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proved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100120019-2 Science and Morality: A Soviet Dilemma Leading Soviet scientists search for a broader cultural autonomy of science. The problem of the relationship of science to morality was widely discussed in Russia during the last decades of the tsarist system. Kliment Timiriazev. the eminent plant physiologist, upheld the Nihilist view that science is the primary source of modern morality and the most reliable indicator of cultural progress. He fully endorsed M. Berthelot's asser- tion that, since the 17th century, science has been the only contributor to "the improvement of the material and moral conditions of social life" (1). He identi- fied Darwinian evolution with cultural progress, cultural progress with the growing power of science, and science with the triumphs of the moral code. The second view, by far the most popular in the Russian scientific com- munity at the beginning of the century, expressed serious doubts about both the science of ethics and scientifically de- termined morality. Vladimir Vernadskii, the famous biogeologist, was the most eloquent spokesman of this group. Ac- cording to him, every effort to reduce morality to science was the intellectual product of a one-sided interpretation of the place of science in modern culture. One cannot appreciate the power of science, according to him, until he un- derstands and acknowledges its intrinsic limitations and its complementary rela- tions with moral, religious, philosophi- cal, technical, and esthetic modes of inquiry. Vernadskii recognized the great contributions of Nihilism to the devel- opment of rationalist thought and sci- ence in modern Russia; but he carefully emphasized that most scientists, influ- enced by the writings of the Nihilists of the 1860's, gradually abandoned Nihilist scientism and "materialism" and learned to live with a more modest view of science (2). The views of the Nihilists and Timi- riazev. anchored in a philosophy of the limitless intellectual and social power of science, have become an organic part of Soviet ideology. Vernadskii s democratic notion of the equality of science with other modes of inquiry has given way to Timiriazev's aristocratic concept which placed science on the Olympus and made it the chief architect of cultural progress. Moral law has become a by- product of science; science, in official Soviet ideology, is a structural compo- nent of Soviet society, while the moral code is only a superstructural deriva- tion. Soviet society, according to Soviet ideology, is the first political community in which science is a crucial component of the social base and the first society in which morality is fully congruent with the laws of science. "Moral truths," according to a typical Soviet writer, ". . . are in no essential way different from scientific truths, as was claimed by Kant and modern positivists .... The concept of moral truth corresponds to the concept of truth in general and is a particular case of the latter" (3). Morality is viewed not only as a product of science but also as a subject of scientific inquiry. In a publication entitled the Foundations of Marxist- Leninist Philosophy we read: "Moral norms are principles with a scientific foundation. The false or true nature of moral norms can be ascertained by means of a scientific analysis" (4). The subordination of morality to sci- ence in the Soviet Union has been a part of a broader process of subordinat- ing all modes of inquiry to the tutelage with science. Philosophy has been pro- claimed a study of the general principles of scientific inquiry and every branch of philosophical thought in open conflict with science has been outlawed. Reli- gion has been chastised as a negation of science. The works of art have been identified as special cultural expressions of an "undivided world view" rooted in science and contributing to a "cognition and reproduction of reality." A poet is not asked to be a scientist but he is expected not to challenge the scientific world view, as the world view of Soviet culture. The boundaries of Soviet ideology, according to the official view, stay com- pletely within the orbit of science. The identification of ideology and science has been advanced by ideologists, not by scientists, and has been the main stum- bling block in the growth of Soviet science. It was this partnership that made it easy for Stalin to take it upon himself to define the ethos of Soviet science. He formulated four major moral obligations of Soviet scientists. The first obligation, covered by the infamous term "anti-cosmopolitanism," demanded that scientists extol the na- tional originality and cultural indepen- dence of Russian science. It attacked one of the guiding ethical norms of science -the recognition of universalism in the accumulation of scientific wisdom. It denied the existence of an international community of scientists. The second obligation called for a relentless war on objectivism. The schol- ar was ordered, on ethical grounds, to ignore the truth that cast unfavorable light on the Soviet system. There was no room for sociology as a study of the complex problems of Soviet social real- ity. An important function of the social scientist was to explain away the acute social problems by reliance on ideology, rather than to explain them by reliance on the objective methods of science. The third obligation of the scientists was to take an active part in a war on alien ideologies abroad and ideological impurities at home. The duty of every scientist was to condemn the philoso- phies of great scientists which were in- compatible with dialectical materialism. Stalin's relentless campaign in behalf of the ideological purification of Soviet in the Soviet swel ce teo eliminating those that ac ~ J mw auttwa is t e AAipt?dgI l RbP Re 9 91Ia 1 100 the Evolution of Unhertlty of Mnof% Urban 12" SCIENCE. VOL. 1!9 Approved For Release 2005101/11 : CIA-RDP88-013a1Rh0001~0 019-?~ Physics, the stimulating and delightful world view, he reassessment of the e tree al a crltt I issues related book written by Einstein and Infeld, ethical foundations of Soviet science is to Galileo's struggle with the cultural could not he published in the Soviet Union in the early 1950's because it stated that all ideas are free products of the human mind. The fourth obligation had its source in the Stalinist idea of the technological functions of science. The scientist was pressured into contributing to the solu- tion of imminent economic problems and, consequently, into avoiding pure theory, removed from the contingencies of the day. The value of research proj- ects was determined not by the world of scholarship but by the Gosplan. The Stalinist "ethos" of science inter- fered with the inalienable right of the scientist to define the limits of scientific investigation, to enter into a more cre- ative reciprocal relationship with repre- sentatives of the nonscientific modes of inquiry, to he the sole custodian of the moral rules tshich guide him and his colleagues in their professional work, to play a decisive role in determining the lines of scientific development, and to maintain working relations with the international community of scientists. The Stalinist "science" of ethics was the prime enemy of the ethics of science. Today much of the Stalinist "ethos" of science is history. The idea of the international nature of science has be- come a rule in the assessment of the growth of scientific thought. As anti- objectivism crumbled, sociology has been recognized as a legitimate science and may well inaugurate an era of scien- tific studies of the social problems en- gendered by the Soviet system. The struggle for the ideological purity of science has quietly subsided beyond recognition. Ideology is still equated with the established facts of science- hut ideological interference with scien- tific work has been drastically reduced. Scientists have generally won their struggle against the technological orien- tation of the Academy of Sciences, although many problems still remain to he resolved in favor of the best interests of science. All this should not lead to a conclu- sion that Soviet science has won a full victory over the degrading and crippling effects of Stalinist policies. Stimulated by considerable relaxation of political and ideological controls, the men of scientific knowledge are presently en- gaged in a quiet and subtle quest for the motive force of this quest. In preparation for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, Soviet scholars have pub- lished summaries and professional ap- praisals of the major scientific achieve- ments of their country. The staff of the Academy of Sciences alone has prepared for publication nine massive volumes tinder the general title "Fifty Years of Soviet Science and Technology." The scientists can rightfully point out the Soviet triumphs in many areas of the physical and mathematical sciences and can boast of a gigantic institutional net- work dedicated to the advancement of scientific knowledge. In the 19th century most leading Russian scientists wrote in French and German in search of a wider public that would read and appre- ciate their work. Today the Russian language is the second language of world science. Over 100 Soviet scientific journals are now translated into English cover-to-cover. In addition to appreciating the prog- ress made by their country in many areas of scientific scholarship. individual scientists-usually the leading academi- cians with international reputations- are now also asking questions of anoth- er order: they want to understand the working of the forces which have stood in the way of greater scientific achieve- ment. With Petr Kapitsa, for example, they want to know why Soviet produc- tivity in science is appreciably smaller than in the United States (5). Or, again with Kapitsa as their spokesman. they want to find out why the Soviet Union does not have a true community of scientists, with its own esprit de corps, ethical code, and protective institutional mechanisms-all indispensable for a continuous growth of science (6). The relationship of science to moral- ity and the culture of science in general have now come in for a broad reap- praisal initiated by thoughtful scholars opposed to the moral and intellectual claims of official scientism. The gradual- ly unfolding reappraisal has received particularly strong impetus from the performance of Brecht's drama Galileo in a Moscow theater in recent years. forces inimical to the development of modern science. In a highly fictionalized account he concentrated on one prob- lem: Galileo's confrontation with the moral obligations of a scientist to sci- ence and society. Ridden with guilt for "postponing" the beginning of the age of reason by his convenient "retreat" from the heliocentric theory, Brecht's Galileo was more than vindicated by his clear understanding and enunciation of the moral foundations of science and of the nature of his "crime." He showed clearly that the ties between science and the ethical code are not explicable in deterministic terms. His involved and rather diffuse argument indicated that the idea that rationalism, distilled from a scientific analysis of underlying condi- tions. ensures a moral programing of behavior is too simple, sterile, and even dangerous. He showed even more elo- quently that science has its own moral code which is much narrower than the code of total society and in many re- spects quite unique. Doubting and challenging every authority are, accord- ing to him, the unique imperatives of scientific work. Brecht's Galileo "sinned" not in dis- avowing his discoveries upholding the heliocentric system but in violating the ethical principles of the scientific pro- fession. When the Inquisitor asked him "Can society stand on doubt and not on faith?" he did not answer that science "trades in knowledge which is the prod- uct of doubt." He transgressed the mor- al code of science because he "surren- dered" his knowledge to the powers outside of science to use it---or, rather, abuse it-as it suited their ends, Brecht's Galileo gave a brief discourse on the ethos of science. He emphasized skepticism and free challenge as golden rules of scientific work. He made it clear that science cannot grow unless scien- tists have the supreme authority in selecting the topics of research and un- less the scientific contributions of a scientist are judged only by his peers. Above everything else, he noted that the members of the scientific community must have the moral qualities to fight for the integrity of science and guard against the disruptive interference of forces external to science. An interpreter of Brecht's Galileo re- minded the readers of Voprosy Filosofii Brecht did not adhere too closely to the of the following statement written by growth of science, as a system of knowl- documented history of the salient mo- Einstein in memory of Marie Curie: edge, an institutional Q-pi;W4e4J1 oC RQWarA n2QQNQ11;1f; 0): 'flAAgPo$$t9r1314RI99 t1t@Q11o$QO4 iaies of its leading 15 MARCII 1969 1209 Approved For Release 2005/01/11: CIA-RDP88-01314R000100120019-2 personalities that are perhaps of even greater significance for a generation and for the course of history than purely intellectual accomplishments. Even these latter are, to a greater degree than is commonly credited, dependent stature of character" (7). rather than in Soviet ideology. Accord- ing to hint, science and morality are not only made of different cultural ma- terial but are also subject to different principles and tempos of development. Since the time of Rousseau, he said, sci- ence has marched at an accelerating speed and has become it major compo- nent of modern culture; during the The current search of Soviet scientists for a reassessment of the relationship of science to morality and for a deeper understanding of the moral foundations of science is part of a growing quest for a firm separation of science from ideol- ogy. Scientists operate on the safe assumption that the identification of science and the officially defined moral code of Soviet society has opened the gates- for the ideological control of sci- ence-for the subordination of the welfare of science to the interests of ideology. While textbook writers and orthodox philosophers of Soviet ideol- ogy still cling to the dictum that "moral truths" are essentially "scientific truths," A. N. Nesmcianov. the former President of the Academy of Sciences, states in Literaturnaia Gazeuz that "I do not see any connection between science and morality . . . . Morality varies not only from society to society but also from individual to individual. An honest merchant in bourgeois society could he considered an exploiter and a speculator in our society, but science, say mathe- matics, physics and chemistry, is the same everywhere" (8). Nesmeianov's statement has not gone unchallenged, but it is significant that the challenge has conic exclusively from the defenders of ideological orthodoxy who cling tenaciously to the moral phi- losophy of science as evolved under the aegis of Stalinism. A. D. Aleksandrov could only repeat the old dictum that "the unity of science and morality, the unity of the scientific explanation of the world and the moral demand for its change is the alpha and omega of the Communist world view." Science, ac- cording to Aleksandrov, has an intel- lectual and a moral function: to under- stand the world and to change it. It is ."indispensable for morality as light is for vision" (9). P. S. Aleksandrov welcomed the hos- pitality of Literaturnaia Gazeta to back up Nesmeianov's statement. Like Nes- meianov, he too is interested in the in- to many grand delusions. He states: "The discovery of penicillin by Fleming coincided chronologically with the tragic events of World War lI which created it need for its wide application. The synchrotron, lunar flights, and in- sulin have hardly improved on the world in which Euler and D'Alembert lived" (10). He made no effort to single out Soviet society as an exception to this sweeping and categorical assess- ment of the state of morality in the modern world. Neither Nesmcianov nor Aleksandrov actually thinks that science and morality are totally unrelated. Although they have not elaborated their positions philo- sophically. it is clear that they share Henri Poincarc's view that science "studies everything" but always "from the same angle," and that although "there will never he scientific ethics in the strict sense of the word," science ,.can he an aid to ethics in an indirect manner" (1 / ). A writer summed up the "new" view in Voprosy Filosofli: 11. . . . the level of knowledge pos- sessed hy'individual persons as well as by entire epochs does not correspond to the level of moral consciousness. . . . The differences in the 'tempo' of de- velopment of knowledge and moral consciousness are strongly felt and can- not he resolved by a simple exaggera- tion of the power of scientific knowl- edge" (12). The technique of exaggeration used by Nesmeianov and Aleksandrov has paid handsome dividends: it has not only provoked a lively discussion of the scientific foundations of morality but has intensified the ongoing reexamina- tion of the cultural matrix of science. It has spearheaded and systematized the current search for an affirmation of the inalienable right of scientists to de- fine the domain, and the limits, of sci- entific inquiry and to safeguard science -not from ethics, esthetics, metaphys- ics, and religion-but from pseudosci- ence. for it genuine community of scientists which would protect the moral and in- tellectual interests of science. Petr Ka- pitsa sums up the problem in the fol- lowing statements: "It is easy to see that the progress of science requires the existence of it fully developed scientific community.... The creation of a healthy and advanced community of scientists is an enormous task to which we give far too little at- tention. This task is more difficult than the training of selected young talent or the construction of large institutes. .. . The community of scientists alone can objectively judge the achievements of science. . . . Only an advanced scientific community can fully appraise the intel- lectual power of a scientific discovery independently of its direct practical significance" (13) . Science progresses through system- atic and responsible challenges of all relevant authority. It does not advance through the worship of established knowledge but through constant intel- lectual doubt and search for proofs. Or- ganized, responsible. and articulated skepticism is solidly built into the pro- fessional mentality of true scientists. It is the cornerstone of the ethos of sci- ence. Its violation has been the major cause of the uneven growth of Soviet science. While some sciences have kept pace with the most advanced ideas in their respective fields and have made substantial contributions to the most modern areas in research, others have lost the pioneering zeal and some have seriously retrograded. Until recently a major source of this unevenness was the officially enforced limitation on crit- icism of certain ideologically relevant scientific orientations or propositions- such as Marxist-Leninist historicism, Michurinian evolutionism. Lenin's cau- tion against "mathematical idealism," and physical and physiological deter- minism. Today, a concerted effort to ensure an even growth of scientific thought has received the highest priority in the world of Soviet scientific scholarship. The philosophy of dialectical material- ism has retreated from many epistemo- logical and ontological positions that have proven to he impediments to the normal growth of science. Dialectical materialism has been stretched so far that now it is viewed as essentially com- patible with the philosophical views of Current writings on the professional Einstein and Bohr, which were consid- terrelationship of science and~ alit roble yf, tfi `~o~~, r ~f~t al~s delusions only Was Of as it has evolved in VPc~s ern ceitiizzaotonn el t~min6e / icth b1ISov'i~'fFs oya J 14 e' is 'S6J1'! tic cientists have dis- ele sea covered, however, that itafpbL&dslr6r FkUM&t@tZdbS/W11/tF'fiald9t-pbOiem 13R f 1bW1fo0jV2'e"el of its in- to disturb the normal growth of science vision, which has not yet been recog- ternal development. Einstein's special than to restore a healthy impetus to un- nized in our country." impeded development. The work of a scientist should be judged by his peers acting as represen- Historical Materialism versus the tatives of science. Until recently, So- viet science-as amply illustrated by the case of genetics-suffered from a seri- ous institutional impediment: it har- bored "peers" whose criticism did not evolve from an identification with sci- ence but with official ideology, and who acted as outsiders in the house of science. Today it is admitted that it was the disregard of the most elementary moral rules that caused the tragedy of Soviet genetics. In its ultimate goals, science is utili- tarian-its contributions are measured in terms of its share in the progress of human welfare. However, the scientist, and not the ideologist, should he granted the irrevocable right to assess and define the nature and the scope of the practical usefulness of science. Stalin had a pathological fear of "pure science" and endeavored to make the Soviet Academy of Sciences a techno- logically oriented institution. Since 1959 the government has yielded to the pres- sure of many leading scientists to "de- technologize" the Academy, but even today there are individual scholars who claim that much more has to he done to create the conditions conducive to a more even and versatile development of science. Today very few Soviet sci- entists would challenge the idea that the power of science as a source of social well-being is not measured by visible and imminent practicality but by the magnitude, richness, and abstraction of its theory, the main wheels of its prog- ress. However, the question asked by L. A. Artsimovich, director of the power- ful N. P. Lebedev Institute of Theoreti- cal Physics, should the Academy, as the pace-setting Soviet scientific institution, serve as a source of expedient scientific- technical aid to various government projects or should it concentrate on basic research, is still waiting for an answer more favorable to the needs of science (14). In his speech commemor- ating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ernest Rutherford, the famous Brit- ish pioneer in nuclear physics, Kapitsa makes the bold and challenging state- ment that "science has lost freedom" because "it has become a productive force" (15). states: -not called science of science is a philosophi- cally articulated collective effort by So- viet scientists to codify their own views on the logical, ethical, psychological, organizational, and sociological prob- lems of science, and to help Soviet sci- ence meet the modern problems of growing complexity and accelerated growth. Of particular relevance is the question: does historical materialism provide a sufficient explanation of the growth of science? Can the development of scientific thought in individual coun- tries, and in general, he explained in terms of socioeconomic causation or determinism? A careful reading of the most recent literature shows that the in- tellectual monopoly of historical ma- terialism is being challenged, at least in this particular area. Today there is a lively interest in the inner logic of the development of science-the growth of scientific thought determined by the in- ternal logical mechanisms of science rather than by external conditions. Ex- ternal causation is not dismissed but its undivided reign has been subjected to serious challenge. The argument in favor of the "inner' logic" of scientific development has been clearly set forth by B. M. Kedrov, director of the Academy's Institute of the History of the Natural Sciences and Technology. The historian of science, according to Kedrov, must study the effects of `rnaterial conditions" on sci- entific work and the effects of science on "material conditions," but this is not enough: he must also study the internal logic of the growth of scientific thought which cannot be explained merely by an interaction of science and technol- ogy. or science and production, but re- quires an analysis of the entire process of knowledge, including the phases in- dependent of the ties between science and production. Kedrov says that the materialistic interpretation can explain why, and under what conditions, sci- ence is faced with a specific problem, but not how it can solve it (16). Modern history offers many examples Another academician showing that, in search for a solution "We must be for utilitarianism to specific practical problems, science theory of relativity is not so much an adaptation of science to the socio- economic needs at the beginning of the 20th century as it is a grand and cre- ative synthesis of certain unique in- tellectual strands in the development of modern science generated by the rise of the very impractical non-Euclidean geometries (particularly Riemann's), the Michelson-Morley experiments designed to establish the existence of ether, Lo- rentz's transformations, and the discov- ery of the physical and chemical nature of radiation. Kedrov states explicitly that historical materialism cannot ex- plain why the theory of chemical struc- tures and the periodic law of elements were discovered in Russia of the 1860's and not in scientifically and industrially more advanced Western countries. To understand why Butlerov "invented" structural chemistry and Mendeleev for- mulated the periodic law of elements it is necessary to lay bare the complicated mechanism of the inner logic of the growth of science which tolerates no deterministic explanations. The emphasis currently placed on the inner logic of science growth is part of the general igterest in the future expan- sion of science and in the organiza- tional adaptability of its institutional maze. But it also has a profound socio- logical significance: together with the increasing defense of the moral code of science it has been part of a con certed search for the autonomy of sci- ence-for a genuine community of scholars. The most important feature of the growing emphasis on the autonomy of science has been a quiet renouncement of the intellectual imperialism of scien- tism, a philosophy which seeks to es- tablish a hegemony of science over all other modes of inquiry. Implicit in the burgeoning criticism is the notion that, in order to advance, science must not reign over, but must be tempered and enriched by, and legitimately harmon- ized with, the other sources of wisdom. Nesmeianov and his colleagues are con- vinced that there could be no meaning- ful cultural autonomy for science with- out the cultural autonomies of other modes of inquiry. The very fact that a scientist may stand up in the defense of true science and its sustaining values is an index of the improved intellectual atmosphere in which he works and lives today. It 2g hat primitive, but c A proveduFor Rel ase 2005/01/11r CI - DAt 8n~113 *96%a SOb1e88t~ a good deal of criticism voiced by 3 dvC 'I~'~1P'Rel sf~n210' / 'li/f~lnfr~+~lp~tt '~t$- 314 '1 (,~ ~Q1TS~i~r~" I,IKr~t of the Sol-let beyond Soviet reality. modern societies are Scientists in all have been made by individual members confronted with of the Academy of Sciences of the the moral and intellectual challenge en- U.S.S.R.. gendercd by the momentous expansion, careers in industrialization, and "collectivization" of science, its rapidly increasing pene- tration into every phase of social and personal life, and its grossing depen- dence on outside subsidies and over- seers. The search of Soviet scientists for a critical reassessment of the broader cultural effects of modern science and the ongoing technological revolution is still sporadic and lacks an open, direct, the men ssith science. distinguished 1. M. Berthrlot, Srien,e at Sf?rale? (Calmann Ics%, Paris, 1K971, P. 2; K. limiria,ev, S?a- ehirrrrrri,r (Sr1'khoiili. \losiow, 1919), vol. K. P. 1116. 2. V. I. Vcrnadskii, Orlrerkl 1 reek! (Nauchno. I lunuko-ickhmche%koe itd-s n. Petrograd, 19221. vol. 2. P. 49. 3. V. 11. Tugarinos, O T.,erunntiaklr Zhi:ni I as' rat tiara 11td?so l enIngrrdskugu 1.'nivcrsitrta, Icnmgrad, 11401).p. 111. 4. 1'. li. Icdorenko, Omar)' .lfark,i,nko- f a run+kai I rrke s lid-vo Kicvskogo Unisrrsi- lela. Kiev. 19651. r. 94. ----. I'aa?khi 1 L-i,lre,kah Sauk $7, No. 1 169 (1965). V. 1. Tohgkh, I'apnnp Fila,ofii 21, No. 4. 85 119671; A. Firtaean, Out of 3f ' Later 1'earr 1%%lsdom library, New Turk, 1950), p. 211x. A. N. Ne%mcianov, I.iG?ronanaia (ia:eta (4 Jan. 1967). A. 1). Aleksandrov. ibid. (29 M:u.h 1967). P. Alrksandrov, rhid, (25 J:m. 19(,7). Ilenri Pulnrare, .Iadrern,airr and Stience: lent 11)osrr Publications, New York, 1961), p. Ill. V. I Iolsl kh, Vaprn.r frlo,afii 21. No. 4, 79-(l) (1967). P. L. Kapitsa. I',pekhi Fiac/re,krkh Nuuk 97, No. 1. 16(4 (1965). L. A. Arisimosash at al, I'e,tnik Akadrntil \aak SAAR 35. No. 2. 12 14 (19611. P. L. Kapilsa, Aa?l Mir 42, No. M. 215 (19661; V. K. %fdAlirn), Se?trnee 153, 727 (1966). 8. M. Kedrov. I apru,i l,tarii F.,te,n o:nantia r FeAhnrki No. 21. K 9 11967). Approved For Release 2005/01/11: CIA-RDP88-01314R000100120019-2 1212 SCIENCE. VOL. 159