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Approved For Release 2003/05/27: CIA-RDP86B00269R000500050077-7 13 January 1949 bliss Katherine bd. tiYhite Secretary to b1r. Correa Cahill, Gordon, Zachry & Reindel 63 -~da11 Street New York 5, New York Enclosed please find copy of bdr. Correa's travel voucher for the period 21-23 November, with sta tement of deductions attached. Perhaps I should call to your attention the book of transportation requests sent Mr. Correa with bar. Blum's memorandum to him of 2 April 1948. Since Mr. Correa has been issued this book of requests .for use in purchasing his tickets, he cannot be reimbursed for any transportation above coach fare; nor will he be reimbursed for the federal tax involved. So it would afford him quite a saving to use the Government requests for transportation. You inquired as to how per diem is figured. It is figured on the basis of quarters of a day, 12:00 midnight to 6;00 a.m. being the first quarter; the others, 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, 12;00 noon to 6:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight--making the full day. Y"dhen travel extends beyond twenty-four hours, any travel extending into another quarter, either at the beginning or the close of the period, is considered one-quarter of a day. For instance, if the travel begins at 3:00 a.m. on tiYednesday and ends at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, the traveller would be paid for one and one-half days (the three hours from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. on ~/ednesday is con- sidered one quarter of a day and the one hour from 6:00 a.m. to '7:00 a.m. on Thursday is considered another quarter of a day; these quarters added to those be tween 6:00 a.m. Wednesday and 6:00 a.m. Thursday amount to six quarters or one and one-half day). However, if the travel is less than twenty-four hours, the number of hours are added together and the traveller is paid for the approximate time this amounts to. For instance, if the travel started at 9:00 a.m. and ended at 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon of the same day, the traveller would be paid for one-half day, since the number of hours amount to seven and this would be in excess of orrr quarter. If the number of hours had been only six, the traveller would be paid for only one quarter of a day. I hope this doesn't confuse you, but it is rather difficult to explain. v Approved For Release 2003/05/27: CIA-RDP86B00269R000500050077-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/27 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000500050077-7 ;'dith reference to the telephone calls referred to in my letter of 4 August and your letter of 23 September, if ~Ir. Correa does not wish to bother to supply the information, could you have him sign a statement to that effect and send it to me. That will relieve our hearing further from the finance office regarding them. 'vVe have received your letter of January 11, enclosing time and attendance and travel and per diem reports far the month of December.' They are being submitted immediately to the finance office for payment. Sincerely, Orine Cypert P. S. While Mr. Correa was in Washington during the week before Christmas, he was giv?n personally a couple of checks, one far X118.74, covering time and attendance from 1 September 1948 through 28 November 1948, and another check for X29.98, covering his travel ex nses for 21-23 November. 1948 (copy of voucher attached Approved For Release 2003/05/27 :CIA-RDP86B00269R00050005Q077-7 staa2d`a~rd. Form 270.1012a (Revised) 0 ~~~~Amended ~ cen bor'es' R~piset~' "?"' YOUCRLf~'f'OR FER"4?1EM''ANL?'/QK'RE1M'BItR~EIfIfE19T"""?"""'?""" ' -' ATTACxsuBVO4JCrzExsH. OF EXPENSES INCIDENT TO OFFICIAL TRAVEL Bu ve '.e nl_Sc ~ ~~. ~ -' _..~ iJ. S..----------------,~~.,~.,~?~ ~.~-.~, .,.~.,,~~..,~, --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- (Department, bureau, or ostabHsbment) THE UI~TITED STATES, DR., STAT Address _ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ~~~ ~ -----------------------------------=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (Ofiidal duty statipn) (Residence (For use of Postal &erviee only)) duty from _ __ __ ____ ____________________. - nli;N travel ~ s paid by in the discharge of official x LIIrIIT'N OR PROJ'T (Amount) 19__-. Q __._ 19__ ___, d statement within, dcr authority No. - -- ~-- - ~ ` _ t ru i dated -- -- ~--_------- ----------------------~ 19---- copy of which is Subsistence __ attached,' DT_.has--~ee$- ~ urnls e V-etleher-3~Fo- ---------------------_-----------------------, Paid Other------??--- -----------------------------------=---------- 19------, by --------------------------------------------- Travel_________ (Name of disburafng ofllcor) TDTAL_~..___ (Payee must not w9o this space) jDj iff(lerences__~c=__~ic~~f"_ .kA.~*SYLe~C761 ___~:rt~ cL~~ec,.l,~d------------------~?--- Amount verified; correot for----------------------------- (Signature or initials)_~~___ ~~~~ _ - - '~`~/ -- The next previous voucher paid under the same travel authority was: D. O. Vou. No. ______________________________, paid_________.._____________________________ (Date) ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (for completion 1)y Administrative Office) API'RDPRIATIDN, LIMITATION, OR PROJECr SYMBOL ------------------ Y 19520C3.007~ NationaI_ Sec Salaries $~ Exo^na~t_____________ rity_ Council~_1949------------------------------------------------------------------ OBLIOATION9 LIQUIDATED APPROPRIATION (Amount) -------- ?~~'-~-8------ _____________________________ Paid by'~heck No. _________________, dated ___________________________, 19_____., for $________________________fon Treasurer of the United States in favor of jj payee named above. FaR P];R ;Di>;mz in lieu) of subsistence, mileage for privately owned motor vehicletd,~~esE- ~ 4 im a r are combined in one person, one .will sign in t11e blen7r space below "Approved for $______" and over his official title. Is_azms-s SCHEDULE OF EXPENSES AND ITINERARY OF TRAVELER* ITEMS nIi>cEivuMExous 1. Date and hour of departur~~'O~if@j6Q Is~~~l'8@-2DD3lD5l2.~ ;'-CJAi~-FAD (Date 0069 - 7-7-7---~Ho~,~------------------- 2. Give duty status on first day of voucher period: Arrived at -----------------------------------------------------------?------------...----- on ----------------------------------------~ 19------, for temporary duty for aPProximate period --- ~-r-~-=--~ = ~ ~?-------------------------?------------------ -?--.,-?-~---?-....----- -------?-------------------------------------- ti- l Approximate date of return ~b officio-1 eadquarters ------------------------------------------------------------, 19------ ~~ ~'.f, 8 N~o fib Its~fnA(zed by the day and fulnly e p eined) "`',~3 DEC ? i~'i~ Isli' .8.. 'Il. i~~ Qi:~ #I#It ~rlllrE I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8IIB-" No~ ?If authority Provides for travel to more than one point, time of arrival and departure from each should be stated in the body of the account in ohronologlcal order. :M*When subvouchers required by regulations were not obt?ined, state fullyy the circumstances showing reasons for omission'. +fIi more than one rate of allowance is authorized, fall statement of applfcatlon of oath rate must bo given in some convenient place on this voucher. ADExT's MODE op POINTS OF TRAVEL FOR REI MBURS ONL ABLE ITE Y MS TRANSPORTA' VALUATION TnevELtt 08 TICfiET (If by publio carrier DATE OP TION REQUEST No /)STAINED BR show abbreviated TRAYEL I FHOM- To- MrLE9 RATE AMOUNT CL AIMED . T/R NoT To BE CLAIMED name thereof and class of serv[ee used) ~,~+1~ (Also show meter readings wh en travel was by automobile) TxevELED BY AUTO. pEs MILE (Cents) Include cash publio car paid rier eR: ~'#F'~ $1A1 ill: EliD~i}'r~r$~~F tf~3''1r t~~ ~ ~~~~ .~'M~~'~ .~8w TO TAL MIL3~]AgE G!~' PifTA.TiONB ~ t0 tae Ca Trled foravard td COntlllll8t10n sh eet; if necessary)____-______~ ~ ~____________ ________ ____________ ______ ttRsui'aoad, steamship, airplane, byeB.;gq accomm??~udatlbns: DR, drawing room; ~ Motor vehicle: OA, Ciovcrnmout antomobi I~' er~~~t,~'tSofl`~Mh~]dr~i ~iy?;m_c~_c_itfl_,t'',~HB; ,+~3~ ~goelf0et~; i~, miaed; C, coach; P, piillman S; ec~t. ro-4aaxs-z cPo Approved For Release 2003/05/27 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000500050077-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington, D. C. ADMINISTRATIVE AUDIT DIFFERENCE STATEMENT Payee_ '`athias r'. +?orrea Amount claimed Amount approved Difference Vo. No~TSC-538 Period 7.1 ;'Toven;ber - 23 ?rovember 1~4F `Pransr~ortation claimed; Ftotand-trip coach care i'rorn Tjew York, ~~ew York to ~~astiir_jton, D. C. plus tax. ':L'ralls'porta.tion allowed; I;.ound-trip coach fare lror:r T3otiv York, ';ew York to ;~jashintton, D. C. Ir,. absence of st?ternent ~;1h~r traveler did not use TT. S. Goz~orrunent 't'ransportation T;ec~{uest, ;.~ederal tax is susy>end.ed. r~.'7TdI SORY 'ince traveler has i~een issued a boob: of mransx~orta+,i on Pequests, they should 'be used, when practicable, to obtain all official transportation, in order_ to avoid Da1Tm.ent of Federal 'f:rs3ncnnr+~+; ,.ri ~ O ~ii%OTiWIi~-- _ ~ ~_~~ /J ~ ~~ ~ -~ _~ D~ ~~ ~ STAT ANY RECLAIM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A COPY OF THIS STATEMENT FORN NO NOV 194734-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/27 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000500050077-7 NUMBER APR"", 948 34-a4pproved For Release 2003/05/27: CIA-RDP86B00269R00 50 0 -7 TRAVEL ORDER DATE --- - ~r NAME TITLE ~~rr,, OFFICE OR BRANCH OFFICIAL STATION ~ ~ ~~ You are hereby authorized to travel and incur necessary expenses i?n accordance with Standardized Government Travel Regulations and p,~;$~ s~~ ,~~~~ subject to the following limitations: ITINERARY: ~f1~. PURPOSE: ~~ ~~1~ +~ Date effective, or as soon thereafter as practicable: Terminating approximately: MADE OF TRAVEL AUTHORIZED AS CHECKED BELOW: ~ ~f Co C i _ on arr er ~ Government Transporation r Airplane i~- Airplane +~ Vessel Vessel *~ Privately Owned Automobile ~ Motor Vehicle 'ALLOWANCE FOR PRIVATELY OWNED AUTOMOBILE AS FOLLOWS: (a) cents per mile not to exceed cost by common carrier. (b) cents per mile, as being more advantageous to the Government. J~The change of official station indicated is effected in the interest of the Government and not for your personal convenience.' C~ In connection with change of station, you are authorized to transport your i.mrnediate family and your household goods and personal effects, subject to weight limits, restrictionsand pro- vi i f PL 00 s ons o 6 and Executive Order 9805? T l t fi rave o rst post of duty abroad including expenses of transportation of immediate family, household goods and personal effects in accordance with the provisions of Sec -PL 600 7 . , . Return from post of duty abroad including expenses of transportation of immediate family, house- hold ods and ff l g persona e ects in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 7, PL 600. SPECIAL AUTHORITY: PER DIEM AUTHORIZED: ~~( Security Clearance approved: ~_ Physical examination completed; immunization to be completed approx. -- _. Approved For Release 2003/05/27 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000500050077-7 t skc:Kk 1 At~Y Ur u>~r>~IVS>; WASH 1 NGTgN A4r. Mathias B. Correa Cahill, Gordon, Zachary and Heindel 63 Wall Street Drew York, DTew York Dear Mat : Enclosed please find copy of your travel order for the month of December. Sincerely yours, Enclosure Travel Order Approved For Release 2003/05/27 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000500050077-7