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I964 Approved For Relea ~ PJ#-F 0404 1A-7 1 Y v v] farming affords the maximum number ? Mr. ALDER. Mr. Speaker, just so my constituents. A number of them do ar- of people an adequate livelihood per unit colleagues af-d the people may know just range the tours through Democratic col- of farmland. - how petty the present administration leagues who always seem to be taken care RECLAMATION IS TRULY. MIILTXPDRPOSZ can be in turning everything It touches of within minutes after a Republican Mr. Speaker, the evidence is incon- Into a political gimmick to win votes for Member has-been turned down. trovertible. The diseconomy of crop the President and the Democrats, I call Now, of course. Mr. Speaker, this could surpluses is far removed from the sphere attention to the present handling of, be called a petty issue, but to the extent of reclamation's tasks. The irrigation White House tours. It is called Petty it shows. clearly the phase of the reclamation program relies Under previous administrations the lengths to which this administration will on sound economic principles and is ac- special White House tours for guests of go to remain in office. No tradition is complishing the economic and financial Members of Congress were entirely non- sacred to it. The fact that the White goals we have set for it. If we hesitate partisan. Under, both Presidents Elsen- House belongs to all of the people, even in giving our continued support to,this bower and Kennedy it was possible to those from the Fifth District of Texas, program, we will not only be courting call the White House and make arrange- means nothing if the visitors can be regu- Inefficiency, but we will also act against ments for the tours with the full knowl- lated so as to mean Democrat votes in our own best interest, now and in the edge that a reasonable number of your November and assuring a victory for the future. requests would be granted. This has not President. Mr. Speaker, time does not permit me been true since the Johnson administra- I resent the dictatorial attitude of a but to touch upon the many other con- tion has taken over the White House. Chief Executive who believes he has the structive and important facets of recla- It is apparent that these special White power to give or take away from the peo mation's multipurpose water resource House tours are now being used for po- ple. when he is content or when he is dis- development program. Suffice it to say litieal purposes only pleased with some action on their part. that low-cost hydroelectric power gen- Although I have the privilege to. rep- I resent this, not because of any political eration through reclamation project fa- resent the largest congressional district effect the administration hopes this may cilities benefits countless villages, towns, In the Nation, the fifth Texas District have for me, but I resent it because it is cities, and regions of rural and Main with over a million people, I have been an insult to the people of the Fifth Dis- Street America; that reclamation facil- able to get only five people through the trict of Texas.,. It is a. mean and small Ities for prevention of property damage White House on the special tours since thing to do to the children of Dallas and loss of human lives f om ravishing January. Two were arranged in the County who come to Washington. filled floods have paid for themselves over and usual manner of calling the White House with patriotism and pride in their na- over again; and that the enhancement tour office. The other three were ar- tional shrines, including. .the white of fish and wildlife and outdoor recrea- ranged through the congressional liaison House, only to be told that unless their tion resources on reclamation projects office after my assistant had asked.point- parents vote right, privileges -allowed _ has been such that 27 million visitor- blank if the Dallas Representative was other citizens are not for them. days of recreational use of reclamation on a blacklist. Since that date not a In spite of.such actions by. the adman- facilities were recorded in 1962 alone. single Dallas visitor has been permitted istration. the people of Dallas County and - It should also be remembered that to take the White House tour as a guest this Representative will continue to vote reclamation project Construction activ- of this Representative. our convictions. We will supportadmin- ides create jobs and income for workets My staff has called almost daily, being istration policies when we- believe they and business throughout the Nation. very careful to observe the 30-day rule are in the best interests of our country Recent preliminary studies for a large which the White House requires. That and we will oppose them when we believe concrete dam revealed that for each job -Is, tours must be arranged exactly 30 days those policies to be wrong. While the opportunity created at the site of con- in advance of the date desired. You may people of Dallas County may not be able struction, at least an equal amount of . be interested in some of our experiences. to visit the White House on the special work is required in the widely distributed In February we asked for visitor privi- tours, I am advising them of the regular areas, regions, and States from which leges for five people. The tour office said public tours and will continue to giva the construction contractor buys the all tours were filled., Five minutes later, them every assistance In visiting 'the gal- materials and equipment necessary for a colleague was able to secure the tour leries of both Houses of Congress and the Job. For the specific facility ana- for my constituents with no difficulty. other places of Interest in the Nation's lyzed, these materials and equipment On several occasions we were told the Capital? We shall continue our pride in were manufactured, assembled, and tours were filled for. at least 6 weeks al- our country and its great institutions. transported from 47 different States of though we have never been able to apply Our patriotism will not be sapped by the the Union. Nor have I mentioned thus more than 30 days in advance. We have machinations of little men who use any far that some $300 to $400 million of been told the tour office opens at 10 am. and all means to win votes. to perpetuate additional Federal income tax revenues Yesterday morning my assistant placed themselves and their cronies in office. are.taken in by the Treasury each year a call at 9:58 to get a busy signal. He- - as a result of the increased economic called every 30 seconds until 10:32 when -., he finally was able to get through to ask-. MAI O BROSIO activity which stems from reclamation project areas. for permission for two Dallas residents to I submit, Mr. Speaker, that this kind visit the White House on June 25. He of record speaks for itself. I would add was told the tour was completely filled. only that, dollar for dollar, the reclama- Last week we asked for tours over a pe- tion effort in multipurpose water resource riod of 4 or 5 days in the middle of June. development is a program for the present We were told the earliest possible date and a program for the future. It is a would be June 23 and that we could 'not positive and prudent program, designed call before Monday-yesterday. Again, 'to yield maximum dividends on a na- a colleague checked and was told there tional scale. Its stock is blue chip, pro- were vacancies on the 17th, 18th, and tected and backed by more than 60 years 19th of June. of experience and an impressive array of While it has now become quite evident lasting contributions to America's well- that political reprisal against the Repre- being. sentative of Dallas County is being car- (Mr. ALGER asked and was given per- mission to address the House for 1 min- ute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) . . . Tied to this extreme because the people of Dallas cannot be bought, bribed or coerced into selecting a handpicked White House candidate for Congress, I have learned that Republican Members generally are now experiencing difficulty in getting White House tours for their permission to extend his remarks at this point in the. RECORD and Jo include - ex- traneous matter.) - (: Mr. LIBONATI. Mr.. Speaker, a most brilliant and talented gentleman of noble characteristics has been named to the high office of Secretary General of NATO-Manlio Broslo. During his appointment fn Washing- ton, as Ambassador, he and his gentle- mate, Mrs. Clotilde, enjoyed the most popular encomiums of both his fellow` diplomats and the Members of the Con- gress, as well as the leaders inn Govern- ment, Including President Dwight D. Ei- senhower, and our late lamented, mar- tyred President, John F. Kennedy. His official and social contacts . with President Lyndon B. Johnson, as majority leader of the Senate and as Vice President, has Approved For Release 2005/0.1/05:. C. IA-RDP66B00403R00O1'0026001`- 11582 Approved For Release ~O~Q RRIb W& fl403fR8QJ 260013-7 cemented between them a solid under- standing of the mutual loyalties and common interests of the United States and Italy. His present ambassadorial services to France have gained for him the complete confidence of President Charles de Gaulle, who readily endorsed him for the secretarial appointment. He will wield great influence in Italy In uniting the divisive political parties be- hind NATO. -_ The Honorable Manlio Brosio is a true example of the courageous and heroic men who served as leaders In the Italian underground movement. This great leader, of judicious temperament and as a carrier of freedom's torch, is well equipped to carry out, successfully, the heavy responsibilities of his appoint- ment. His specialties in training, re- ceived in his diplomatic duties in London. Russia, the United States, and France, gave him exceptional insight into the solution of nationalistic prob- lems and the divergence of viewpoints of their several governments. He will be honest and conscientious in his attitude toward any nation's pro- posals to NATO-his concept of fairness will guide NATO in its present most needed reorganization proposals. Under his strong and rigid control great prog- ress will result to solidify the strength of NATO as a valuable and determining influence in keeping the pence and ad- vancing the economies of nations of the world to a better life. The Congress is proud of his appointment and will look 'orward to the successful accomplish- ment of his stewardship in the most im- portant position ever given to an execu- tive, to further the financial growth and happiness of humankind. - Ambassador Sergio Fenoaltea, his charming wife, Mrs. Brune Fenoaltea, and the Italian ambassadorial staff are elated over his appointment. Ambas- sador Fenoaltea succeeded Manlio Brosio as the Italian Ambassador to the United States, and is held in high esteem among the diplomats, executives, and Members of the Congress for his splen- did efforts, presentments, and contribu- tions to the solidarity of the nations of the free world. He, also, is a dedicated servant to his nation and the mutual interests of the United States. [From the Washington (D.C.) Post, May 14, 14, 1964] - BROSIO GIVEN STRONG SUPPORT EVEN BY FRANCE ur NATO Joe (By Robert Estabrook) The HAGUE, may 13.-NATO's new Secre- tary. General, Manlio Brosio, enjoys the un- usual qualification of being as strongly sup- ported by France for his new post as py other members of the Western alliance. Italian Ambassador in Paris since 1981, the 67-year-old Brosio is his country's most dis- tinguished diplomat. He is the only man in modern history to have been Italy's envoy successively to the Soviet Union, Britain, the United States and France. He- served In Washington from 1958 to 1981. ROOT OF CRITICISM French support was based partly on the assumption that, in the words of one of- fcial, Brosio "does not have an inflated no- tion of what the Secretary General must do.", When Rome was liberated In 1944? he be- Herein lies the root of some of the eriti- came secretary of the small, conservative clam amid the praise of outgoing Secretary Liberal Party, Two years later he switched Approved For Release 2005/01/05: CIA-RDP6 General Dirk U. Stikker-that he is an un- flagging believer in integration In the ail! ance and has sought to make his office serve that purpose. . He was sometimes occused of not paying enough deference to the perma- nent NATO representatives. But the courtly, blue-eyed Brosio is no au- tomatic follower of French wishes. He makes clear his disagreement with many of Presi- dent de Gaulle's attitudes toward NATO and Europe and he is a strong advocate of the concept of Atlantic partnership between equals. He also personally supports the mul- tilateral nuclear force, although for domes- tic political reasons Italian participation is. not yet assured. Over-the long run-and this may bring him somewhat closer to De Gaulle's think- ing-Brosio believes that the multilateral force might become the nucleus of a Euro- pean nuclear force closely alined with the American deterrent. He also is sympathetic to the idea that NATO needs some structural overhauling. A diplomat as popular in Paris as he was in Washington, Brosio is described as a hard worker, intelligent, with a quizzical approach and a pigeonhole type mind. "At a cocktail party," said a colleague, "he seems to list in advance just whom he wants to ask what. He. presses it almost to the" point of indiscretion, but Ia saved by his manners." Brosio was known In the past for rigid views about the cold war dating from his tour In the Soviet Union at the time of Stalin. He now believes that the East-West atmosphere is changing slowly but would ap- proach detente cautiously, advising a "firm and reasonable" Western policy. On trade with Cuba, he occupies a middle position. He concedes that Britain may be legally right in conducting nonstrategic. trade, but nontheless views this as a disrup-. tive factor in the alliance. Brosio is a lawyer by training and had a notable record as an anti-Fascist in the Mus- solini era. He was an official of the Italian Liberal Party (conservative), but is now without political affiliation. He will take office August 1, when Stik- ker's retirement is effective. Stikker, whose intention to retire for health reasons was made known last fall, has recuperated well from a serious operation, but still tires easily. [From the n Popolo Italian, May 21, 19641 MANLIO BRosro To BE New SECRETARY GEN- Manlio Brosio, the man who will succeed Dirk U. Stikker as Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a man, with a razor-sharp mind whose diplomatic talents have kept him from his first love- the practice of law. The 66-year-old diplomat has had 18 years of assignments abroad and will now succeed Stikker who is resigning because of ill health. . Brosio is rated as Italy's star postwar en- voy and has served as Ambassador to Moscow, London, Washington, and Paris. Noted for his openness and warmth, the diplomat will soon be called upon to guide NATO through a difficult period of reorganization. While a university student in the years before Mussolini, Brosio entered the world of politics. He was a major contributor to a magazine of moderate political views during that period and was anti-Fascist from the start. . Brosio quit the political scene when Mus- solini tightened his grip on Italy. He prac- ticed as a. lawyer in Turin and when the partisan warfare flared in northern Italy In. 1943, he joined the resistance movement and fought both the Nazis and the Fascists. May 26 to the Republican Party, which is a coalition partner in Italy's center-left government along with the Christian Democrats and Socialists. By 1948 Brosio had served In three gov- ernments. His last cabinet post was De- fense Minister under Premier Alcide de Gaspers. Following that he was chosen as Ambassador to Moscow and he served in the Soviet capital for 5 years. The distinguished envoy went to London in 1951 and 3 years later he moved to Wash- ington. He represented his country in the United States for more than 6 years and in 1961 he was appointed as-Ambassador to Paris. `The situation which the new Secretary General faces is a? serious one which deeply affects the world situation. Charles de Gaulle Is Interested In changing NATO and Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak has criticized De Gaulle on at least three points-the international organization of the Alliance, relations between the United States and Europe, and De Gaulle's policy in southeast Asia Brosio was one of the few men President de Gaulle was willing to accept as the new, Secretary General. The Italian will assume f his duties on August 1. ,,/ ADDRESS OF JUSTICE" GOLDBERG AT ANNIVERSARY DINNER HON- ORING RABBI AND MRS. JACOB J. WEINSTEIN (Mr. O'HARA of Illinois asked and was. given permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD, and to in- clude an address made. by Associate Jus- tice Goldberg of the Supreme Court.) ,Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speak- er, by unanimous consent, I am extend- ing my remarks to include -the full text of the address by Justice Arthur J. Gold- berg of the Supreme Court of the United States at the 25th anniversary dinner in honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob J. Wein- stein of KAM Temple in the grand ball- room of the Palmer House in Chicago, May 24,1964: . Mr. Chairman, I deem It a privilege to par- ticipate in the 25th anniversary dinner cele bration for Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Weinstein. My wife and I are proud to be included among their intimate friends and to join in this happy and festive occasion. It is fitting and proper. that we should honor our be- loved rabbi "when his fame and honor [are] at their.height, while he [is] young in heart and eager" to run yet -another course in the battle... Although a profound student. of history and tradition Rabbi Weinstein Is not a slave to it. His faith is built upon the conviction that though the present is not to be di- Vorced from the past, both.past and present are to be built upon to make--a better fu- ture. On this 25th anniversary celebration hon- oring Jacob and Janet. Weinstein let us re- dedicate ourselves to the great causes which they so nobly serve. Pint and foremost among them is the concept that if religion Is a sanctum for the individual, a refuge and a shelter, it is equally an instrument wwi~th which to change the world, to seek justlee and righteousness. Today more than 80 million Americans are living. substandard lives; 10 million children are being raised Sn poverty. - There is not enough work, In a generally rich and produc- tive.,economy, for the unskilled. The num- bers -of the long-termed unemployed grow; the tragedy Is that among them are mililoni of young people who. enter their adult liver without any .ezperle ice of thepromise of