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Document Release Date: 
October 7, 2003
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Publication Date: 
January 15, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R006900150006-8.pdf153.47 KB
Approved For Release 2004/01/2 CLASSIFICATION 0 .PV--iDENTIM' 50006 COUNTRY G` many (Soviet Zone) -- REPORT TOPIC ~"' ~ ~ formation from Schwcrix> EVALUATIO 25X1 PLACE OBTAINED. DATE OF CONTENT 24 to 26 November 1950 INYE, 25X1 I 25X1 DATE PREPARED 15 January 1951 DATE OBT MIv1:D REFERENCES PAGES --- &= ENCLOSURES REMARK. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Between 24 and 26 November 1950, the Ni4donburg Kaserne, Schwerin M 54/T 16) seemed to be occupied to capacity by not less than 1,000 troops who wore red-bordered black epa'a1cts :- :ith artillery 25X1 insignia, and black-bordored black epaulet:. the installation quartered an artillery and a signal unit. 2. The Freiherr von Fritsch Kaserne was fully occupied by about 1,000 troops, most of whom wore black-bordered black epaulets, and some red-bordered black epaulets and black bordered red epaulets. No heavy 25X1 weapons were observed, whereas signal equipment was repeatedly seen.. (2) 3. The Krueger Kas:rne seemed to be fully occupied by about 1 000 trop s wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank insi'nia. (3 25X1 fit. The Mike Kaserne was occupied to capacity by not less., and presumably 25X1 25X1 more, than 19000 troops. Soldiers observed wore red--bordered black epaulets with tank and artillery insignia. the in stallation quartered tank and T artille un3. c CLASS lFlCATI0M*FWQ'1 NeApl pV*ddfr' Lease 2004/01/i This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. WMA Approved For Release 2004/01/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006900150006-8 CO 25X1 5. The Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occupied to capacity by about 5,000 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia, and blackbordered red epaulets. (6) 25X1 6. 25X1 total of 10 to 12 groups of fuel tanks, each group having a capacity of not less than 50,000 liters, were located in the yards of both the Moltke Kaserne and the Krueger Kaserne. The tanks were allegedly filled with diesel fuel. The fuel dump about 300 meters from the LIcltke Kaserne was allegedly filled with gasoline and serviced passenger cars and motorcycles of the units in the Krueger and Moltke Kasornen. (7) 7. the ammunition of the units in the two barracks ins -a .s ions was stored in a fenced amrranition dump opposite the Krueger Kaserne. The dump contains three som.t-underground storage buildings and a watch tower. It is brightly illuminated at night and guarded by sentries. (7) 25X1 omrnents. (1) omnare w1 miler information of late "'ugust 25X1 (2) The Freiherr von Fritsch Kaserne, like the Hindenburg Kaserne' is believed to quarter signal and artillerv units The strength estimate corresnaonds with previous estir^tes 25X1 (3) The units stationed in the Krueg::r Kaserne are believed to include the 714th (?) Tank SP Regt of the 914th gds Litz Rifle Div. This assumption is 25X1 ,strengthened by the observation of personnel gearing tank insigmia0 25X1 (5) Since the Krueger Kaserne and the Lioltke Kaserne form a single billeting area, it is difficult to determine the occupation of the individual in-- stallationoo In addition to the 74th (?) Tank SP Refit, several artillery 2 5X1 units are believed to be quartered in the billeting area. (6) The strength figure appears too high, since only up to 2 500 troops wore 25X1 previously reported to be quartered in the installation. (7) The supply installations were reported for the first time. The statement that they were the fuel and ammunition dumps of the units in the two barracks installations was probably correct. CONFIDENTIAL" Approved For Release 2004/01/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006900150006-8