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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 26, 1958
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Approved For Release 2005/08/22: CIA-RDP92B,Q01090R0QQ790010060yA-1 SECRET 25X1 BIWEEKLY REPORT S1NO - SOVIET BLOC ,.ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS EIC-WGR-1 /60 26 May 1958 PREPARED BY THE WORKING GROUP ON SINO-SOVIET BLOC ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS 25X1 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE SECRET Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700010060-4 RDP92BOl090R000700010060-4 Approved For Release 2005/0 W u= CIA- THIS MATERIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECT- ING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, USC, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, THE TRANSMIS- SION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. These biweekly reports on "Sino-Soviet Bloc Economic Ac- tivities in Underdeveloped Areas" are prepared and issued by a Working Group of the Economic Intelligence Commit- tee, including representatives of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, Commerce, and Agricul- ture; the International Cooperation Administration; the Office of the Secretary of Defense; and the Central Intelli- gence Agency. Their purpose is to provide up-to-date fac- tual information on significant developments in the eco- nomic relations of Sino-Soviet Bloc countries with under- developed countries of the Free World. The EIC-R-14 series of reports, under the same title, provide periodic summaries and analytical interpretations of these developments. Printed and Disseminated by the Central Intelligence Agency Approved For Release 2005/0S& RDP92B01090R000700010060-4 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010060-4 Summary of Events 9 - 22 May 1958 The possible withdrawal of Soviet economic aid from Yugoslavia is the most significant recent development in the economic activities of the Sino-Soviet Bloc in underdeveloped countries of the Free World. Postponement on 17 May of the meeting of the Yugoslav-Soviet eco- nomic commission seems to indicate that an earlier (9 May) Soviet threat to withdraw economic assistance from Yugoslavia will be car- ried out. To date, only about $52 million of the $304 million in Soviet credits extended to Yugoslavia since the 1955 rapprochement have been drawn. Czechoslovakia is continuing to develop its economic ties with Indonesia. On 9 May a new trade agreement between Czechoslovakia and Indonesia was signed at Djakarta. In mid-April the Indonesian government sinne contract for the acquisition of Czechoslovak hydroelectric power generating equipment. It is also reported that Czechoslovakia is planning to offer a bid to construct for Indonesia on credit three steam powerplants worth about $40 million. In the Middle East the government of Yemen has concluded an. economic aid agreement with the USSR for $15 million for the con- struction of port facilities at Ras al-Khatib and a similar agreement with Communist China for $16 million for the construction of the Hudaydah-Ta'izz road and the development of eight small industrial projects. The USSR has also offered Yemen. $10 million for air- ports, gasoline storage tanks, and miscellaneous public works and unconditional aid in the fields of irrigation, dam construction, mineral exploration, and sanitation. In Egypt and Syria, earlier Soviet agreements continue to be implemented. ? On 2 May, Brazil purchased from Poland 14 freighters valued at $24. 1 million. Seven of the ships are scheduled for delivery in 1959 and seven in 1960. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010060-4 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700010060-4 Since 1955 the Sino-Soviet Bloc haig concluded agreements with 7 underdeveloped countries of the Free World for the installation of 17 complete textile plants. In additiohi, the Bloc is providing textile machinery and spare parts for existing textile factories in a few of these countries. The total value of these installations is not known, but it is estimated that credits totaling in excess of $10 million have been extended by the Bloc to finance a portion of the costs. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700010060-4 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010060-4 S-E-C -R-E-T CONTENTS I. General (Development by the Sino-Soviet Bloc of Textile Plants in Underdeveloped Countries of the Free World) . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. Southeast Asia (Indonesia) . . . . . . . . . . . A. New Czechoslovak-Indonesian Trade Agree- ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Contract for Czechoslovak Electric Power Page Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 III. Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Implementation of the Soviet-UAR Economic Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Economic Aid to Yemen . . . . . . . . IV. Latin America (Brazilian Purchase of Polish Ships) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. Europe (Possible Soviet Withdrawal of Economic Aid to Yugoslavia) . . . . . . . . . . . . Map Following Page Textile Plants to Be Constructed in Underdeveloped Countries of the Free World by Countries of the Sino-Soviet Bloc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010060-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700010060-4 Next 9 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700010060-4