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Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000100250002-1 AmCTI*cn,*'-'L 39th edition Volume 1 MARQUIS _ -. Approved For R1"51 fWP91-00901 R0001 00250002-1 Marquis Whos Who. Inc OM Gocthir. S1roa1 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000100250002-1 I~ESJ CO AvaiZabie Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000100250002-1 .canna. rEdward, inn n, r, u: a - S: editor Daftq ,~~ 9'~ {}{s~yjylr~, n t~,7r,~~V'i~1463.~Er53~.1b6S-6Y: WRf. yV ?g.z-,o:'~:.Anrbae~n11.:4r~s7;~F3Fl~rt.~st4l.Y s 14~ 1 of Annc ~.rundcl Count,. Bd. .coved with U.S. Army, 1932.54. s.P., 1964, ':at. Headliners award, assn.. Am, Soc. Newspaper Editors. .dic. K.C. "ome. 15(1 Riverdale Dr 13.33 W,,-,t St Annapolis MD 21401 3. no : xcc.; b. Boston, Fcb. 23, 1'130; uq C.: A.B., Yale, 1952; M.B. A? Pinkham. June 23, 1950; -?r vier. lznnifer Paul, Sheila Pinkham. -n Rubber Co.. Dover, N.H., (950-, McCord Corp.. Detroit, 1965-, also colt. Tecumseh Products Co. (Mich.). Research Council of Mich.; mem. Trustee mem. Merrill-Palmer Yost., Detroit: bd. din, Detroit Symphony ^rroit, Soo:. Automotive Engrs.. Young 's Assn. Detroit (trustee). Harvard Bus, .us. Detroit, Detroit Athletic. Recess amtry Club of Detroit (Grosse Pointe at (Marblehead, Muss,); Wig and Pen athbone ?l Grosso Pointe MI 48230 Grand Blvd Detroit M1 48202 Chamberlain. Dec. I8. 1947; children-John Warren. Terrence Michael. Allen Chamberlain, Andrew Stevenson. Asst. mgr. State Finance Co.. Sioux City, Is.. 1949.54; br. mgr. Universal CIT Credit Corp.. Sioux City, 1954-55: instr. Oto (la,) pub schs.. 1955-57; inter.. then asst prof. la. State U.. 1957-64; acad. dean Pacific Christian Coll., 1964-65; dir. higher cdn. Okla. State LC. 1966-67; asst, to pros. Fullerton (Cal.) Call.. 1965, v.p., 1967. pres. elect. 1968. pres.. 1969-, Churn. Citizens Adv. Cam. Youth Community Relations. 1970-71. Bd. goys. Marine Sei. Inst., Dana Point, Cal.. 1969. N. Orange County YMCA, 1969.71. Marti. Cal. Tchrs. Assn., Cal. Jr. Coll. Assn., N E.A.. Assn. Higher Edn.. Comparative Edn. Soc.. Nat. Collegiate Honors Council, Fullerton C. of C.. Phi Delta Kappa. Alpha Chi Rho. Republican. Mem. Christian Ch. Contbr. articles prnfi.jours. Home: 318 Virginia Rd Fullerton CA 92631 CASEY, JOSEPH THOMAS, mfg. to. exec.: b. N.Y.C., Sept. 14, 1931: s. John Joseph and Julia Agnes (O'Boyle) C; B.S., Fordham U.. 1955; m. Dolores May, Sept. 28, 1957; children-Kevin. Patrick, Keith, Elizabeth, John. Joseph. David. Thomas. Mgr., Touchy. Ross, Bailey & Smart, N.Y.C.. 1955-63: controller Litton Industries. Inc., Beverly Hills. Cal., 1964-67, v.p. finance. 1968.69, sr. v.p? (969-. Bd. dirs. Cal. Mus. Sci. and Industry. Served with AUS, 1956-58. Mem. Beta Gamma Sigma. Office; 360 N Crescent Dr Beverly Hills CA 90212 14D. engring. co. exec.: b. Washington, end Rose (O'Neill) C.: student Pa, State ..:., 1924-26; in. Helen Stakes. Aug. 29, ,icy. Berry. Eugene. Douglas, Margaret; 455, Sole propr. Casey Enring Co. ran., engring? designing and constm.. also ail investment. 1931-; owner, operator -gamery County. Md., Wis., Va., Minn., cxec. asst to Pres, U.S., 1941-53-; pres.. dir. Internat. Bank, Whcelabratcrr Frye -ntment Corp. of Washington. Canadian inancial Gen. Corp., Atlas Gen. Corp., we City Racing Assn. Navy mem, Army rustee Patrick Henry Meml. Assn. Past -tic Club. Served with USNR, 1944-45; Am, Soc. Heating and Ventilating Engrs., _om, for Agr. (sec- treas.), Am. Farm Bur. -men Soc.. Am. Legion. U.S. Naval Res. e, Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective -tbda Sigma. Roman Catholic. Rotarian. VWinchnster (Va.) Golf and Country; 3one; Springsbury Farms Berryville VA Gaitherburg MD 20760 _ARY, librarian; Is. Mpls.. July 13, 1916; d. 6M3lerich) Casey; B.S., Coil- St. Catherine, ch.. 1956. Mem. staff Detroit Pub. Library, -tsion dept.. 1948.61; Mich. State librarian, -ary scis. Wayne State U., 1967-: librarian 3O, 1946-47; book reviewer (or Mich. ar. Mem. Am. (pres. Assn. Hosp. and Instn. brary eds. div. 1970-72), Mich., Catholic -s Goldengate W Detroit MI 48203 ]., banker; b. 1919; B.S., U. Cal., 1940; grad. an of Rutgers U., 1967; married. With Wells nncisco. 1940-, asst v.p. investment dept, dept.. 1965.71, sr. v.p. investment dept.. en Bank NA 464 California St San Francisco op, exec.; b. Boston. July 12. (921: s. William C.; B.S. in Fan, Service. Georgetown U.. II-a. Sch.. 1947-49; m. Marlene Fordo, Dec. -vious marriage-Robin Ann, J. Todd, Reid nilliam Casey & Sons, Inc., Long Island, symond IntemaL, Inc_ N,Y.C., 1957-60, e_ controller Dillingham Corp., Honolulu, Dillingham Corp. Australia, 1970-72; pres. Manville. Cal.. 1972-. Served to It. (s.g.) K, Financial Execs. Inst. (chmn. internat. ). Moles and Beavers Orgns. Home: 30 Beach O Office: Box 278 Danville CA 94526 -'yer; b. San Francisco, Feb. 2, 1915: s. James C.; A,B.. Columbia. 1937, LL.fl., 1940; in. _ 1947; children-Anne H., Edith B.. Richard 1941, since practiced in N.Y.C.; partner firm -tndorf. and predecessors. 1952-. Mem- ning Bd., (956-; mem. adminstrv- tribunal UN Human Rights Comma., 1971. Trustee nod Assn.; 1M. visitors Columbia Law Sch.. -Columbia Coll.. 1963-66. Served to IL comdr. -. Am., Inter Am., N.Y. State bar assns., Assn. m. Law Assn. Home: Peapack NJ 07977 Otficc k City NY 10004 also 56 Grosvenor St London necticut Av NW Washington DC 20006 -CENT, bishop; Is. Osage, to,. Sept. 22. 1914; a. .Ours) C.; AS., Loras Coll. 1936, LL.D., 1959; Rome. Italy. (936.40; J.C.D.. Cath. U. Am., Roman Cath. Ch.. 1939; asst, pastor St..lohn's e, Is,. 1940.44; sec. Archbishop Leo Binz, ..hop or Lincoln. 1957-67; archbishop of Denver, Chaplains Carps, USNR. 1944-46. Home: 480 -CO 80209 Office: 938 Bannock St Denver CO ;EPH, airlines exec.; Is. Boston. OcL 3, 1918; s. "rise (Doyle) C.; S.D.. Mess. Inst. Tech.. 1940, -fad. Cornell U.. 1942; M. Mary June Reipe, Apr, -John Joseph, David Vaughan, Janet Marjorie. er Curios-Wright Corp? Buffalo, 1940.42: mgr. _m. Airlines. SL Joseph, Mo.. (946-47. service n9, out. v.p. maintenance. Tulsa, 1950.56; v.p. R. 'lanhassct. N.Y., aviation cons., 1956-62; sr. v,p. :cud Word Airlines, N.Y.C., 1962.68; exec, v.p.. Dallas. 1468--. Mom. exec. bd. Circle 10 council .'so orient, regional bd. Served with USAAF, =racer 320th Squadron. 509th Composite Bomb ism. Am. Inst. Aeros, and Astronautics. Soc. Mass, lest. Tech, Alumni Assn, (bd. goys? v,p. =r'orce Assos. Club: Wings (N.Y.C.); Manhasset nshington, N.Y.); Northwm d. Carinthian Yacht, achy. Yacht Harbor Sailing (Dallas). Home: CASEY, LAWRENCE B, bishop: b. Rochester, N.Y.. Sept. 6, 1905; s, Joseph L. and Agnes M. (Switzer) C.; student St. Andrew's Minor Sam., Rochester, 1919.24, SL Bernard's Theol. Scm.. Rochester, 1924.30. Ordained as priest Roman Cath. Ch., 1930: vice chancellor Diocese of Rochester, 1932-46; pastor Holy Cross Ch., Rochester, 1946-52; rector Sacred Heart Cathedral, Rochester. 1952; titular bishop of Cea and aux. to bishop of Rochester, 1953-66; bishop. Paterson, N,J.. 1966--. Home: 178 Derrom Av Paterson NJ 07504 Office: 24 Dc Grasse St Paterson NJ 07505 CASEY, MAURICE FRANCIS, air force officer; b. Chgo., June 3, 1920; s. Maurice Francis and Marie (Rowan) C,; student U. Chgo., 1939-40, U. Miami, 1948-50. Nat. War Coll., 1962: m. Dora Belle Neubert, Oct. 12, 1946; children-Faith Maureen, Shirley Marie, M.F. Timothy, Georgeanne. Michael Joseph. Commd. 2d It. USAAF. 1943, advanced through grades to maj. gen. USAF, 1970; leader heavy bomber air armada 8th Air Force, World War II; troop wing comdr. Far East. 1952-54; chief air traffic control USAF, also mem. tech- div. U.S. Air Coordinating Com., 1954-55; mil. adviser Royal Danish Air Force, also -chief air force MAAG, 1958-61: dep. dir air force information, 1955-58, 62-65; comdr. 60th Mil. Airlift Wing, Travis AFB, 1965-68; dir. transp. Hdqrs. USAF, 1968.73. dep. J-4, dir. strategic mobility, 1973 Schedule. airline insp. CAA, 1947-50. Vice pres. McLean (Va.) Civic Assn., 1961-65; pres. St. John's Men's Council, 1962-65. Decorated D.S.M., Legion of Merit (5), Bronze star, D.F.C. (3), Air medal (5); Croix de Guerre (France): D.F.C. (U.K.): Commendation of Honor (Greece). Mem, S.E. Air Res. Assn. (v.p. 19.50). Nat, Def. Transp. Assn. (pres.), Quiet Birdmen. Aviation Space Writers Assn. Lion. Home: 7017 Union Mill Rd Clifton VA 22024 Office: Headquarters USAF Washington DC 20333 CASEY, RALPH EDWARD, lawyer; b- Boston, May 25, 1911; A.B.. Harvard, 1932, LL.B., 1935; LL,M., Georgetown U., 1941. Admitted to Mass, bar, 1935; pvt. practice law, Boston, 1935.39; with GAO, Washington. 1939.55, asso. gen. counsel charge contracts, litigation and maritime activities, 1948-55; counsel Hardy Com. on U.S. Govt. Ops., 1950-52; chief counsel Mcht. Marine and Fisheries Carr- 1955-56; pres. Am. Mcht. Marine Inst., Inc.. 1956.68; exec, v.p. Am. mist. Mcht. Shipping, 1969-70; spl. counsel Mcht- Marine and Fisheries Corti., 1970-71. chief courisel, 1971-; mem. firm Haight. Gardner, Poor & Havens, Washington. Vice pres. Internat. Shipping Fedn.. London. Eng., 1965-68; vice chmn. bd., chmn. exec. corn. Nat. Com, Internat. Trade Documentation, 1967-70. Address: care Haight Gardner Poor & Havens 1815 H St NW Washington DC 20006 CASEY, RALPH WALDO, banker: b. Guthrie, Okla., Sept. 24. 1999; s. James O. and Jennie (Plummer) C.: A.B., U. Kan.. 1931; M. Gertrude Richard, Nov. 21. 1927; i dau., Mary Patricia (Mrs. John C, Burr). With Bank Commerce, Tonkawa, Okla., (919.29; sec.-treas. Williams Iron Works, Tonkawa, 1931-39; partner D. & D. Drilling Cu., Dallas. also Den-Tex. Oil Co., Dallas. 1940-55; ind. oil producer. Tonkawa, 1940-; exec. rep. Colo. State Bank, Denver. 1965-; Okla. loan agt. Smaller War Plant Corp., Oklahoma City, 1942.44; fiscal agt. Okla. to Mfrs. Trust Co., N.Y.C., 1951-55. Dist, chmn, North Okla. council Boy Scouts Am., 1942-43; exec, sec, to Gov. of Okla., 1951-55; Bd. dirs. Kay County (Okla.) Guidance Clinic. Named Ky. col., 1953; hon, chief Kiowa Indians of Okla? 1953. Mem. Tonkawa C. of C, (pres. 1940, 45), Okla. (life), Colo. hilt, sots., Petroleum Club. Westerners, Acacia. Republican. Presbyn. (elder 1951-). Mason (32 deg,). Clubs: City, 26 (Denver). Home: 1888 S Jackson St Denver CO 80210 Officer Colo State Bank 1600 Broadway Denver CO 80202 CASEY, ROBERT E., life ins, no. exec.; b. Torrington, Conn., Mar. 4. 1938; s. Harry J, and Margaret C. (Knight) C.: B.A., Brown U., 1960: M.B.A., Rutgers U.. 1965; m. Pamela Lewis, Nov. 13. 1965; children-Lukas, Joshua. Audit mgr. Coopers & Lybrand. 1965.70; assn. controller Nat. Life Ins. Co., Montpelier, Vt., 1970.72, v.p., controller. 1972-: tchr. accounting Central Vt. Community Coll. Churn, Montpelier chpL A.R.C. Served to It. USNR. 1961-64. Mem. Am. inst. C.P.A.'s. Financial Execs. Inst. Roman Catholic. Flume RD 3 Montpelier VT 05602 Office; Nat Life Ins Co National Life Dr Montpelier VT 05602 CASEY, ROBERT RANDOLPH. congressman; b. Joplin, Mo.. July 27. 1915; s. Samuel R. and Mabel (Caywaod) C.: student U. Houston. 1934-36. also South Tex. Coll. Law, 1936.40; m. Hazel M. Brann, Aug. 13, 1935: children-Haze) M. (Mrs. Ronald Herron). Robert R., Catherine. Bonnie (Mrs. Paul Quinton), Michael. Shawn, Bridget (Mrs. Howard Poizaer). Eileen. Timothy, Kevin, Clk.. Skeilev Oil Co., Houston, 1934-35. Barnsdall Oil Co., Houston, 1935. Shell Oil Co.. Houston, 1935-4t; admitted to Tex, bar, 1940; practiced in Alvin, Tex., 1941-43, Houston. 1947.51; city atty., Alvin. 1942.43; asst. disc. any. Harris County. 1943-47; mem. Tex, Legislature. 1949-50: judge Harris County, 1951-58; mem. 86th to 94th congresses from 228 Tex. Dist. Mem. Alvin Sch. Bd., 1943. Recipient Distinguished Alumnus award U. Houston, 1969. Democrat. Club: Yacht (Houston). Home: 2256 Orvdcn St Houston TX 77030 also 5406 Albia Rd Washington DC 20016 Office; Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington DC 20515 CASEY. SAMUEL ALEXANDER. lawyer. paper mfr.; Is. Pcrola.Ill., Sept. 10. 1914: s. Richard C. and Chloris (Thomason) C.; AS., Bradley U.. 1936; J.D., U. IIL. 1939; M. Ardean Alexander. Nov. 7, 1942: children-John A., Suzanne E.. Page E. Admitted to III, bar, 1939. Wis. bar, 1946; practice law. 1939-; also. Champan & Cutler, -Ml'UKeY Hr M)MY P~nrs" Wb41s't~TITa.'