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Approved For Rsimse 2003/05/16: CIA-RDP79T00975A 88500400001-3 TOP SECRET 18 October 1965 25X1 Copy No. C1 3 7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE ULLETIN CURRENT INTELLIGENCE RELATING TO NATIONAL SECURITY State Dept., JCS reviews completed 25X 25X1 GROUP C C R ET EXCLUDED FROM SIFICATI 0ii-EG-A AUTOMATIC A For Release 2003/05/16: CIA-RDP79T00975AO0850 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500400001-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500400001-3 25 3 A d F l 2003/05/16 CIARDP79T00975A008500 00001 pprove or e ease . - 18 October 1965 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 25 2. Indonesia: Anti-Communist military leaders main- tain initiative despite Sukarno's efforts to "normalize" the situation. (Page 4) 3. India-Pakistan: Little change in diplomatic or military situations. (Page 6) 25 5. Yugoslavia: Tito rumored seriously ill. (Page 10) 6. Note: USSR. (Page 11) Approved Fo Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0085 0400001-3 25 j 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500400001-3 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500400001-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500400001-3 25X1 Co 0 n } KUALA ,' II ` ~ LUMPUR PULAU ~'9 Pa ko ba Nr :? eyn FLOR'ES SUMBA NGAS ~cnia) INDONESIA Koanda ,inter-regional command) G Regional command, headquarters ? Area command headquarters XVII Approved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO08500400001-3 ---------- Approved For elease 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO0850(400001-3 25X1 NE//1 25X1 25X1 Indonesia: Anti-Communist military leaders are maintaining neir initiative despite President Sukarno's efforts to "normalize" the situation. At the 16 October installation of General Suharto as army commander, Sukarno stated that in order "to find a political solutioW1 he needed "an atmosphere not set aflame from left and right!' Sukarno termed the 30 September incident merely "a ripple in the vast ocean of the Indonesian revolution!' Yesterday he addressed the Anti - Foreign Bases Conference being held in Djakarta. Despite speculation that he would make a major statement relating to the internal, situation, Sukarno limited himself to his standard attacks on the "imperialistic old established forces:' the army has submitted a number or demands to Sukarno., which include: (1) punishment of J all persons involved in the coup attempt, in accordance with Indonesian law; (2) banning of all mass organiza- tions and political parties that supported the coup at- tempt (notably the PKI and its fronts); (3) 'purge of all members of the air force involved in the coup attempt; and (4) abolition of Foreign Minister Subandriols Cen- tral Intelligence Body (BPI)7F-- To-r Tr o _nt a I _______jtne army ........... .............. ............ ..... . _d ion -with Sukarno, 11-i ~ ' ii, ' Rit ' ! inpt a irect but will continue its program against the PKI by en- couraging mass anti-Communist demonstrations in defiance of Sukarno's attempts to quiet the situation. The army believes that through continual agitation against the PKI it can eventually force Sukarno to ac- cede to its wishes J. I JSu rno, in an at- tempt to placate the army, may ban the PKI and replace it with a new "national." Communist party. In recent statements army leaders have left the door open for 25X1 25X1 25X1 MEN, 011 25X 25X 18 Oct 55 4 Approved For Rr: lease 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO0850040(1001-3 cooperation with Communist elements regrouped in a broader Maryist party. There is as yet no confirmation that PKI leader Aidit was captured by the army on 14 October, althou h rumors to that effect are circulating in Djakarta. 25X The army's demand in regard to the air force was partially met with yesterday's announcement that air force chief TVTnr.Qhn1 T)ani -whri vno A-- I n I p y the 30 September plot, would temporarily give up his duties and depart on an overseas mission. The US Em- bassy in Djakarta believes Dani is being sent to Com- munist China. According to press reports2 the army has obtained Sukarno's agreement for continuation of a "state of war" in the Djakarta area. The army will undoubtedly use this to make further sweeps against the Communists. The US Consulates in Surabaya and Medan have re- ported rising anti-PKI activity in the two cities. On 16 October Moslem mobs in Surabaya roamed the city tear- ing down PKI signs and attacking PKI members. F 25X1 I I in Medan, Moslem and other anti.-Communist groups burned the North Sumatra PKI headquarters on 15 October. An at- tempt by PKI members to defend the building resulted in heavy fighting and casualties. A0proved For Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO08500400001-3 E 25X11 so 25 *Peking charged early this morning that Indonesian troops forcibly entered And searched the office of the Chinese commercial counselor in Djakarta on 16 October. The foreign ministry in Peking has handed a strong pro- test to the Indonesian ambassador _and has demanded an apology from Djakarta. NEI ^(1949) Srinagar CIT he how in W .,J>'AKIAl b I'akislan?s forces ,/umber 67.000 in the Kashmir area and 64.000 northwest India Approved or Release 2003/05/16 : CIA-RDP79T00975A6W500400001-3 CHINA i IflDIfl-PflKISTRfl ORDER OF BATTLE Poonch `kMendhar s~`lP1 "Y PAKISTAN INDIA , [7<