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Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE TO: CODIB Support Staff ROOM NO. 2E 49 BUILDING Hdqrs. REMARKS: FROM: D/DCI/NIPE I?OOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION FICIRM REPLACES FORM 36-8 B N505 f A 1 WHICH MAY BE USED Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 Approved For Release 2005I ( , C.REJRDP80B0113918 ti 3-7 !! 7-- -1 I February 1968 FOR: Chairman. United States Intelligence Board Proposal for the Establishment of a Manage- ment Structure for the Community Chi-Line Intelligence System (COINS) REFERENCES: A. White House Letter, dtd 15 June 1965, Miernorandum for the President, Subject: U. S. Intelligence Community Capabilities for the Handling of Intelli- gence Information B. White House Letter, dtd 15 July 1965, Memorandum for the Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Subject: U. S. Intelligence Community Capabilities for the Handling of Intelligence Information 0 1. in accordance with the White House letters, referenced above, a secure network connecting several computer information systems is being established for operational test and evaluation. CIA, NSA, DIA, State and NPIC are currently involved. The title being used for this experimental project to Community On-Line Intelligence System (COINS). Using COINS, each participating agency will be able to interrogate selected files of the other participating agencies as wen as its ovm files. This concept calls for each agency to maintain files in its on computer system and for the computer systems of each agency to communicate with those of other agencies via secure data links. The proposed requirement for one agency to serve as the central file repository for the entire intelligence community would be removed. Instead, each agency would concentrate in establishing and maintaining those files for which it is responsible or best equipped. Improver ent of interchange of information between intelligence agencies is the principal objective of this system. 2. This memorandum, with attachments, - recommends a USIB policy governing the management during the development and evaluation phase of COINS. It identifies and delineates the functions of the Approved For Release 200/07/20 : CI4 0-~ ' 4~it8 A000100120003-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07120 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 System Executive Agency and the COINS Managers in each partici- pating organization. It further defines actions expected of participat- ng organizations to realize optimum test and evacuation of this erimentalL informational handling system. a. Approve the management system for COINS as set forth in the attachment hereto and direct its implementation; b. Designate the National Security Agency (NSA) the Executive Agency. is] John A. Bross JOHN A. DROSS #3/ DCI/ NIPS NIPE:RT:dm Distribution: Original and I - Addressee I - ER via DDCI I - USIB Secretariat I - CODIB Support Stall I - NIPE chrono I - NIPE subject I - NIPE/TR chrono Approved For Release 2005/07/20 CIA-RDP80BO1139A000100120003-7 Approved For Release 2005 1 9RE -RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 Management System for the Community On-Line Intelligence System (COINS) SECTION I ... PURPOSI 1. The purpose of this Directive is to establish within USIB. and under the direction of the DCI, a management structure for the Community On-Line Intelligence System (COINS). It identifies and delineates the functions of the System Executive Agency and the COINS Managers in each participating organization. It further defines actions expected of participating organizations to realize optimum test and evaluation of this experimental informational handling system. 2. It is understood that this Directive I. concerned with the management: system for: a. Impiernenting and operating COINS Experiment . Testing and evaluating the COINS Experiment in accordance with an agreed upon evaluation plan and in cooperation with CODIB. c. Planning, programming and budgeting for any follow-on COINS-type systems, the implementation and execution of which will 'be dependent upon the evaluation of COINS Experiment (sometimes referred to as COINS I). SECTION II - DEFINITIONS 3. Fallowing are definitions of terms used in this Directive: a. Executive Agency: A participating organization providing the Executive Agent, and all supporting facilities and services to the Executive Agent and his staff. b. Executive Agent: A designated individual in the Executive Agency assigned the responsibility and delegated the authority by the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) for COINS management. c. System Niaement: A concept for the over-all x anageemeat of COINS based on the use of an Executive Agent responsible for planning, directing and controlling the develop- Approved For Release 2005/07/20 CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 Approved For Release 20 ~C~A-RDP80B01I39A000100120003-7 I "W renat, implementation and operation of COIM; and, for assuring that planning is accomplished by the organizations sponsible to the management authority for the execution of specifically assigned and agreed-upon tasks. d. COINS Mana : A designated individual in a jarti:cipating organization assigned the responsibility for nanageenent of COINS within that organization. e. Project Lenders: Military and civilian personnel assigned a specific task who report directly to the Executive Agent. f. COINS Management Office: The organization corn. prised of technical and business management and administrative personnel assigned full time to the Executive Agent. The Office may be augmented ~.vith additional personnel from partici- pating organizations. g. Executive A nt Charter: This Directive establishes an executive Agent and his Management Office, defines his rriisston, authority, and major functions and describes his relationships with other organizations and their support responsi- biltties. In addition, it sets forth basic policy with respect to the mane ernent of COINS. h. Participating t7rgauization: A governmental activity responsible to the Executive Agent for the execution of specific aspects of the system and identified by the chartering authority, if within his authority, or identified in the approved, negotiated COINS Master Plan, or Technical Memorandum of Agreement, if the activity is not responsible to the chartering authority. L COINS Master Plan: A compilation of planning documents prepared by the Executive Agent, with assistance from the COINS Managers of the participating organizations and contractors, which places in context the budgets, plans, schedules and scope of all work and resources to be provided by each participating organization. J. Technical Memorandum of A.r rese : A formalized document delineating specific procedural and operational agree- ments between COINS participants, and binding on all signatories. Approved For Release 2005/07/26 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 Approved For Release 2005/ N&RDP801301139AO00100120003-7 's ' -1 SECTION E - EXECUTIVE AGENCY 4. The, DCI, in consultation with USIB. will designate the ecutive Agency. . The Executive Agency will serve as host and will provide d support services required by the Executive Agent in the cution of his responsibilities. These include but are not limited to; a. Office space and services for the Executive Agent and his staff, including secure conference facilities. b. Reproduction facilities. c. Consultant services of co-located activities such scurity, COY-SEC. R&D. co: a wdcations, data processing, d. A fiscal account for the COINS Management Ofti for collecting, holding and disbursing operating funds provided by the participating organizations. Account will be supervised by the comptroller of the host organization. e. Procedures by which the Executive Agent can negotiate contracts. f. Data processing service that may be required for out of COINS (e. g. , personnel lists. PERT, etc. g. Basic staff. (This staff will be augmented by the participating organizations as required. } Ii. Personnel, fiscal and administrative services and support required. SECTION IV - EXECUTIVE AGENT 6. The Director of the Executive Agency, in consultation :.ith the DCL will appoint the Executive Agent. Central Intelligence (DCI) for the administration of the COINS program 7. The COINS Executive Agent is responsible to the Direc Ut-B community as ? cell as representing the program with i attona as may be required. Approved For Release 2005/07/203 - CIA-RDP80B0l139A000100120003-7 Approved For Release 2005SE RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 . The Executive Agent will be responsible for: a. Coordinating his actions or proposed actions with the appropriate COINS Managers of the participating organizations involved. Conflicts will be referred in writing to the Chairman of CODIB for resolution or consideration by USIB as may be appropriate. b. Yearly submission of a COINS Master Plan to USIB through the Chairman of CODIB. 9. The Zxeecutive Agent, in cooperation with the COINS Managers in each participating organization, 'ill: a. Develop, coordinate and obtain USIS approval of a of short, e d ium and long range objectives for the COINS program, including an Implementation schedule. b. Coordinate COINS budgets, plans and programs of rticipwatiing organization to achieve the approved objectives within the desired time frames. c. Prepare the COINS Master Plan which integrates into a single package the budget. -ns, programs, implementation schedules, and resources for COINS of the participating organiza- tions. d. Monitors the implementation of the approved COINS Master Plan. e. Establish and maintain direct communications with the COINS Managers in each participating organization. Agent and COIN'S Managers e of (1) formulating objectives for planning, programming and budgeting actions which will be submitted through cols to the DCI for approval; and (Z) irisirnonting approved objectives. f. Prepare recurring or special progress ro r acg successful ndlesta es or problem areas indica a taken to resolve identified problems. g. monitor and analyze the program an a basis, particularly with respect to technical rformancee, Approved For Release 2005/07/20: CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 Approved For Release 2005/07/20 CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 h. Assign technical responsibilities of specific tasks to a participating organization through the use of a Technical andum of Agreement. i. Organize working groups and appoint chairmen to investigate problem areas and make recommendations. ;dentify COINS R&D requirements and negotiate their assignment to one of the participating agencies for action. k. Develop an interagency COINS training program as may be required, making maximum use of existing training facilities. 1. Develop a security program consistent with existing tions. in. Negotiate for the services of other governmental sisations (e. g.. GSA, DCA, ARPA, etc.). n. Enter into contractual arrangements to acquire the services of private contractors, consultants or nonprofit organizations (e.g.. IDA, SDC, RAND, etc.) in accordance with the existing directives and procedures governing contracts of the Executive Agency. Provide supervision of contractor activities. o. Draft. coordinate and publish directives, conventions and guidelines, and procedures with respect to the operation of COINS. p. Develop procedures for modifying existing data bases or adding new data bases to satisfy the information requirements of the participating organizations. q. Coordinate with other USIB activities engaged in the development of data basses or data standards Which may affect COINS (.. g., Data Base Working Group/COMIREX, Intelligence Guidance Subcommittee of the SIGINT Committee, CODIB, etc. ). The Executive Agent has no authority to direct or manage the internal operations of participating organizations. However, he Approved For Release 2005/07/26: CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 Approved For Release 2005/ DP801301139A000100120003-7 can task a participating organization by negotiating a Technical of Agreement (TMA) with the COINS Manager of the tpating agency concerned. The participating agency is responsible for executing an approved agreement. 11. The Executive Agent can use his operating funds for: (a) travel, (b) procurement of experimental or specialized equipment, (c) contract system studies which span more than one organization, and (d) R&D, tasks of comamon concern but which no participating organization is willing to accept and sponsor. SECTION V - PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS for: 12. Each organization participating in the COINS program a. Appoint a COINS Manager who will be responsible (1) Representing their organization on all aspects of the COINS programs. (2) Managing the COINS program within their own organization. (3) Developing and coordinating all phases of COINS activities within his organization. (i) Providing information necessary for the development of the COINS Master Plan. b. Provide the equipment, software, personnel, funding, and contractor resources required for its own COINS facilities. Communications line costs from the central switch to each department or agency will be borne by the agency can- corned. During the experimental development and evaluation phase of COINS, DIA will provide the central switch. contain the resources required to meet the approved objectives and implementation schedule. c. Insure that its agency's program, plans and b d. Prepare and submit recurring or special reports to the Executive Agent as may be required. Approved For Release 2005/07/20 CIA-RDP80BOl 139A000100120003-7 Approved For Release 20055EI REJI-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 e. Provide assistance to the Executive Agent in the (1) formulation of short, medium and long term objectives for submission, to the DCI for approval, and (2) development of implementation schedules. f. Appoint appropriate technicians to serve on working groups organised by the Executive Agent. . Annually. cornmenctng in FY 1969, tranaf account of the COINS Management Office at the host organiza- tion a sum of money as approved in the COINS Master Plan for general systems costs not attributable to any single department or agency. This will serve as an operating fund to be used by the Executive Agent in execution of his duties. SECTION I - U SIB COMMITTEE ON DOCUMENTATION (COD 13. CODIB will act as the staff agency responsible for ! t> for the DCI and USIB the activities of the Executive Agency. Specifically. CODIB will: a. Endeavor to resolve all problems between th Executive Agent and the COINS Managers. b. Provide guidance to the Executive Agent an the development of short. medium and long range objectives, and review such objectives prior to their submission to the DCI. c. Provide guidance to the Executive Agent with respect to policy and plans. d. Make recommendations to USI concerning approval or modification of the yearly COINS Master Plan. e. Provide guidance to the Executive Agent on sub- stantive intelligence requirements for the COINS system. f. Conduct periodic operational and technical evalu- a of the COINS system and report the results to USIB. Approved For Release 2005/07/207, CIA-RDP80BO1139A000100120003-7 Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 SECTION VII - COINS MANAGEMENT OFFICE 14. The Executive Agency . vilbe authorized a staff of at least five peeople, including a secretary. This will constitute the COINS Management Office and be located in the Executive Agency. Major USIB members (i. e.. CIA, DIA or NSA) will be expected to providee the staff according to the following ratio a. . cecuttivs Agency will provide, in addition to the :xxecutive Agent. a basic staff of two senior technicians specializing in data systems at the GS-13/14 level and a secretary at the GS-5/7 level. b. Participating organizations will each provide one data systems analyst at the GS-12/13 level. submitting the following periodic reports to the organizations ; The Executive Agent for COINS will prepare and deliveir oral and written reports as may be required. He will be responsible a. A report containing objectives and an, eestizn4e of the resources required from each agency to achieveee ...time to reclama and enter it into their budget, program ization in June each year. This will allow them sufficient v*a. This report will be submitted to each participating and plan. b. A semiannual status report to each participating agency as well as to CODIB. USIB and other interested organizations. c. A COINS Master Plan each year to ICI. 16. Prior to 30 June 1969, the Executive Agent, in cooperation .with the COINS managers and the Evaluation Panel, will submit to the DCI an Evaluation Report based upon the Evaluation Plan approved by CODIJ3. SECTI This Directive is effective on date of publication. Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000100120003-7 8