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Document Creation Date: 
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 27, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 15, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP58-00597A000200040017-0.pdf88.22 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP58-00597A000200040017-0 15 Jamry 2954 MEWRA i FOR TO RECD SUBJECTS Changes in the Congressional 17 - Insert Qlanstd P. L%nomb (Reap.) as Comesssen from California, 24th Diatrl ot, rq aednt %rxU Poulson, raeigssd. 49 - Insert Mi3,li a H. 1iatober (Dew.) as Congressman from Ke qr, 2nd District, rplaon 4arrett Withers, deowed. 111 - Insert Thing A. Bmt (Dem.) as Senator from Obio, rq aoiog 1 beet A. Taft, deosased. 208 - Delete Senators Tobey and Taft from the Committee on Foreign Relations and Insert Senators George D. !Aiken (Vt.) and Homer E. Capehart (Ind.) follow3rca Senator Knoulnd. 208/209 - S "tor Alton A. Lennon (N.C.) Is de: eted franc the Utetrict of Col mbia Committee and placed on the Coma ttee on Post Office and Civil Service following Senator Daniel. 20$/2].6 - Senator Thomas A. Burke (Ohio) is platoed on the District of. Colvsabia Committee following Senator i+field and on the Committee on Public Works following Senator Gore. 2OF - Insert Senator Robert W. Upton (N.H.) following Senator Purtell an the Committee on Post Office and Civil. Service. ,209 - Delete Senators Taft and Aiken from the Committee on labor and Public Welfare and Insert Senators John Sherman Cooper (Icy.) and Robert W. Upton (N.H.) following Senator Goldwater. 209 Delete Senators Capehart and Cooper frca the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and insert Senators James H. Duff (Pa.), William A. Porten (Conn.) and 1'rederirck 0. Payne (Me.) following Senator Griswold. Senator Potter should be listed ahead of Senator Griswold. 210 - Delete Senator Purtel1 from the Commit ,ee on Rules and Administration and insert Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (Wisc.) following Senator Barrett. 210 - Insert Senator Robert W. Upton (N.H.) following Senator PurteU on the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. 231 - Delete Congo Wright Patman f", the Joint Committee on Defense Pro- duction.. and insert Cong..8rc=.nt Spence of Kentu fo im? Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2000/08/25 :.CIA-RDP58-00597A000200040017-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP58-00597A000200040017-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP58-00597A000200040017-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP58-00597A000200040017-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP58-00597A000200040017-0