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December 14, 2016
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October 15, 2002
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Publication Date:
January 22, 1946
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Approved For Release 2002/10/31: CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
for, Release 2002/10/31: .CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIAIRDP90-00610
, -Janu'p-117K
,oecretary.oi Stite,
rA2* It _/113c,rd-e4ir, and I. hereby:direc*4,,thatall-,7ed-
or ign.:,;teilIgencc_nOtivities-,beItaannedsdevelop - and
. . _. . . _
:,o, .a.JsurE: the.mosteffePtlye adaompliahmeo
#te.IligehOe:'MiSaI6:1 related to the,',4tional,,aqctirity.
t e ide0Snae-you,,'.together with anotheppersori-to be_aamed
r ,,,MyperSonaIrvpresentative, as the .L
4-nc' ah?r#Y;to bc017,444sh phis:purpos;-- '
-bo time "assign,personal#FidtacIlitsies:;Vropc.
respective which persons
rp:;;.05qe-rWrOlitntlelligenderGroup:nd shtli,'?undr4i.thedlidctiOn
,shali be-designated by me, shall be responsible to the National
Intelligence Authority, and shall it as 'a non-voting member
Stbject to the existing law, andtorthe direction
an.(7,control of the National .Intelligence Authority, the Director
of.'O.entralIntelligence shall:
. Accomplish the correlation and evaluation of
intelligence relating to the 1-itional security, and ;;he
appropriate disseminntion within the Government of tlae
1.,esulting- strategic and national policy intelligence.
so doing, full use shall be tade of the. staff and
facilities of the intelligence agencies of your
p. Plan for the coordination of such of the actj1-
ties of the Intelligence agencies of your Departmen
as relate to the national security and recommend to
. the Notional Intelligence Authority the establishment
of such over-all policies and objectives as will assie
:the most effective accomplishment of the national
:intelligence mission
c. Perform, for the benefit of said intelligence
agencies, such services of common concern as the
National Intelligence Authority determines can be more
efficientlY 2-CCO
Approved r or ie zuurrroi3f ttitC-Rtit530-00610R000100120001-3
Approved For Release 2002/10/31: CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
d. Perform such other functions and duties neli
to intelligence affecting the national securit7 CL
the President and the National Intelligence Authol
may from time to time direct.
4. No pollee, law enforcement Or interni SCCJY7
functions shall be exerci;sed under this. directive.
5. Such intelligence recEived by the intelligrice
cies of ycur,DeDartmc24s 6esik-,n-ted by the N2ticr
anthialP7NalaL"fithuzlIttaZzt:ek"y'twil'able to th,-; DLI
tor of Cii-tral Intelligence for correlation, evPlurtiol or
dissemination. To the extent approved by the National _Lat:_
li3ence Authority, the operations of said intelligence
shall be open to inspection by the Director of Central Lnta
li6ence in connection with planning functions.
6. The existing intelligence ']gencies of your Dez-
ments shall continue to collect, evaluate, correlate and nate departmental Intelligence.
7. The Director of Central Intelligence shall be P
vised by an Intelligence Advisory.Sonrd ?consistinkjof 1ie L
(or their representatives) of the princip-1 military 2r11
civilian intelligence .'gencies of the Government having fun -
.tions relnted to rivtionral security, ns determined by the
Intelligence Authority..
15, Within the scope.ofexistiag, V-4,1i8Alresidebti 2
directiveSotherp.departments,and tl,genciet,;, f.theexecutive
, ,-
brnnah-of'the:7ederstrf-Government'shall furnish 'such inte4i
yzenceinformetip#,I4eltiting.*D'thenation:tlleibn.ritY4Is is
theirpossessionefikaa-AheADirector.of pentral,1.,antelligOnce,J,
way fromtiniez:tWtimeali?equest pursunnt,:toav Ip
egulations rAh,
, ..
11:Itiono.1 IntelllgenoCAuthorit
. ,. _.
othina.'rherelnsh 'citAISt e .. $ utho e.
making, of investigetiond:,:inSidea,.the?c ontinente ?,.1 its, oftLc
-United Str te s : end . its :.pos sessioni , ',excePt ..40, :m.'pli.ide d by
._ , .
nnd Presidential:directives.
, In the'conduct-of their ctiries ith ictonol'
'Intelligence Authority and the Directoif'or:Centrai'Intelligtnec
shall be responsible 'for fully protecting: intelligence' sou:Nes
and methods
Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
- 2 -
Approved For Release 2002/10/34-J-'-6A-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
January 22, 194o
To The Secretary of State,
Th3ecretax7 of Wars-and
The Secretary of the Navy.
I. It is my desire, and. I hereby direct., that all Federa_i. ,r,
intelligence activities be p.lanned, developed and coordinated so a 1 to ;
the most effective accomplishment of the intelligence mission re-a
national security. hereby designate you, together with another v r st r
be named by me as my personal representative?? as the National late i-
Authority to accomplish this purpose. -
Within, the limits. of available appropriations, you sha ebc
front time.. to time assign persons and facilities from your respecti
Departments, which persons shall collectively for= a Central Intel. ? 'r
oup, an -shall, under the direction of a Director-of Central Int c 1:gen
sit .th?atio ,InteWgence Authority..*-, The Director of Centra Ir
elligeneshll1 'designated by the, shall beLresponsible to the I at?ion
e Authcrity, and. shall, sit as a non-voting member there( f
Subject to the :existing- law, and to the direction and c
nal Intelligence Authority,- the Director .of Central Int C i
a. Accomplish the correlation and evaluation of
Intelligence relating to the national security,, and the
appropriate rdis'semination within the -Government of the
_ ,
resulting strategic and national . policy intelligence.
In so doing, ftIl'use shall be made of the staff. and
.fadiiities :of the intelli.gence ag,mcies of your Delaartmury::::.
- b. Plan for the coordination of such of he activitie:3
of the intelligence agencies of your Departments as relate
tot. the national'seCurity and recommend to the-National
Intelligence Authority the, os.tablishmont of 11.1ch over-all
policies and objectives as will assure tne most effective
accomplishment of the national. intelligence rdssion.
c. Perform, for thL: benefit of said inteJiigence
agencies, such SeinriCC:3 :If common concern as the National
Intelligence Authorit7 dotermines can be more efficient17
accomplished centrally.
d: Perfbrm-such other functions and duties related
to intelligence affecting the national security as the
President and National Intelligence Authority may from
time to time direct.
4. No police, law erf:,rcement ..7)r internal se.lurity
shall be exercised under thi.7, -11rc!ctiv -
Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
Approved .For Release 2002/16/3t:ZIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
_5. Such intelligence received by the intelligence agenci
your Departments as. May be cicsignate.d by the National
Authority shall be -freely available to th.e Director of 'Central mt
for correlation, evaluation or diSsezdnati on. To the.-extent appro'
National-Intelligence ,Authority.., the operations of said intelligen(
shall be open- to. inspection b:,'7 the- Director of Central Iritefliger
nection with planning functions.
6. The existing intelligence: agencies ,cf your Departments,
continue to collect, evaluate, correlate and disseminate departme,
7.. The Director of Central Intelligence shall be advised I--
Intelligence Advisory Board consisting of the heads (or their repre
of the principal militaryand civilian intelligence agencies cf tho -
having functions related to national security, as determined by the
Intelligence Authority,
8. Within the scope ofc.--xisting law and Presidential darer
other departments andagencies of the executive branch of the .Feder,
Government 401 furnish such intelligence information relating to
national seCurity aS is in their possession, and as:.the Director cf
Central Intelligence may from time to time requeet pursuant to regu:.:
of, the National Intelligence Authority.
, Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the makirg
of investigations inside the continentallimits of the United ?States
and its poses,s.iorA, except as provided by law and Presidential-41're iv
In the conduct of their activities the?ttlational',Intelligence
-'-Authority and the Director of'Central Intelligence shall be responsible,
for fully
proteCtingintelligence sources and methods.
Sincerely- Yours,
Approved For Release 2002/10/31: CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
'.?!, ?
Approved For Release 2002/44319di-: CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
t ' , ::'...:, ,,,,,,, ...
' - , ,. ,,, --'00:. . te.?:-...':''',Y 1416. 'V .4'..i N t'' 4tire "???,?," '' - - 4 ? '1...., ' 'I??? ::' 4.'.'litt 17,1'':;?...)S4.4' > ?'''' ?I- ,- 41
...?:64...41* ...Ataktt fs-ittf. -ri,:',,rin,44,a tcts .',,,E,.., , :?4y. ??,4, ?ib x... 41/19104# 11111$1;41 % ' A1.'4", ??.:4;..
10 I?, I
1 .,` ,
A, t ....i'
Aor.,.whs Alm,
Us* andZ bossily does*, that ell Foilorte fore -AT.
tol bet alsuamptik dirsoloped oza coorclinatoi so sw to 1.311
$27losiestoplislosent of tho latolltionso iasicirolhtode tht?
rth4ztt. 1 hero* dooLoste tooprthirr with suothor roes* to
bo Palau& Intealloo
4 a..t.tz--41
rst, aka r ea,
741tial Shoal bolo roar reepostleo
elan' oolloottrety ton o Central Inti1ig,
af-4)411.0414W IP1S4**111 ;Nita
? Ilwridsiettcr Couribria
,t11,00P+PA0114.0vime VI" Utter ct
, -
ling to the tireation mut *ardor I
411 Xt?Ufi. Aithorii, the Director of Control It*11tj in*
shoal: -
? r 74"Tj '. .
a AottoolThh -the corrolation extA efealeetion tee
relattrvt t3 the nati=m1 vmarity. -Uhis _ \
0,PPIrclwiegal allielwainsAime within the Ountramairet of thas
resulting *trellises ono sationei roUsty lnteiLt
ni Ott deatita?v.011041 shoal be made of the artaff amd
fectilitits of tho intenimcoso az:mai-es of 7ear LeDer-P--no-n{
'Ilan for t,lo ceordtnaen of rfv,ah of tlle nctivttits
!vlsds 1=te11ipance a;:stncloo? elf 7nktr,..par as rolat3
t!tejti&1 at ourity anti recommit- to the Not iozel
.1.o.thority tho es toblialvtort of sus-. clre.,--4111,
lalician ond objectives sc will are tha 7.wet effoctive
sochlir-zhmect of the national
::)erform, for the --,qnefit f said 1rte11i7ence
ar!srlaleal euca serviaea co-non carlat,rn as the :7:ttlanal.
Irtriligence ,Luthorit7 'atorminr7s Ina
occo7olIshed centrally.
?erform such c,-.2er ;:'a:moti7.n3 ,tuties rell:ed
to r.ltelligunoe affectln the net:lanai nocrity. as the
?resident and the Naticnal ,f.4tori-t7 may fr-=
tine to time dircot.
pea 1443law cr ?:#30uri fls,r.te
1.7e exercised under this ,'.1re.7,tiTe.
Approved For Release 2002/10/31: CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
?Such Int4alinemee ruse:vett by the intelligence spenvi,if c-.
,.aour pitt t.raKy 1 b thc Uutional autellirevzt
Authorit:7- shall be freely avullAble to the 17,irector cC Centra Intell_
for oorrelution, eTr.1.1.iala or dieserdnatiaL4 Tc eht extent a-ppre-v,
Nati anal Intel lir,: 0%06 the operstt!...os ez." st.la intelli
be open to ihepaoliexibr1..41e I;rireotor ofCont,rel
tion with Ilosno.inz .f:totlertiorr
. - ate e;AN 713 n r
inuft tato1.10e;;* vibaLitatte* 4-..Iittot., tin die 14 01463:11:0 41,- 4::?
iritelliVent* ?
-tbie ,;,.,r411, ixt 474;:i_.:-.-.--?ral -..',...,1:1; .........:,-t,,,_ altel;L b0 4AWiefs.d ; :
IL ttbialli perm* Azissies ,1::,?,1- brAi.)rel oorsist'LLr (..,- '4:1' ,'': ht.. Lc:in to-f- t.,'; tAtir-, repre.f: ft ....,
:or the er,.,ixtei*.,-1 Irf.litztry er4/.1 civilian '-f..7". ''',.' tlit , 1: , !'i'...,11'13.0,' ti di.: lel,/ / le.:4:7' t.:?''.: t'i, ,f
-1,.?::?? tig3.44.47"11:::gettiozz rulc?..ti.,744?tsviesttistel ee;e;.,.-7.f, ew clvbertexte4, to:,
";:''i Xr.telalgenota.7.4-utl-atrit4r*,,,
4.:',:ii, , . . - , 4.. -flittiirt titti i: V s".? 'Ant lopr ,..:/r.t.; Y-2-r.,..rivlsoratira.d.t..root!...1,?.-Isit
, .'.;?'.:-'?;,-,,rethor .4*-74-triammatis ',?;?>';.-T?TI itorarlisit of- .., f.......viistil.-frr. brf,-- !I'', of`
siliar i.???t, ma tni.. 1. ri 44.1iteer.of Ilar,oltaitt-,2.?:7;-, reattanci;.40a it.?,
$,:i;:??;"7,-..11*.tionil.s.sivaritv us "?:is 1st .!..,heir ismizsosslar.a, aid so thy rtitaSstor
,-, ? .
-;.7.;??????:,:. .,
tollictragts sutrtroin tins to ..tims estrairt parautitat.440 roz.4.14i1 .144
? 11- 'Ate tr.* , -
??? ? 4
iftear aott-st
youtrtss etti
:41 ? ' A '
, _:"' ?-?.4
Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
7 ar..,,Di2.,TArve,d_Frpr Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP90-00610R0001 0,01400143 20
Following is the text of a directive sent by the President to
the Secretary of ?State, Secretary of 'Tar and ?Secretary of the Flavv
with regard to the coordination of the foreir2;n intelligence activ-
ities of the federal government:
1. It is m7 desire, and I hereby direct, that all
Federal foreign intelligence activities be planned, dsvel-
oped and coordinated so as to assure the most effective
accomplishment of-the intelli7ence mission,related to the
national security. I hereby desirnate you, ton-ether with
another person to be named by me as my personal rePre-
sentatives as the National IllteliigBage..1.11-LL22rity to
, accomplish this purpose.,
2. Within the limits of available appropriations.
you shall each from tine to time assiea Periwns and
facilities from. -.Tour respective Jenartments, Tihich per- -
sons shall collectively for n a .7entra1 Intelli-ence lroup
and shall, under the direction of a Director of -Jentral
Intellie.ence, assist the :Tatiana]. Intelligence luthority.
The Director of Intelli-ence shall be desi-nated
by ae, shall be responsible to the :ational Intellir,ence
Authority, and shall sit as a non-votinr Jember thereof.
3. Subject to the cedstin:- law, and to the direction
and control of the :ational Intellirence ".uthority, the
Director of Central Intelligence shall:
a. ',ccomPlish the correlation and evaluations
of intelli-ence relatin- to the national security,
and the an-nropriate disseaination within the Covern-
aent of the resulting strategic and national aolic7
intelligence. In so doing, full use shall be -lade
of the staff and facilities of the intelligence
agencies of your Depart-lents.
Job II 80891
b. Plan for-the coordination of such of the
activities of the intelligence a-encies of your
Depart-lents a- relate to the ntional secqrit7-
and. rota-mend to the ll'ational ,_nteilirence ..uner-
ityjthe establish-Lent of such over-all policies
and objectives as will assure the most effective
accomplishment of the national intellirence mission.
APProw4 RREFIefeass ?MIM jf-0&1WA ITInficicilia
rence a-encies, such services of canon concern
_ .
Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3
, 10. In the conduct of their activities the -iational
IntellipenceAuthority and the ')irector of Central
-ence shall be resnonsible for fully protectinr: intel)i-
ence sournes nnd methods.
Job I/ 80891
Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100120001-3