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'farck 1, 1977 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --Extensions . o f Remarks , . E 4079i Germany; Elizabeth l rc ~a Rgd?l ea? Rp?~ ~> ~ 4i 7 00gp 4Mye'1 41q?Vpgaxy other cis and at the Chrysler. Building. One person Arthur Kinoy, NLG and MPOC; Yuri also district director of the Lake States .:. n RSC bo Inclu es ,. - a... d .akin pinvestigation of the FALN and its sup- Alfredo . Lopez; Antonio Rodriguez, Jundi, Attica Now; Frances Beal, Third: work for the subpenaed witnesses is be- . Fuller) ; Irwin Silber, editor of The Coronado, CASA/General Brotherhood Ing:x-coordinated by the Puerto Rican Guardian; Annie Stein, a leader of PFOC of Workers; Rene Cruz, Union of Demo- Solidarity Committee (PRSC), a support and its front, People. Against Racism arctic Filipinos; James Early, Washing- .f-_ 'a'- r t-- 'er i i widow -? Ed c ti S uer ica Soc alist n u a o PARE CPCJ 4 tion'o:f the committee for Puerto Rican Weather Underground fugitive Eleanor Peace "and Freedom-?-WILPF; Bonnie a,4 uuc lrarl;i,n t.clrurlsu group 1xf f~cw sure became an issue at the unicago national World Coalition; Pierre Meisner, Work- and who pleaded guilty. to reduced PRSC conference when members of the crc, World Pa.rty? Clay Newlin nlviladel- t:hre ucueuse of ror, members. cnargea The cutting edge of Puerto Rican solidarity .,,1st Party; Michelle Russell', Detroit; with a variety of offenses. Its first major within the U.S. Is the development of sunnnrt Trwin Silber: Arnhia Singha,,, a Howard as an served as bias platform for the XJJJLLLe s - --_"_? h__ "?s" -_- concept, out Jack Spiegel; Annie Stein; and Jose, debut, ,in the forms in which it is actually occurring, V PSP . + l f th asquez o e e = The PRSC's principal role is to sup- small and episodic actions rather.than. mass assaults assaults. port the Puerto Rican Socialist Party. I s ts executiveecretary until a year ago Federico Lora of El'Comite/MINIP, a -1 INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY r---- . 1..4i _ o revo on ry was a member of a pro-terrorism faction work with the Castroltes, tried to stoic of the Trotskyite Communist Socialist discussion of "armed struggle" on the HON. RONALD V.. DELLUMS tary of the PRSC` is Rosa Borenstein, ous to be discussed In -a public meeting. IN THE HOUSE OP R.EPRESENTAT1VE$ whose sister, Susan, is a leader of the Lora conceeded, however, that "armed ues+ion of Tuesday- March. March. 1, 1977 Communist. Party TT R A _rlnminated Na- struggle is the fundamental q tional Coordinating Center in Solidarity the Puerto Rican national liberation Mr. DELLUMS. Mr. Speaker, after. with Chile. movement."-. several years, during which the press and The' members of the PRSC national A "compromise" resolution was offered several congressional committees have -board reflect the organization's mem- by the Frente Revolutionaria Anti-Im- investigated the intelligence comrriunity bership which is drawn in large part from perialista_-FRAI-upholding "the , in- documented many of its significant fail the PSP, the Weather Underground's alienable right of the people of Puerto ures and abuses and suggested reforms. BFOC, the Venceremos Brigade-VB, the lence as the means to achieve its defini sibilities and enact legislation to correct Nana the National Lawyers Guild-NLG. genee system. Congressional action is observers indicated they would have ve sup the exception of the zar.,,.ke rs vaa,.a cu ua 1.r11 V [44V 111 bile 1i V114CX4 Ur nix in- Trotskyites are excluded from the PRSC. ternal debate within & revolutionary 'Intelligence Community Reorganization Since the Communist Chinese have de- Marxist-Leninist party: but that they and Reform Act of 1977. The bill Is a nounced the Soviet use of Cuban mer- voted against the armed struggle resolu- result of my personal participation in the cenaries in Angola, most U.S. Maoists ti b ..., t L---- ___ House investigation and on su s uen [:1121 bel0 u1 1111uie1-J b, wopringneia ana Civil Liberties Union. The bill is neces- Boston, Mass.; Hartford and New Haven, which included: sarily extensive. Many of the proposals coo, ., - Philadelrhia ? Tx T....,.;......4,-._ r. r. _ 1_ the focusing of ro agand ._ _ .-_ "-" i p p an an s esplo- Atlantic, ing errorts toward the U.S. working class: St::, Ga Chicago; , Los Angeles, Madison, e.; 2: linking the struggle for Puerto Rican nation, except in time of war, of espio- Loui Louis, Mo o.; San Diego, Lngeelles, inde . nage and` covert action; th e d li p n e e ence with the struggles of nation mi- -.San Jose, and San Francisco, Calif.; ally oppressed peoples and women in the U.S.; nation of the Defense Intelligence Buffalo; N.Y., and three areas of New a Agency; new extensive ma i recogn tion that the oppression and ex nagement . York Ci ty, Brooklyn,. Chelsea and the ploitation of Puerto Rican people living in controls; mandatory warrants for in- NXr-4 CIA- Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP79M00095AO00100020003-9 ' E 1080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - Extensions of : Remarks March--.1." ,1977 It is my hope thal~~11d1f~LCtr~ieleiie~/xe~br~~Q.~1s~CSr~ is prohibited and eussion, debate and consensus about ent production, analysis, and d ssemina- Drug experim4ntation without . price - First. Is secrecy compatible with those direct the agencies responsibl for Intel- Violations of s acute prohibitions are Fourth. What safeguards against A cause of action in court against Fed- cluded from engaging in domestic collet- aril officials and he United States Is , abuse are necessary? tion activities and fyom monitoring Fifth. What, if any, are our legitimate: American established when a official acting under To, prevent unnerleessary duplication . It-,t-- --and/or: elimination of organiza- by the Constitution or statute, Constitution? ....."... w"w ,... Seven. As our:world continues its rapid Americans overs as are precluded. HON. RONALD /. VELLUMS _.__---" _-_--_-______----- -----._ - IN THE HOUSEOTREPRESENTATIVES? as necessary to meet. our intelligent munity is limited to civilian control. Be- Reorganization and Reform Act of 1977 our nationat/interest and because covert, was `i l - t Call- t t i d ffi i i i s ruc ure c a nformat o s is my answer to these questions. _ m on a at Berkeley.. Joeis highlights of the Omnibus Intelli-. weakens of democratic institutions, co- who forma had at thrilled ey. thousands oe R Routh, the tlgence : Community Reorganization 'and. vert action and agent espionage are pre-.. fans across the country had of lost football bout his bout Reform Act of 1977 include: eluded, a cept during wartime. y had THE NATIONAL 9EpIIRITY COIINCIL InteU.t nce relationships with the to: cancer. Joe was a legacy' toall the clergy a$$e prohibited and those relation- students at Berkeley who admired his A committee structure under the NSC courage and willingness to struggle, even.-' ith journalists and academics are {;o the ve Is set out and defined A formal proce- ships n end As st t t it d W ry .. , o e u en pu dare is. formulated for initiation and ap- severed .limited. "we were lucky to have Joe as long as we ._- anl st un ctured and ored ..,..," activities abroad.. p u . - As this time l would like to share with use Of profits stopped. Further, covert un- "" OFFIC$ OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL my colleagues, an article by Skip Bayless INTELLIGENCE monitored transfers of funds are also that appeared in the Los Angeles Times pr.4cluded. Co insure strong management there is paying tribute to this outstanding human .... - ?_ -- nutted to the Congress. telitgence community of the United BERKELEY.-They came in blue leans and' . The GAO i th i to d f ll s au or ze u access three-piece suits, sandals and, high heels, States, including reviewing intelligences activities and resource allocation; di ? the-agencies and their activities. Disclos- There were small children, senior citizens, ratting preparation of the. national in- ure of information upon request to ap- parents and teammates. There were many investigating intelli- propriate congressional committees by. who had seen him only from a distance. telli en ce bud et g g ; the intelligence agencies Is mandated. - They began filling the Roman Catholic genre failures, and providing manajie- New a M l th t t t f hi m n a t Jus across rom e s ree s , ' merit guidance. _ DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE '... 1 University of California apartment, an hour there will be in the Office of the Di-, To- maintain the- rights of individual and a half before his funeral Mass of the rector, Central Intelligence an Inspec citizens the bill seeks to accomplish sev- . Resurrection was celebrated Tuesday even. for General who -will have complete au- .eral things: ing. Blacks, whites, yellows. Catholics,.Prot- ' t. ._;: r-..ter - gence agency and to investigate possible from' engaging in political:-surveillance, ..axdn or potential misconduct. The IG must preventive action and selective investiga- some cried, some prayed. Not until it was ?- - - -- Roth, who excelled as few have at laving and intelllgence, and the Congress. It precludes electronic surveillance. playing football, had. been struck down by THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY . ?' It repeals-various "speech" crimes now ' cancer at age at. '. - - The limited except in wartime, ':.onthebooks. "This has been tough to deal with'' Cal . , solely to the functions of :the conduct of It limits the jurisdiction of the FBI to coach Mike white said,. "tough to figure out. foreign . counterintelligence activities. - Investigation of Federal criminal offenses. There-Just ha aren't impact he's had functions except for very limited secu- to follow in making investigations, sets rity functions for CIA Installations. -- forth the supervisory functions of the Seemingly, the only- way to describe Joe The General Counsel of the CIA is em- Attorney General, and creates the office Roth's life is with cliches. The phrases most powered to review all CIA activities In,. ,of Inspector General of the FBI. often repeated over the, last two years are: quiet confidence ... quiet courage ... deep order to discover illegal activities. .'It severely limits the Internal Revenue faith never complained ... unbelievably The Director of the CIA Is barred from Service in giving out tax Information modest did unto others .... something using reserve or contingency funds with- or participating in political ,investiga- special, out prior approval of. the Director of Cen- tions. At a small gathering following the service, tral intelligence and the appropriate CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS friends and relatives said things like: "We ' Committees. of Congress. Searches and Intrusive techniques were lucky we had him as long as we did . THE INTELLIGENCE. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS without warrant are prohibited and are are. no matter how much he suffered, he was more concerned with not upsetting us . . AGENCY established as crimes punishable by fines he fought tilt the very end In order to preclude analysis from not more than $10,000 or imprisonment The fact that Joe Roth may have been the being weighed to support intelligence ac-' not more than 1 year or both. first player-ahead of - Tony Dorsett and Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP79M00095A000100020003-9 . a.7 SENDER WILL CHECK I PrONEP SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 2 6E2917 Hqs. 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Fritz: In addition to the attached note, I forgot to mention but you will recall that the Church Committee had a number of recommendations concerning organization and control, and you may wish to have that material reviewed. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE i je?eLC, 7D49 EIVTIAL SECRET FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 Io UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 2 9i 7J s. 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Fritz: Regarding your request on your package relating to PRM-11, I did want you to have the attached excerpt from yesterday's Congressional Record covering Rep. Dellums' bill providing for intelligence community control. Earlier in the day I. provided a copy of the bill to F- I In addition, it would seem to be helpful that either Tony Lapham or someone from his shop work on the Attorney General' s task force and that someone like George Cary or from his office also be included. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE A I JO XIeF Pe'' 05/02/14 1 j6W UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FORM NO. 9 7 Use previous editions 25X1 STAT Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP79M00095AO00100020003-9 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP79M00095AO00100020003-9