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Document Release Date: 
November 15, 2004
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Publication Date: 
July 30, 1976
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Approved For Reesease 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000200080032-2 July 30, 1976 SUBJECT: Meeting to Prepare for Session with the Senate Select Committee Staff on Intelligence Production 1. This meeting was held Friday, 30 July, to discuss a coordinated approach to discussions on intelligence produc- tion with staff members of the Sena.Le Select Committee on August 3. Those attending today's meeting were: Mr. George L. Cary, OLC ? SA/DDCI taff Dr. Karl Weber, OSI/DDS&T Mr. Evan Iiineman, OWI/DDS&T Mr. Ernest J. Zellmer, ADS&T Mr. Paul V. Walsh, ADDI 2. We all agreed the Agency would be well served by cooperating with the Senate Select Committee and that the DCI's views would be solicited cited by Messrs. Walsh, Cary, Zellmer, and Admiral Murphy. 3. The Committee request to us has two aspects: One is their intent to conduct a study of intelligence production to be completed by November and which will involve both access to Agency employees and to the intelligence product; second, is their desire to have access to items of finished intelli- gence on a regular basis. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/21 CIA-RDP91 M00696R000200080032-2 ttid?rj`iCla~-lease 2~,04/1?/21 :, CIA-RDP91 M0069000200080032-2 _. _.. once roc action : 4. It was agreed that CIA would be responsible for dis- cussions on Agency production only and that the Committee should be asked to negotiate with other members of the Community for their products. The .1_C Staff assume responsibility for documents it produces and those non-substantive items produced by NFIB Committees, excluding such finished intelligence items as estimates produced by the Deputy to the DCI for National Intelligence. The IC Staff also will- be responsible for post mortems prepared in the past. The Deputy to the DCI for na- tional Intelligence has the. basic responsibility for estimates and interagency memoranda prepared under his auspices. 5. We agreed that human sources would be protected fully and that wherever a sensitive human source might be revealed, deletions would be made. Because the Committee already has complete access to technical collection programs in its over--- sight capacity, we felt it would normally not be necessary to delete references to such systems. Obviously, an element of judgment would have to be utilized in both cases, but it is ex- pected deletions will be the exception rather than the rule. 6. When the Committee requests a document to which other agencies have con tr. ibuted sourcing, it will be the responsibility of the releasing unit to determine whether that agency must be' consulted to obtain their concurrence. Obviously, again, a rule of reason must apply. .7 I Ihas been designated as the control officer r CIA &T, DDI, NIO)_in processing requests for materi l d a an access to employees. will continue 25X1 to be th OLC e contact point. Dissemination of Material: 8. We anticipate the Committee will. seek routine access to intelligence production and we are prepared to cooperate as much as possible. Attached for CIA internal use only, is a tentative list of items which would and would not be provided the Committee on a routine basis. They would generally be al- lowed access to periodicals; would not be allowed access to such items as the President's Daily Brief; and achieve access to other finished intelligence by reviewing a machine listing we would provide. The Committee has secure storage facilities and 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000200080032-2 - Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R0200080032-2 could retain some material overnight, however, we would pro- pose establishing a reading room at Ileadquar_ter where they would have access to TS and codeword material.. 9. Mr. Walsh will chair the session with the Committee staffers on Tuesday and will begin with an overview of intelli- gence production. 25X1 Distribution: See list of those-attending meeting 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000200080032-2 Approved For Re` lase 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R b200080032-2 Tentative List Items of Finished Intelligence for Routine Dissemination: National Intelligence Daily Weekly Review Economic Intelligence Weekly International Oil Developments Biographic Reports and Handbooks VIP Movements Communist Aid and Trade in LDCs All DOCEX items Environmental Analysis Brief (after release to appropriate Executive Agencies) Situation Reports Scientific and Technical Intelligence Reports Technical memoranda (research. papers) Scientific Intelligence Digest Weapons Intelligence Summary Weekly Surveyor CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2004/12/21 r CIA-RDP91 M00696R000200080032-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000200080032-2 Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000200080032-2