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x- , ~ . _ ......_..._.... _._ ------------------ . THE WASi,iNGTON POST I)A'TE_ PAGE Administration Urged Defe t I Senate Kills Restrictive Aid ME By Spencer Rich Washington Post Staff Writer The Senate, on strong urg- in,frog m the~1 rr ~~"~?~"ou e, Anse it containe rest ietions n ai =jn 11V_k"e Chile and ,Southeast Asia that lyre i ent l+.or ,wo_Ln _(Ters u_nac~ ' ` cep le. It was a new round in `the furious battle over Senate in- sistence on exerting close pol- icy supervision over the aid program and foreign policy in general. The Senate Foreign Rela- i?ions Committee, loaded with Men who view much of the Aid AID, From Al posed by Mr. Ford, barring aid to Chile on grounds that Chi- le's military junta is guilty of torture and political repres- sion. When these and other amendments disliked by the State Department were tacked on yesterday, the White House, already unhappy with the Foreign Relations Commit- tee measure, backed a recom- mittal move by John O. Pas- tore (D-R.I.), which passed on the 41-to-39 tally. Pastore said Congress should come back in November and try to work out a better measure. Spokesmen for Mr. Ford and lobbyists for the program endorsed this view and spread the word in the cloakroom that the White House wouldl rather kill the bill than accept the restrictive amendments. The White House strategy Is based on the assumption that, appeared to be ca eulatin for the present at least, it can I that it would be easier to gr do better on the aid program the House-Senate conferees o program as a hai :lout to help crumbling military dictators the White Ftor: e views as "loyal" to the I kited States, had slashed air to Korea, South Vietnam, ? imbodia and Laos by ahoui 44)er cent and had written in L series of re- strictions on military aid and. on fund,transfe~s that evade existing ceiling- In addition, it chopped thi' o- rail program authorization fr ? n the $3.3 bil- lion sought b% the White House for fisc,~t 1975 to $2.5 billion. Yesterday o ; the floor a whole new set ?f restrictions was written 1n, excluding, on a 48-to-34 vote, a flat ban on mil- itary aid to Turkey on grounds that, when it invaded Cyprus, it misused military equipment that the United States had intended only for self defense. On Tuesday, when a'similar amendment was nailed into another measure, President Ford warned that it would bring a veto because it would undermine Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger's negotia- tions for a. Cyprus settlement. Also approved yesterday was an amendment by Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), op. See AID, A12, Col. 4 by supporting a "continuing he reiwlut; on (the Appropria- ressonlution" to fund the co- pLions Comlriittees to drop the 1gr The continuing resolution, providing funding until Con. gress adjourns for agencies expunged iirom the basic for- h w ose regular appropriations eign aid bill, haven't passed won Senate , ap The reason for this belief is proval, 76 to 12, Tuesday. that an existing continuing The White House had hopes resolution, carrying forward that this measure, allowing the Department of Health, Ed- the aid program to go i.'or ucation and Welfare, the La- ward could be passed without , . bar Departr..nent, the foreign any legislative restrictions at aid program and several other tached, but Sens. Thomas F. small programs, expired at Eagleton (D-Mo.) attached his' midnight Sept. 30. Unless the Turkey curb on that measurt' continuing resolution is and Kennedy also won ap passed quickly, the govern- proval of his Chil id e a an. meat will r:)n out of money In addition, Sen. Alan Cran for these agencies and won't ston (D.-Calif.) Tuesday ai be able to meet payrolls. tached a fund cut that shce+ Thus, there is great pres- the spending authority in th ll ?_, , , _ .- sure a ign aid -to far below tti cpnzrcleaii e gti.on through amount allowed by the .Fort ra eieaxt fn, dropping entsa that delay agree= ign Relations Committee 'hit meat, Yesterday, however, in the first meeting of the Appropri- ions conferees on the contin- uing resolution, members clashed over Eagleton's Tur- key-aid ban and didn't make any progress toward agree. ment. Before killing the basic aid authorization the Senate spent the whole day voting on amendments. James Abourezk (D-S.D.) offered the Turkey aid ban-identical to the one Eagleton had attached to the continuing resolution - and it was adopted -on the 48-to-34 tally. Kennedy's Chile ban rezk lost 68 to 17, on a move? io non _gicovert ac rvi. es by the CIA suer "as #`assassinklon;`sabotage, liTlit- ' % srupl ions, or t^7ixed- Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100030003-4 THE NEW Releas6 2005/07/13 SENATE SHELVES FOREIGN AID BILL IN FORD VICTORY Action Put Off at Least Until After November Election -Vote is 41 to 39 LIMITING RIDERS ADDED One Would Have Restrictec C.I.A: s Covert Activity -Others Cut Aid By SEYMOURM. HERSH Special to The New York Times WASHINGTON, Oct. 2-The Senate upheld the Ford Admin. istration tonight by voting tc shelve-at least until after the November elections-this year's controversial $2.5-billion for- eign aid bill. The vote was 41 to 39. The vote came. after critics of the Administration's foreign 'i policy forced through a series of restrictive amendments, in- cluding a ban on all clandestine activities of the Central Intel- ligence Agency,' except those listed by the Pres ll fi y ca speci ident as vital to national se- curity. The foreign aid bill, with its amendments, will now be sent back for further consideration to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee-a step that may possibly kill the measure for this year. Early Move Fails ,ioutn Korea, cutting? out. rnili .1 1 tary aid to Turkey and evetltu- ally abolishing the entire, mili. _. tary assistance program. The recommittal vote was cast after a motion by Senator John O. Pastore, Democrat of Rhode Island, who termed the bill a "hodge-podge" that did not make legislative sense. "he measure was further castigatec as "a political punching bag' by Senator Robert P. Griffin 0' Michigan, the assistant Repub lican leader. `A Fighting Chance' Senator Hubert H.,Humphrcy Democrat: of Minnesota, th, floor manager of the bill, ac cused the Administration of sorry lack of planning on th whole policy of foreign as;,ist ance" that, in effect, led to th amendments approved durin:= debat . "If The Administration woul --back this bill," he added, "w, C.I.A.. amendmen adopted by voice vote, provio ed that th president mnu justify a request for secret fc eign intelligence operations 11 describing his proposal in written report to the approp ate committees of the Hott=e and Senate. 1171 'thout such specific noti DDpp, ~~~~ '7i- PAGE CIA-RDP79- 0003-4 Nonetheless, Mr. Hughes's amendment was a compromise whose approval came only after the Senate voted 68 to 17 to defeat an amendment that would have flatly barred all clandestine C.I.A. operations. That amendment was ppo by Senat~e-erwwtt !"!" , 11 1"t ,~+, Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100030003-4 Justice for the Judiciary Committee, etc.) there was sotile question his to whether any single existing committee should, have exclusive;=,, side any cabinet department and is restionsivevto tho National Se-.r curity- Council in the Executive Office of the President, or over the ?. coordination of all intelligence activities,, the responsibility of the} i Apparently, small subronlmittoes in the Committee on Armed N Services and in the Committee on Appropriations which have dealtIsl with intelligence matters have been responsible for such overall coordi ti nation of intelligence policy as is made in the House of Representatives. e Thought was riven to mandating a similar subcommittee in the Com=~ Lnitte rEr+Trl [611ti do 1yoI c r, oseTy?TItTi tTie other tivo su comma:.! ImU.ees. In the end, t- iougFi iel?ving li ctes~rtcble cca-]*at~ib~ ir~lfl;zrrs to establish such a subcommittee, the select committee stopped short of x, making a recommendation to this effect because of a reluctance to interfere with the internal organization o E; visit des, It reeommenued on y ult-Elio t ~rlS 16 1Ve res onsr ii sty presently held by the Armed j, tt Services Committee c ? EDl ct?, while an overview authority.; over forei n and n Mi"U i iiit`e,1li once (without acldecl~Icglslative au =H tllority beyond that which already exists over Clio"Sf% te`Drepui?tmoilt) .us r should be assigned to the Foreign Affairs Committee. This arrangement was in effect the mirror image of the overview of arms control and dis- arnianlent extended to the Armed Forces Committee, leaving exclusive legislative authority in that field to the Forei n Affairs Committee. In :0 each field, proposals for concurrent legislative as well as oversight jurisdiction were rejected. The select committee does not dispute that ry;' the Armed Services Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee caa each have a vital interest in both inform ation and olic related toe' p y intelligence and to arms control, topics which themselves are int twined. But recommending only ovorsial;~t or overview as the imme- :: ~ cliete means for coordination seemed to involve soiree lesser risks of ff;3 delay, indecision, deadlock, and rivalry between the two committeesw' than would a complete sharing of legislative jurisdiction. Defense Secrets There seemed less reason to involve the Committee on Science and'Technology iii legislating on matters related to military research and f t development, as this responsibility was clearly appropriate to the:.' r Committee on Aimed Services. But because such a large proportion';) Ii of the total?national expenditures for R & D are military and theso- have implications for technology transfer into the civilian economy.: and because the Department of Defense contracts for such a heavy;" percentage of total national scientific and technical manpower, some.< ?K /',etecl!on of Nationals Be/en?s It is worth noting that sot d..pecially concerned about I iinuusually sensitive kinds o those related to our own new_ special sources, codes, and icl wider special safeguards of concern did not relate to whe (if sensitive iliformation t11ali that secrets are more likely t nn est jJossible 111111150V or 0 bvious yly_,_t 15 Peal CO i e? that the broad policy issues (Yence activities whose details and review by those with, re availability and activities. The selee.Lciununit.tee..balie as to require very close pro and intelligence activities. I of information would be ur_ national peril. At the same t policy made by the Congrc would risk being faulty and resolve these conflicting need participation in policy maki whole Congress. 'rho select committee had the House of Representative Lion available to every Meir p1-icGicill1iipp1tcfj i_Q1aur1) c principle and that this applic 140 Issues involveil-`cci?e 'disc primary reasons for problems that the institution has neve fact is that if the hiohest ofli interpret, and coat of send with Congress tiiillTenc7 to i it avliilii;iil.e; eeven tv iieli~c~rnrt such information. 'T'here is also another spe tween these independent br sified matters of the greatest recit hits' Continuedsecrecy, eitheiECause t rev conflict we or reflect eventsn some fie a;elicies~"T+'iiiia ; Criere are I Approved for Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP79-00957AO00' 00030003-4 sight was written into the select committee's recommendations on thai Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100030003-4 ., ;onto question as :J ' ?ncy, which lies oil t. o the National Se-.',_ sidcitt, or over the ;porisibility^ of the ;i nniitteo on Armed , a, s which have dealt':+s; such overall coordi