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Approved For Release 2004/~05~~~?~2DP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 204/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 20~,~(,},G,~A-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 ANNEK A GOVERNMENT WIDE RECONII~NDATIONS OF THE HOOVER COI~IISSION IMPLEMENTED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1. The Agency has in effect a Paper Work Management Program which embodies all of the features suggested by the Hoover CoiY?nission Report. These features are:. Office Business Machines Regulations Control Forms Management Correspondence Management Reports Management Vital Materials Microfilming Records Systems File Equipment Supplies Standardization and Utilization Records Disposition Except for the Records Disposition feature delineated 'below, savings from this program have been widespread but intangible, i.e., less paper, better systems, more efficiency, etc. xowever, the Records Disposition Program has produced tangible and substantial savings as follows: As of 31 December 1956, the Agency has removed from active Headquarters file space to an inactive removed area a cumulative total of 39,708 cu. ft. of records. Of these, 7,31 cu. ft. have been destroyed. Besides apace savings and clerical time consumption at Headquarters, the great- est tangible saving here is the elimination of need for purchasing safe cabinets to house these records at Headquarters.. These total cubic feet would have required the puxchase of an equivalent of x+,963 four- drawer safe cabinets or $1,766,902. This saving is exclusive of that arising from records destroyed by the offices in progressive initial attack on the problem. A recent sample of a few offices only indicate the initial destruction of approximately 1,200 cu. ft. of records. 2. Re personnel and Civil Service. The Agency has already in effect particular programs to meet the same ob,~ectives as the Commission. These are in the fields of training, executive selection and developanent, position classification, and pen- formance evaluation. For the most part, we found little explicit reference to groups of positions excepted by statute as are all posi- tions in the Agency. Approved For Release 200~4~~RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 200 3. Re legal service and procedures. A large part of these recommendations has no application in this Agency. In some other instances we are already operating in accordance with the recommendations. We agree with some others. 4. Re food and clothing. Application to this Agency is of such a limited degree as to cause no report. ~. Re use and disposal of Federal surplus property. Of the seven recommendations applicable here, we are operating under four of them. ~lith one we agree with the intention, but need security statutory exemption to carry it out. With another we agree and will do. With the seventh, we disagree because of security requirements. 6. Re printing. Only one of the 19 recommendations is applicable to this Agency. This was for the Bureau of the Budget to study the feasibility of centralized control of the Executive Ilepartment printing plants. ~Te agree to the study, but 'believe our security requirements will rule out our partici- pation. 7, Re depot utilization - warehousing and storage. The applicable portions of these recommendations are ruled out on security grounds. $. Re research and development. No direct application. 9. Re water resources and power. No application. 10. Re budget and accounting. Of these 20 recommendations, three are out or modified on security grounds, one we are now doing, on three we agree and have made progress in application, on two we agree but need legislation, on one we agree but have to wait on the lead fran the Comptroller General. Ten are not applicable. Approved For Release 20QFIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 2004/~~'14-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 11. Re real property management. 'Ne do now adhere to the intent in these recommendations, except as security considerations over-ride. 12. Part IT on paper work (reports required from the public). Not applicable. 13. Re lending agencies. Not applicable. 1~+. Re medical services. All are limited direct applicability. We agree on eight of them, on one more we agree, but need legislative amendment. On one more we disagree. Approved For Release 2004/0~-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 ~.>?a., . Approved For Release 200~CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 a. Personnel and Civil Service - No additional reply required b. Legal Services and Procedure - Recommendation No. 1: Review by Congress of Justification for Agency Legal Staffs. Reply; Not applicable to CIA. Because of knowledge of operations and functions required, CIA could not use legal ser- vices of the Department of Justice. This Agency must have its own legal staff . Recommendation No. 2: The Department of Justice be Recognized as the Chief Law office of the Govern- went. Reply: CIA complies with this recommendation. Recommendation No. 3: Congress Create a Procedure Permitting any Department, Agency or Regulatory Body to Refer Differences of Legal In- terpretation to the Attorney General. Reply: CIA. agrees with the intent although no Congressional action is believed necea~- sary. Recommendation No. ~+: The Legal Staff of Each Department or Agency be Integrated Under a General Counsel. Reply: CTA complies with this recommendation. Recommendation Nos. 5 through 10 Not applicable to CIA. Recommendation Nas. 11 through 12 Establishment of a Legal Career Service far all Civilian .Attorneys Under the De- partment of Justice. Reply; Agreed in regard to lower level attorneys. The Agency head should have authority to retain or dismiss his top legal advisor. Approved For Release 2004/05/13: CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 ~~~~ Approved For Release 2004/0~~~1~1-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Recommendation No. 13: Establishment of an Attorney Classifi- cation Act. Recommmendation No. 1~: Tenure of Attorneys Under a Legal Career Service. Reply: Attorney's salaries should be consistent with those of other equivalent positions in the Agency. The nature of the work and recognition accorded are more im- portant than salaries in retaining quali- fied attorneys. Reply; Agreed in regard to lower - level attor- neys. The Agency head should have authority to retain or dismiss his top _legal advisor. Recommendation No . 15: Veterans' appeals to Office of Legal Ser- vices and Procedure. Reply; Recommendation No. 16; Reply: Recommendation No. 17: Reply; Agree with principle. Repeal of Performance Rating Act. Not applicable to CIA. Zimitation on Outside Legal Practice of Government Attorneys. Complied with by CIA. Recommendation Nos. 19 through 52 : Not applicable to CIA. c. Food and Clothing In The Government - Not applicable to CIA. d: Use and Disposal of Federal Surplue Property - Recorcnnendation No. l: Not applicable t? CIA. Recommendation No. 2: Completion and Use of Federal Catalog Program. Reply: Agreed. CIA is completing catalog pro- gram incorporating the procedures and principles of the Federal Catalog Pro- gram. Recommendation No. 3: Training and Qualification of Personnel ~ Engaged in Property Management. Approved For Release 2004/05/13~~,~-P91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 2 Reply: Recounnendation No . ~: Reply: I~~ : CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Complied with under the Agency career service program. Revision of Federal Property and Admini- strative Services Act of lg4q. Agree with intent. Security require- ments may necessitate same exceptions in CTA implementation. Recommendation Nos. 5 and ~i Recommendation No. 7: Reply: Recommendation Nos. $ through 11 Recommendation No. 12: Reply: Recommendation Nas. 13 through 17 Recommendation No. 1$; Reply: Recommendation No. lq; Not applicable to CTA. Bureau of the Budget Review Reimburse- ment and Processing Procedures in Regard to Transfer of Excess Property. Agree with recommendation. Not applicable to CTA. Departments and Agencies Authorized to Dispose of Surplus Property Encourage Competition At~ng Potential Buyers. Recommmendation being complied with. Nat applicable to CIA. Reports to Congress by Agencies owning Chrerseas Excess Property. Cannot be implemented for security rea- sons . President and. Congress Take action Re- garding Utilization of Excess Property in Foreign Aid. Reply: Agree with principle. Principle being implemented. Recommendation Nos. 2d through 23 Not applicable to CTA. e. Printing (Business Enterprises) - Recommendation Nas. 1 through 1$ Not applicable to CIA. Approved For Release 2004/05~~~~DP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 200!' CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Recommendation No. 19: Bureau of the Budget Study Feasibility of Central Control of Executive Depart- ment Printing Plants. Reply: Agree with intent. CIA cannot agree to central control of its facilities for security reasons. Recommendation Nos. 20 through 22 : Not applicable to CIA. f. Depot Utilization - Warehousing and Storage - CIA cannot comply with applicable recommendations for security reasons. g. Research and Development In The Government - Not applicable to CIA. h. Water Resources and Power - Not applicable to CIA. i. Budget and Accounting - Recommendation No. l; Representatives of the Bureau of the Budget be Placed Within CIA. Reply: CIA, cannot comply far security reasons. Report to the Bureau of the Budget on Agency operations For Inclusion on Annual Report to the President. CIA cannot comply for security reasons. CIA now reports directly to the Presi- dent . Recommendation Nos. 3, 6, 7, and l~ Cost and Accrued Expenditure Budgeting. Reply: CIA has constructed a program responsive to these recom?nendatians and has sub- mitted a progress report to the Bureau of the Budget. Recommendation Nos. ~ and 5 Adoption of Program Budgeting. Reply: Complied with by CIA. Recommendation No. 11: Establis}ament of Position of Comptroller responsible for Agency Accounting and Budgeting. Approved For Release 2004~~~IA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 2~~~1~: CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Reply: Complied with by CIA. Recomzendation No. 12: Bureau of the Budget be Responsible In Part fvr Selection of Agency Comptroller and for Building a Competent Accounting Organization. Rep~.y: CIA. cannot comply for security reasons . Recommendation No. 13: Financing all Operating Units from a Single Allotment Account for Each Appro- priation. Reply: Now in process of implementation. Recommendation No. 16: Installation of Monetary Property Account- ing as Part of Accounting System. Reply: Fblicy adopted by CIA and will be imple- mented. Recommendation Nos. 17 and 18 Settlement of Obligations of Prior Fiscal Years. Reply: Complied with under P.L. 798. Recommendation No. 19: Granting Authoi:ity to Comptroller General to Relieve Accountable Officers of Finan- cial Liability. Reply: Agree with the principle. Recommendation Nos. 8, 9~ 10, 15~ ~~, ~-, ~, 23, 2~+, and 25 : Nat applicable to CIA. . Real Pro~,erty Management - Recommendation Nos. 1 and 2 Not applicable to CIA. Recommendation No. 3 Establishment of Federal Standards Govern- ing Real Property Management. Reply ; Agree with recommendation, except part (C) dealing with inspecting of Agency compli- ance, with which CIA. cannot agree for security reasons. Approved For Release 20~1~3T: CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 200~~~~IA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Recommendation No. ~-: Not applicable to CIA. Recommendation Na. 5: President Direct General Services Ad- ministrator to Establish a System for Agency Reporting on Real Property. Reply: Agree with parts (a) 2 and 3 and (C). Other parts cannot be complied with far security reasons. Recommendation No. 6: Not applicable to CIA. Recommendation No. 7: Funds for Operation and Maintenance of Public Building be Appropriated to General Services Administration.. Reply: CIA. cannot agree for security reasons. Recommendation Nos. $ through 10 : Not applicable to CIA. k. Paperwork Management (Part II)-.- Not applicable to CIA. 1. Lending. Agencies - Nat applicable to CIA. m. Medical Services - Recommendation No. 1: The President Appoint Federal Advisory Council of Health which will Depend Upon Other Agencies for Information to Review Federal Health Programs. Reply: Agree. Such a Council will improve coordination and eliminate duplication. However, security consideration might prevent active CIA participation. Recommendation Nos. 2 through 15 Not applicable to CIA. Recommendation No. 16 a . Not applicable to CIA. Recommendation No. 16 b Civilian Federal Government Employees Receive Care in Non-Federal Hospitals at Expense of Department of Labor. Reply: Agree. CIA will benefit by a system of federal hospitals to which non-federal hospitals are an adjunct. Approved For Release 2004/05/13: CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 '~C~ET Approved For Release 2004/05/13: CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 SE~~~T Recommendation Nos. 17 through, 19 Not applicable to CIA. Recommendation No. 2q: The Executive Aranch Develop a Voluntary Contributory Program of Medical Care and Hospital Insurance for all Civilian Employees. Reply: Agree with this concept. Such a program should include family coverage as well. Recommendation Nos. 21 through 25 Not applicable to CTA. Recommendation No. 26: The Federal Government, In planning Assignment of Responsibilities During and After an Attack an the United States also Consider Delegation of Authority for Medical Care. Reply: For security reasons, CIA must maintain its own medical program and staff. How- ever, advance emergency and wartime moblization plans have been developed and CIA has developed plans for the in- tegration of its medical personnel with Defense Department. Recommendation No. 27: The Proposed Federal Advisory Council of Health Examine Means of Establishing Cooperative Planning Among Federal Agencies Provided Psychiatric Care. Reply: Agreed and complied with. CIA makes extensive use of psychiatric personnel detailed from Public Health Service. The Agency enters into cooperative plan- ning of psychiatric care with other Agencies to the extent permitted by security considerations. CIA provides extensive training for psychiatrist. Recommendation No: 28: The President's Advisor on Personnel Review Personnel Systems of Federal Agencies Using Health Personnel in order to Make Them More Uniform. Reply: A review of CIA personnel systems would not be possible for security reasons. However, this Agency m~.kes extensive use of cross-e,ssignment~of medicaplu,personnel Approved For Release 2004/05/~~?:~~~1-D09~~~t21d40077 Oc Health ervice. ~GY~L! Approved For Release ~`~ : CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Recomr~.endation No, 29: If Federal Advisory Council of Health is not Created, the President assign Proposed Fu.netions to Other Agencies. Reply: CIA does not agree that the proposed functions of review and advice could be assigned to a lesser Ageney. Approved For Release 20 ~1~r CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 :CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Recommendation No, 12: Departments and Agencies Authorized to Dispose of Surplus Property Encourage Competition Among Potential Buyers. C ornment: Recommendation being complied with. Recommendation Nos. 13 through 17: Not applicable to CIA. Recommendation No. 18: Reports to Congress by Agencies awning Overseas Excess Property, C ornment? ~~ `1~ ~Rr+orl ~~'??6e-c~.'1T'~y`"r~"9"C322"3'e ., Reco?~rr.mei~c'~ation No. 19: President and Congress Take action Regarding Uti3.ization of Excess Property in Foreign Aid, Comment: Agree with principle. Principle being implemented. Recommendation Nos. 20 through 23; Not applicable to CIA. 6. Re printing. ~. Recommendation Nos. 1 through. ?: Not applicable to CIA., Rec~pmmenda~ion No_. 19: ~+~~ 4 ure'au o the. Budgets Study Feasibility of Central Contr,~ol of ~R~Ire~'0~~~~~h4-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 :CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 C omrnent: Agree ". ~. test. CIA;~c~.x~.ntsf"~,gree ~~ ce~~"' ontrcl~.,..s~,# ~ats~~f~~f~tie s Recommendation Nos ,2$~th~r.~`ugh 22: ~IK~+~M ~r Not applic~k3le t~~iA.. 7. Re depot utilization - warehousing and storage. -C,~4~e~~r~- ~~h applicable .re ornmendation? $, Re research and development. Not applicable to CIA.. 9. Re water resources and power. Not applicable to CIA. 10. Re budget and accounting. Recommendation No. 1: Representatives of the Bureau of~the Budget be ~Plac~e~d~Within CIA, ,-cc Yrrint-cor.~xply for s~~.rity rea.scs~xs. Report to the Bureau of the Budget on Agency ~perations~ .For Inclusion {+n Annual Report to the President. .c~..f~rr-.~~e~.rit~.x~~so~r.s. CIA. now reports directly Approved For Release 2004/05/13 7CiA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 :CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Recommendation Nos, 3, 6, 7, and 14: Cost and Acc-rued Expenditure Budgeting. C ornment: CIA. has constructed a program responsive to these recommendations and has submitted a progress report to the Bureau of the Budget. Adoption of Program Budgeting, Comment: Complied with by G IA. Recommendation No, 11: Establishment of Position of Comptroller Responsible far Agency Accounting and Budgeting, Comment: C ornplied with by CIA. Recommendation No, 12: Bureau. of the Budget be Responsible in Part for Selection of Agency Comptroller and for Building a Competent Accounting Organization. ~r~~~YS:~"~rt~rnpi:y for security?reasons; Recommenc~atian No, t~: ~ ~ ``~ Financing all Operating Units from a Single Allotment. Account for Each Appropriation. Now in process of implementation. Approved For Release 2004/05/13 :CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 _g_ Approved For Release 2004/05/13 :CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Comment: G Agree with recommendation, except part (C jde-s:ling .vrith inspecting - ge ,cy:compliance, with wch CIA cannot- agree for. security reasonsa.- Recommendation No. 4: Not applicable to CIA.. Recommendation No, 5: President Direct General Services Administratax to Establish a System for Agency Reporting on Real Property. Comment: Agree with parts (a~ 2 and 3 ,and. (C ). tether parts mot. be complied Recommendation I~`o. 6~ Not applicable to CIA, Recommendation No. 7 s Funds for Operation ,and Maintenance of Public Building be Appropriated to General Services Administration. Comment: ,;raeasans: -~-lA_carrnot~~.-gree fora seeurity ~ Recommendation Nos., 8 through 10: Not applicable . 12o Part II on paper work Creporta required from the public )o Not applicable to CIA. 13, Re lending agencies. Not applicable to CIA. Approved For Release 2004/05/13 :CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 10 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 :CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Recommendation Nos. 21 through 25: Not applicable to CIA.. Recommendation No, 26: The Federal Government, In Planning Assignment of Responsibilities During and After an Attack on the United Mates also Consider Delegation of Authority for Medical Care. Comment; For security reasons, CIA must maintain its own medical program. and staff, However, advance emergency and wartime mobilization plans have been developed and CIA. has developed plans for the integration of its medical personnel with Defense Department. Recommendation No. 27: The Proposed Federal Advisory- Council of Health Examine Means of Establishing Cooperative Planning Among Federal .Agencies- Provided Psychiatric Care, C ornment: Agreed and complied with. CIA makes extensive use of psychiatric personnel detailed from Public Health Service. The Agency enters .into cooperative planning of psychiatric care with other Agencies to the extent permitted by security considerationso CIA provides extensive training for psychiatrists, Recamrnendatian No. 28: The President's Advisor on Personnel Review Personnel Systems of Federal Agencies Using Health Personnel in Order to Make -Them More Uniform, Comment: review of,CIA personnel systems would~~p~r~si~,e-=fQr.-securityy.. ~. fIowever, this Agency makes extensive use of cross-assignment Approved For Release 2004/05/~~ :CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 :CIA-RDP91-009658000200140077-0 of medical personnel from Defense Department and Public Health Service. Recommendation. No. 29: If Federal Advisory Council of Health is not Created, the President Assign Proposed Functions to ~?ther Agencies. Comment: CIA cle~es,~riot e that,the?propose function,;,s.~ re could;bE ass~ed to a~~sser Agency. ~,.,. ~~`_,~-~;-..n t;