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se 20Q~7 ~T1,~;'1~T 9TOQd~,yvl 25X1 opy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN NO CHIiNGE !N CLASS. ~ ~,,;,,..,-~"' Ct DECLASSfFIED CLASS. CHANGED TQ: TS S G NExT fiEV1EW DATE: ~Q ~J_9 ` - -- RUTH: HR 70.2 DATE: ~1~/r9 REVIEWER: 25X1 25X1 Office of Current Intelligence 1 October 1953 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET State Department review completed Approved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300170001-8 25X1 ' 25X1A Approved F Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A0 SUMMARY GENERA L 14 Ceylon to sell Peiping another 50,000 tons of rubber in ],954 (page 3). FAR EAST Rhee blocking implementation of American aid pxogram (page ~). SOUTHEAST ASIA Civil war seen possible in Indonesia (page 4). NEAR EAST -AFRICA 25X1 5. Iraq favors Turkey for U seat esp a ra eague opposb ton (page 5)0 Egypt to send troops to Israeli border (page 5). WESTERN EUROPE 7. Freneh charge Austrian leaders are "completely neutralist" (page 6). 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 1 Oct 53 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300170001-8 Approved F elease 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975 25X1A GENERAL 25X1A 1. Ceylon tc~ sell Peiping another 50,000 tons of rubber in X954: As a result of talks just concluded in Peiping, Ceylon has agreed to exchange 50,000 tans of rubber for 270,000 tuns of Chinese rice in 1954, according to e ey onese mints er of agriculture and foodo The embassy calculates that Peiping will be paying a premium of $12,p00,000 to $13,000,000 over world market prices. Commento The quantities of rubber and rice to be traded next year are the same as in X953. The embassy estimated that this year China is paying a premium of about $15, 000, 000. Ceylon's acceptance of Peiping's attractive barter offers is apparently due to its financial prob- lems. As a result, China will continue to receive sufficient raw rubber despite a UN embargo on shipment of strategic goods to China. FAR EAST 25X1A 2. Rhee blocking implementation of American aid program: President Rhee is insisting on South Korea's prior approval on all contracts allocated under the _US aid program, according to American economic co- ordinator Wood. Although not specifically stated, Wood believes that the demand is motivated by a desire to eliminate or boycott procurement from Japan, and to maximize economic ties with the United States. lie adds that this issue is a major block to a comprehensive economic agreement. 25X1A 1 Oct 53 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300170001-8 ? 25X1A Approved F Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001 Commento American commitments to maintain Japan's special dollar earnings at a high level for two more years were predicated on sizable purchases there for Korean reconstruction. If Rhee succeeds in blocking such expenditures, it would seriously weaken Japan's ability to increase its defense effort, to repay American aid rendered during the occupation, and to meek its obligations arising out of the peace treaty. SOUTHEAST ASIA 3. Civil war seen possible in Indonesia4 25X1A toward an Islamic stated Either the cabinet will soon fall or the country will be thrown into a holy war on a nationwide scale. e new ommunist-influenced governmento the govern- 25X1 went is moving further to the left and the opposition, in turn, is moving 25X1 25X1 the revolt in North Sumatra re- ec s a oslem resurgence in Indonesia which has resulted m m neuvers of Commento Elements in the Masjumi, the government's principal politica opposition, who favor "direct action" have become stronger as a result of recent eventso While the autT break of civil war at this time does not appear likely, the security situation will probably continue to deteriorated NEAR EAST -AFRICA 25X1 25X1A 1 Oct 53 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300170001-8 Approved F~ 25X1A 25X1 25X1A Iraqi prime minister Jamali states that his government is willing to support the Turkish bid for the UN Security Council seat now held by Greece despite the Arab League's opposi~ tion to Turkey. He is ready to do this in order to cultivate Ankara's friendship and to oppose communism. damali stated that most of the Arabs believe that a Satellite would occasionally side with them in the United Nations, particularly on the North African question, but that Turkey would un- doubtedly follow the lead of the United States and France. Comment: Turkey appears to have about 25X1A 35 of the maximum 40 votes- need for election. Iraqi support of Turkey indicates that Arab League control of its members is not firm, even on major issues. Moreover, Iraq's decision indicates an increa~- ing interest in participating with Turkey and Greece in a defense dine extending to the Persian Gulf. 6. Egypt to send troops to Israeli border: Egyptian vice premier Nasr told American ambassador Ca#fery that Egypt "must imme- diately" send armed forces to the Israeli border because 300 Israeli troops had occu- pied the demilitarized zone on 28 September and were fortifying it. -5- 5. Iraq favors Turkey for UN seat despite Arab League opposition: 25X1A 1 Oct 53 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300170001-8 Approved F r Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A 25X1A Nasr said that "at least for the present?' Egyptian troops will not enter the zone, but that he fears the pub- lic reaction when the Israeli move is known. Commenta Tel Aviv has denied occu a- non of the demilitarized zone. Egypt is preoccupied with its efforts to settle the Suez dispute with Britain and probably wishes to avoid trouble with Israel. WESTERN EURQPE 25X1A 7. French charge Austrian leaders are "completely neutralist"o French foreign minister Bidault and defense minister Pleven informed Ambassador Dillon that Austrian chancellor Raab, foreign minis- ter Gruber, and state secretary Kreis.ky, who have been consulting with them in Paris, were "complete neutralists and could not be counted on by the Western powerso' Ambassador Thompson in ~Iienna comments that the French reaction may in part be accounted for by French re- sentment at current Austrian unwillingness to make concessions in response to France's agreement to pay its own occupation costso Comment< The basically pro?Western Austrian government seems at present committed to a policy of foregoing future military alliances, of accepting even onerous economic terms in return for a state treaty, and of eliminating insofar as it can any obstacles to the resumption of treaty negotiations. France's failure to follow a strong line on the treaty may have encouraged the Austrians to seek French support of this policy. 25X1A 1 Qct 53 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300170001-8 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300170001-8 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300170001-8