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OGC 78-6227 Approved For Release 2004/10/12: CIA-RDP81 W0?6b @bM883Y-4 MEMORANDUM FOR : Assoc. Deputy Director for Administration Assoc. Deputy Director for Operations Assoc. Deputy Director for National Foreign Assessment Center Assoc. Deputy Director for. Science & Technology Executive Secretary/DCI Inspector General .,/Legislative Counsel General Counsel Attn: 25X1 STAT Office of General Counsel. SUBJECT Request to Produce Documents in the Environmental Suit Pertaining to Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, Entitled Carlos Romero-Barcelo, et al. v. Harold Brown, et al. (Carlos Romero--Barcelo-~is Identified as the Governor of Puerto Rico in the Interrogatories.) Attached is a copy of a self-explanatory letter dated September. 5, 1978 from the Department of Navy, the first three pages of the Interrogatories (enclosure 1), the first page and other pertinent pages in the Supplemental Request to Produce Documents (enclosure 2) and the one page constituting the list (enclosure 3). Item Nos. identify the documents specifi- cally requested of CIA. See definition number 3 on page two of the Interrogatories for a description of "document." Would you please conduct a search and advise me as soon as possible if your office has any documents responsive to this request. If you have - ns recrarding this request, please contact me on Attachments, a/s STAT STAT Approved For Release 2004/10!1': . CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 STAT DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL WASHINGTON, D. C. 20370 Office ox the General Counsel Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 IN REPLY REFER TO JA.G:140:GPL:evb 14/16038 SEP 19Th ,/ . , 7 . lb~~ ~.1 Re: Interrogatories and Supplemental Request. to Produce Documents-Environmental. Suit Pertaining to Island. of Vieques, Puerto Rico Dear Sir: Pursuant to Rules 33 and 34 of the Federal. Rules. of Civil Procedure,-enclosures (1) and (2) are forwarded for response as to those matters. which arc. under your cognizance. Enclosure (3) provides specific guidance as-to those interrogatories and, production requests to which it is requested you provide answers. Although the United States and, in particular,..your agency are not parties to the, instant suit and arc therefore not legally compelled to. respond to plaintiffs' interrogatories. and production requests, suggested that you:. respond inasmuch as plaintiffs are likely to amend their complaint tb"include your agency as a named party should they meet with any resistance. Draft responses should include the number of the interrogatory/ production request, the exact language of the interrogatory/ production request, and the appropr.iateresponse. A sample format would appear as follows: a) Interrogatory #43 Answer:. b) Production Request #21 Answer: Draft responses should be forwarded to this Office no later than September 29, 1978. Further inquiries may be directed to Captain G. P. Lyon, USMCR, of this Office who may be contacted at: . Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M0098OR001400080032-4 Autovon: 224-4028/32 Commercial: (202) 694--4028/32 Sincerely, j" X C:r.i.f)i,11S: J , U-S. Navy /ifli',--:'r:' (lAiga ion) Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CTR-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 IN THE UNi.TED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO CARLOS ROMERO--BAItCELO, et al., Plaintiffs, HAROLD BROWN, et al., Defendants. T,UIS MEDINA, et al.,- Plaintiffs, Civil Action No. 78-323 V. ) Civil. Action No. 78-377 ) HAROLD BROWN, et al., ) Defendants. ) FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES SUBMITTED BY PLAINTIFFS CARLOS ROF?sERO--BARCELO GOVERNOR OF PUERTO RICO, ET AL. TO: HAROLD BROWN, INDIVIDUALLY AND IN HIS CAPACITY AS SECRETARY OF DEFENSE W. GRAHAM CLAYTCR, JR., INDIVIDUALLY AND IN HIS CAPACITY .AS SECRETARY OF Tom' i4AV1.1r JAMES L. hOLLOWAY, INDIVIDUALLY AND IN HIS: CAPACITY AS CHIEF O.F.NAVAL OPERATIONS I I. C. K IDD , JR., INDIVIDUALLY AND IN HIS 'CAPACITY AS COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, ATLANTIC FLEET LOUIS. H. WILSON, INDIVIDUALLY AND IN HIS CAPACITY AS COMMANDANT, UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Plaintiffs Carlos Romero--Bar?celo., et al., request that each -of you answer, under oath the following interrogatories in the manner and within the time required by Rule 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or when the Court may otherwise order. py~,'...'X"!r. 11.4,.'+rrt ~~e;~C-iP^!!M;s.ra-w?~~...vr..r.w~~-v.-~~..r.r...ti --..r'77l .. .~.,,..y,. y..;~~~-,...:.r'T ' pproved' Fqr Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 ?t Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 its present location, and its present custodian. Approved P'&-Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M0098OR001400080632-4 het ", the following definitions and :i_nstruc- in !?;1ddition to the definitions contained in lumber. ..The singular shall be deemed to include the plural in all applicable cases. 2. A7isjunctive/Conjunctive. The disjunctive shall be deemed to include the corjurnctive in all applicable cases. 3. ]Document. The word "document" means the original or a copy thereof, regardless of origin or location, of any book, pamphlet, periodical, letter, memorandum, telegram, report, record, study, handwritten note, . working, paper, chart, paper, graph, index, tape, data sheet or data processing card, or any other written, recorded, transcribed, punched, taped, filmed, or graphic matter, however produced, or reproduced, which-is in defendants' possession, or to which defendants' have or have had access, or of which they have knowledge.. For any "document" identified in response to the attached interrogatories, indicate whether any such document(s) has been altered, modified, revised or changed-in any way whatsoever by any person or entity. 4. Identify. The word "identify," when used. with respect to a "document," means to state the name-or title of the "document," the type of "document," its date, the person(s) who authorized it, the person(s) who signed or made it, the person(s) to whom it was addressed,-the person(s) to whom. it was sent, Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 5. Deartment of Defense The term "Department of Defense" includes the Depart-- ment of Defense, and any entity or entities or person or persons within the. Department of Defense, or its agents, including defendants. j 1. End of Definitions Specify the kinds of weapons range activities con- ducted on Vieques for each year 1968 through the current month, a. State the number of hours, rounds fired, live rounds fired, troops participating in, and the number of days of artillery practice on Vieques for each year 1968 through the current month; b. State the number of hours, rounds fired, live rounds fired, ' ships participating in, and the number of days of Naval Gunfire Support f 11NGFS'1) on Vieques for each year 1968 through the current month; c. State the number of hours, rounds fired, live rounds fired, sorties flown, j et, aircraft participating in, and the number of days of air-to-ground target practice on Vieques for each year :1,968 through the current month; d. State the total number of hours for each year 1968 through the ,current month, during which military target practice on Viegues occurred after 8:00 p.m..or before 8:00 a.rn.; . e. State the number of air-to-ground and ship missiles fired on-Vieques for each year 1968 through the cur- rent month. 2. a. Answer Interrogatory No. 1 in.respect of weapons range activities conducted on Culebra; 'b. Answer Interrogatory No. 1 in respect of wea- pons range activities conducted at all ranges used by the Atlantic Fleet; Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 IN TI1E UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO C?1RLOS 1Z01',1LRO-BARCELO, et al., Plaintiffs, v. ) Civil Action No. 78--323 HAROLD BROWN, et al., Defendants. LUIS MEDINA, et al., ) Plaintiffs, V. HAROLD BROWN, et al., Defendants. Civil Action No. 78-377 SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS UNDER RULE 34 OF THE - FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE said interrogatories plaintiffs request copies of memoranda, reports, research and other documents in connection with Plaintiffs Carlos Romero-Barcelo, et al. have served the First Set of Written Interrogatories on defendants. answers to certain Interrogatories. Plaintiffs hereby request the production of all docu-- ments requested in said. interrogatories, together with additional documents (as that term is defined in the First. Set of Written Interrogatories), as listed hereinafter: 1. A copy of a Navy communication designated "CINCLANFLT 191417," dated October 1973. 2. A letter from Cameron B. Kepler, U.S. Depart- ment of Interior to the Navy, dated June 22, 1971. 3. A document entitled "Phase I, Final Report, Department of the Navy Supplement to Draft Environmental ..,;.ttw~.rv~?. W"'C''-,~r....,++..a-?,.?~}'.'Y'!:r-'v-'^'-?-~ w?~..........r?.,.V,,.,~. H-...?: .,r,,,r,,a+,jr~-},?fi,?,?t?-(j,tl.?;~,.t,..! Approvedp.Fot.Release 2004/10/12: CIA-RDP81M0098OR001400080032,A: . Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 23-August 1973 and discussing the relocation of Culebra to Desecheo. 29. A Navy document design ted AFWR 1020387 September 73, pertaining to an estimate of the training requirements in the AFWR area regardless of target loca- tion. 30. The following Navy documents: .a. COMCARI}3SF 0719502, September 73; b. COMSECONDFLT.1521112, August 73'; C. ATKCARAIRWINGRES 20 0812242,. August 73; d. CINCLANTFLT 041915Z, January 72. 31.- All written responses or evaluations by the Navy of a letter dated August 9, 1971, from Antonio Rivera Rodriquez, Mayor of Vieques, to Admiral Ward and Captain Ronald J. Harp, U.S. Naval.Station Roosevelt Roads, Culebra, PR. 32. All comments made by federal or state govern- ment agencies on a.document entitled "Draft EIS - Atlantic Fleet Integrated Weapons Training Range," March 30, 1973. 3. All memoranda, notes, reports, records or other documents with respect to all meetings or conferences held by Navy personnel since March 6, 1978, to discuss: a. the military necessity for the continued use of Vieques as a target range; b. alternatives as a mili.tar target range. to the current use of Vieques All memoranda, notes, reports, records or other documents with respect to all meetings or conferences held since March 6, 1978, by United States Department of Defense, State Department, National Security Council, Cen- tral Intelligence Agency, or other Executive Branch personnel to discuss: 092 Q-1-An Vieques as a t.Lrget range; `1 6b. alternatives to the current use of Vie-- q lies as a military target range. 35. A copy of the correspondence from Secretary of Defei se, Melvin Laird, to the U.S. Congress in which the Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 a. the necessity for. the continued use of Secretary's recommendations, derived from the 1971 Culebra study we e forwarded to Congress. 36. A copy of all correspondence sent by any member of Congress'to the Office of the Secretary of Defense in response to the correspondence described in No. 35, supra. 37. A.copy of all correspondence sent by the Department of Defense to the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico referring to the results or recommendations of the 1971 Culebra study.' 38. A copy of all memoranda, reports, or re- sponses to, or any documents evaluating, any of the recom- mendations of the 1971 Culebra study, by: a. Department of Defense b. National Security Council; C. Department of State; d. Central Intelligence Agency; e. Any other entity of the federal govern- A copy of all directives, orders or other documents of the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, or Central Intelligence Agency, or any other entity of the federal government implementing or intending to implement any of the recommendations of the 1971 Culebra study. Approved~For.:Release- 2004/10/12: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4, Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 A) Production Request: 34, 38, 39 Enclosure (3) Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001400080032-4 rr s.~ ~.` S HEO ^ 11%V ONLY _j SECRET pproved For Rely 0/I 5UBJ Ct: (Optional) FROM: I Ottice of General Counsel 7C 31 Hqs. TO: (Officer designation, room number, and huiiding) LJrrIAL v INITTIALS to whom. Draw a line across column attar each come ant.) FORM 3--62 151 USE EDITIONS S Cl SECRET CONFIDENTIAL L USE ONLY COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom