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Publication Date: 
June 15, 1964
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Approved For Release 2005/ DP92BOl090R000700020090-0 Copy N? 570 25X1 BIWEEKLY REPORT AID AND TRADE ACTIVITIES OF COMMUNIST COUNTRIES IN LESS DEVELOPED AREAS OF THE FREE WORLD EIC WGR 1/218 15 June 1964 PREPARED BY THE WORKING GROUP ON COMMUNIST AID AND TRADE ACTIVITIES IN LESS DEVELOPED AREAS OF THE FREE WORLD ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE SECRET Approved For Releas 92BO109OR000700020090-0 AND DECLASS flCATIDN 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020090-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020090-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/CEKP92B01090R000700020090-0 Summary of Events 29 May - 11 June 1964 During May, Algeria received 100 armored vehicles from the USSR -- allegedly to be used to equip the first of five planned experi- mental divisions. The delivery reportedly consisted primarily of T-34 tanks as well as a few T-54 tanks and some self-propelled guns. Because of Ghana's shortage of foreign exchange and favorable trade balance with the USSR, the Ghanaians have signed a contract with the USSR for the purchase of 500, 000 tons of crude oil to be de- livered over the period June-December 1964. The Soviet crude oil will be refined at the GHAIP refinery at Tema, which is jointly owned by Ghana and AGIP, a subsidiary of the Italian petroleum monopoly ENI. President Karume of Zanzibar (Vice President of the Union of the Republics of Tanganyika and Zanzibar -- URTZ) has announced that Communist China has extended an interest-free credit of $14 million to Zanzibar. In addition to granting Zanzibar $518, 000 earlier this year, Communist China has delivered 25 tractors, other agricultural equipment, and consumer goods. Meanwhile, the URTZ officials announced that they were sending a mission to Communist China on 8 Jurie. Recent reports indicate increasing Rumanian participation in the minerals industries in Burma. Since March, four Rumanian geologists, one of whom will take over the post of chief adviser to the People's Oil Industry (POI), have arrived. Technical training also is being provided in Rumania for four senior Burmese officials of the POI. Indications are that the Rumanians also may be asked to assist in the development of iron, tin, and wolfram mines and in the gem-mining industry in. Burma. Soviet military assistance to Cambodia, which was apparently nego- tiated in the USSR in April, will be delivered in two installments, the first of which is expected to reach Cambodia this summer. Although this first delivery, consisting of two MIG-17 jet fighters, twelve 76-mm guns, eight 85-mm antiaircraft guns, fifteen 82-mm mortars, thirty- six machineguns, and 500 submachineguns, will be a gift, the second shipment presumably will be on credit. Indonesia's inability to meet its financial obligations to Czecho- slovakia has resulted in an alteration of the latter's aid program and a rescheduling of Indonesia's military aid repayments. Two Czecho- slovak aid projects reportedly will be postponed because of Indonesia's - i - Approved For Release 2005/08/ djDP92B01090R000700020090-0 KLI Approved For Release 2005/08/ ? DP92BO1090R000700020090-0 failure to make the required downpayment for the projects. Indonesia's military repayment obligations have been rescheduled by the "suspen- sion" of the 1963 installment and the extension of the repayment period until 1970. The overthrow of President Goulart in Brazil has been followed by an apparent pause in the course of Brazil's economic relations with at least one of the Communist countries. A Committee of the Brazilian Congress has announced its intention to review all of Brazil's interbank agreements with foreign countries, including Communist China. A re- view also may be made of all bilateral trade-and-payments agreements, including pacts negotiated during 1961 with six Eastern European Com- munist countries, an unratified pact with Cuba, and possibly the new trade agreement signed with the USSR early in 1964, Although Hungarian and Bulgarian proposals were not made at the same time, both countries have signed basically similar trade offers with Uruguay. Up to $22 million worth of industrial items, including railroad rolling stock, track, related equipment, and a concrete crosstie factory, will be supplied by Hungary and Bulgaria in return for meat, wool, hides, and other Uruguayan raw materials. The government of Cyprus, after extending civil air rights to the USSR in February 1964, has granted aviation rights to the civil air- lines of East Germany and Hungary. The East German line Interflug has been given a temporary permit:to operate a scheduled service be- tween East Berlin and Nicosia during the next 6 months. The air agree- ment between Cyprus and Hungary provides for service between and beyond the two countries, indicating that Hungary, with Greek concur- rence, may plan to integrate the Cyprus service into its prospective route to the Arab Middle East. - ii, Approved For Release 2005/08/ fk jpP92B01090R000700020090-0 1%L; I Approved For Release 2005/08/5EDP92B01090R000700020090-0 Page A. Additional Soviet Arms for Algeria . . . . . . . 1 B. Ghanaian Contract for Soviet Crude Oil 1 C. Chinese Communist Credit for Zanzibar . . . . . 2 II. Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A. Rumanian Participation in the Minerals Industries of Burma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 B. Soviet Military Aid to Cambodia . . . . . . . . . 3 C. Indonesian Repayments Problems with Czecho- slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A. Relations of the New Brazilian Government with Communist Countries . . . . . . . . . . . 4 B. New Hungarian and Bulgarian Trade Offers to Uruguay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 IV. Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 East German and Hungarian Civil Air Agreements with Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Approved For Release 2005/08/Jt(,KC I P92B01090R000700020090-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020090-0 Next 6 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP92BO109OR000700020090-0