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Document Creation Date:
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date:
October 8, 2002
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Publication Date:
January 22, 1946
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CIA-RDP90-00610R000100110011-3.pdf | 342.93 KB |
The. secretary, of St!te
~~~ ecre.~;.ary or ?.T&r, and
It is niy: desire, and I:.her-eby, direct, . that it
n, it, X_
;el ~gence ^et vitiE~ b- 1
"i` anvthex7' person: tO be
>. reor esent,+f
of v `ab 1' a
to, .rc snoaisiYz1E ta. tn
Intelllgence Authority, and shall sit as ,2 non-voting
_:~ ;c
th rcof.,
or 0. n.tr7 l 1IZte a. rvC
l~'be design - ed, by me." n 1-1 'k
Approved For Release 2002/10/31: CIA-RDP90-00610R000100110011-3
The ';;ce pup .pf. the Navy
nte.tli e'nce "misaicective; 8cc0mpl._2hme-
r. belated`, tc7 the mat i0n8 I aeourit
des1gri, 'te ou, gtog~fher 4th:
V d % : ' $ , c ' " x to , r6 , the most`effp armed, Bevel c3.
recta- 0.. ~entr^ ,, under. the d ] ' rr
~, T Intelliace n.s t :,, M, t ,
P r ons sill collect.vc>
,C- ntr,a Int011J-gence Group ~fnd sh-T1
x :ni C 21 f c7 C.` a. It 13 ~.)t
-~ ect'ive rtmUnt': vrhic e
oh ro 3.tzts t :b.ti t .: 31 ' ronrlattcr.,s,
Ir1te=~'T' :cncFl` Authority ho na ,~
o the I%T,:ti_onai. Intel,y:once Authorit;T, the
of Central Intelllg-cnce sha 11 ;
Accomplish the r.orrelnt;-~..On and evnluc_tiar
intelligence relating to the nr,tion~l security,
p ro ri^i d~ssFmint;on with _n
sul,, ,hr- Government-
r tinF strate ?ic and n~ti.on,- 1 :;olictr intcll-'_I:
In so doing, full us(: sh- 11 be made of the - 3t. -: 1
f-cilities of the irite 11lg--nce _-gcncies of F--U
Den rrtments .
3. Subject to the existing low, and to the d tp
ry,~d control f
b. Plan for th,, ccordirs-=ti on of such of th:
ttl-s of the Tntelllz-encE a rnci~s of your Den ,:~
s relate to the n,,tionol s~cur?i ty ?,Ind recommend
the ri}tional Intelligence ,luthor ty the esta}b1_. >
of such over-all noiicies r nd objectives as wil
the most effective :,ccornal -> i;:ier_t of the natiar:<
intelligence mission.
c. Perf orn, for the ben ~- Df said intel 1i7 -e
agencies, such services ,l r ,moron concern r
i ~tion_ 1 Intc-lligen-!e Iiui-h,aritTy determines 'c
-ificiently i b
Approved For Release 2002/10/31: CIA-RDP90-00610R000100110011-3
Approved For Release 2002/10/31 CIA-RDR90-00610R000'100110011-3
aye f ?m tr atc3= tune;. dt.rec ,a ~' ' r : ,r~?
d Performs such other functions and . dut _, s. - r 1
intelligerice:` , fecting-'_the:.nat .one i. secu I t a4
the ,President~.and the, ljati.onal` Intelligence r.uth ri i
y o rpol cep, 1cw~. enforc'ement;< ors,`;intexn^l ?.~c.cur
shsll:sbe;exerc ec1.4, underri:th.l ' directive-...
S . uci 1 nte11igence; received,' by~;the `int,e1:-:.gen r r
cae ~ to1i I p r ~ i ~? b e4 .cr ;`ted,by tbcx Nat ory
lnti ttlarir x .' ~tIable "tcc the )irc
for ;of C it z1~teFlli ac ~, o ca eel tiop, evalue ion r
rlI 3s tr-'i-n.^t ar Tac i c ~:,= assn c e:bv the ,,`rNatloxie1.1 Lit
:titer S . IJJ . ? r-+ - s " NJ ..a u, ?, .11 es tw v w.dpt . ..t d. a,a t ,a,erv .a to ; ? ?a ev e- ?? ,/ .1 ~.a
c zi a a int g n i of are aGav x e t:. h r1 gW use
tion elated. to nc-t+oi,n1 ''securitYg determined b, the N ,.;A
Intelligence Authority
v T L ~*
Within the scope of existing.. law and Preside ti.
vise ;'stn nt:elli ~~ ~~z s~xr CAT o istirg. 'f. the= tic
their possession, end' as the' Director -of' Central In :eali. cn.
may from time to time request pursuant to regulation. of
Bence information relating. to the nrltion.~l security -s I.
directives, other departments and agencies of the e:recut vP.
branch of the Federal Government she 11 furnish such IrIte .1-
ICI~.:iona1 Intelligence Authority.
4if! '~ t`Uv 1 KA ~ ~o-ti[L11 ~~t+ai .Yi S+h ~4~LiV u;J ~V~
rift Fi" r Trtl Tie l bk TK x it
ya., to ,rte iu.'.].r. ..? ....:c1...w.....
9. - Nothing, herein shell to construed to au.--.}ori
making of investigations inside the continental litn _~v 3
United States and its possessions except., as providFec. br
and Presidential directives.
10. In the conduct of their -,ctivi_ties the ;:: t1:
InII-e11igence Authority and the Director of Central :te 1
shall be responsible for fully protecting intelligence -r
^n_d methods.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Hurry' Truman
Approved For Release 2002/10/31: CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100110011-3