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20U3701/9.q1A=REP799 / 25X1 J CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 13 December 1957 Copy No. r!o ::++a;a::._ IN CLAS. L CLASG. CHA!,; .E!) TO: TS Cv~ EXT 14-IiW DATE: - Ad N AUTR 70-^ DATE." REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY State Dept. review completed TOP SECRET 2003/01/29 :CIA-RDP79~ 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400350001-5 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400350001-5 25X1 - ' ' Jk r oved Fort Release 2003/01/29 - CIA-RDP79T0097dAO03400350001-5 25X1A CONTENTS 25X1A SITUATION IN INDONESIA 2. EUROPEAN INTEREST IN BULGANIN LETTERS 25X1A AV 3. FRENCH DISARMAMENT DELEGATE PROPOSES "NEW APPROACH" ON DISARMAMENT NO 4. MIKOYAN FORESEES SLOWDOWN IN RATE OF SOVIET T:1F ' kTl1'11 fTf 11 T1l1TTT TITT 25X1A 25X1A d07. ANGLO-EGYPTIAN TALKS SUSPENDED WITHOUT AGREEMENT NEW ARAB UNREST DIRECTED AGAINST AMERICAN OIL (page 10). INSTALLATIONS IN KUWAIT NEUTRAL ZONE Q J59. SAUDI-JAPANESE OIL AGREEMENT SIGNED (page 11). INDO-PAKISTANI CANAL WATERS DISPUTE REACHING CRITICAL PHASE 411. AFGHAN KING'S VISIT TO PAKISTAN POSTPONED BY /" KAVeCVT 12. SECRET TRIAL OF GENERAL MALETER MAY BE UNDER WAV IN TTUNGARV 25X1A 25X1A ANNEX- -Conclusions of the Watch Report of the Intelligence Advisory Committee 13 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved F 1. MOVE TO FORCE, INDONESIAN PRESIDENT INTO EXILE MAY BE UNDER WAY (Information as of 2400 EST, 12 Dec 57) 25X1A Prime Minister Djuanda's announcement that President Sukarno is "physically and men- tally tired" and will leave Indonesia for a "rest in a neighboring country," perhaps within the next week, suggests that moderate elements are making a serious effort to take control of the government and check the drift toward chaos and Communist domination. Earlier indications of intensive army activity give credibility to reports that Sukarno is a virtual prisoner of the army, and that his projected "rest" may, in fact, amount to at least tem- porary exile. The motivation for such action undoubtedly would be the belief that the only hope of preserving a united, non- Communist Indonesia lies in getting Sukarno out of the country. There will, however, be no renunciation of Indonesia's claim to Irian or an immediate restoration of seized Dutch property. Although Sartono, the vacillating speaker of parliament, has been named to act as president in Sukarno's anticipated absence, the real force behind the current moves is probably a triumvirate composed of Djuanda, former Vice Pres- ident Hatta and army Chief of Staff Nasution. The latter two were primarily responsible for crushing the Communist upris- ing at Madiun in 1948 Vigorous opposition to Sukarno's departure can be expected from leftist and Communist elements. They were the first to suggest that Sukarno postpone his previously scheduled trip to various Asian and Latin American countries in order to continue his leadership of the Irian campaign. They probably will try to use Sukarno's enormous popularity with the Javanese masses to prevent his departure. This could lead to open conflict with the army. Sukarno may also attempt to maneuver himself out of his apparent predicament. If he suc- ceeds, he will continue to throw his weight to the Communists and facilitate the rapid expansion of their already considerable 25X1 A strength. 13 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved For Release ?NW/29 - CIA-RDP79T00975AO03400350001-5 Approved - 003400350001-5 10 25X1A 2. EUROPEAN INTEREST IN BULGANIN LETTERS i a uropean re o Bulganin's recent letters indicates a widespread desire to. keep open the possibilities for East-West negotiations, despite annoy- ance at Moscow's patent efforts to under- mine next week's NATO meetings. At the same time there is emphasis on the need to fortify NATO's military position. 25X1A In West Germany, the independent Die Welt's assertion that the notes might provide the "last chance" to reach an understanding with the Soviet Union reflects the general public uneasiness lest the establishment of NATO mis- sile bases in the Federal Republic permanently freeze the divi- sion of Germany. The press quotes Foreign Minister Brentano as commenting favorably on the letters' "moderate tenor," and states he favors doing everything possible to bring about an international detente. French press commentary on Bulganin's letter regards it as an attempt to exploit cracks in NATO, but is chiefly preoccupied with the question of the establishment of missile bases on French soil. Responsible independent British papers argue against giving the impression of automatically reject- ing all Soviet proposals- -presumably referring to the European neutral zone idea--which they believe is worth considering. The Labor press has used the letters to reiterate its call for 25X1A holding immediate talks with the USSR. 25X1A 13 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 rv __ . GIA R9nf9T0097eA9934O50001-5 Approved Fp,=T