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Approved For tease'EO IR/25 ECRE'TT00975,Qw6300390001-9 25X1 3 May 1962 CcSp 111LI Ling DIA AND DOS HAVE NO OBJECTION TO DECLASSIFICATION AND RELEASE. 25X1 / DIA and DOS review(s) completed. / TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 A roved For Pgh1AhmJd a 2002/10/22 CIA-l,&300390001-9 25X1 "SOS fJA 3 May 1962 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 1. Indonesia: Subandrio proceeds with group to Mos- cow. (Page i) 2. Communist China - India: Probability increases of further clashes on border. (Page it) 4. France-Algeria: Press and public aroused over fate of French prisoners of Algerian Army. (Page iii) 5. Yugoslavia-USSR: Belgrade acquires Soviet T-54 tanks and MI-4 helicopters. (Page iv) 6. Burma: Ne Win endorses socialism as Burma's na- tional goal. (Page iv) 7. Portugal: Disciplined demonstrators give police hard time. (Page v) 8. Watch Committee Conclusion. (Page vii) j 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A006300390001-9 Approved For Rs 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP79T00975 X300390001-9 25X1 j j 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3 May 19& DAILY BRIEF Indonesia: ((Foreign Minister Subandrio, before departing for Moscow on 2 slay, told the US ambas- sador that the purpose of his trip was to correct the imbalance of military power between Indonesia and the Dutch. He said the balance now favors the Neth- erlands jlthough his remarks carried the suggestion of intention to purchase new arms, Subandrio noted that Indonesia must be careful about assuming new obliga- tions in view of the nation's financial difficulties. He said a "subsidiary reason" for his joining the mission, which includes representatives of the three armed services, was to negotiate financial terms. He did not make clear, however, whether these terms would be limited to new purchases or would involve a renegoti- ation of former payments arrangements. Moscow pos- sibly will agree to liberalize the repayment terms of Indonesia's present arms debt and may be willing to provide additional military assistance to Djakarta Subandrio warned the US ambassador to expect a cha a of tone in Indonesia's, comments on the New Guinea situation. Sukarno and Subandrio have repeat- edly expressed their conviction that the Dutch will re- spond only to force or threats of force. Subandrio's trip seems likely to serve the two lines of strategy which Sukarno has consistently pursued on the New Guinea issue: to prepare for an ultimate resort loll 1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 Approved Ac~r?Release 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP79TO0 A006300390001-9 J A M M ~l 1 11 Boundary shown on Indian naps - - Boundary 'Mown on recent Chinese Communist maps MotonBble road -- ---- MO'.orable road under construction - --- Minor road or trail 25X1 3 May 62 NE PA KATMANDU xga Hill- inns mF i CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN ,. I- lrnphal Map Page Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 F~M~ gongiinigg - Approved For Rirdse ria-PnP7A 300390001-9 25X1 0 25X1 25X1 force but at the same time to nudge the Dutch and t e West t ward a peaceful settlement on Indone- siant Communist China - India: The probability&--- further clashes along the disputed Sino-Indian bor- der is increased by Peiping's 30 April note to New Delhi protesting recent Indian military moves in the Ladakh area and charging Indian readiness to "create another incident of bloodshed:' The Chinese note states that Indian troops have already estab- lished two fortified posts on Chinese soil and warns that if these troops are not: withdrawn, China's for- ces "will be compelled to defend themselves: 7Sne of these is the post reportedly seized by Indirrt"roops last weed The Chinese note states that Peiping has or- dered its troops in Ladakh to resume active border patrolling, which Peiping claims it had halted two years ago. The note warns that Peiping may "be compelled to consider" resumption of patrols along the entire frontier. *Publication by Peiping of its threatening note, which gives the Indian public its first news of the Indian military moves in Ladakh, will increase pres- sure on Nehru's government to maintain an uncom- promising stance. Nehru on 2 May reported to Par- liament on his government's negative reply to an ear- lier Chinese note offering to negotiate. An atmos- phere of urgency was created by Nehru's statement on that occasion reiterating Indian determination to strengthen defenses against the "contingency" of a "war with China;' and a new wave of indignation over the latest Chinese note will raise tension even further. 3 May 62 DAILY BRIEF ii 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 iiiiiiiii j` 25X1 j j Approved For Base 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975 6300390001-9 N 25X1 25X1 j j j France-Algeria: The Pompidou cabinet is under increasingly heavy public pressure over the fate of French soldiers who had been presumed prisoners of the Algerian National Liberation army (ALN). The Paris press has. reacted violently to the statement the ALN issued on 1 May following. release of 5 French sol- diers that there were no more prisoners and that others should be considered "missing:' Paris Figaro suggests that France might have to resort to partitioning Algeria. OAS sympathizers. will be quick to pickup the Figaro sug- gestion that the Evian solution can still be brought into question. 3 May 62 DAILY BRIEF iii 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A006300390001-9 9 25X1 j j A d F Fle 2002/10/22 CIA RDP79T00975 300390001 pprove or as . - - 0 11 *The issue over the fate of French captives will increase the threat to successful implementation of the accords which are already endangered by the im- patience of the provisional Algerian government (PAG) over French failure to halt OAS terrorism against Moslems. The PAG yesterday challenged French sin- cerity by publicly charging Paris With responsibility for OAS acts of terrorism which on 2 May claimed the 25X1 cease-fire. highest number of casualties for one Yugoslavia-USSR: Yugoslavia's May Day parade showed that Belgrade has at least 20 Soviet T-54 tanks. These have apparently been recently acquired in addir tion to the MI-4 helicopters which 25X1 were pure se last year from the USSR. These pur- chases end the monopoly which the West has held since 1948 on supply of new military equipment to Yugoslavia. They also reflect in part the abatement of hostility in Yugoslav-Soviet state relations since Tito and Khru- shchev conferred at the UN in 1960. j Yugoslav military officials have expressed concern over the possible Western reaction to such purchases. A Defense Ministry official, apparently in anticipation of the May Day displays, told the US Army attache on 18 April that Belgrade would soon buy unspecified amounts and types of Soviet equipment. The Yugoslavs have also taken pains to emphasize that these purchases do not signify a shift in Yugoslavia's political orientation but result from a shortage of foreign exchange necessary to buy new equipment in the West. Yugoslavia has a - vorable trade balance with the USSR. Burma: General Ne Win has ec are that on y such o rms of democracy as will promote and safeguard socialist development" will be permitted. 25X1 25X1 3 May 62 DAILY BRIE F iv Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 GkG9v'Md Fo I ase 2002/10/22 ? CIA-RDP79T00 706300390001-9 / A 25X1 Ne Win's 28-point statement, "The Burmese Way to Socialism," delivered to the annual. Commanding Of- ficers' Conference on 30 April, in essence restated the national goals set forth in the constitution. and ad- vocated by Burmese political leaders since independ- ence. However, full implementation of these policies would bring about major changes in Burma's political and economic life. Ne Win said that state ownership is to form the basis of the economy, and cooperatives or collective ownership would be given a secondary role. Burmese private enterprises "which contribute to na- tional productive forces" will be permitted "with fair and reasonable restrictions." Ne Win apparently in- tends to limit foreign investment to joint ventures with the government. He stated an intention to borrow ideas abroad "with- out discrimination between one country of origin and another" Israel has for some time been regarded b the Burmese as a model in annlvina sarialism_ F 25X1 Portugal: The difficulties the police encountered in controlling a demonstrations in Lisbon on 1 May will encourage opponents of the regime to more aggres- sive acts. The demonstrations were well organized and appeared to be a show of force against the police rather than an attempt to ignite a large city-wide manifestation. 25X1 was impressed by the determination ancdt ac o tear o the demonstrators, by the way their activities were di- rected by small groups of leaders,- and by the absence of any spirit of vandalism. Observers stress that the demonstrators in Lisbon had not been deterred by their knowledge of special preparations by police to cope with the disturbances, and point to the apparent willingness of thousands of Portuguese to follow antiregime directives 3 May 62 DAILY BRIE F v Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A006300390001-9 p Approved Fore se 2002/10/22 :CIA-RDP79T00975 06300390001-9 25X1 Although the strikes in Oporto scheduled for 1 May did not take place, the police, with no ap- parent provocation, sprayed peaceful crowds in the downtown area with colored liquids and reacted to a subsequent demonstration of some 200 workers with unusual brutality. The US consul. in Oporto feels that such treatment will not long be tolerated by the public. Since early April, there have been severs ,.reports of plans for demonstrations in Oporto on 8 May 25X1 3 May 62 DAILY BRIEF . l. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A006300390001-9 Approved For Fas 300ME INN/11/11/11=1 390001-9 WATCH COMMITTEE CONCLUSIONS n the basis. of findings by its.. Watch Commit- tee, he. United States Intelligence Board concludes thato {LV Sino-Soviet bloc country intends deliberately to ini ioate direct militar action in the immediate fu- ture: 25X1 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATES he United States Intelligence Board, on 2 May 1962; proved the following national intelligence es- timate ME j 3 May 62 DAILY BRIEF vii 511 25X1 NIE 11-9-62: Trends inAoviet Foreign Policy," May 19 NIE 13-4-62: ' Prospect for Communist China," ` Mav 196-111 1 (dvance conclusions are normally distributed within tours of approval, and the printed text within five day n. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A006300390001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 Approved Fo French War Prisoner Issue Threatens Evian Accords In the most recent official French statement on the Evian accords' provisions for release of prisoners, Armed Forces Minister Messmer said on 15 March that as of 1 January 1962 there were 197 French troops carried as "missing," and cau- tioned that probably only a part of these were prisoners. France began releasing Algerian rebel prisoners soon after the 19 March cease-fire, but International Red Cross representations to the provisional Algerian government (PAG) reportedly encountered. only "embarrassed silences" Ambassador Walmsley in Tunis was informed by a good ALN source on 30 April that almost all the 500 French soldiers reported taken by the ALN during the past year or so were killed shortly after capture "during the ex- igencies of flight from French. Army pursuit" According to this source, the PAG refused to so inform French negotiators at Evian lest "this grisly information" upset the negotiations then in progress. Pompidou was queried on the subject in the National Assem- bly last week, in connection with the general problem of applica- tion of the cease-fire accord. At that time he announced that France was suspending further release of Algerian prisoners. The cabinet will meet on 4 May under the chairmanship of De Gaulle to consider the war prisoner problem and other trouble- some aspects on the Algerian situation. The Figaro criticism, even stronger than that of the rightist Aurore, suggested that provisional executive president Fares, now in Paris for consul- tations with De Gaulle, might not return to Kocher Noir until he knows whether the PAG is prepared to furnish assurances that it will carry out the Evian accords. Thus far French civilian and military authorities have at- tributed most of the difficulties in implementing the agreement to continuing OAS provocations against Moslems and to "politi- cal infighting" within the PAG which hampered organization of 25X1 25X1 3 May 62 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A006300390001-9 25X1 Approved F the transitional authority in Algiers, but had not seriously questioned the PAG's good faith. Aside from the question of whether the PAG can soon demonstrate its control over the ALN, the war prisoner issue could precipitate serious doubts as to whether the PAG intends to honor other parts of the Evian agreements, and could become a major politi- cal threat to the Pompidou government. 25X1 25X1 3 May 62 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 Approved For lease 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00 300390001-9 THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Counsel to the President Military Representative of the President The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs The Scientific Adviser to the President The Director of the Budget The Director, Office of Emergency Planning The Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Under Secretary of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) The Assistant Secretary of Defense The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, United States Army Commandant, United States Marine Corps U.S. Rep., Military Committee and Standing Group, NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Director, The Joint Staff The Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force The Department of Justice The Attorney General The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director The Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman The National Security Agency The Director The United States Information Agency The Director The National Warning Center The Director 25X1 11 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO06300390001-9 ;02iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~i~i~i~i~i A.-.-......J C ~1~~ TA~A/?C C-~n ~rC~nTAA JlAAP 7AA7(1AAAA A TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP79T00975A006300390001-9