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Approved For Rase 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362 0600170002-5 -408- S-E-C-R-E T Washington, D. C. 27 September 1957 MERAN 1M FOR: Members of the Ad Hoc Working Group on NSCID #5 SUBJECT : Revised Draft of NSCID #5 1. The enclosed draft of NSCID #5 is the result of informal coordination with and contributions from the working level within the intelligence community; it is believed that we have achieved general agreement on its basic provisions. 2. There is also general agreement among those agencies operationally involved with the subject that detailed instructions for implementation of this NSCID #5 should be spelled out in one or more DCIDs, as may be necessary, the primary objective of the ASCID being to set forth the basic assignment of authority and responsibilities. 3. It is requested that the members of the ad hoc working group meet on 9 October 1957 at 2:15 P.M. in the DCI Conference Room (214 Administration Building) for a final. group discussion of the paper with the objective of expediting the transmission of a coordinated draft to the Intelligence Advisory Committee. General, ii AA (Ret) Deputy Director (Coordination) T.S. # 664742 Cy _,~c'-S' _ of 50 Document No. _ _-_ No Change In Class. - -~.D~.p-- S E.- R E T 0 Declassified 5a~1C:1RV ::C F Pages `1 THRU 7 AND 53 Class. Changed to: TSn c Hl_a 59 Next Review late: - -- Auth.: HR 78-3 ? c~ Dafe: ?' I 1 By ?d 4L7O Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved For Fase 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S0036270600170002-5 ILLS -W-9-P- S .EI C-R-E.T Revision 9 July Draft 24 September 1957 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL NO. 5 U. S. ESPIONAA AND COUNTER INTEI11 NCE ACTIVITIES ABROAD Pursuant to the provisions of Section 102(d) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, the National Security. Council hereby authorizes and directs that: 1. For the purpose of this directive: a. Espionage is defined as those claindentine activities which are directed toward the acquisition of information through intelli- gence operations against a foreign power. b. Counterintelligence is defined as that intelligence activity, with its resultant product, which is devoted to destroying the effectiveness of inimical foreign intelligence activities end which is undertaken to protect the security of the nation, and its personnel, information and installations abroad, against espionage, counterespionage, sabotage, and subversion. As an activity, counterintelligence includes the process of procuring, developing, recording, and disseminating information concerning hostile clandestine activity and of penetrating, manipulating, or repressing individuals, groups, or organizations conducting or capable of conducting such activity. T.S. #164741 Cyog 50 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S003620600170002-5 -T?Q-. S-E-C-R-E-T 2. To ensure centralized direction and prior, comprehensive and continuing coordination of all clandestine activities authorized herein, the Director of Central Intelligence shall: a. Establish, in consultation with the Intelligence Advisory Committee, the procedures necessary to achieve such direction and coordination; b. Coordinate all clandestine activities authorized herein and conducted outside the U. S. and its possessions, including liaison which concerns clandestine activities or which involves foreign clandestine services, except when the provisions of paragraph 8 apply; also coordinate clandestine activities with overt collection abroad; c. Invite Departments and Agencies not permanent members of the Intelligence Advisory Committee which have clandestine counterintelligence responsibilities abroad to participate in the Intelligence Advisory Committee deliberations when clandes- tine counterintelligence matters affecting such responsibilities are under consideration; d. Make mutually agreeable arrangements with Depe tmentss and Agencies for such cover support as may be needed by the Central Intelligence Agency, and coordinate arrangements for such cover support as may be required by other Departments and Agencies to carry out the clandestine activities authorized in paragraph 4 below. Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362 R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362RO 0600170002-5 -i?9.f 5 E-CQR E-T 3. As the national clandestine service of the United Stater, the Central Intelligence Agency shall have primary responsibility for the following services of common concern: a. The conduct of espionage outside the United States and its possessions in order to meet the intelligence needs of all Departments and Agencies concerned, in connection with the national security; b. The conduct of clandestine counterintelligence outside the United States and its possessions; c. The conduct of liaison with foreign clandestine services or concerning the above clandestine activities with foreign intelligence or security services. d. The maintenance for the benefit of the intelligence community of central indexes and records of foreign counter- intelligence information to which all Departments and Agencies shall contribute on a continuing basis all pertinent material collection by them. 4. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 above, other Departments and Agencies with commands or installations located outside the U. S. and its possessions may: a. Conduct additional espionage in order to satisfy departmental intelligence needs; b. Conduct clandestine counterintelligence activities necessary for the security of their personnel, commands, activities and installations; Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S0036 R2 O 0600170002-5 r. r S-E-C-R-E-T c. Conduct liaison with foreign clandestine services or concerning the above clandestine activities with foreign intelligence or security services. 5. Departments and Agencies shall assist the Central Intelli- gence Agency in its conduct of espionage by providing guidance in the form of continuous, timely and specific collection requirements and, as required, assessments of the information collected. They shall provide similar support to each other as required. 6. In a foreign area other than an active theater of war Mere U. S. forces are engaged, the designated representative of the Director of Central Intelligence shall keep the senior U. S. representative appropriately advised of U. S. espionage and clandestine counterntelli- ?ence activities conducted in or from the area. 7. In a foreign area where major U. S. military commands are stationed, the designated representatives of the Director of Central Intelligence shall keep the senior U. S. military commanders or their designated representatives, informed of the espionage and clandestine counterintelligence operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in or from the area which provide information of significant Importance to the missions of such commanders. 8. In active theaters of war where U. S. forces are engaged, or when the President so directs: Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362 R000600170002-5 VAWPI -rSE. R--T *a. The entire Central Intelligence Agency organi:stion assigned by the Director of Central Intelligence to a ecmmander of a command established by the Joint Chiefs of Staff stall be established as a CIA Force and, through the CIA Commander thereof, shall provide espionage and counterintelligence support to military operations. b. Such exceptional espionage and counterintelligence operations which, because of delicate political or diplomatic implications, are conducted independently by the Central Intelligence Agency shall be coordinated by the Director of Central Intelligence with the Joint Chiefs of Staff; e. The Director of Central Intelligence and the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall establish procedures for the coordination of liaison on clandestine activities between U. S. military commanders and foreign services that engage in such activities. 9. In addition to the above, the Director of Central Intelligence, in consultation with the Intelligence Advisory Committee and ether interested Departments and Agencies as provided in paragraph P-c above, Detailed arrangements concerning the command relationships between the CIA organization and the Armed Forces in active theaters of war where American forces are engaged are established by agreement; between the Director of Central Intelligence and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. -T-O r S-E-C R-S T Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved-For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R0'J0600170002-5 -APSE-CRE-T !! a. Provide for adequate coordination of all U. S. counterintelligence activities abroad and for the coordination of such activities with the Departments and Agencies responsible for domestic counterintelligence, to the extent necessary to ensure conformity with policies enunciated by the National Security Council; b. Take such other action as may be deemed necessary to promote the overall effectiveness of the U. So counter- intelligence effort abroad. -6- Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362RQ0050017000j-4' NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INTELLIGENC E DIRECTIVE NO. 5 Revision 9 July Draft 5 September 1957 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 102(d) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, the National Security Council hereby authorizes and directs that: 1. For the purpose of this directive: a. Espionage is defined as those clandestine activities which are directed toward the acquisition of information through intelligence operations against a foreign power. b. Counterintelligence is defined as that intelligence activity, with its resultant product, which is devoted to destroying the effective- ness of inimical foreign intelligence activities and which is undertaken to protect the security of the nation, and its personnel, information and installations abroad, against espionage, counterespionage, sabotage, and subversion. As an activity, counterintelligence includes the process of procuring, developing, recording, and disseminating information concerning hostile clandestine activity and of penetrating, manipulating, or repressing individuals, groups, or organizations conducting or capable of conducting such activity. 2. To ensure centralized direction and prior, comprehensive and continuing coordination of all clandestine activities authorized herein, cr ,I, WGIB _ the Director of Central Intelligence shall: Dtci+i $tit No. No C#:a,igs In Class. _ Declassifies Class. Changed to: TS Next Review Date: Auth.: HR 70-3 Date: '_~ - ) 9 " f l By Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362RQOC600170002-5 2 a. Establish, in consultation with the Intelligence Advisory Committee, the procedures necessary to achieve such direction and coordination; b. Coordinate all clandestine activities authorized herein and conducted outside the U.S. and its possessions, including liaison which concerns clandestine activities or which involves foreign clandestine services, except when the provisions of paragraph 9 apply; also coordinate clandestine activities with overt collection abroad; c. Invite Departments and Agencies not permanent members of the Intelligence Advisory Committee which have clandestine counterintelligence responsibilities abroad to participate in the Intelligence Advisory Committee deliberations when clandestine counterintelligence matters affecting such responsibilities are under consideration; d. Make mutually agreeable arrangements with Departments and Agencies for such cover support as may be needed by the Central Intelli- gence Agency, and coordinate arrangements for such cover-support as may be required by other Departments and Agencies to carry out the clandestine activities authorized in paragraph I below. 3. As the national clandestine service of the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency shall have primary responsibility for the following services of common concern: a. The conduct of espionage outside the United States and its possessions in order to meet the intelligence needs of all Departments and Agencies concerned, in connection with the national security; b. The conduct of clandestine counterintelligence outside the United States and its possessions; Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R0006001170002-5 Approved For Regale 2006/12/26: CIA- DP?8 Sot 3 2RQ0'600170002-5 -3- c. The establishment, conduct, and dev 1Q mant_of liaison with clandestine services or concerning the above clandestine activities with foreign intelligence or security services. d. The maintenance for the benefit of the intelligence community of central indexes and records of foreign counterintelligence information to which all Departments and Agencies shall contribute on a continuing basis all pertinent material collected by them. 1i,. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 above, other Departments and Agencies with commands or installations located outside the U.S. and its possessions may: a. Conduct additional espionage in order to satisfy departmental intelligence needs; b. Conduct clandestine counterintelligence activities necessary for the security of their personnel, commands, activities and installa- tions; c. Conduct-liaison concerning the above clandestine activities with foreign intelligence or security services or which involves clandestine 6. Departments and Agencies shall assist the Central Intelligence Agency in its conduct of espionage by providing guidance in the form of continuous, timely and specific collection requirements and, as required, assessments of the information collected. They shall provide similar support to each other as required. 7. In a foreign area other than an active theater of war where U.S. forces are engaged, the designated representative of the Director of Central Intelligence shall keep the senior U.S. representative appropriately advised Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved- For Rel,a 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 T--,C,, wr r- y of U.S. espionage and clandestine counterintelligence activities conducted in or from the area. 8. In a foreign area where major U.S. military conmands are stationed, the designated representative of the Director of Central Intelligence shall keep the senior U.S. military commanders or their designated representatives, informed of the espionage and clandestine counterintelligence operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in or from the area which provide information of significant importance to the missions of such commanders. 9. In active theaters of warwhere U.S. forces are engaged, or when the President so directs: a. All resources of the Central Intelligence Agency assigned by the Director of Central Intelligence to the Senior U.S. Commander shall be included in a CIA Force and, through the CIA Commander t hereof, shall provide espionage and counterintelligence support to military operations; b. Such exceptional espionage and counterintelligence operations which, because of delicate political or diplomatic implications, are conducted independently by the Central Intelligence Agency shall be coordinated by the Director of Central Intelligence with the Joint Chiefs of Staff; c. The Director of Central Intelligence and the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall establish procedures for the coordination of liaison on clandestine activities between U.S. military commanders and foreign services that engage in such activities. 10. In addition to the above, the Director of Central Intelligence, in consultation with the Intelligence Advisory Committee and other interested Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600170002-5 Approved For Rel~as& 2006/12/26: CIA,-f,DP,5S00362RQ00600170002-5 5 Departments and Agencies as provided in paragraph 2c above, shall: a. Provide for adequate coordination of all U.S. counterintelligence activities abroad and for the coordination of such activities with the Departments and Agencies responsible for domestic counterintelligence, to the extent necessary to ensure conformity with policies enunciated by the National Security Council; b. Take such other action as may be deemed necessary to promote the overall effectiveness of the U.S. counterintelligence effort abroad. 2[b a iJ 2? A . Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2Q J12/26.: CIA-RDP85SO662R000600170002-5 7th Revision of 9 July Draft DGH - 20 August 1957 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO. 5 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 102(d) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, the National Security Council hereby authorizes and directs that: 1. For the purpose of this directive: a. Espionage is defined as those clandestine activities which are directed toward the acquisition of information through intelligence operations against a foreign power* b. Counterintelligence is defined as that intelligence activity, with its resultant product, which is devoted to destroying the effective- ness of inimical foreign intelligence activities and which is undertaken to protect the security of the nation, and itpersonnel and installa- tionsrabroad,, against espionage, counterespionage, sabotage, and subversion. As an activity, counterintelligence includes the process of procuring, developing, recording, and disseminating information concerning hostile clandestine activity and of penetrating, manipulating, or repressing individuals, groups, or organizations conducting or capable of conducting such activity. 2. To provide centralized direction and ensure comprehensive and continuing coordination of all clandestine activities authorized herein, the Director of Central Intelligence shall: 627l OGcument Ni. . Na Change In Class. -] beclassifled Class. Changed to: T3 C Next Review Rate: - UK: MR 70-3 Date I r / !. c 4 J Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600170002-5 Approved For Rj ase 2006/12/26: CIA- RDP85S00362QwQ00600170002-5 npr.T a. Establish, in consultation with the Intelligence Advisory Committee, the procedures necessary to achieve such direction and coordination; b. Coordinate all clandestine activities authorized herein and conducted outside the U. S. and its possessions, including liaison which concerns clandestine activities or which involves foreign clandestine services, except when the provisions of para- graph 8 apply; also coordinate clandestine activities with overt collection abroad; c. Invite Departments and Agencies not permanent members of the Intelligence Advisory Committee which have clandestine counter- intelligence responsibilities abroad to participate in the Intelli- gence Advisory Committee deliberations when clandestine counter- intelligence matters affecting such responsibilities are under consideration; d. Make mutually agreeable arrangements with the appropriate Departments and Agencies for such cover support as may be needed by the Central Intelligence Agency, and coordinate arrangements for such non-official cover support as may be required by other Depart- ments and Agencies to carry out the clandestine activities authorized in paragraph 4 below. 3. The Central Intelligence Agency as the national clandestine service of the United States shall have primary responsibility forfthe following services of common concern; Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved For Re4e se 2006/12/26 IA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 a. The conduct of espionage outside the United States and its possessions in order to meet the /needs of all Departments and Agencies concerned, in connection with the national security; b. The conduct of counterintelligence outside the United States and its possessions; c. The establishment, conduct, and development of liaison on the above clandestine activities. d. Maintenance of central indexes and records of foreign counterintelligence information for the benefit of the intelligence community. ~+. As an integral part of their respective missions, Departments and Agencies are responsible for the collection of departmental intelli- gence and for the security of their personnel, commands, and installations SubjectL to the provisions of paragraph 2 above, the Departments and i R t.~.? ^-ywy..~r 4 ~+..n~.aJ " L'%' t tt l t. 'V Agencies conducg in areas outside the U. S. and its possessions: GC.,. ~J . -- tt a. Espionage in order to satisfy departmental intelligence needs; try., ,_~ b. Clandestine counterintelligence activities necessary for the security of their commands, activities and installations; t.;,R 4_, ' it F c. Liaison, ich concern~rtfie above clandestine activities or which involves foreign clandestine services. 5. LThe_JDepartments and Agencies shall: a. Contribute on a continuing basis to the central indexes and records of foreign counterintelligence information, maintained by the Central Intelligence Agency, all pertinent material collected by them; Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved For R e se 20 *2t?'Mck P85S00362R 0600170902-5 CU7 2 b. Assist the Central Intelligence Agency in its conduct of espionage by providing continuous, timely and specific collection requirements and, as required, assessments of the information collected; provide similar support to each other as required. c. Make arrangements with each other for such official cover support as they deem necessary. Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600170002-5 Approved For Rase 2006/12/26 : CIA-RDP85SQ036200600170002-5 6. In a foreign area other than an active theater of war where U.S. forces are engaged, the designated representative of the Director of Central Intelligence shall keep the senior U.S. representative appropriately advised ch nd,sfinc of U.S. espionage and counterintelligence activities conducted in or from the area. 7. In a foreign area where'majo U.S. military commands are stationed, the designated representative of the Director of Central Intelligence shall keep the senior U.S. military commanders or their designated representatives, C !?hJ.Sf2? .0- informed of the espionage and counterintelligence operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in or from the area which provide infor- mation of significant importance to the missions of such commanders. 8. In active theaters of war where U.S. forces are engaged, or when the President so directs; a. All resources of the Central Intelligence Agency assigned by the Director of Central Intelligence to the Senior U.S. Commander shall be included in a CIA Force a.nd, through the CIA Commander thereof, c1?ad,;f'j shall provide espionage and counterintelligence support to military operations; b. Such exceptional espionage and counterintelligence operations which, because of delicate political or diplomatic implications, are conducted independently by the Central Intelligence Agency shall be coordinated by the Director of Central Intelligence with the Joint Chiefs of Staff,;; c. The Director of Central Intelligence and the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall establish procedures for the coordination of liaison on clandestine activities between U.S. military commanders and foreign services that engage in such activities. Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600170002-5 Approved For Rye se 2006/12/26: CIA-RDP85S00362R ;0600170002-5 -S- 9. In addition to the above, the Director of Central Intelligence, in consultation with the Intelligence Advisory Committee and other interested Departments and Agencies as provided in paragraph 2c above, shalls a. Provide for adequate coordination of all U.S counterintelligern e: activities abroad and for the coordination of such activities with the Departments and Agencies responsible for domestic counterintelligence, to the extent necessary to ensure conformity with policies enunciated by the National Security Council; b. Take such other action as may be deemed necessary to promote the overall effectiveness of the U.S. counterintelligence effort abroad. Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIA-R?P85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved I-or Kel ase 2(VM2/fr UNtf55UU:3b2 UUUbUU1 1UUU2-b Jul vjs, U% -~ha+getoClams.;' Class. Changed to: IS @ i . ...... .... ... 1?ext llewlew pate: - 6th Revision of 9 July Draft Auth.: OR 70-3 RST - 15 August 1957 2 5X 1 $ cote: 1-11-91 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO.5 U. S. ESPIONAGE AND COUNTERINTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES ABROAD Pursuant to the provisions of Section 102(d) of the National Security Act of 1947: as amended, the National Security Council hereby authorizes and directs that: 1. For the purpose of this directive: a. Espionage is defined as those clandestine activities which are directed toward the acquisition of information through intelli- gence operations against a foreign power., b. Counterintelligence is defined as "That phase of intelli- gence covering all activity devoted to destroying the effectiveness of inimical foreign intelligence activities and to the protection of information against espionage, personnel against subversion, and installations or material against sabotage,"* Counterintelligence is further defined as that intelligence activity, with its resultant product, which is undertaken to protect the security of the nation, and its personnel and installations abroad, against espionage, counterespionage, sabotage, and subversion. As an activity, counter- intelligence includes the process of procuring, developing, and recording information concerning espionage, counterespionage, sabotage and subversion directed against the national security, and of penetrating, manipulating, or repressing individuals, groups, or organizations conducting or capable of conducting such acts. *Dictionary of United States Military Terms for Joint Usage. d 4-7,3 Approved For Release 20061 ~,) 1RUIP85S00362R000600170002-5 Approved For Release 2006/12/26: CIARDP85S00362 R0 0600170002-5 - '- rL C 101 ET 2. To provide centralized direction and ensure comprehensive and continuing coordination of all clandestine activities authorized herein, the Director of Central Intelligence shall: a. Establish, in consultation with the Intelligence Advisory Committee, the procedures necessary to achieve such direction and coordination; b. Coordinate all clandestine activities authorized herein, including liaison on clandestine activities with foreign intelli- gence and security services that engage in such activities, outside the United States and its possessions other than active theaters of war where U. S. forces are engaged, in which event the provisions of Para 0 shall apply; also coordinate such clandestine activities with overt collectiond abroad; c. Invite Departments and Agencies not permanent members of CJANDr5 71A10 the Intelligence Advisory Committee which have'Wcounterintelligence responsibilities abroad to participate in the Intelligence Advisory Committee deliberations when clandestine counterintelligence matters affecting such responsibilities are under consideration; Xnvf ve//5 a 0 r'r