Banks never give or take interest, nor do they invest in things such as alcohol, pork products or ARMAMENTS. It operates in conformity with Islamic principals and this makes it popular in Islamic nations, while its armament policy makes it popular among many nations in the third world. In West Africa Dar al Maal started with Senegal and Guinea then went on to Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIAaRI P6$ i1a3i1i4R&N3OQ1.2O01l346ese areas they are becoming involved in development projects in partnership with local investors. Dr. KaARR% M&RSeFWee8R9Jrr1100 o~tv1~8 : CIA- ~ A 148000300120013-6 explains that the popularity of the bank is due, considerably, to the fact that they are not in there to take the profit out of the countries like other banks "we want to involve ourselves in the local economic cycle" he said. (African Business, July 82). ANGOLA Moscow may be a strange place to have an interview with someone from Angola but I did, over lunch, at the Cosmos hotel. Rui Leite is an athlete from Angola and was most happy to discuss his country. We first spoke through an interpreter but we soon got on quite well with my Spanish and his Portuguese. "Angola", he stated, "will never have peace until Namimbia is free because South Africa will not allow it. This makes it difficult for us to consolidate our economy. Angola does not export her revolution but the reality of Angola's experiment is an inspiration to other Countries, nevertheless, we do not send military help to other revolutionary Countries. Angola is a rich Country, but a socialist Country. This is why president Reagan, in cooperation with South Africa and with the C.I.A. is trying to destabilize it. We have good relations with all socialist Countries, including Cuba and we will accept their help but we do not receive any help from China. Russia is helping us, both military and economic aid. As long as South Africa continues her incursions, and they will continue because Narnimbia will continue to demand freedom, we will accept help from anyone that will offer it to us including Cuba. But Angola never rejects commercial ties with anyCountry as long as they do not interfere in our affairs." EUROPE SICILY: The Tales of Two Cities I arrived in Sicily around the middle of May, only a few weeks after six people had been killed in Catania by rival gangs in a regolamento dei Conti (settlement of scores). In Palermo, only a couple of weeks before, Pio La Torre, secretary of the Sicilian region's Communist party was also killed alongside his driver by suspected Mafia hit men. Palermo is the centre of Mafia activity, something that the people of Catania are quick to point out. In Catania I interviewed several people from various economic levels. As inThailand, they appeared a bit tired of discussing the drug scene and concerned about public opinion. I began my interview with farm workers and the farm manager. It was pointed out to me that the Mafia did not flourish in that area of Italy because they had well organized, and efficient labor unions who took good care of their needs. Furthermore economic life was easier in the Catania area than in Palermo and local land owners had good relations with the peasants. "And what about Mafia money in construction and banks?" "Local construction" they stated was done with local and government money, any influx of outside money in the local banks would be easily detected and controlled. Everyone knew where everyone's money was coming from, that helped considerably. My other interview was with a member of an old and prominent family in the Catania area. His explanation was more historical but in tune with previous interviews. He pointed out that the Mafia began, and flourished in Palermo because Palermo had always been the seat of some government with all the bureaucracy and military establishment that goes with it. Peasants in the sur- rounding areas were over taxed and exploited and given nothing in return. They had no infrastructure or justice system so they developed their own. It started out as a response to a need and it was good but soon the protectors became the oppressors as they developed their own bureaucracy and thirsted for power. A power struggle developed between Palermo and the surrounding areas and the killing began. Before, the killings were vendettas for abuses done on the peasants and local women. Like all bureaucratic entities the Mafia went on to do what it had to do to stay in power and survive as an entity, but without the seat of government close by with corrupted officials and money hungry politicians it would have disappeared long ago. It did not develop in Catania because there was nothing to justify its coming into existance. It was, and is, a matter of demand for services that gave the Mafia its base and a corrupt, oppressive bureaucracy that keeps in power. Another interview with a middle class professional yielded a very simple and direct answer: "Drug traffic was never a major problem in Sicily, if there is one now is because you, Americans, want it there. . . " He would not elaborate. There is an interesting link between the situation in Sicily and the one in the Golden Triangle. In both cases it would appear that at a certain point there emerges in any area a need for organiza- tion to meet the needs of the community with some kind of an economic base. Once such an organizational base is developed, where no one previously existed, it becomes a natural and organic part of the area and it will be difficult to eradicate and be replaced by a non-familiar system. People cannot so easily be re- programmed. ROME I was in Rome when President Reagan arrived and it looked like the 1960s. Literally hundreds of thousands of people, members of an international multitude of groups and organizations, marched on the American Embassy protesting nuclear war and everything imaginable. I was surprised to see that Lotta Continua was still in existance. Lotta Continua made quite a name for itself in the 1 960s as an ultra radical, primarily students, organization. In the U.S. such groups tend to die out and be re-born as need arises, or change names. This continuity in a country with esta- telephones in cities from 2 million to 2.7 million. SOLAR energy blished, and accepted, l (A rovedi$ Ir i1iftsO? 2004/10/28 : CIAO,iR0F98I04 'A0A3WOk20.131i34Ona. CRYOTHERAPY Our correspondent in Germany, Diana Tonello, sent an alarming report about the situation of the guest workers in Germai4y. Briefly summarized the situation is as follows: Unemployment is very high in Germany and workers resent the foreigners whom they blame for taking their jobs. Many Turkish people are in Germany illegally. They also collect the benefits from the German government for such things as Kindergeld (children money). Turkish workers have large families and cases of abuse also made the headlines where money was collected for children not residing in Germany, or non-existent. The Turks are also accused of getting involved in German politics. They have applied for the right to vote, they have purchased property, have evicted German tenants and the Court upheld their right to do so. The story made the headlines and caused an uproar. But while the anger started because of the Turks, local extremists are using it as an excuse to terrorize all Southern Europeans. Recently a young German went on a shooting spree yelling "are you German?" and shooting everyone who was not. He shot a black man, a Korean woman, a Turkish waiter and some Arabian standing on a corner. The police found Nazi paraphernalia and U.S. KKK letters in his apartment. West Germany stopped recruiting foreigners from outside the EEC countries in 1973 but the influx of dependents and the high birth rate have increased their numbers by 650,000 in three years. Total number now stands at 7% of the population. Germany is now restricting the entry of dependents. The Turks total 1.5 million and they are the main target, Germany needs the "gastar- baiter", even in a recession, since the car and coal industry and many public services would be in trouble without them. MEXICO The Regan administration fears that the domino theory from Central America will reach Mexico. Mexico scoffs at those fears but the fact is that Mexico is assisting Guatemala with anti- guerrilla border vigilance. However, closing the borders will not help Mexico because a problem already exists and it is home spun. In Chapias, Mexico's southernmost state, old problems are coming to a confrontation stage. Chapias is Mexico's largest oil and gas producer but the industrial infrastructure fueled by these resources is situated mostly in the wealthier states of Tabasco and Veracruz. Chapias hydroelectric dams and hydro- carbon deposits supply more than 60% of Mexico's electricity but only 36% of Chapias homes have electrical outlets as compared to 73% nationwide. Two thirds of the state's families live in homes with dirt floors, in contrast with 29% in Mexico overall. Illiteracy is 29% compared to 15% nationwide. Chapians depend largely on coffee production as a main source of employ- ment and 40,000 acres of the best coffee land is controlled by a group of less than a dozen families, most of them descendants from 19th century European immigrants. Obviously the Mexican revolution stopped short of Chapias leaving the Mayan peasants with empty promises and considerable resentment. Chapias, it appears, is Mexico colonial territory. The Mexican government has also displayed little of the flexibility it reserves for Central America when it comes to Chapais. Police forcibly disperses protesters, jails and assassinates peasant leaders and is violently harassing the Church. Over the past two years, scores of unarmed campesino squatters have been killed in confrontations following community takeover of fallow lands. On Feb. 17 a group of about 20 masked men ransacked the headquarters of the Marists Brothers and beat up the friars. A month latera parish priest was beaten to death. The Government further displayed the back of its hand to the Chapians by installing the region's former military commander, and a member of Chapias largest land owning family, as the next governor. (Latin America Press, July, 1982). NEWS AND VIEWS STOCKHOLM Statistics released by the Stockholm Interna- tional Peace Research Institute revealed that the USSR has overtaken the U.S.A. in arms sales accounting for 36.5% of world sales and compared to U.S. 33%. Combined, these paragons of peace, account for 70.1 % of world arms sales. FROM TA KUNG PAO: A 3,200 year old blonde corpse was found in Lop Nur, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region of China. WORKERS' con- gresses have been set up in 95% of all Chinese enterprises. The system enables the rank and file to participate in management. AVERAGE income of Chinese workers is up 68%, living expense up 46%. CHINA RECONSTRUCTS states that in 1981 there were 58 T.V. sets per 100 families as compared with 20 sets in 1970. Also 1981, 70 sewing machines, up 32%; 241 wrist watches, up 27.4% Urban bank savings 35.4 billion yuan as compared to 26.3 billion in 1979. Total national income up 3%; industrial and agricultural gross product value was 749 billion yuan, up 4.5%. Total industrial output value 517.8 billion yuan. Up from 1981 were production of chemical fertilizers, electric power, cement, steel ships, all agricultural products and domestic products and housing. Tractors were down as was steel produc- tion, crude oil, methane gas and trucks. TA KUNG PAO states that China oil reserves are believed to be between 30 and 60 billion tons and 35 oil companies have applied for participation in the first round of bidding for offshore exploration of China's South Yellow sea and the Pearl river mouth basin. RAIL LINK A new, 220 Kilometers rail link, has been completed connecting China's main North-South rail trunk to important coal centres in Shanxi province. CHINA has also decided to spend more money on telecommunication. The goal is to increase the number of is being used in Shanghais First Medical College for the treatment of lung cancer. CHINA'S STATE COUNCIL has reducesfichenumber ofitsministries andcommissionsfrc)m CIAp i p rWh i r S.C., USA. MOSCOW 41 (Reganomics?) andAiD 9Ihpt"EdrPR12bB' i6'~of N td 8 I : ~ ~Ipr $ uc scandalous the wearing of T-shirts with English slogans "Kiss proouc on is up 2.7% from last year. Generation of electricity up 3%, oil and gas condensate up Me" displlayed on the chest. (Asia Record). Adoption of non 0.4%, gas output up 8%,coal l%, instruments, automation moans socially relevant, or generally considered decad -1 1 e b va ues y the local population is encouraging strict measures to separate the population from Western tourists and influence. FROM THE ASIA RECORD comes reports that election officials spurned protesters as the Golkar party swept Jakarta and the nation giving an over-whelming mandate to the Government of Suha.rto who has held power for the last 16 years. SABAH An Australian T.V. documentary claimed that British and Australian mercenaries are training Filipinos Muslem guerrillas in the jungles of Sabah. Sabah denies the accusation but Gerald Stone, executive producer of the program, claims that a senior commander of the Muslem Moro National Front told reporters that they had spent up to two months in camps in Sabah. Singapore foreign minister Suppiah Dhanabalan, at a recent conference of ASEAN nations, criticized workers organizations in the West as obstructive. "Masquerading under the guise of saving workers in developing countries from exploitation, their view is either our workers should enjoy two square meals a day or no meals at all." JAPAN: In Japan you can now enjoy a REAL dry martini. Sato Food Industry of Japan now has powdered liquor, just add water and you have a fully reconstructed alcoholic drink. Also in Japan, Japanese agronomists are about to produce genetic mutations which would allow plants to fertilize them- selves from the air. Research at the Musahi Institute of Technol- ogy in Tokyo has developed a vehicle powered by liquid hydrogen. And Japan's long awaited artificial blood is about to hit the market with all its implications. While from the unlikely place of Mitsu- bishi Mining & Cement comes a bone substitute with the ability to form new bone. In SRI LANKA they have designed a new rice processor that could change the world's rice-milling techniques. It is a rice parboiler, drier and huller - all wrapped into one machine. (ASIA 2000). LATIN AMERICA Twenty years after the meeting that created The Alliance for Progress, no region-wide agrarian reform is evi- dent, in fact, with the help of local governments, large trans- national companies are buying up the best tracts of land at the expense of small producers and landless peasants. The Interna- tional Monetary Fund (IMF) is enforcing supply-side economics at great social cost to the majority of the people. Belaunde's free market economics, for example, is strangling Peru and trouble is brewing, not only among the masses but also in the middle class and several national industrialists as well as among members of Belaunde's own party. On March 21st, Peru's national police fired upon a small group of campesino who had been blocking the jungle highway leading into Tarapoto province. They were demanding a just government price for their corn. Seven campesino were killed and 25 wounded. It is interesting to note that in Peru the Government is following the same policy of scorched earth on thefields of coca as the U.S. has been pushing in Thailand. As in Thailand little attention has been paid, not only to the traditional use of coca leaves by the Indians who rely on them for medicinal uses to relieve muscular pains from high alti- tude heavy work and to relieve hunger pain, but the Government is not willing to help the capesino replace their lost income causing widespread starvation. An estimated 20,000 peasant families in Peru make their living by growing coca for local con- sumption of chewable leaves. In live form coca isa mild stimulant, and an anesthetic. Indian women use it in childbirth. Destruction of the fields has encouraged illegal production and profit is flowing to corrupt officials and organized crime while the peasants suffer. BRAZIL is now the world's sixth largest producer and supplier of armament. (From LATIN AMERICAN PRESS) NICARAGUA While struggling to survive, Nicaragua has paid back 36 million U.S. dollar of its debt. Nicaragua inherited $1.6 billion in debt from the Somoza government. GUATEMALA Various human rights organizations have estimated that approxi- mately 3,000 people have been assassinated since the March 23rd coup d'etat. (CENTRAL AMERICAN REPORT) IRAQ An estimated 4000 Brazilians are in Iraq where Brazilian firms have contracts totaling $1.6 billions. (AMERICAS) BELIZE The black majority is flowing to the U.S. in search of better opportunities while Guatemala Indians and Salvadorans war refugees are moving into Belize. (INFORM PRESS) By the year 2000, the top 12 cities are expected to be Mexico City, Sau Paulo, Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, Beijing, Rio de Janeiro, Bombay, Calcutta, Jakarta, Seoul, and Los Angeles with a total population of 244.2 million people Mexico City, Sau Paulo and Rio alone will have a com- bined population of 75.8 millions. Present day population of the top 12 cities is 74.8 million with New York leading the way followed by London, Rhein-Ruhr, Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris, Buenos Aires, Chicago, Moscow, Calcutta, Los Angeles and Osaka. The U.N. Fund for Population Activities projected a population of 10.5 billion by the year 2110, down from previous estimates. (AMERICAS) EUROPE Despite rapid industrialization GREECE still has Europe's lowest crime rate and the lowest prison population (except Holland). Bank hold-ups are rare and purse snatching rates a space in the newspapers. ROME Confindustria, the Italian private sector employers association has informed the Unions that it will no longer honor the "sliding scale" index for wages. This is certain to bring trouble. THE DUTCH QUALMS disease is spreading over Europe, The so called "Dutch Qualms" took its name from the Dutch people's reluctance to talk in terms of "power". Assertion of power is politically unpalatable in Holland. The Dutch believe in the politics of accomodation not confrontation. This Dutch way of thinking is being reflected also in Europe's rising semi-pacifism and neutralishm (THE ECONO- MIST) With such a value system Mr. Regan's politics must be absolutely revolting. GUN DEALER WANTED An advertisement assignments are: ready rolled metal, mineral fertilizers, sul- phuric acid, cement and other goods. They will have to catch up in the coming half of the year. Number of industrial and office workers employed up 1.2 million, wages averaged 2.7% increase. Collective farmer's labor renumeration up 4.6%. 590,000 new flats were built, not counting individually-owned cottages. USSR population now stands at 270 million. JENE LaROCQUE Director of the Centre for Defense Information in Washington had a telephone interview with the Moscow News on the subject of disarmament. The interview was printed in the August, 1982 issue #32 of Moscow News. MIDDLE EAST J.D.O. members forced the cancellation of a Press Club conference called by Arab-American activists. J.D.O. gunmen showed up at the Press Club brandishing shotguns and pistols and held theirown conference on the war in Lebanon and recruitment for J.D.O. volunteers to train for guerrilla warfare in the San Bernardino area. Also in Los Angeles, and unreported by the local press: an Arab-Amercian volunteer for Rep. Paul McCloskey had her kitchen window shot out byJDL members. A dog was cut in half and placed on the lawn of an Arab-American and an Arab-American fund raiser was broken up by smoke bombs thrown by the JDL. These barely mentioned, or totally unreported, news items are being presented here in response to recent criticism of the Press by Israel and the Jewish community claiming that the Press is biased in favor of the Arabs. Such an accusation is ridiculous. SUDAN, UNICEF has approved $8,550,000 to finance the third part of a watersanitation project. Also in Sudan, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineering is looking into the possibilities of expanding port facilities at Port Sudan. EGYPT, WHO has voted to retain its office Egypt despite Arab disapproval due to Egypt's treaty with Israel. SAUDI ARABIA is determined to increase agricultural production. At the present time agriculture is the fastest growing sector of the economy. Only one fifth of one percent of Saudi Arabia total land area is currently under cultivation, potential arable land has been estimated at 2%, or five billion hectares. Saudi Arabia has also allocated 35 billion to education. GULF STATES The Gulf Cooperative Council will take the first step toward settincl up a Gulf Common Market this year. IRAQ An Agreement was signed recently between Iraq and New Zealand providing for cooperation for various economic projects. Australia is also looking into bi- lateral economic ties with Iraq. IMF 1982 world economic outlook states that economic growth among the non-oil produc- ing countries of the Middle East has been relatively strong. U.S.A. Both export and import trade with Arab countries and with Israel has decreased steadily since 1981. U.S. aid percapita to the Middle East is as follows: Egypt $55.00, Israel $627.00, Lebanon $7.00, Jordan $29.00, West Bank/Gaza $5.70. The U.S. Senate Panel added $125 million to Israel's economic support fund and shifted it from partly loan to all $910 million as a grant. The Committee also decided to forgive half of the $1.7 billion in military sales credits requested for Israel by the Administration. This increases the grant portion military sales $350 million above that in the House Bill. Israel's current debt to the U.S. is about $8 billion and it is scheduled to repay the U.S. in the amount of $810 million this year. Sen. Alan Cranston of California, on May 25th introduced a bill which states that Israel should not have to repay more to the U.S. annually that it receives in economic aid. After considerable debate an amended Bill re- stricting such proviso to only one year was passed by a vote of 9 to 8. Sen. Percy and Mathias called it "an ear shattering proposal that would make the U.S. taxpayer responsible for all outstand- ing Israeli debt to the U.S. (MIDDLE EAST BUSINESS EXCHANGE) AFRICA A meeting of African-Arab information Ministers held recently in Tunisia provided an agreement to launch an inter- national Media offensive. TUNISIA, the World Bank has approved a $35.5 million loan to Tunisia to be used for rural road improve- ments. MOROCCO will grant transit rights to U.S. rapid deploy- ment forces. LIBERIA Present miserable economic conditions may be improved if anticipated oil boom is actualized. LIBYA A British company landed a $42 million contract from Libya to develop a new iron and steel complex. Italy is having problems collecting the 426 million pounds sterling owed by Libya. KENYA is moving back toward self-sufficiency in food produc- tion after years of heavy imports. SENEGAL Long awaited Free Industrial Zone is approximating reality. UGANDA 400 tractors have been supplied to Uganda by Yugoslavia on credit. NESTLE is now complying with a code laid down by WHO for the marketing of baby food in developing countries. ZAMBIA Timothy Walamba has been elected chairman of Zambia's powerful mineworkers union. Walamba is known as a militant. LIBERIA The World Bank is helping Liberia revive its iron ore industry with a loan of $20 million. UGANDA Amnesty International reported widespread killing and torture of civilians by the army. BENIN will soon join the family of oil producers. WESTERN SAHARA A new dimension has been added to the struggle between Morocco and the Polisario over the Western Sahara. Evidence is now pointing to the possibility of considerable oil resources in the area. IVORY COAST The Ivory Coast is anticipating oil self sufficiency by 1983. Many poor African countries were hit badly by the oil prices and oil development in the area will greatly change the outlook for the better. in the March 13 issue #RJ, vl Ile.6% 0/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000300120013-6 "Distributors, dealers and or firearms (mi i ary and sport- PEACE NEWS Approved For Release 2004/10/28 CIA-RDP88-01314R000300120013-6 The First Provisional World Parliament will convene in Brighton, England on Sept. 4, 1982. The Convention is sponsored by the World Constitution and Parliamentary Association, 1480 Hoyt' St., #31, Lakewood, CO U.S.A. 80215. A recently organized group of legislators calling themselves "PARLIAMENTARIAN FOR WORLD ORDER" presented their first petition to the U.N. Economic and Social Commission. The petition, signed by 493 legislators from around the world, demanded a nuclear freeze as the "World's first act of simultaneous transnational legislation". For more information write Foster Parmelee, Montpelier Station, VA 22957. RENEWAL, P.O. Box 3242, Winchester, Virginia 22601 is a new publication on peace news. NETWORK TO EDUCATE FOR WORLD SECURITY, 777 U.N. Plaza, New York, NY 10017, sponsored by the Media Task Force of the NGO Committee on Disarmament will send a research packet on the arms race and disarmament to any Media person interested. It is free of charge and contains some very interesting articles and data. THE END OF WAR throught the FEDERATION OF THE PEOPLE is a new proposal published by"UMANO" and translated into English. It can be obtained from UMANO, 64-24 Grand Ave., Maspeth, NY 11378, U.S.A. Interesting and informative articles on peace research can be obtained from PEACE RESEARCH REVIEWS, 25 DundanaAve., Dundas, Ontario L9H 4E5, Canada. For a copy of PLANNING THE WORLD COMMUNITY or a zeroxed copy of Rabbi Kahane's book THEY MUST GO, write to TOMORROW OUTLINE JOURNAL enclosing $1.50 for xerox and postage or $1.00 for postage only. If everything is going according to schedule 1983 will be another busy year of extended travel so please be patient while I look for on the spot news and information. TOMORROW OUTLINE 80 Narcissa Dr. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274 U.S.A. I BULK RATE I S. POSTAGE PAID eatos Verdes Penins,04. A Public Affair-,3 C.T.A. Washington, D-.- 20505 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000300120013-6