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Document Release Date: 
June 26, 2003
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Publication Date: 
May 14, 1953
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Approved For Release 2003/07/01 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200020036-2 COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, TIIE HAROLD PRATT HOUSE 58 EAST 6,,TII STREET NEW YORK 21. N. Y. Mn,# 1.L, 1953 Mr. Allen Tulles 1308 29th Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. In his letter to you of April 29, George F3?anklin observed that we would give you further information abou the eonrd nr conference here on June fifth and sixth. I would like to do this without further deley but -:giant first to say how deeply we appreciate your willir,?ness to be the sp -.Ter and guest of honor at the evening meeting on the fifth. You may be sure that the Committee representatives, as some have, nlre .dtr i_ndi_ca=.ted, look forward with 7re? t enticin tion to the oonortnzn ilr for rii ,crzs ;i.on with von. The evenin= meetin7 will begin et seven-thirty--not seven-fifteen, an George wrote. We have asked Gre son Kirk to treside. You recall thr_.t there .r:re customarily about sixty men present, divided more or less evenly between Council members end Committee reeresentntives. An nnun1, wa, shall try to preserve a nuite informal spirit, and of course bu. iness. drenr: will be in order. The daytime session on the fifth begin et ton n.m. and two p.r. To halo with the discussions, we have invited six or seven snecia.l crests rho have particular corn etence with respect to the conference theme. 'they include General Donovan, Qnson A. Baldwin, .Arthur Schlesin-er, Jr., Paul A.A. Lineba.ryer, E award '`. Barrett, ;dmo i(i Taylor, and Bill Costello (white house correspondent of the Columbin Trondcn sti n;' system) . Some of these have alrendv accepted and we shall no doubt h.-ve, two or three other;; with us. The real function of the enn fereree in to nvnmine the notenti: litie.e and limitations of psychologi-cr l ;arfa:re--perhni. ;s we ought to call it, nolitionT warfare--as an instrument of B.S. noli s - in the '-ol - war. rhere is, I find, a great deal of ignorance and hence a1evsiness on the nr rt of Committee members regerdinn the U.S. commitment to n vcho].o ri_ca1 warfare. At the daytime sessions we shall be dealing vrit;h . iuestionr such a these: Can a free society such as ours oehieie Vi no-ordin.^ted natinri-1. strategy described by the President in his San Francisco speech last. Cctoher? .. If so, at what price? Does the effective nursuit of nsvchol-o7ical v.er.fare in the cold war involve the sacrifice of public I.tlerstan(invT ~ t hors To what extent should we commi L- ourselves in the cold war to the t.ctics of subversion which the Allies practiced in lic'rld tiAa" II? Not least of all, ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/07/01 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200020036-2 Approved For Release 2003/07/01 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200020036-2 how persuasive can we really be, given our form cf society? In. the course of the discussions it seems clear that e should cover the imoa-ct o' a U.S. r)sycholoica.l offensive upon the Russians and the satellite nations. upon our Allies and the so-called neutrals, 4nd upon cur o-,-m oeoUle at home. I tir, ve no doubt thy: t the advisable relations bets eon a oos,rcholor ica'_ offensive and the processes of diolomaa.cv end ne rc tintion -;gill figure in the discussions. This may seem like a formid ble assignment for a r r ,uo which rill he corn )osed nrine.rily of l Trmen-rn ' no doubt it is. Ho-ieverr, we feel it i nortnt to do hat :-ae c. n to hem-) t'rh:ese comimana tv leaders to a be ;ter auarecir Lion of the means7. at 'ur disooosal for effective pursuit of ~~snld :-:??x objectives. As George observed we want you to be en tirc ly free to s jeek are you sac fit regardin~- such of the elements described above as seem suit able to YOU for discussion. Please have no misgivin E about duplicating the substantive content of the daytime sessions. In the nature of thin ?s, if you would be willin.n to tall , say, three quarters of all hour, this would leave ample time for subsecuen.t discussion. If you would like further information about, the proposed proc,r;din_g=s, or about the persons to be present, olease let me know. It goes T ithout saving that are shall impress upon delegates the rrivate n as ture of the proceedings. It is our intention to restrict the attendance to U.S. citizens. With kind regards, Approved For Release 2003/07/01 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200020036-2