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v~-w Approved For_Ref se 5/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109QRo O 700020004-5q SECRET BIWEEKLY REPORT SINO - SOVIET BLOC ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS EIC-WGR 1/132 27 February 1961 PREPARED BY THE WORKING GROUP ON SINO-SOVIET BLOC ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS ' ~~ WYri u, ~~aYwv-. ay1 4 1,t 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92B01090d00070 220004-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020004-5 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020004-5 Approved For Release 2005I08 SE fi DP92B01090R000700020004-5 Summary of Events* 10-23 February 1961 The USSR has failed to maintain its position as a major supplier of petroleum for Uruguay following the award to Free World agencies of contracts covering Uruguayan oil requirements during 1961-63. Soviet assistance to Afghanistan is increasing at the same time that the Afghans are completing preparations for their Second Five Year Plan. A new Soviet-staffed school is to be established for the training of petro- leum technicians, a Soviet group has arrived in Kabul to advise on city planning, and the Afghan Government has recently signed a contract for the delivery of Soviet consumer goods wo rth. $900, 000 in addition to the $300, 000 agreement of August 1960. About 20 MIG-19's were reported to have been delivered by the USSR during January to UAR -- Egypt and 14 to Iraq. The UAR has 12 Egyptian and 6 Syrian pilots who have recently completed MIG-19 training in the USSR. In mid-February, Soviet President L. I. Brezhnev completed a 2-week tour of Morocco, Guinea, and Ghana, during which 1:'e dis- cussed primarily political subjects. Twelve MIG-17 fighters and two MIG-15 trainers,, accompanied by technicians, have arrived in Morocco from the USSR under the agree- ment of November 1960. A Czechoslovak mission that recently visited Niger has offered economic aid, including scholarships for advanced study, training courses in industry and agriculture, and scientific and technical co- operation. Burma is expected to award the USSR a contract for the provision of 32, 000 tons of petroleum products required by increased Burmese demand. ~c An unclassified table summarizing Bloc credits and grants, extended and drawn, to underdeveloped countries as of 31 Dec-ember 19601is in- cluded in this issue on p. 8. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020004-5 SECRET Approved For Release 2005/08 B?-TDP92BO109OR000700020004-5 India and the USSR on 21 February signed an agreement on the utili- zation of the $125 million Soviet credit accepted by India in August 1960 to aid in carrying out its Third Five Year Plan. A total of $730 million in Bloc aid is now available for this plan. Projects agreed on are in the fields of petroleum, power, and manufacturing. The two arms agreements between the Bloc and Indonesia signed early this year provide that the USSR, between 1961 and 1964, is to fur- nish Djakarta with military aid having a nominal value of about $522 mil- lion. The first agreement covers naval aid nominally worth $277 million, including a light cruiser, destroyers, submarines, and landing craft. The second agreement covers Army, Air Force, and Navy materiel with a nominal value of $245 million and includes 20 Tu-16's and 20 MIG- 21's, the latter equipped with air-to-air missiles. The terms of these agree- ments are more favorable than earlier Indonesian arms pacts with the Bloc and allow for a discount on most types of equipment, a large part of which is not new. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020004-5 SECRET Approved For Release 2005/08ECREWDP92B01090R000700020004-5 CONTENTS Page I. Latin America (Decline in Soviet-Uruguayan Trade) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Soviet Assistance Activities in Afghanistan . . . 1 B. Delivery of MIG-19's to Iraq and UAR -- Egypt . 2 III. Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A. Conclusion of Brezhnev African Tour . . . . . . 3 B. Arrival of Soviet Jets in Morocco . . . . . . . . 4 C. Receptivity of Niger to Bloc Aid . . . . . . . . . 4 IV. Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A. Burmese Importation of Soviet Petroleum Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 B. Indo-Soviet Agreement on Credit Utilization . . . 5 C. Soviet Military Aid to Indonesia .. . . . . . . . . 5 Sino-Soviet Bloc Credits and Grants to Underdeveloped Countries of the Free World, Extended and Drawn, 1 January 1954 - 31 December 1960 . . . . . . . . . . 8 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92B01090R000700020004-5 SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020004-5 Next 6 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020004-5 Approved For Release SSdA[ 92BO1090R000700020004-5 Sino-Soviet Bloc Credits and Grants to Underdeveloped Countries of the Free World Extended and Drawn a/* 1 January 1954 - 31 December 1960 Million US $ Area and Country Extended Drawn 4, 8 09 1, 523 Latin America 322 Argentina 104 18 Brazil 4 4 Cuba 215 N. A. Middle East 1,972 Afghanis tan 255 97 Iran 6 6 Iraq 404 128 Pakistan 3 3 Turkey 17 11 United Arab Republic 1, 226 599 Yemen 61 33 Africa 284 9 Ethiopia 114 2 Ghana 50 3 Guinea 108 4 Mo roc co 4 0 Sudan b/ b/ Tunisia 8 0 * Footnotes" for the table follow on p. 9. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020004-5 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release i L2 SSiFMN2B01090R000700020004-5 Sino-Soviet Bloc Credits and Grants to Underdeveloped Countries of the Free World Extended and Drawn a/ 1 January 1954 - 31 December 1960 (Continued) Million US $ Area and Country Extended Drawn Asia 21115 501 Burma 12 12 Cambodia 55 26 Ceylon 58 5 India 933 160 Indonesia 1,016 294 Nepal 41 4 Europe 116 Iceland 5 3 Yugoslavia 111 c/ 111 a. Because of rounding, figures may not add to totals. b. Less than $1 million. c. Not including about $353 million in credits extended in 1956 and subsequently either canceled or allowed to expire. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020004-5 UNCLASSIFIED