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Li c A 4 p p rove d For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 *NASA Declassification/Release Instructions on File* PROTOCOL FOR THE ESTAbLISNMENT OF A SPECIAL DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS LINK =TEEN THE WORLD TET'EOROLOGICAL CENTERS IN IviOSCOW AND WASHINGTON IN ACCORDANCE WITH TI E bILATERAL AGREENEMT ON OUTER SPACE DATED JUNE 8, 1962 TETWEEN TEE ACADENv OP SCJEWEN OP THE USSR Alq) TM NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ALNINJSTRATIOW OP TM USA. 1. This Protocol has been prepared to implement the bilateral Agreement in Outer Space, dated June 8, 1962, between the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the USA, as well as the First Memorandum of Understanding dated March 20 and May 24, 1963. 2. In anticipation of the availability of meteorological satellite data for exchange by early 1965, it is agreed to establish, in the third quarter of 1964, a duplex twenty four hour communications link between. Moscow and Washington, for transmission of meteorological information. Assuming there are no technical difficulties of any kind, it is agreed that each side will use its own terminal equipment and apparatus and that the telegraph,signals will be sent in accordance with International Telegraph Code 2. The communications link and the terminal equipment and apparatus will conform to CCITT standards, and will be operated according to an z?ruedschedukoftransmission 06T-hoto, facsimile, and teluL;raph signis. . IL w:.; agreed that the link would be routed via the following points Moscow-Warsaw-Berlin-ia'urt-London-Washingwn. 4. The principle of equal sharing of costs will be achieved through Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP671300558R000100100008-1 a method of settlement whereby the USSR and.the-USA will pay full costs Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 -2- of the communications link between Washinaton and MO3COW for periods of one month. The Ulk will nay for the first month after establishment of the link after which the responsibility for payment of costs will be assumed by the parties alternately for each one month period.' 5. After the link has been determined to be operatinc satisfactorily, the parties, in a manner to be determined by correspondence, will invite to a meetinc; the W.0, weather services operatin3 in the territories throuji which the communications link passes, and any other weather services interested in acquirin access to the communications link on a receive-only basis. Each such weather service will ma!::e a proportional contribution to the total expenses of the communication link. This special Protocol may be terminated by either party on 60 days notice .- FOR 1111A: naL:n L. Dryden (?John W. Townsend Ceneva? ;.;wit=riand, June 6, 1964. POR TI- E ACZIDaa OF SCIENCES OF DI,' USSR: L. Bla3enravov Badalov Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 SECOND REMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO IMPLIMENT TBE BILATEML SPACE AGREEMENT OF JUNE 8, 1962 BETWEEN THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR AND THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION OF THE US - PREAMBLE The purpose of the present Memorandum of Understanding is to (1) advance the implementation of the sections of the bilateral space agreement of June 8, 1962 dealing with a coordinated meteorological satellite program and a world magnetic survey using satellites; and (2) to provide for new cooperation in the preparation of a major review and projection of work of the two countries in space biology and medicine. Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 T ?L C??13-134araeWigkeirkWalre 01/43:fierd I AL11/610447 B00558R000100100008-1 This section of the Second Memorandum of Understanding to Implement the Bilateral Space Agreement of June 8, 1962 supplements Section II of the First Memorandum, dated March 20 and May 24, 1963, and replaced the Appendix attached to that Memorandum. A. EXCHANGE OF CONVENTIONAL METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1. Conventional data of equivalent type will be exchanged over the communica- tions link between the World Meteorological Centers in Moscow and in Washington, provisions for the establishment of which have been determined by a separate protocol in accordance with transmission schedules to be agreed by exchange of correspondence between the Chief, U.S. Weather Bureau, and the Chief of the Hydro- meteorological Service of the USSR. (a) Collectives of upper-air data. Transmissions should be completed within four hours of observation time. (b) Collectives of surface synoptic weather reports. Data available in Washington, within three hours of observation time, for the area of North and Central America and the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans, will be transmitted to Moscow. Data available in Moscow, within three hours of observation time, for the areas of Eastern Europe, the USSR, South Asia and the Southern Pacific (WMO Regional Association V), will be transmitted to Washington. (c) in addition, the following charts will be transmitted by facsimile on a time available basis: (I) Forecast contour charts for 1,000, 500, 300 and 200 millibars, for periods up to 72 hours, if available. Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP671300558R000100100008-1 -2- (ii) Vertical motion forecast for a level between 850 and 500 mb, or for the levels 850, 700 and 500 mb. (iii) 500 mb. vorticity chart. (iv) Sea level isobaric five-day forecast. (v) Thirty-day temperature and precipitation forecast for the continent of the transmitting country. (vi) Special charts for aviation such as tropopause chart and significant weather distribution chart* 3. When practicable, charts exchanged will cover the area of the Northern Hemisphere. Polar stereographic projections will be used. for all chart exchanges. Analysis and prognostic charts having a scale Of 1230 million or 1240 million will be used. Special charts exchanged on request would be on scales most convenient for the transmitting country. 4. Men satellite data becomes available, it will have first priority as provided in the First Memorandum of Understanding. Priorities for conventional data will follow thereafter in the order prescribed above. It is recognized that, due to the experimental nature of satellite programs, there may be periods when satellite data will not be available at Moscow or Washington and satellite data exchange will be temporarily discontinued. 5. Status of the exchange will be reviewed formally early in 1965$ and at six-month intervals thereafter, to ascertain whether the purpose of satellite data exchange has been achieved and to evaluate the usefulness of continued direct exchange. If satellite data does not become mutually available within a reasonable time, the exchange of data over this special link will be discontinued. Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 III - MAGNETIC FIELD SURVEY THROUGH THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL SATELLiTES A. EXCHANGE OF DATA 1. It is agreed that the exchange of magnetic observatory data between the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and NASA of the mit, provided for an described in IV, paragraph 6, of the First Memorandum of Understanding (Geneva, 1963) is to be conducted in the volume of data for the years 1964 and 1965, and will be carried out through World Data Centers A and B, located, respectively, in Washington and in Moscow. 2. It is agreed that magnetograms and monthly tables of the following Observatories USSR USA Yakutsk Sitka Sverdlovsk College Irkutsk Fredericksburg Odessa Tucson Tashkent San Juan Guam for the years 1960-1963 will be transmitted to World Data Centers A and B before the end of 1964. 3, It is agreed that the exchange of magnetic survey data taken without the utilization of satellites, provided for in 1V, paragraph 0, of the First Memorandum of Unde7stand1ng (Geneva, 1963) will be conducted through World Data Centers A and B, located, respectively, in Washington and in Moscow. . MAGNETIC MAPPING 1. It is agreed to review the possibility of utilizing satellite measure- ment results for the composition of a magnetic map for days of slight disturbance and to exchange review results with the other side. Approved For Release 2001/138/28?.:DAB DP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 IV. SPACE BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Discussions concerning the areas of mutual interest in Space Biology and Medicine have resulted in the recognition of the desirability of cooperation in this field and have produced the following agreement: 1. To proceed with the publication of a two or three volume work to contain a review of the fundamental achievements and problems of space biology and medicine over the past 10 years, including aspects of future development in this field, and to regard this work as a first step toward further cooperation. 2. By means of correspondence between the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and NASA of the US to establish an Editorial Board co-chaired by a Soviet and a,U.S. scientist, with equal representation of the two and with the following responsibilities; (a) To agree on suitable titles for the entire work as well as for the separate volumes. (b) To agree on the title of each chapter and to develop an outline of the contents of each chapter. A tentative outline of the work for the Board's consideration is appended. (c) The Editorial Board will offer COSTAR an opportunity to forward any comments COSPAR might wish to make on the proposed table of contents 7within an agreed period of time. S. (ii) The U.S. representativeA on the Editorial Board will select the U.S. authors; the Soviet representatives will select the Soviet authors. Each chapter will appear in the final Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 :_9IA-RDP67B00558R000100100008-1 volumes in two parts, one emphasizing Soviet work in the field and prepared by the Soviet author, the other emphasizing U.S. work and prepared by the U.S. author., (e) Arrange for a system Of correspondence and for scientific and editorial review of the manuscripts. (f) Provide for an agreed system of writing the contents and for the sequence of placing the articles. (g) In exceptional cases, which shall require the unanimous consent of the editorial board before any invitations are directed to any authors, a combining of the articles of two authors into a single article may be effected, or a single author commissioned to write a given chapter. 3. The publication plan will be as follows: (a) Each volume of the series will appear both in English and Russian. The English language version will be published ie-United7States, the Russian version i:i=4:74347.741v (b) Each Each side will prepare translations of the material supplied by the other into its own language and each translation will be reviewed and edited by the side of origin before publication. (c) The costs of work performed within each country including costs of translations, editing and travel of its nationals will be borne by the respective country. (d) The time schedule will be: 1 October, 1964 1 December 1964 . Establishment of the Editorial Board. - Final Plan of contents and identifi- cation of and instructions to authors. Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : 9A-RDP671300558R000100100008-1 1 July 1965 - Deadline for manuscripts. 1966-1967 - Publication of all volumes. 4. After receipt of the manuscripts of all materials, during the fourth quarter 1965 - first quarter 1966,- discussions between the two parties (Academy of Sciences of the USSR and NASA of the usil) will be held on the state of the problem and the work conducted in the two countries, and a determination will be made of possible forms of further cooperation of the two countries in the field of space biology and medicine including a commoh program of joint research, 5. The parties agree that they will continue their normal participation in the meetings and other work of the international scientific organizations in this field, ??????????? Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 V. EFFECTIVE DATE The recommendations proposed in the present document have a preliminary character and will be presented by both parties to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the US for final consideration. If either of the two parties finds it necessary to make any corrections, additions, or deletions in the text of the prepared documents, then all of these changes shall be forwarded within one month of this date, by correspondence, which will be sent to the following address in Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Ieninski Prospekt 14, Moscow, USSR. and to the following address in lihshingtons National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Attention: Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington 25, D.C., U.S.A. If in this final consideration there is failure to agree on any of the major areas, the recommendations in the other major areas will continue in effect. FOR NASA: high L. Dryde John VI, Townsend Geneva, Switzerland, June 6, 1964. FOR THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR: A. Blagonravov ..4.? ? -e A. Badalov Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP671300558R0001001000HANDia CONTENTS OF "THE FOUNDATIONS OF SPACE BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE" (Review of Fundamental Problems, Achievements, and Prospects for Development) VOL. I PART I INTRODUCTION Fundamental problems, general significance, and probable lines of development of work in space biology. PART II OUTER SPACE FROM A PHYSICAL. AND BIOLOGICAL. POINT OF VIEW CHAPTER 1. Physical properties of the cosmic environment (outer space), which are important from a biological point of view. CHAPTER 2. Planets and satellites of the solar system from a physical and ecological point of view. CHATTER 3. Biological action of environmental extremes (simulated under laboratory conditions). CHATTELl. Exobiology. The search for and study of extra-terrestrial forms of life. CHAPTER 5. Methods of exobiological research. CHAPTER 6. Methods of sterilization and - prevention of uncontrolled transfer of forms of life.. VOL. II PART III MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF MAN1S FLIGHT INTO SPACE CHAPTER 1. Environmental conditions during space flight. Programs and prosp0Cts for research. CHAPTER 2. Radiation safety during space flight.. Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 4 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 -2- APPENDIX CHAPTER 3. Foundations of gravitational biology. CHAPTER 4. Accelerative forces during space flight. CHAPTER 5. Weightlessness and artificial gravitation. CHAPTER 6. Psycho-physiological problems during prolonged space flights. VOL. III PART IV SYSTEMS FOR PROTECTING AND SUPPORTING MAN IN SPACE FLIGHT CHAPTER 1. General principles for the construction of protective systems for man. CHAPTER 2. Closed life support systems for man. CHAPTER 3. Work physiology and ability to work in space flight. CHAPTER 4. Biological indices for manned space flight trajectories. Review of flight experiment results with animals and other organisms. Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 UBJ SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/28 -: GIA-RDPA7B00558R000100100008-1 4 ' tor (3ciionce & Technology) 25X1A Agreement r your telcon request of 26 June 1q84, attached please tind the position support paper on the proposed UU-UStalt operative program in Space Biology and Medicine. 25X1A ribut on: ig V*I - Addressee 2 - AA/SI LSD/SI Alligliggpirj/751 (29 Jun 64) 25X1A SEPTI Approved For Release 4014162d CIA-R6P6'76' 558R004100100008-1 rT Approved For Release 200f 22 -RDP67600558R000100100008-1 2. r OR THE . US-USSR Coope and Medicine In principle the propcsed **us to both sides and represents expanded cooperation in a mutual ever certain precautionary mamaures are mdi- regard to the initial stage of co-authored on. Various critical problems also will arise end stage of cooperative reeearch and development. LO As outlined V of the OOBPAR sent4 a variety of critical problem areas ar. to be covered which are of concern to both sides. Several areas represent a paucity of available hard data due to inherently difficult experimental conditions and others are concerned with subjects on which information is speculation or philosophical In character. On balance. the net return of new information to the United states probably will be small, If matched against the open literature now available. Volume /. Part 1 (Introduction) represents a coincidence of general thinking among investigators of all nations as revealed in previous international meetings. The one element of a timetable for planning and development of "work in Space Biology" is a secure matter in the USSR and probably will not be revealed under these circumstances. Volume I Part II Water Space from a Physical and Biological Point of View) includes study areas wherein the United States clearly has greeter strength than the USSR. This is particularly evident in Chapters 1-3. Chapters 4-$ are rens where hard information has fully demonstrated little it any Soviet capability. Revelation of this information would be a gift to the USSR with no chance of 4oviet factual return and little control over whether the Soviets 'would use the procedures properly to ensure a planetary sterile preserve. sr .2PT igtg- Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP671300558R000100100008-1 Approved For Relearr2001./08/28_:.CIATROP B00558R000100100008-1 Cooperation in Space Biology an Medicine Volume II, Part III Medical and Biological Ptohlems of *Ws night into Space) represents a combi- nation of secure Soviet information (Chapter 1? specific aspects of Chapters 2, 4, and 0, little data due to limited earth-bound experimental conditions (Chapter 3)* and a current U.S. state-of-the-art and technological advantage (Chapter 8). Volume III, Part IV (Systems for Protecting and Zapporting Man in Space Flight) includes one area (Chapter 1) which, would be advaatageous to the United 4ates should the 3oviets choose to reveal details of their Vostok environmental control system (suit and cape. aule). Intelligence information now indicates that the manned Vostok program is in its final phase and that the major Soviet bioastronautics effort has been concentrated on prolonged Cover 14 days) manned flight for about two years. Specific design and operating details of the Voetok life support system may well be outdated by the time these publications are published. In addition, a commitment has new been made by the Soviets to reveal 7nd display the Vostok system to U.S. sources. The sub- jects of Chapters 2 and 3 represent a dilemma to both participants in that they are major requirements for prolonged flights and their development is at an early stage. The Soviet data in support of Chapter 4 already have been revealed in considerable depth via open I iterature. 3. eor information continues to demonstrate that the soviets are not interested in cooperation within artlas where they have strong capabilities due to greater effort or unique space flight experience. They will not tooperate on development of environmental control systems for prolonged flight since they would have to reveal, among other things, the size of their proposed larger vehicle, how they achieve a tighter capsule than the United Aston has, what their basis for closed ecological uyetems is to be, etc. They will not offer to cooperate Q4 the extremely critical factor of cardiovascular Oseenditioning since they would have to reveal their extensive and at times unique approach to care and Approved For Releqe2001 Kr515 /171300558R000100100008-1 _ S'a, ET Approved For Reledle2001/08/28 dIAAtil7B00558R000100100008-1 CO-operation in Space Biology icine monitoring of the cosmonaut for periods over 14 days, the accelerative and decelerative fercee expected from new generation vehicles, specific deeign of artificial gravity systems now under developmert, etc. They will not cooperate on development of suiting without umbelical cord requirements since tbis is an uneolved problem for the Soviets and the United States, and any advances mould reflect on Soviet capabilities to accomplish rendezvous lnd docking their planned 111014 and manned lunar landing operations. Areas which they intend to offer for cooperative r-zeoreh and development include exobiology and sterili- zation of spacecraft, psychophysiology of space flight, study of vestibular problems of *As in specs flight, and problems of demineralization. The aforementioned are areas where Soviet knowledge and technology has faltered. 4. nclus a. For the initial cooperative stage (pub- lication) the Soviets mast be closely monitored is to detail and quality of content equal to the U.U. effort. The recent emergence of key investigators and responsible authorities in space biomedicine should be used to certify proper authoritiee rather than spokesmen or eeienaifie-eolitical personalities write and edit the separate Soviet contributions. Ly. itevelation of U.S. know-how in a number :A areas will be manifestly one-sided. This aAy be turned to advantage by making conditions for Soviet revelation of details in areas 'where they excel (e.g., environmental control systems). Q. Cooperative research and development abould be curtailed to include,a few are** where there are opportunities for trade-off. Present indications limit cooperative effort for the next two to three years to cardio- vascular problems and new devices for physio- logical monitoring of space crews. 4:ft SECRET Approved For Relea ,2 01/08/28 : CIA-ROP B00558R000100100008-1 _ SECRET Approved For Releage-1207,01/08728:-Ci4:Rb15-8/B00558R000100100008-1 Lij ? . AJBJXCT: US-USdh Cooperation in 3pace 114 y aud Medicine o. All informatiou exchanges should be a4ade only after certification that the 3oviet wprk, in fact, supplements available open sources of davtat literature, such as the com- prehensive Volumes I II, and III of ProbleSs 21-122S2-MA2124a. 25X1A Deputy Chief Life 6ciences Aistribution: 0ric IA 1 2,- AQ/SI L-X 14111/61 u3 L80411111111:irj/75.13 (20 Jun 64) 25X1A , ,S -1,...,.. 7 .ECRE , I Approved For Release 201/08/281: GIA-RDP67BD 558R000100100008-1 1 1 i i Approved For Release 2001/0S/ECREL-RDP67B00558R000100100008-1 26 JUN 196A IVEHOPA\IDUM FOR: Chief, Action :?:.',taft/DDS6'I' 25X1A ATLIT1I0,4: SUBJECT: Cooperation with the USSR -in Space i'latters 1. Attached is a Staff Study on the :Pro:posed US-Soviet idlateral :-Ap..-,een-len-L on Outer, Space: Section e1 Li -Lo teorological Satellites and Geatiapetic Survey. 2. The study is based on talks with U.S. participants in -no rx:?cent bilateral discussions in C_eneva and on our intellirence coverage of Soviet scientific and space proiTams. The conclusion is drawn that no objection should be interposed in the bilateral a.:-Teenents on meteorological satellite and magnetic survey progranr3. Chief (:;eneral Sciences Division, SI C0i4CURRENCE 25X1A 2 9 JUN 1964 Assistant )irctor, SI Attachment: Staff Study on the Proposed US-Soviet Bilateral 4reement on Outer Space Distribution: Orig 1 - addressee 2 - AD/SI 2 - GSD/SI 3- AGB/CSD/SI Date OSI/GaD/AGB/AMMEMMEMM/7261 (26 Jun 64) 25X1A 'Kip F.10)2,11 Irom ouiernatic Approved For Release 200 EfIA-RDP613um5?1R00010 100008-1 - declassification 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 SECRET June 19611 STAFF STUDY ON THE PROPOS:0) US-SOVIET BILATI.,'EAL AGE.E.,g1Lvir ON OUTER SPACE: SECTIONS RiffATING TO MATEOROLOGICAL SATELLITES AND GEOMAGNETIC SURVEY Background On I I,,arch 1962, President Kennedy addressed a letter to Premier Khrushchev proposing joint efforts in space research. Ana:1- th? proposals was the joint establishment of an nearly operational weather satellite systein desip2d to provide global weather data for prompt use by any nation, also a cooperative effort in conducting a magnetic survey of the earth. On 19 March 1962, the United States placed President Kennedy's proposals for US-Soviet cooperation in space research before the 75nited Nations and publicly invited suggestions and a response from the USSR. Following informal talks in New York between representatives of the two countries and an exchange of correspondence between the heads of two nations, a series of meetings to explore possible areas of space cooperation was held in May and June 1962 in Geneva between Dr. Hugh L. Dryden and Academician A. A. Blagonravov. The meetings resulted in a tentative agreement concerning three projects in which the two countries could cooperate: (i) the exchange of weather data from satellites and the eventual coordination of the launching of meteorological satellites; (ii) a joint effort to map the magnetic field of the earth by means of coordinated launchings of scientific satellites and related ground observations; and (iii) cooperation in the experimental relay of communications via the Echo satellite. Those technical recommendations were submitted to the two governments for final approval. The United States and the Soviet Union on 5 December 1962 announced their formal agreement to ratify and execute the cooperative space efforts outlined in the Dryden-Blagonravov agreement of June 1962. il_commendations outlining procedures for implementing the bilateral agreement were formulated in _Rome in March 1963. In July and August 1963, an exchange of letters between Drs. Dryden and Ala'ronravov formally brought into effect the first Memorandum of Understanding to Implement the Bilateral Space Agreement. au Approved For Release 2001/ml. imugli1C-RDP GROUP 1 ,., troll automatic t ;R000 duciaositication 00100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 ?C,14.RDP671300558R000100100008-1 %RI 26 June 1964 On 6 June 1964 a Second Nemorandum of Understanding to Implement the Bilateral Space Agreement of 8 June 1962 was signed in Geneva, Switzerland by Drs. Dryden and Blagonravov. Purposes of this latest Memorandum of Understanding, as announced, were (i) to advance the implementation of the coordinated meteorological satellite and -v;orld magnetic survey programs; and (ii) to provide for new cooperation in the preparation of a major review and projection of the work of the two countries in space biology and medicine. The Coordinated Meteorological Satellite Program Comments.--The latest Memorandum of Understanding provides for an exchange of conventional and satellite meteorological data. A separate protocol will provide for a communications link between Washington and Moscow to exchange the data. No specific schedule of meteorological satellite launchings is provided. The program is recoGnized as experimental and will be reviewed periodically beginning in 1965 at six month periods. If data is not mutually useful or available the exchange over the present link will be discontinued. On first consideration, it might appear that the United States, because of its Greater experience in the launching and use of meteoro- logical satellites, stands to lose more than it will gain in its agreement with the Soviet Union for a coordinated meteorological satellite program. However, the program should be examined in the light of other related U.S. programs and policies before drawing such a conclusion. Actually, under the U.S. announced and implemented policy of making its weather satellite data freely available to the world, the USSR and other countries are already receivinG the U.S. data regularly and routinely over the international meteorological communications network (sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization of the United Nations.) The international exchange of meteorological data has been Going on for years and the results of the U.S. weather satellite observations in the form of nephanalyses (cloud analyses) have been added to the conventional surface and upper air weather reports. (1;_ven the Communist Chinese participate in the international exchange of weather data.) Thus the U.S. weather satellite results are trans- mitted and available to the Communist countries in digital form and - facsimile. The Soviets are using the U.S. data for operational and research purposes. They have published at least two books and several articles in the scientific literature based on Tiros data. Approved For Release 2ogy as. CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08%,:n9R14DP67B00558R000100100008-1 aturit: 1 hi June 1904- The only S&T advantage that the Soviets could obtain from the cooperative meteorological satellite program, therefore, is that they would probably obtain the U.S. data slightly quicker and in somewhat greater detail over the Uashington4floscau communications link. This improved data exchange is not considered especially significant because the present exchange is adequate for most purposes. On the other hand, the proposed cooperation will make it possi'Dle for the United States to monitor the proL;ress of the Soviet eeteorological satellite prograu and to receive Soviet data which --Ight not othal-e-rise be available. fl-len both countries have fully developed their weather satellite programs, it is likely that they will be independent of each other, but they could be used to complement each other. At present and for the next few years it appears that the main advantage to the United States of the cooperative meteorological satellite program with the Soviets is the political and propaganda value. The bilateral agreement and particularly the policy of sharing with all other countries the results of our weather satelli'60 observations demonstrates U.S. willingness to share the rewards of its space program with other countries. This U.S. policy has been very effective in building up P.S. prestige in the space area because its practical benefits are easily. recognizable. 21 "possible benefit from the cooperative -program is that the United States may learn more about Soviet space systems. The possibility that the Soviets will obtain reconnaissance data under the guise of a meteorological satellite is somewhat remote because the orbit of a weather satellite is probably too high for effective reconnaissance. At any rate, this hazard does not seem to be any greater with an agreement than without one. Recommendation.--Yo opposition to the weather satellite Proposal is recommended. The Cooperative Magnetic Field Survey Cannents.--Although this was first visualized as an exchanTe of magnetic data obtained by means of satellites supplemented by surface data from regular magnetic surveys and observatories, the latest Nemorandum of Understanding contains no Provision for exchange of satellite magnetic data. A vague provision calls for a review of the Possibility of exchanging magnetic maps based on satellite feasurements. Approved For Release 2001/041g?1;)9f-RDP67B00558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 20049142kt IA-RDP67B00558R000100100008-1 W./AZ I 26 June According to a U.S. participant in the negotiations leading to this agreement, the Soviets are afraid that their magnetic measure- ments obtained by means of satellites can be used by the United States for military purposes, therefore they have insisted on deleting any brovisions for the exchange of such data. The U.S. participant is continuing to try to convince the Soviets that the data cannot be used for such purposes but is on-k, valuable for scientific research. The fact that the U.S. I'lavy has some classified programs involving the acquisition of magnetic data is probably known to the Soviets. The Soviets have released some magnetic data obtained by their nonmagnetic ship Zarya and some data obtained at the Soviet Antarctic stations, but they are reluctant to release magnetic data from the USSR. 11.3. magnetic data is probably of 'better quality than that of the USSR since Soviet magnetometer development lags that of the United States, however the Soviets are making progress in this area. The United States also has more useful satellite magnetic data than has the USSR. Cosmos 26 was the first Soviet satellite to carry a total field magnetometer whereas the U.S. first accomplished this with Vanguard III. Under the World Magnetic Survey program, the United States regularly releases to all nations magnetic data obtained by satel- lites, observatories, and unclassified surveys; therefore the bila- teral agreement to exchange data would provide little or no additional data to the Soviets. The exchange probably would make the U.S. data available to the Soviets somewhat earlier than at present, but this is not considered of great importance. Under the Memorandum of Understanding, the United States would receive magnetic data from five Soviet observatories and 1.0111.e, survey data taken without the use of satellites in exchange for similar U.S. data. This would result in the acquisition of some data not now available from the USSR, particularly that obtained during the period 1,X0 through 3_963 (the period between the end of the IGY and the beginning of the IQSY). The foregoing facts indicate that the United States stands to gain more Soviet magnetic data under the bilateral agreement than it would otherwise, whereas the USSR would not acquire any significant now magnetic data from the United States. The possibility remains that the Soviets will eventually agree to exchange satellite magnetic data. -.iocommendation.--That no objection be made to the -proposed netic data exchange. Approved For Release 2001/08/28 ? c141-RDP67B00558R000100100008-1 111:1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 MEMORAND* FOR: FORM NO . 10 REPLACES FORM 10-101 1 AUG 54 I WHICH MAY BE USED. (47) Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 SEC. CL. ORIGIN cr, DATE OF DOC 6/23/64 1 DATE REC'D DATE OUT LI 23/64 SUSPENSE DATE TO FROM SUBJ. arXrt*i 4701-M.CIA (;;"crix?:Tel.:1,1x:k ? CONTROL NO. D/::1,424*le,46'4464 CROSS REFERENCE OR POINT OF FILING DATE SENT ROUTING COURIER NO. IANSWERED NO REPLY 6 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE TO: ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: Note, this is an before receipt of which is awaiting signature. advanced copy the original 25X1A FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION FORM NO I FEB 55 REPLACES FORM 36-8 WHICH MAY BE USED. * GPO 1957-0-439445 (47) Approved For Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67600558R000100100008-1 1M8,12871 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP DATE 25X1 NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS ACTION APPROVAL COMMENT DIRECT REPLY CONCURRENCE Remarks: DISPATCH INFORMATION PREPARE REPLY RECOMMENDATION RETURN SIGNATURE 0100008A Bill: I see nothing wrong with the proposal. As a matter of fact, this kind of in- formation is already being exchanged. The agreement, however, will not buy us anything unless it also involves visits to laboratories. You might want to check this out with Dr. n OSI. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. A )proNOKFASigalge 204N61/1 UNCLASSIFIED I I CONFIDENTIAL 9,47 Use previous editions 22 DATE 25 June (40) U 5 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1961 0-987262 25X1A 25X1A 0008A 25X1A 0008-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP Chiefs Action Staff/DDSaT Attn: Room #3E30 DIRECT REPLY DISPATCH FILE INFORMATION FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. Appro FORM NO. 037 Use previous editions 4. (40) u.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1961 0-5872.82. ?1