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Approved For`14 ease 200 471UT28S b;79T01146'S "b010005 0 43338 COPY NO 39 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE DAILY DIGEST OF SIGNIFICANT TRAFFIC Date: MAR & 1951 NOTE: 1. This summary of significant reports has been prepared for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does not necessarily represent a complete coverage of all. current traffic in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. 2. Comment represents the preliminary views of the responsible analysts and not necessarily the final view of the Office of Current Intelligence. 3. Marginal letter indications are defined as follows: "A" - items indicating Soviet-Communist intentions or capabilities "B" - important regional developments not necessarily related to Soviet/ Communist intentions or capabilities "C" - other information indicating trends and potential developments NAVY and DOS review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 TOP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 25X1 Approved For Tease 2004/10/28: CIA-RDP79T01146*ib0100050001-6 25X1 CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Sovietization of Czechos.lovak_Economy Stepped-U The decisions reached at 21-24 February meeting of the Central Committee Czechoslovak Communist Party point to: (1) an increased emphasis on heavy industry and coal production to be achieved by stepped-up norms and the introduction of 2 shifts in many branches of the industry, (2) a speed-up in the socialization of agriculture to provide extra manpower for industrial and mine production, (3) an increase in the number of women workers in light industry and services to relieve men for heavy work, (4) greater Soviet exploitation of the Czech economy. In 1951 the Soviet Orbit is to account for 59% Czech e ores and to provide 61% C zech imports, "C" HUNGARY. Patriotism Theme Used in Huuna . A resolution of the Hungarian Workers Party Congress, currently underway in Budapest, stated: "The results of Socialist construction, the defense of Hungary's independence, and the peace movement have given rise to a new Hungarian patriotism which is inspiring our workers to great achievements". This new atriotis cterized as the main driving force in Hungary today. 25X1 COI NT: This is a new development in the propaganda line in the Satellites. (Propaganda appeals to Rumanian patriotism, which had previously been down, are now being made frequently. 25X1 - It follows several months of exceptionally emen Yugoslav propaganda which has had as its main theme the sub- servience of the orbit states to the USSR. Recent' nationalist deviations in Italy and Czechoslovakia add fuel. to the fire. The Communists' sudden appeal to patriotism, therefore, may be an effort to counteract the effects of Yugoslav and Western criticism. 25X1 2 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 Approved Fo Iease 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T0114UW00100050001-6 "B" POLAND. New Soviet Commander for Polish Air Force o On 27 Feb the Polish press reported that General of Weapons, Turkiel,presum.ably Colonel General Ivan Lukich Turkiel, a high-ranking Soviet Air Force official, had opened the first meeting of the Polish Air Force political personnel, This is the first mention of Turrkiel, public or official, that has been made, The US Emb comments that this announcement indicates a sudden change in the top command of the Polish. Air Force, With the recent appointment of Soviet Admiral Czerekow as Commander in Chief of the Polish Navy, all major units of the Polish Armed Forces are `.der direct Soviet control, No mention 25X1 has been made in the Polish press about Brigadier General Rome ko th former Commander in Ch.?e of the Polish Air Force, 25X1 CO NT - More information will be needed on Tur ie s appointment before final assessment of its full significance can be made. His appointment, however, would seem to indicate Soviet dissatisfaction with Romeyko, who while not a Russian, had received long training in the USSR. Romeyko has been described as not giving the impression of a born leader and completely lacklig the force of character usually associated with a Commander in Chief. "C" RUMANIA. New A?opointments, A shaken-up in the Rumanian governmental machine reflects the continuing ascendency of hard core Stalinist elements, Lt. Gen, Petre Borila, an able, intelligent Stalinist, has been promoted from Min- ister of Construction, a post which he has held for almost a year, to President of the State Control Commission. Replacing Borila at Construction- 25X1 programs, In this connection, the recent relief of Alexandru Moghioros from his post of President of the Committee for farm Collections and Establishment of Collective Farms should probably be regarded as an indication that the capable Moghioros set up an organization capable of effecting collectivization, and has been relieved for other vital projects; the relief of Vidrascu, on the other hands may reflect shortcomings in his office, which is responsible for the efficient operation of the whole Government machine, is Gneorghe Hossu, who has served as director of works at the Danube-Black Sea Canal. Mihail Floreseu, former chief of the Army Political Directorate and a political writer, has been appointed as assistant Minister in the Ministry of Metallurgy and Chemical Industry; Ion Vidrascu. has been demoted from President of the State Control Commission to be Assistant Minister of Agriculture, F_ I CENT- The promotion of Borila, Hossi; and orescu reflect the Rumanian, regime a s dependence on hard-hitting political appointees for the overall e cu:tion of important YUGOSLAVIA. Controls on Farm Products only PartlallyRemoved, Emb Belgrade is somewhat skeptical of the recent Yugoslav Goverri entfs decision intro- ducing a policy of free sales in certain agricultural products, the sale of these goods to be governed by the law of supply and demand, The Emb reports that only vegetables and fruits are apparently affected. While the Approved For Release 200480/28: CIA-RDP79TO1146A000100050001-6 Approved For s1ease 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01148 00100050001-6 25X1 purpose of the decision is ostensibly to restore the incentive to middle peasants, the Emb considers it more likely that the primary concern of the government continues to rest with the town population and that the latitude granted to the peasants will be limited. OO v NTs The announcement is not as sweeping as the recent ar 1cle stated,. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 Approved For 'lease 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146"00100050001-6 SECTION 2 (EASTERN) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 NEAR EAST. Moslem Reaction to Recent Developments in Morocco. Reaction in the Near East to recent events in Morocco devel- oped rapidly and unfavorably over the weekend, The enforced accession of the Sultan to French demands--such as his denunciation of the Moroccan Nationalist Party Has resulted in political groups and newspapers from Tunisia to India denouncing not only the often-exag- gerated reports of French actions in North Africa but also, to a lesser extent, the US airbase agreement for Morocco and the continued presence of British troops in the Suez Canal region, Student demonstrations in Egypt forced the government there to initiate martial law on 4 March, and the Arab League, responding to the widespread public excitement, summoned its Political Committee to a special meeting on 10 March to discuss the Moroc- can situation. Prime Minister Qudsi of Syria, in a conversation with US Minister Cannon, strongly denounced French policy in Morocco and stated that French actions there tended to undo his efforts to allay Syrian mis- trust of the West. Even in Pakistan, prominent Moslems and the influential newspaper DAWN criticized the French and charged them with defying the will of the Moroccan people in entering into a secret agreement with the TTS fnr the establishment of American airbaseso bably passed its peak with regard to the French Moroccan situation, there are signs that Arab hostility, originally concentrated on the French alone, is now being directed toward the West as a whole. Thus, there is danger that the Western political and military position throughout the Near East may be weakened. Most serious of all, perhaps, is the possibility that re-emergence of popular criticism of the British base on the Suez Canal may become sufficiently strong to counteract the slow but gradual progress being made by Egypt and the UK on the difficult Anglo-Egyptian treaty problem. "B" ISRAEL. Election Prospects, According to US Embassy Tel. Aviv, Prime Minister Ben Gurionfls failureto form a new government and the consequent necessity of general elections were officially announced on 1 March by publication of an exchange of letters between President Weizmann and the Prime Minister. Ben Gurionls letter, which states that the present govern- ment will continue to function in the pre-election period, has allayed the general fear that the Prime Minister intended to form a caretaker govern- ment composed exclusively of MAPAI members. An election bill is expected in the Knesset next week to prepare the way for the actual polling, which 25X1 will probably take place next duly, COMMENT. This report makes it likely that new a ections w111 ally be held. 25X1 The prospect that Ben Gurion might be able to revive is repudiated government without recourse to general elections appears less and less likely after a series of conferences between Presi dent Weizmann and Israeli party leaders failed to produce the means of forming a workable coalition based on existing political alignments. Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 TOP SECRET s While popular excitement in the Moslem world has pro- 25X1 Approved For lease 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146 PO0100050001-6 25X1 "B" Recommendation that US-UK Resolution on Kashmir be Pressed to a Vote. Before its conclusion on 3 March 1951, the South Asian Regional Conference of US diplomatic and consular representatives meeting in Ceylon recommended that the US and UK Jointly press the Kashmir resolution now before the UN SC to a vote, even though India or Pakistan, or both, state they will not accept or cooperate. The Conference also recommended, if the resolution will make it acceptable to both parties without material loss of strength, that (1) the US should accept the modification, provided it is also accepted by the UK, but that (2) the sponsors should .urrd against being placed in 25X1 a negotiating position with the parties. "Brr New National Buffet for l2u On 28 February, the Indian Finance Minister made his annual speech reviewing the national budget of the past year and introducing the proposed new budget for the next year. The revised revenue budget for 1950-51 showed a surplus of 79 million rupees, but the capital budget showed a deficit of 670 million rupees instead of the ori- ginally estimated 239 million. The proposed revenue budget for 195152 anticipates a surplus of 256 million rupees and the capital budget a deficit of 778 million. Defense expenditures of 1.8 billion rupees are about the same as for 1950-51 (i.e. approximately 50` -f the total revenue budget). The combined deficit on revenue and capital accounts in 1951-52 is to be met by drawing down Government cash balances from 954. to 430 million rupees. 25X1 CO MENT: 1950-51 is the third year in which Indian expenses have far exceeded receipts, and 1951-52 is apparently to be no exception to the rule, If cash balances are drawn down in 1951?52 at the same rate as in 195051, they will be exhausted by the end of the year, By 1952, therefore, India may be faced with the immediate prospect of drastically reducing defense expenditures, of adding to existing infla- tion by expansion of the money supply, or of increasing taxes. None of these prospects will be attractive to the Indian Government. Approved For Release 20q "O jk0A-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 Approved Fo lease 2004110/28 : CIA-RDP79T01I 01[ 00100050001-6 "B" INDOCHINA. French Anticipate Delay in Formation of Vietnam Army. Referring to Premier Huu?s assumption of the National Defense portfolio General De Lattre has stated that the formation of the Vietnam National Army would be retarded, but that a short delay would not necessarily be fetal"a Dc Lattre said that, in any case, it would be impossible to develop more than 20 or 25 Vietnamese battalions into first-class fighting groups before the end of 1951. There would not be sufficient officers and NC0 s of real value, he 25X1 stated, for more than that number of battalions COMMENT. Although the Viet army already has some 12 battalions, only a few of these are sufficiently trained to take part in frontline engagements. "C" French Lag in PublicizingBao Dal Cause. No word of the Soviet attempt to-expel the Vietnam delegation from the Lahore ECAFE meeting and replace it with Viet Minh representatives has been published in the Saigon 25X1 press o F_ I COMMENT ~ In the past, US officials have repeatedly prodded the French to undertake a more energetic informa- tion program on behalf of the Bao Dai government. By giving full publicity to Soviet unfriendliness toward Vietnamese interests, the French might have contributed toward a hardening. of Vietnamese antipathy to Communism and, conversel.y,,toward sympathy for the Bao Dal cause. 25X1 25X1 Nationalist Oil Shipment tcj Mainland Confirmed. US Consul General, Hong Kong, has confirmed reports that a 2,500 ton shipment of diesel oil from Taiwan was delivered to Macao, undoubtedly for reshipment to the Chinese Communists, by the Panamanian vessel FLYING DRAGON on or about 21 January. The same vessel reportedly returned to Macao about 10 February from Singapore with another cargo of petroleum. COMMENT. In this connection, 1 although is currently financing deliver es of about 10,000 tons of oil per month to Taiwan, the Chinese Nationalist Navy in late January complained that its fuel supplies were nearly exhausted and (2) a Nationalist Government spokes- man on 4 Ma~??ch cha ct ed as R t re ort of this shipment as a "mali- cious fabrNjOjjk?yne,Vor1ieYease 20~ /1er/ 8. 1A-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved Fo Release 2004/10/28: CIA-RDP79T011)M90001 00050001-6 "C" KOREA. USSR May Be Aiding in NK Rehabilitation, Radio Pyongyang recently carried the text of a letter from a Korean worker at an "unidentified fac- tory" thanking a Soviet engineer who assisted in the rehabilitation of a 25X1 wrecked factory. COMMENTS It has been assumed that Soviet civilians Had been withdrawn rrom Korea and this Pyongyang broadcast is the first indication to the contrary. It is unknown whether this report is an isolated instance or an indication of a Soviet rehabilitation attempt on a modest scale in North Korea, TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/128 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 Approved For lease 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01I 4 00100050001-6 SECTION 3 (WESTERN) 25X1 "C" ITALY, Italy Offers Wheat Quota to India, The Italian Government has 25X1 of eyed to give In is par o its in tional wheat quota obtained under the long-term wheat accord signed last year. At the same time the Italians are reported to have expressed an interest in the pro- curement of fats from India, although this is not a condition for releasing their wheat allotment. This offer has been made despite an anticipated smaller domestic wheat crop and Italian desires to increase their wheat, imports at this timeQ F_ I 25X1 COAdP"NTa is gesture-is apparently an Italian effort to offset . e recen d publicity which they received in the US over the shipment of important industrial items TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 9 Approved Foielease 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T0114it100100050001-6 from Italy to the Soviet orbit. The Italians justify such shipments by pointing to the reduction of Italian wheat, imports from Western sources and the consequent need for Soviet -rr-nat imports. "Btt VATICAN. Vatican Rejects Communists' Request to Support Disarmament. rederic ~Io~i~ urze, Presi den~~ of the Commuriis- backer Wor Peace Council, recently invited the Vatican to support disarmament, described as the "final objective of the partisans of peace". Monsignor Montini, Substitute for Ordinary Affairs in the Vatican Secretariat, replied that the Pope has always been in favor of a "true and just peace" but added that "powerful organizations that pretend to work for peace have tried to convince the masses of the "absurd calumny that the Pope 25X1 desires and favors war". COM?NT: Vatican leaders clear y recognize the necessity o avoz mg assoc anon with Communist propaganda projects including disarmament proposals. Furthermore, US observers have reported that certain elements in the Vatican, notably those associated with the Roman Catholic Church in 'Eastern, Europe, believe that war is the only means which can restore the Church to its previous position in that area, The US decision to construct a hydrogen bomb was interpreted by the semi-official Vatican newspaper, Osservatore Romano, to mean that there is no hope for a peaceful so17io~ n. o. M cold war. "B" SWITZERLAND. Communists Heed Stalin's Call for Greater "Peace" c ivitye The Swiss Communes Party as responded promptly oStalints , i. his recent Pravda interview, for intensified "peace" activity. M19- The Partisans of Peace have held "anti war" propaganda and "general disarmament" meetings in many localities in French-speaking Switzerland. The President and the Secretary-'General of the Swiss Communists recently flew to Budapest to attend the Hungarian Communist Party Congress. 25X1 COM? 4ENTe This faithful adherence to the latest Soviet propaganda irective is another of many indications that the Swiss Communist. Party continues to be tied to Stalinist Communism despite the party's increasing unpopularity, decreasing membership, electoral losses, and harassment by the Goven ment. By limiting these "peace" demonstrations largely to the French section of Switzerland, a Communist stronghold, the Communists have attempted to give the impression of a successful Peace Campaign. "A" MICO. Possible Formation of Communist Anti-Militarist Bureau. It is Curren in =ca e that on 5 December 19 O, US E~ mr~gassy Paris 25X1 reportedl the Cominform had instructed the Communist parties of the and Mexico to establish, through joint effort, an Anti-Militarist Bureau. in. Mexico City, The task of this bureau was to be twofold: (1) to carry on anti. militarist propaganda among enlisted men and to assist draft dodgers in the US, and (2) to conduct agitation in'the American Republics against US military TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 Approved Foh&lease 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T0114001 00050001-6 25X1 bases and against any assistance which the American republics might give the US in event of a world war. 25X1 C?M?',7NT: Latin American Communists have long agi to e against e use oLatin American troops to further US "aggressive" and "imperialistic" activities, and against economic and political. cooperation with the US. The propaganda objectives of the projected anti militarist bureau do not appear to differ materially from those of other Communist and Communist-front groups,, such as the various Peace Committees, However., increased cooperation between US and Mexican Communists would facilitate USSR sabotage and intelligence operations, as well as propaganda activities within the armed forces of the US and its Latin American allies. Such activities might well be guided by USSR or satellite military and diplomatic personnel in Mexico. As yet, there is no evidence to indicate that the Anti- Militarist Bureau,, as such, has been established, TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000100050001-6 I Approved Foelease 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T0114fj000100050001-6 TOP SECRET 25X1 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE 25X1 DAILY SUMMARY 6 March 1951 SECTION 3 (WESTERN) FRANCE. French Interest in US Approach to Spanish Role in Western Defense. A rersc oreign Of ice e fieial has 17-dicated to Massy- Officials in London that the French Government' must be cc- winced of the strategic and military necessity of including Spain in the West's defense effort. He implies that this can be done only if the French assist from the beginning in determining how Spain can participate. According to the source, who is probably more favor- ably disposed toward increased cooperation with Spain than his col- leagues, if the US is interested primarily in Spain's military facilities, a bilateral relationship between the US and Spain mfr be best. However, if the emphasis is on the use of Spain's manpower, then its inclusion in NATO will be necessary - a step that would en- tail great difficulties Particularly in Britain and France. C To This is a plausible re- port o f e rent overnnent's cu77e1x attitude aad possibly re- flects its sincere desire to avert later political difficulties in France over the handling of the Spanish question. Consultations between the US and France on this problem could reduce the hesitancy of the French Socialists, who are indispensable to the middle-of-the- road coalition in France. Last surer Schuman stated that the ad- mission of Spain to NATO was the only way to solve the question of the strategic utilization of that country. FRANCE-GERMANY. French About-Face on PLI Speeds German Defense o ii iv . TFi ?renc a deco e on a ma or change in eir pos ononn the tang of the relaxation of restrictions on Germany's Prohibited and Limited Industries (PLI.)" Instead of withholding re- laxation until the. Germans commit themselves on their defense contri- bution, the French now agree that the High Commission may set the effective date for implementation of whatever decision is reached by the International Study Group (ISG) Steering Coamnittee. The French qualify their stand, however, by their unwillingness to consider any sweeping change in steel production or capacity limitations; nor are they ready to agree now on what relaxations are to be put in effect in "stage two" (when German defense commitments are known). Never- theless,, it may now be possible to eliminate, or modify considerably, TOP SECRET Approved For.Release 2004//28 : CIA-RDP79TO1146A000100050001-6 Approved Fot elease 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP79T0114 A00100050001-6 restrictions on some chemicals synthetics,shipbuilding, and machine 25X1 tools. CL'IEN'T: This about- face breaks a stalemate which might have del.aye or as much as a year an important part of Germany's contribution to Western defense. Chancellor Adenauer's interest in an early agreement on the Schuman- Plan has undoubtedly swayed French thinking on PLI. French concern, however, for Germany's bargaining power will increase their resistance to relaxations in "stage twos'. 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