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tS K' ~ Z), I ~ YApo.,,.d r- o l 1 IA--l86T00608ROQg210090ft 18-1 ib~rafiian Oraan Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Confidential 25X6 The Palestine Liberation Organization 25X6 Confidential BR 75-18 April 1975 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions F 0 Classified by 001030 Exempt from General Declassiflcallon Schedule of E.O. 11631 exemption cateporyt ?%(1), (2), and (3) Automatically, d.classifried ont date impossile to determine Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 CONFIDENTIAL 25X6 25X1A Historical Background Meeting in'Jerusalem from 28 May to 2 June 1964, over 400 delegates from Palestinian communities throughout the Arab world voted to create the PLO as "... the only organization to represent the Palestinian people, to organize them and to speak in their name." More than 10 years later, at the October 1974 Rabat Arab Summit Conference, the PLO won the endorse- ment of the assembled Heads of State as tie sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. In the intervening years, it went through many changes as the result of almost perpetual feuding between factions of the diverse Palestinian community; it remains deeply divided on several issues. By early 1969, control of the PLO, initially under a group of middle-class Palestinians with backgrounds in law, science and diplomacy, had passed into the hands of the enormously popular fedayeen (commando) groups. After Yasir `Arafat was elected chairman of the PLO Executive Committee (PLO/EC) in 1969, the fedayeen groups, particularly Fatah, consolidated their hold. At present, the PLO is led by a moderate wing composed of `Arafat and his Fatah backers; Zuhayr Muhsin, head of the Syrian-supported Sa'iqa forces; and Nayif Hawatmah, secretary general of the Marxist Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FDFLP). The use of the term "moderate" to describe this PLO faction is pot meant to imply that the leaders or groups described have abandoned their radical pasts or disavowed terrorist activities. "Moderate" is used throughout this publication to describe those leaders who seek a Palestinian role in a negotiated peace settlement, who would probably agree to the establishment of a national authority in the West Bank-Gaza Strip area, and who privately admit that the PLO will even- This report was prepared by the Central Reference Service and was coor- dinated within CIA as appropriate. Comments and questions may be directed Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/0&ASEr4f k -RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 tually have to come to some kind of terms with the State of Israel. Some men who are moderate in this sense are clearly radical in others: For example, Hawatmah is a leading v..1rxist ideologue and a strong Soviet supporter. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that this moderate stance will be main- tained; the pressure of events could easily topple the Fatah-Sa`iga-PDFLP coalition and bring a resumption of terrorist activities. ' Opposition to the moderate grouping comes from the Rejection Front, a coalition of activists of the Popular Front for the Liberat:,,;i of Palestine (PFLP), the Arab Liberation Front (ALF) and the PFLP/General Command (PFLP/GC), aided by the Popular Struggle Front (PSF), which does not belong to the PLO. The Rejectionists are unwilling to settle for any goal short of the repiucement of the State of Israel by a democratic, secular state, and they oppose any efforts to admit the PLO into the Middle East negotiating process. The basic political structure of the PLO has remained the same since its creation. Lines of authority are not always clear. The location and subordina- tion of some elements is often a matter of guesswork, and many structures are created and disbanded in short periods of time. PLO headquarters were originally in Amman but were moved to Damascus after the bitter righting between Jordanian army units and the fedaveen in 1971. Much of the PLO's information and research activity is un- dertaken in Beirut, where several of the leaders live. The meetings of the Palestine National Council (PNC) are usually held in Cairo, often at Arab League headquarters; the most recent meeting was in June 1974. Theoretically the highest authority in the PLO, the PNC is composed of about 180 members, selected according to a set (specifics are currently un- available) formula from among the guerrilla groups, the popular organizations and Palestinian communities in the Arab world. Delegates serve 3-year terms. PLO statutes call for the PNC to be popularly elected; in reality, however, delegates are'appointed by their organizations or communities. This is at least in part because to hold elections among Palestinians living in countries that do not themselves permit elections might prove embarrassing. The PNC originally had 100 members, but it was expanded to 115 in 1969, to 155 in 1971 and to its present size in 1973. About 85 members repre- sent guerrilla groups; Fatah is dominant here as elsewhere in the PLO. The PNC is headed by a Speaker, Khalid a'-Fahum, and is organized into com- mittees. Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : 9W-gQF86T00608R000200010018-1 Any important political step that the PLO takes must be endorsed by the PNC; should the PLO decide to attend the Geneva Conference, the PNC would probably have to approve such a move. The PNC must also approve any amendment to the PLO's constitution, the Palestine National Charter, by a two-thirds vote, The Central Council Composed of 30 to 40 members (neither the exact number nor all the names o;' its members are known), the Central Council includes all members of the PLO/EC, as well as representatives of the fedayeen,groups. The Central Council is theoretically the PLO's supreme authority when the PNC is not in session. The Executive Committee The PLO/EC, whose members are selected by the PNC, is the PLO's highest executive authority. It is the actual center of power in the PLO, and its chairman is in effect the Palestinian chief of state. The PLO/EC has existed since 1964; from late 1970 to July 1971 it was absorbed by an ad hoc Central Committee created to enable the PLO to coordinate all efforts in its struggle with the Jordanian army; the committee was later di solved. The PLO/EC has varied in size since its creation: 14 members were selected in June 1974, but the PFLP representative withdrew in September. (The PFLY also withdrew from the Central Council but kept its seats, thought to be about 15, in the FN:--.) The PLO/EC is organized into departments, headed by PLO/EC mem5e;::, which correspond roughly to Cabinet positions. Political and International Affairs Department The Political and International Affairs Department, headed by Fatah member Faruq Qaddurni, is in effect the PLO's foreign ministry. Head- quarte'ed in Beirut, it also has a representative in Cairo, deputy director Said Kamal. The Political Department probably directs the Higher Political Com- mittee for Lebanon, which Is responsible for the PLO's political relations with the Leba,,ese Government. The department also supervises the offices that the PLO maintains abroad. The status of a PLO office in any given country is often confused: Many operate as information offices, some are subsumed under an overseas Arab League office, and others are simply self-proclaimed and grudgingly toleraied by the host country. The PLO does appear in the diplomatic lists of some countries, however-Uganda and the People's Republic of China are ex- amples-and in early 1975 the PLO announced that the Indian Government had granted it full diplomatic status. In November 1974 the United Nations Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/OWAgirtEQIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 granted it observer status. The PLO sends representatives to international conferences, usually as observers, and has a "designated representative" at UNESCO. Several countries have recently announced their willingness to accept PLO offices, and it is expected that the second half of 1975 will see an upsurge in the PLO's attempts to establish offices throughout the world. A list of PLO representatives abroad as of March 1975 appears on page xi. Military Department The PLO's Military Department, headed by Sa'iqa chief Zuhayr Muhsin, has long been plagued by feuding for control. Theoretically, it supervises the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA). In fact, the PLA and the PLO/EC have a long history of controversy, and the PLA has often act:.J contrary to the PLO's wishes. The PLA is composed of three brigades-'Ain Jallut, Hittin and Qad- disiyya. All are stationed in Arab countries and are tightly controlled by the host governments. The PLA founded a commando-type group called the Popular Liberation Forces in early 1968, but it was never very large. Another military instrument of the PLO is the Popular Armed Struggle Comrnarcd. Originally established to coordinate military policy among fedayeen groups, it is now confined mostly to military police duties in refugee camps, The General Command of the Palestine Revolution, headed by `Arafat, is a coordinating body designed to control and integrate the activities of all fedayeen groups. Each of the six major fedayeen groups under the PLO (PFLP, PFLP/GC, Sa`iga, ALF, Fatah and PDFLP) has its own military arm, independent of the PLA, but each is expected to coordinate military ac- tivity through the General Ct;mmand. Popular Organizations Department The so-called "popular organizations" include labor unions and student groups with membership in Palestinian communities throughout the Middle East and Europe. The most prominent are the General Union of Palestine Students, which has offices in many European and Middle Eastern countries, and the General Union of Palestine Workers, headquartered in Damascus. The organizations also include the Writers and Journalists Union, women's groups and professional associations (such as engineers and doctors). The Popular Organizations Department was headed by Ahmad Yamani, PFLP representative on the PLO/EC, but he withdrew from the PLO/EC in September 1974 and has not been replaced. Information Department The PLO has at least two information arms. The "official spokesman," `Abd ai-Muhsin Abu Mayzar, often gives the PLO/EC's reaction to political events and summarizes the outcome of PLO/EC and Central Council Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIAd3D06100608R000200010018-1 meets`iigs. The Information Department of the PLO/EC is headed by Yasir `Abd Rabbu, PDFLP representative on the PLO/EC. The department ap- parently supervises the Unified Information Command, led by Fatah member Majid Abu Sharrar. It publishes a weekly, Filistin al-Thawra, and an English-language journal, Palestine Information Bulletin; and it includes the PLO news agency, WAFA, and the Voice of Palestine radio station located in Cairo. The individual guerrilla groups also publish information bulletins: al-Hadaf (PFLP), Hurriyyah (PDFLP), al-Tha'ir al-Arabi (ALF) and Hal al-Amman (PFLP/GC). Several independent organizations report directly to the PLO/EC. The Palestine Planning Center, now under the direction of Nabil Sha'th, conducts in-depth studies on subjects of interest to the PLO leaders. It has published studies on Palestinian population and manpower and is now at work on a study of the economic and social viability of a West Bank state. The Palestine National Fund (PNF) is the PLO's treasury. Contributions to the PLO come directly from Arab governments and through a variety of taxes on Palestinians living in Arab countries. Other sources of income in- clude a tax on PLO employees and fundraising drives such as the Joint Palestine Appeal. The PNF director is a member of the PLO/EC. Information on the structure and composition of other PLO departments is not available at present. Offices such as the Occupied Homelands Depart- ment and the Cultural and Educational Department have no clearly defined functions. Readers with information on these or other departments are en- couraged to forward it to the Central Reference Service. Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : M- I6'6T00608R000200010018-1 ALF .......................... Arab Liberation Front ANM ......................... Arab Nationalists Movement; a group founded by George Habbash and some fellow students at the American University of Beirut circa 1950. In late 1967 the group's paramilitary wing-the Vengeance Youth-merged with two other groups to become the PFLP. After a number of other splits, the PFLP stabilized under the leadership of Habbash. Fatah .......................... Numerically the largest and politically the most influ- ential of the resistance groups. The name is a reverse acronym for Harakat Tahrir Filisrin (Palestine Na- tional Liberation Movement). National authority ............... Term used by PLO to indicate a possible Palestinian state or entity that would be set up on West Bank- Gaza Strip territory vacated by the Israelis. It is contrasted with "democratic, secular state"-the avowed goal of the PLO-which is taken to mean the dismantling of the state of Israel and its replace- ment by a state in which Muslims, Jews and Chris- tians would have equal religious rights, but that would be run according to majority rule. Theoretically, the national authority is not an end in itself but a step to- ward the realization of the "democratic, secular state." PDFLP ........................ Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP ......................... Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP/GC ..................... Popular Front for the Liber?''!;on of Palestine/Gen- eral Command. PLO .......................... Palestine Liberation Organization PLO/EC ....................... Palestine Liberation Organization/ Executive Com- mittee PNC .......................... Palestine National Council PNF .......................... Palestine National Front PSF ........................... Popular Struggle Front (This group does not belong to the PLO) Rejection Front ................. A coalition of PSF, PFLP/GC, PFLP and AL.F activists who oppose PLO negotiations of any kind with Israel. Sa'iga ......................... The Ba'th Party of Syria representatives in the Pales- tine resistance. Supported and in some cases led by the Syrian Army, it is the second largest commando group. Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 CONFIDENTIAL PLO REPRESENTATIVES ABROAD (March 1975) Gambia Guinea (Conakry) Senegal Tanzania Uganda India Malaysia Pakistan People's Republic of China EASTERN EUROPE* German Democratic Republic Romania Yugoslavia NEAR EAST/NORTH AFRICA Algeria Bahrain/Qatar Egypt Iraq Kuwait Jordan Lebanon Libya Morocco Saudi Arabia Somalia Sudan Syria Tunisia United Arab Emirates Yemen Arab Republic Yemen, People's Democratic Republic of 'Abd al-Hamid Azzam Abu Fahid 'Abd aI-Rahman Abassi Fu'ad Bitar Khalid al-Shayk Fathi 'Abd al-Hamid Yusif'Abd al-Karim Abu Hantash 'Ali Hajjaj Munir Ibrahim Hamud Nabil Kulalat 'Imad'Abdin 'Atif Abu Bakr Ahmad Waft Yasin al-Sharif Jamal Surani Vacant** 'Ali Yasin 'Abd al-Latif Abu Jabrarah*** Shafiq al-Hut Abu Tariq Abu Marwan Abu Hisharn Ibrahim al-Khatib Khayr al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman Mahmud al-Khalidi Kamal al-Din al-Sarraj Ibrahim al-Zarrad Faruq Yunis 'On 24 August 1974 the PLO Political Department announced that the PLO would soon open offices in Czechoslovakia. Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria. No public announcement of the rcpresentutivcs assigned to these orficcs has yet been made. "Abu Nidal. PLO representative in Iraq, was suspended in lite 1974 and has not been replaced. "'Probably representative of the Occupied Homelands Department of the PLO/EC but rcfcrrcd as PLO representative in Jordan. -***In February 1975 the PLO announced that an oM(c in the People's Democratic Republic of Ycmen would open soon. Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/0 1 )+A-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 WESTERN EUROPE France Italy Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom WESTERN HEMISPHERE `lzz al-Din al-Qalaq Nimr Hammad Mahmud Rabbani Da'ud Barakat Said Hammami United Nations Sa'adat Hasan* *Also heads PLO Information Office, New York City. xll CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 PALESTINE L PALE Sp Palestine Liberation Army Hlttln Brigade 'AIn Jalut Brigade Qadlslyya Brigade Yasir 'Arafat Faruq Quddumi Zuhayr Muhsin Yasir 'Abd Rabbu Ahmad Yamani* 'Abd al-Wahhob Ka Talal Naji POLITICAL AND INTERNATIONAL AFF Faruq Qaddumi, Direc Said Kornai, Deputy(( GENERAL COMMAND OF THE PALESTINE REVOLUTION PALESTINE NATIONAL FUND Walld Qomhowi, Director Higher Political 1 Popular Armed PoHc1nr Struggle Command Liberation Fon.,s WWO NATIONAL, PAN-ARAB & RETURNEES AFFAIRS 'Abd al-Muhsin Abu Mayzar, Director 565577 4-75 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 for Lebanot Overseas Reprei Approved For Release 2000/05/31 CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 E LIBERATION. ORGANIZATION PALESTINE NATIONAL COUNCIL Speaker: Khalid al-FAHUM L AND \L AFFAIRS Muhammad Nashashlbi Abd al-Aziz Wallih Abd al-Muhsin Abu Mayzar Abd al-Jawad Salah Walld Qamhawl Ella Khury Hamid Abu Slttah General Union c.F Palestine Students General Union of Palestine Workers Palestine Writer and kurnalhts Union General Union of Palestine Women `Union of Palestinian Jurists. Palestine Doctors League PALESTINE PLANNING CENTER Dr. Nabil Sha'th, Director L Palestine Red Crescent Dr. Fathl 'Arafat,. Director OCCUPIED HOMELANDS Hamid Abu Sittah, Director Amman Office Unified Information Command Maiid Abu Sharrar WAFA Zlad 'Abd al-Fattah Filistin al-Thawra Voice of Palestine Approved For.' Release 20001015/31: CIA-RLDP86T00608R000'200010018-1 25X6 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1 Next 22 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200010018-1