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STAT 4 E, 5173 ;august 1, 197 AP.P youngest in spirit any resident of domestic affairs of foreign countries is According to the Times, it is now doc- iQrida's 13th Con ssional District. simply the other t ft le of the cc in and umented that the CIA operated the Phil- A z old Levien ea d this honor, not deserves equal c or. . ressional attention. lipine campaign against Huk guerillas. as w do in Congre ecause of senior- Such intervention i equally illegal and The CIA organized an unsuccessful coup t Sukarno of Indonesia r f id i t P o en res ve agains ity, not just beta of a lifetime of is a manifestation >' the same dr ergdhal dccomplis ents and creative unchecked power art the part of the ex- in 1958. According to Vincent Marchet- is iibs5 deveropmen but primarily be- ecutive branch of Government. ti's book, "The CIA, the Cult of Intelli- ea he bias target his spirit and his This committee 1, ould feel a particu- Bence," the CIA spent an excessive olier y toward the s ice of his fellow lar obligation to limit CIA activities amount of energy in hunting down Che M71a, 74 which intervene in t+ie internal affairs of Guevera in 1966-67. All of these opera- ~iese reaso , it is my privilege foreign countries. As reported in the tions clearly affected this country's for- tA R'ser1 ins the R ORD, the Arnold Washington Post on October 2:1, 1973, eign policy. Levie, Ufa roclam on of metropoli- CIA Director Colby in hearings on the . In Chile, according to an April 6, 1973, tan 4 ounty. Chilean coup told Inc .that he would not Washington Post article by Laurence CLA Tiorr" testify before this r ~,mmittee to specific Stern quoting knowledgeable official e n has" reached the CIA operations. '2i, it is this committee sources, major intervention by the CIA -,? ea ~ h no r r W yours a e i t; afieT'a i1 life as a philan- which formulates reign policy, If the helped to defeat Allende in the 1964 elec- CIA will not tell us exactly how tion for President. The CIA funded trade tlhrQp st, h'Umah tartan d benefactor, and a a good nefghb6f a friend to all who and in what rr sprcts the CIA is in- unions, farmer organizations, student owlilm ancT fluencing forcing poi%cy, this commit- groups and the media in order to defeat , . Wii"yeas Tluring his ng span of 11fe, to tee's only choice i to prevent the CIA and discredit Allende. According to testa- eoil afife`w o 1}i hilailte1n les, he was a founder oft Ai t`) instein Medical to the extent pcssi:ale from anyway af- mony given before a Senate subcommit- ColXg e is deeply invol in the success of fecting foreign pi icy determinations. tee and printed in the October 21, 1973, ran eTs ilniversft ail n Dade County, Is The CIA now enj4 r:is the best of both Washington Post, the CIA earmarked a fo}lnder ofYthe tdila Beach Taxpayers worlds. It tells of its intervention in for- $400,000 to support anti-Allende news lssocation, and an ar t suppdS er' of the eign policy only t ;) those Members of media shortly before the election. In tes- ascom Palmer dye C1 c of ackson Me- Congress either not interested or experi- timony before this committee and Yiioris lfospitaf and enced. in form ulati;: g foreign policy; on printed in the Washington Post, Director rgae ArnolcTLevi has had a leading the other hand, it :ells those Members Colby refused to say that this money was four Q as a builder an eveto ter?and "his fouons rtfiur I enr dwaYd and Robert interested and exi, rienced in formu- not spent. The latest CIA manipulative U ave olIowed in his boo ps aiidhavemade lating foreign policy that CIA meddling attempt exposed by the press and ad- a tremendous' impathe construction into foreign affairs is none of their buss- matted by the Government was the fak- indiisfry `Ii both 11yad Comity and other Hess. This clearly-( iinnot continue. ing of a letter to Bangkok government by areas"ai the United eta s, and I envision these amendments as only a CIA agent. The agent accredited the Whereas.- His Atma ,, eof of his a first step in rega ining for the Foreign letter to a guerilla leader in order to recognition o his College of llew or philanthropies and to nical ability, will Affairs Committee i-ower over the CIA's discredit him. bestow upon him then nal honor of being direction of fo r ei, r`ii policy. Certainly, CIA interference in other countries' selected , Alumnus of he Year,, on Feb- full support should pie given to that part internal affairs through military assist- Alary 17th,197I of the Bolling cnm:nittee reforms which ante has also been egregious and docu- Nopr, therefore E if solved that I, John give the Foreign Af;,airs Committee some mented. The CIA has now.admitted that 8. Orr, Jr, mayor o metropolitan Dade oversight power, i:. regard to the CIA. it armed, trained, and operated an army County, Florida, do here. y proclaim Sunday, Independently, it is also necessary to of Meo tribesmen in Laos during the February 17, inal ties between the militaries of our too countries do not end there. As has been reported previously, six high ranking Chilean military officers are grades tes of the U.S. Southern Defense Comm %nd School of the Americas, in the Canal Zone. The administration aid re- quest or fiscal 1975 seeks $800,000 to continue this and other training pro- grams. Last year, 259 Chileans were trained at the Army school; courses for this ys ar will include flying operations, comnitmications, administration, and the studiously open-ended "military tech- niques and practices." Seve ml justifications have been offered for th s wide variety of military aid, a consitliwable increase over expenditures before the coup. Whatever logic exists for pi 3viding more military assistance to Chile seems to be more than counter- bala d by the detrimental impact of pouriu arms and munitions into the hands of a demonstrably repressive mili- tary junta. Finn, the Defense Department has In- dicated i that aid to Chile is "simply a con- tinuat?on of the long standing and f r iensi y relationship between the U.S. Armed Forces and their Chilean coun- terpar s, and reflected our mutual- rurity interest and a Chilean preference for coatinuing this relationship." It is almost unbelievable that the adminis- tratior has not been fit to reevaluate that elationship" in light of the violent Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100040057-4 _ ~F w Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP79-O0%57AG0100040057-4- August 1, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORL'.~ - extensions o emar s overthrow of the democratically elected Because of the broader based nature government of Chile that was engineered of the military assistance planned for by the military. Our very recent exper- Chile, it is important ;.+t enact an across- ience in Greece during the Cyprus crisis, the-board terminat.)oi Otherwise, iom- in which a threatened withdrawal of mercial sales and ca sales will con- American military aid was seen as a Sig- tinue, unregulated by he Congress and nificant factor in deterring an-out war reported only after ti fact. Otherwise, and fostering reestablishment of civilian we will remainan act-, -e and not entirely government, should have demonstrated beneficial force in CI- file's internal af- that It is no longer consistent with our fairs. Otherwise, res:,; nsibility for the national interest to blindly ply arms into continued repression the Chilean peo- the hand's of military governnfelits. pie rests partly in ot< hands.. A related justification for our military I include the fo]iowi : assistance toChile came from Vice Adm. AMENDMENT TO H.I. - OFh'FRED EY Ray Peet, in hearings of the foreign aid Aft. HAREi i3GTON bill before the Foreign Affairs Commit- Page --, after line insert the following tee. He said that it was necessary to con- new section: tinue our military assistance programs at " PEOHISITION OF Ass"TANCE 'TO CHD.E the requested level In order to secure U.S. Sec. 305. Section 620 the Foreign Assist- influence with the Chilean regime. This ante Act of 1961 is ar=s'nded by add:,ng at same argnlnent has been posed time and the end thereof the f, mowing new subsec- time again, but the payoff never seems trop: "(x) All military as~Aance, all, sales of to materialize. To gain some minimal defense articles and se-vices (whether for foothold in the minds of the military cash or by credit, gu;.+.anty, or any other men now running Chile seems a dubious- means), and all license with respect to the ly small benefit compared to the moral transportation of arm ammunitions, and and diplomatic cost of supplying those implements of war war ( ttnc! ,dng technical data or any Other taw iovernment nt nt of Chile leaders with the tools to'strengthen their relating g this thereto) h i e repressive hold on the Chilean people. ited upon the date: o. enactment of this We can send the junta a message. subsection." Only if we terminate our military aid to Renumber the follos!t ag sections In title stand behind our calls for internal re- form. It wouldbe a more positive influ- ence to withdraw our military aid, to show our fundamental disagreement with the course of events in Chile, than ,to follow the unproven logic of gaining Influence through arms sales. A third argument that was presented mitt by Secretary of De- h t t MONTHLY NI-- WSLE'rrER HON. WILMR MIZELL OF NORTH MWLINA IN THE HOUSE OF IM PRES13NTATIVES m eco, S. o tense James Schlesinger during the Thursday, Ar-ust 1, 1974 hearings on this bill holds that a termi- nation of U.S. military assistance to Latin American countries would "simply encourage thein to make their"military purchases elsewhere.. This is inconsistent with a foreign policy which seeks strong regional associations with the nations of Western Hemisphere." Later he states that we ought not "leave the supply of arms largely to those outside this hem- isphere." The facts surrounding possible arms sales to Chile from foreign coun- tries clearly refute these assertions. Of the major weapons suppliers besides the United States, none appear'as VIlling as this administration _to provide arms to the Chilean junta. The British govern- ment announced, on April '10-1 1974, a termination of` military aid to Chile. No now 'arms exports were to be ` licensed, and servicing for already delivered fight- ers has since been terminated. The new President of France has indicated that his country will seriously reconsider any weaix ns sales to governme=its such as be expected to arm a right-viing mili- tarry government. That leaves the United States in the unique position of virtually controlling the supply of available weap- ons t- the Chilean junta. At this time, with little effect on our` policy of, in Mr. Schlesinger's words, "seeking strong re- giorial associations," we can drive home to th,e Cliitean junta our' displeasure with their policies and assert our fermi- liatfozl of military support. mailed my monthly iewsletter for July 1974 to my constituel ? s in the Fifth Con- gressional District of North Carolina. In that newsletter I disc., _ised the important E 8- penditures from their personal funds or the personal funds of their immediate family in excess of $25,000 per election. Limit expenditures to $10 million for a candidate for nomination for President and $20 million In the Presidential general elec- tion. In the Senate and the House ofRepre- sentatives limit expenditures to 5c times the - population of the State or $75,000, whichever is greater. Prohibit contributions by foreign na- tionals. Prohibit contributions in th$ name of another person. Prohibit cash contributions In excess of $100. Outlaw all "dirty tricks" a stiff penalties. Provide that each candid and enforce the law. Increase the penalties law. One proposal that h to which I strongly o money spent opposes. provide for designate a ould administer cal process. The Ameri- free expression of our d I do not think the r wants his hard earned a candidate he firmly AWARD TO SG*T. ROBERT A JAMES POTTER HQ1. JOHN B. BREAUX or LOVIBIANA IN WE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, August 1, 1974 BREAUX. Mr. Speaker, I would ll a to take this opportunity to express want to share with my colleagues thg comments I made. The comments folk w: MONTHLY NEWSL7 -"TEE: JULY 19 74 4 CAMPAIGN Fn' B '5CE REFORD& For the past year, s, major effort cry':'urine has been in studying he many le% lative proposals that have bf E n made on cOi*iPaign reform On many of t - ese proposal I have asked this basic qque ion: Does? to pro- posal strengthen the itality areserve the integrity of the e' -toral prioftE12" Nearly three years -.go, I sttporied the Federal Elections Can.) sign . This pro- posal was the first ca npaign orm legisla- tion to be enacted it o pub. law In over forty years. Since ti-,r, ' ti , events have shown that reform 1: stl _~needed in this area and I would Tire i.-, a with you what I consider to be the s legislative: needs, which will give eoip to further safe- guarding our great -American political system. It is my belief that-7 legislation should be enacted which wotitoF Limit contributir9ilt o $1,000 per election per candidate per di -idual. Limit contrib ant to $5,000 per ,election per candidates-:" from political committee that make ?#, ntribv ins to five or more candidates` Prohibit secretive ,' armarktng and laun- dering of funds. __ Cross, the Red Cross Certificate of Merit. Sgt. Robert James Potier, of the Crowley City Police Department, was re- cently called to the scene of an auto- mobile accident involving a 2-year-old boy. Sergeant Potier, who had been trained in first aid, noticed that the child was not breathing and immediately ad- ministered mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and other life supportive measures. In the time it took the ambu- lance to arrive, the sergeant had been successful. in restoring breathing to the child. According to the official announce- ment of the award from the American National Red Cross, the attending phy- sician stated: His (the young boy) related to the first aid scene of the accident. survival is directly administered at the In our fast pace of life, we sometimes forget the devotion displayed to our fel- low men by those who sincerely care and are dedicated to saving and protecting the lives of others. I join, with Sergeant Potter's family and friends, in expressing gratitude for his actions and pride in his accomplish- ments and high standard of work. Approved For Release 2005/07120 CIA-RDP79-00957A000100040057-4 pprove CU:y FQr~ Release 2005/07/20: CIA-RDP79-00957A000100040057-4 GRLSSIO? AL RECORD - Extensions of Remarks August 1, 1.4'774 MEW REVEALS PSRO CONTRACTS AWARDED AMA HDN. EARL F. LANDGREBE ay, August 1, 1974 Mr. REBE. Mr. Speaker, at the recent Ame Medical Association convention, th House of Delegates defeated a mots advocating the repeal of the PSRO pro on of the Social Se- curity Amendmen f 1972. 1 consider this action exceedin shortsighted, for it is the private practi f medicine that is most threatened by b aucracies like It has recently come to 34 attention that the Department of Hea Educa- tion, and Welfare awarded a num- ber of contracts for the develo nNiant of that those who are trying to understand the position of the AMA on this issue can also understand some of the usually un- seen operations that a bureaucracy per- forms. I Include the following article: HEW REVEALS PSRO Coorraacrs AWAansn AMA mo Ira Arrussass n ra Wsinc or Jtrxs 23, 2994 An HEW News Release dated July 19. 1974. and additional data cited in the News Re- lease, revealed the coverage and timing of IMW-PSRO contract awards to AMA and its aalitates, The Release revealed a $995,635 award to AMA on June 29 for developing screening cri- Iaiela for P8RO,pollcitrg of medical care--anri that $1,453,399 for training of PSRO opera- t3vee was awarded an organis;adon represent- s> y foundations set up by coraaponentr Contracts below are for planning laRos, accept those identified as (SSC) which are for developing "State Support Centers," or (CO) which are Conditional and Operational I'SR.Os- State, organization, city, and typo of Contract Data AmoaM Alabama: Alabama Medical Review, Inc., Mot'>M'nery ......... ........ ?--.---- 6/28 165,000 Alaelra:Alaska PSRO.Anchoeage---------- 6/25 12.312 AriSan,: Mona ----- Arttan as: Arkansas founds:loo for Midi- CalCare,Fort Smith_________________ _ 6124 65.000 Canker n: United Foundations for f4adical Care, San Francisco, (SS ^1 . -- ?----_ 6/21 .94, 335 91MdJoaquin Area Q. Stxkton (CO))... 6127 (42. 470 Lint Central Los Angete PSRuO, Los An eles___ - 6/28 78.750 Foun for Medical Cars of Santo Cliffs Case ty,SanJose....... ------- 6124 74.000 Kern County l edicel Society. sellers- Sold --------------- -- ............ 6/24 61,800 North BayPSRO,San Rafael ........ 6/24 611 200 Monterey County Medical Society Sali- nas 6124 45.485 Ore rrration for PSR of Santa Barbara std San Luis Obispo Counties, Santa Barbara --------------._-...__.. Redw'oad Coast fiR8 44.700 Region PSRD. Santa Rose------ 6124 74,500 RiveruideCounty PSRO,Ri?:erside_---_._ 6124 56,400 SanFrancisco P520 Inc.. SanFrancisco_. 6;28 57.000 PSRD of San Mateo Eounty, San Matea_ 6,25 62:09 Stanislaus Foundation for Medical Cara. Modesto.. 629 50, 242 Venture Area PSROIDc yentura....... 6124 68,580 Colorado: Colorado Foundation for Medical Care. Denver (CO)--------------------- 6128 2,700,600 Ceemecticut? Connecticut Medical institute, new Haven (SSC)---------- -- ....... 60 .47,812 Connecticut Area iI PSRO. Inc., Nov Haven...... ........... ._... - IM V4 (tlB SIYfe ~. ^arizatkn, lily, and type of contract sonar.---.. 6'24 $63,1200 iaflGsrd Csoattl i3A0_,im fr 424 sn em Be!a, r ' ai