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Document Creation Date: 
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 9, 2003
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Publication Date: 
September 29, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R005900240001-4.pdf99.12 KB
CONED TI ~ pw~T(ELLIGENe}~~+~?E1\ICo oVe_IIu .~ fiS57~'M Q ,* ?2,,,W s i COUNTRY 4,,a-Ma.s r (Russian Zon?o ) SUBJECT Soviet Rail Movements via Frankf;: t f 0 er 'LACE 25X1 ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 'CREW 4uA.f?t7C.O1:Ii1P: IN4'l3C~SAft4b7 RrFWfPitIGT ! t7AY'74[IAL ASFECZ~i: 3C Or Tfo Out o MWITSS TlIT11711 ", ;1 L nra$ 40V TVs V07301:.70z ACT U.1 S. C? 31 6131 GZ< fir, ranE DE0. I Z"w(u49UA1AStOS3 an 31Ru 61:V LATIM 4; 1r-4 C0fl3211tTb` :?1 AM VA=04' TO A!1 U: AUT11O'RiZrn PE 1-9128 19 MO. 1i1OMD er UM. 0171"R'O11UC: on OF T7R3 M n" 17 .^?,^.ornu!T:''~. 25X1 25X1 Vi P0RIT 0457R00590 -14- CD NOr DATE DISTR. 2D -.ep 50 '140. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 on r: ",1 3 July 1950 twelve freight trains pulled by brigade locomotives at the freight station in Frankfurt/Odor from. Bialystok and Brest,. L.ito rok. Each train consisted of thirrty~--two sealed freight cars. Written on each car was: liAbsol.utelV No Smoking" and rz Russian text; which presumably meant the same. These trains were carefully guis.rded by approximately 120 Russ-.tan soldiers. According to personnel working on the trains these tz)art::icnnlar trains have priority throughout Eastern German and must be driven in a vary careful m?+.nner 4 In Fr. ankfurt!Dd.e.1: the locomotives had, to be Jr.. poected to determine whether everything was still. in order. Normally such a check never takes place,. After a short stop the trains -proceeded further with Schwerin as their fin .l destinations 25X1 2.. Several sliding doors of the cars were open and 25X1 1new orates, each approxi.rl tely one meter high .length and breadth bsez reds t b 1d . e o no 0au 3, The C relve trains mentioned arrived at their destination in six hours without a rtir ?.i er trains being run over these lines at this time