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Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300040027-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY, ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 19 March 1976 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Eq~-tt1RDET CL FlY l~nl. Approved For Release 2005/01/27 CIA-RDP78M02660R000 - Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300040027-3 CQ\ID EN TIA L Addendum to Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 19 March 1976 3.1 BRIEFING I called Tom Smeeton, Minority Staff, House International Relations Committee, and confirmed the briefing for Representative William Broomfield (R., Mich.) in the Congressman's office for March 22 at 9:30 a. m. OCI, 25X1 will do the briefing and Smeeton and Everett Bierman, Minority Consultant for the Committee, will sit in on the briefing. The subject is Rhodesia and southern Africa, in general. 4. LIAISON I took a call from Dick Moose, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who asked for some background information on Jomo Kenyatta,. President of Kenya. Such information would be for back round use only. I told him I would see what we could do. C /AF /ES, has been advised. 5.1 LIAISON Talked to Tony Freedman., in the office of Representative Elizabeth Holtzman (D., N. Y.), and Dan Feldman, in the district office of Representative Holtzman, concerning the information provided to the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics. See Memo for the Record. 6. LIAISON Talked to Edward Martin, in the office of Senator Edward Kennedy (D., Mass.) on a security matter. See Memo for the Record. 25X1 25X1 ~JQEOWGE L. CARP . Legislative Counsel cc: O/DCI O/DDCI Ex. Sec. DDA DDI DDS&T Mr. Warner Mr. Thuermer Mr. Parmenter IC Staff EA/DDO C ompt. 0 /2 : C:IA-R 02660R000300040027-3 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300040027-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 19 March 1976 1. (Unclassified - LLM) LIAISON Spoke further with Dennis Beal, Legislative Assistant to Senator Lawton Chiles (D., Fla.), concerning the possibility of either Mr. Bush or General Walters being the principal speaker at a banquet to be held sometime during 28 April and 4 May at the Lakeland Civic Center for some ?_, 600 lawyers and their families from the Tampa Bay area to celebrate Law Day. 2. (Internal Use Only - LLM) LIAISON Called Mike Finley, House International Relations Committee staff, explaining that we reall rave nothing unique to provide that has not already been provided the Department of State. Finley agreed that it would not serve any useful purpose for us to provide anything independently to him for 3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) LIAISON Accompanied Representative Berkley Bedell (D. , Iowa) to a visit NPIC/Admin Officer, served as our escort. Mr. Bedell adhered completely to the guidelines we had agreed upon, and was not exposed to any classified material. During our walk through of the five of the six floors of the building, he chatted briefly with a number of employees, outside of my ear shot, as I had arranged with him, following his introduction to them and his statement that he is not interested in receiving any classified information. Mr. Bedell's interests paralleled those that he mentioned previously to me (see Memorandum for the Record, 9 March 1976). A number of the offices were vacant and desks not occupied. On our return trip to the Hill, I explained to Mr. Bedell that the workload at the building was cyclical in nature. 4. (Unclassified - RJK) LIAISON Received a call from Mike Hastings, on the staff of Representative William S. Cohen (R. , Maine). He asked for a copy of the Director's statement on missionaries and newsmen. I told him we would mail him one today, which we did. CIA INTH' 'LM.L. U E= ONLY, 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300040027-3 AprEoMlel+ase 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300040027-3 CIA I~iT~ (ija "~ Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Monday - 22 March 1976 13. BRIEFING Per 25X1 instruction, I called Judy Smith, on the staff of Representative William V. Alexander (D., Ark.), and gave her instructions for the Congressman's arrival at Headquarters for the breakfast briefing scheduled for 8:00 a. m. tomorrow morning. I also asked if there were any other Congressmen who wanted to accompany Mr. Alexander. She said she would check and get back to me. She called back later and said that Mr. Alexander would be the only one. 14. BRIEFING I accompanied Walt all of OER, to a briefing . of the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, ouse Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The subject of the briefing was the international energy situation. The briefing was an informal session for background use only with no attribution. The briefing had been requested by the Chairman of the Subcommittee, Representative John D. Dingell (D., Mich.). Both members of the Subcommittee and the Subcommittee staff were present and all seemed quite appreciative of the briefing. is doing a Memorandum for the Record. 15. BRIEFING I accompanied 25X1 OCI, to a briefing of Representative William Broomfield (R., Mich.) on the subject of Rhodesia and southern Africa. Everett Bierman and Tom Smeeton, on the staff of the House International Relations Committee, were also present at the briefing. The briefing went well and Mr. Broomfield demonstrated that he was definitely behind the Agency and its activities. s doing a Memorandum for the Reegrd. 16.1 LEGISLATION Talked to Peter Poole and Scott Cohen, in the office o enator Charles Percy (R., Ill. ), alerting them to the Burton amendment in H. R. 12203. I explained the Agency's concern over the amendment. 17. I LEGISLATION Stopped by to see Tom Greene, Minority Counsel to te House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee,. concerning the control of toxic substances act, H.R. 10318. We discussed section 22, the national defense waiver provision. Approved For Release 2005/01/27 CIA-RDP78M02660R000300 40027-3 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300040027-3 CIA IN i ERN AL US ONLY Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Monday - 22 March 1976 18. LIAISON I called Bob Boettcher, on the staff of the Subcommittee on International Organizations, House International Relations Committee. Boettcher had called while I was out and was quite upset that I had not returned his phone calls. I told him that I had not done so as I was still working on his request for a briefin 25X1 I also told him that, frankly, we were having problems with the request as it dealt with operational matters and that the procedures to date on this sort of thing was to refer the requester to the Chairman, Special Subcommittee on Intelligence, House Armed Services Committee. I told him I would be back to him as soon as I had an answer. I discussed the matter with Marian Czarnecki, Chief of Staff, House International Relations Committee, who said he would bring it to the attention of the 25X1 Chairman of the Committee, Representative Thomas E. Morgan (D., Pa. and asked if there was any executive agreement Czarnecki said Chairman Morgan would ask t at question and if one did exist it would be hard not to allow Chairman Donald M. Fraser (D., Minn.), Subcommittee on International Organizations, to at least see the agreement since such agreements are supposed to be filed with the House International Relations Committee. I told Czarnecki I would get back to him with the answer. When I called back to tell him there was no such agreement, he said he had been in touch with Chairman Morgan and Morgan indicated he would support our position if he is approached by Chairman Fraser. I spoke with Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and relayed the above to him and told him that if he had no objection I would call Boettcher and advise him. that this request involved operational matters and suggest that if Mr. Fraser felt it necessary he call Chairman Lucien N. Nedzi (D. , Mich.), Special Subcommittee on Intelligence. Slatinshek approved and said he had brought the request to Nedzi's attention so that he would be somewhat prepared if Chairman Fraser called Chairman Nedzi. I then called Boettcher and so advised him. 19.1 LEGISLATION I phoned the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee and informed Bob Lockhart that the Agency supported the Dole amendment to continue applying the Hatch Act to the CIA. CIA I A r -r e- k; USE 1Y A Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300040027-3 CIA l~lT r,4vr`~~-ve~l?or(I(~se 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300040027-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday 23 March 1976 5. LEGISLATION Hilda Schreiber, OMB, called to inform me that the President's message on the elimination. of the one percent bonus from Civil Service annuities was to be issued tomorrow, and that our proposal to amend CIARDS in accordance with the Presidential message should be delivered to Congress tomorrow. 6. I LEGISLATION George Gilbert, OMB, called to ask whether we had submitted a report on sources and methods It legislation, and I replied that it was being sent to OMB today. I asked Gilbert what he knew of Administration plans for Senate Rules Committee action on S. Res. 400 and relayed our plan to send a letter and tentatively to have a spokesman testify. After checking with Mike Duval, at the White House, Gilbert called back and said the White House had no plans to offer testimony, but there was no objection to our sending a letter or submitting testimony. 7. LEGISLATION Called George Gilbert, OMB, to tell him that the Agency had no problem with a State Department report on S. Res. 351, a resolution which encourages the President to negotiate anti-terrorist agreements with other governments. 8. LIAISON Called Mike Bird, Economist, Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation, and relayed to him economic 9.1 LIAISON Received a call from Tom Sme Loe , House InLernaLlo a rations Committee staff, who asked for position papers which reflect the Agency's views on the establishment of new congressional oversight committees. 10. LEGISLATION Received a call from Tom Marrum, at the Department of Justice, who was working on a views letter on S. 2927, Senator Lloyd Bentsen's (D. , Tex.) bill to protect the identity of intelligence personnel. He wanted to know what the Agency's position on this legislation was. I told him I would be working on it later in the week, and would get back to him at that time. CIA lNT"f,?`: vN L`i 25X Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300040027-3 Approved For Releas Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 23 March 1976 Page 3 11. BRIEFING I attended a breakfast for Representative William V. Alexander (D., Ark.), hosted by George Cary and Ed Proctor, DDI. OCI, was also present. The purpose of the breakfast was to brief Representative Alexander on the situation in southern Africa with particular emphasis on Rhodesia. Representative Alexander stated that he was appreciative of the briefing as he had little background in that area of the world. He suggested that perhaps we should make an effort to provide briefings for groups in Congress which have traditionally been excluded by the Administration in its dealings with Congress. He mentioned in particular the Black Caucus and suggested that due to their numerous contacts with African leaders they might be of considerable help to the Executive Branch in its dealings with these countries if they were given. 25X 25X 12. LIAISON I spoke with Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and told him that I had prepared a couple of backgrounders for Chairman. Lucien N. Nedzi (D., Mich.), Special Subcommittee on Intelligence, House Armed Services Committee, in the event Chairman Donald M. Fraser (D. , Minn, 25X Subcommittee on International Organizations, ,House International Relations Committee, requests information He suggested that I take them directly to Chairman Nedzi. 131 I BRIEFING I met with Chairman Lucien N. Nedzi (D., Mich.), Special Subcommittee on Intelligence, House Armed Services Committee, and briefed him on our relationships with the Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300040027-3