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CLASSIFICATION Approved FoOWU a t'b 0 Cf1k*bft-00457RW4@$' 04 IMF R TON REPORT cD NO. COUNTRY Austria/4TSSR SUBJECT Shipments of Juschwneachtrans Transport-und Speditionsicontor THIS DOCU679UTCOHTA1F1sI O9UAYl0 AffBCTIROTIIBQATIOITALD8f8R88 Of TIM 1392ITBD STATES WITHIW TH8 15NA031130 Of THU 89PIOHAO2 ACT 80 O. S. C.. 81 AND 82. AS Ap811DED IT818AH001IS01OH 00 THE 88VELATIOH flf ITS CONTENTS IM ANY OAGHEB TO All OWAOT8081l:80 P005013 19 PRO. AIDiTOO By I.M. 26P2ODUCT1O0 Of THIS 8088 1s PBOHIB.TUD. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED 9Et.OW} SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 125X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 'this report, I I. lists shipments cs Soviet *ontrollod Vienna transport firm., Juschwr.neschtrans, during from 20 January through 16 February 1950., 25X1 0 POPOV relinquished his position as soviet Director of Juschwneschtra. to MISHIN 16 February 1950 in compliance with new orders from Moscow dixWting him to leave Vienna 21 February 1950:,* Juschvneschtraris employees b ..e ie he may have been ordered to a new post in Germany rather than to return to the Soviet Union 2.. Juschwneschtran3 despatching agents have been advised that rail shipments to the Soviet Union will no longer be forwarded to Mukachevo for sorting and re- routing: No explanation for this change has been made, bu* some Juschwnesch- trans employers suspect that the Mukachevo railroad yard 18ck5 adequate storage facilities; tiencefort.hs, each shipment ,,htcb is to be delivered to the USSR will be shipped from Vienna on a separate bill of lading with the final destina=- tion indicated by the Sovietsu secret system of numbers, Jusch:gneschtrans employees do not know the key to this numbering system and some doubt that POPOV9 himself,, knows the true identity of railroad depots receiving Juschvwnesch=- trans shipments in the Soviet Union... 3., In. comparison with a sum of more than 2,000,000 schillings which Juschwnesch trans paid the lluatrinn National Railways for freight charp.. s incurred during December 19499 Juschuneschtrans" bill for January 1950 amounted to 1,100,000 schillings Juschv neschtrons pays the railroads in advance ins talltnents of approximately 300,000 schillings two to three times each month, Upon receipt of these payment,, the railroads provide Juschwneschtrans with a series of receipted vouchers (Stundungsheften) when a shipment is despatched freight charges are recorded on the vouchers which are then turned over to railroad agents as certificates of payment +s(3) CLASSIFICATION This docu:Tent is lleeby regraded to i_--;oYdariae with ft letter 978 from the Director to the Archivii' a. ~ a; le J states. o 'd Fowftle' 51@ 2003/12/22: 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL DATE DISTR. APR 50 NO. OF PACES 6 SECR CONFiDENTIAL Doei,n;t.n P. ti,a fats. Chang . Auth.; 41 1 IA- M -00 Rd~1411 Approved For Release 2003/12/2'7: t?4-RDP82-00457R004700310004Z5X1 It C EMlT AL I_'T:.'LI,IG 'CE AGCY 25X1 25X1 25X1 During a resent conversation with a fen- of hi,,:; trusted colleeguer stated that ~Tuschvn.eschtrans u now the so7.e receiving agent for shipments arriving in Austria from the : ate1lites. He believes Juschwnescht..rans'' position as a manopoly will rem' main unchanged even when the Soviets cdithdraw from Austria, allegedly be- 'e-,-ause future commercial agreements will designate Jusch n.eschtrans as the vecipient of shipments despatched by the Sovi.etW-controli l_ed transport firms, Masped, Derutra, Despred, 1&etrans, and Sovro3n transport 5:. , ort Shi meets handled b Jusc vmncschtrans a., Via DDSG &r,e _to Ismail 4 electric units (Aggregate), each weighing three and one--ha1.f tons, from Hro dn- Boveri A,,G,., Vienna X., 70 electric motors, each weighing 110 kilograms, from 3.1.erien;-Schuckert, ngerthstrasse 20 AC generators, each weighing 800 kilograms, from Siemens- chuckert, Siemensstrasse,, 4 crates, each containing 40 electrical measuring iri;trunments notably ohrA and ampere meters;,frem C. P, Goerz, 10 cases of ohm- and ampere meters, each case containing 10 separate instruments having a not weight of 20 kilograms, from C, P., Goerz,. 75 threshing machines, each weighing 600 kilograms ; from /fofherr- 3chrantz, A :,G 10 rolls of ground cable, weighing a total of 31 tons.., from Nie.ner Mabel- unr Metallwerke A;,G,, 6 rolls of copper cable? weighing a total of 19,,4 tons, from Ariadne Draht.u, Kabelwerke A?G., ,12 rolls of ground :abl.e, weighing a total., of n2 tons., from Ariadne Draht=,,, icahelwerk e .10 tons of quick==drying paint, from Viri onz Nagrrer, Vienna U IL, 10 tone of enamel lacquer from u- .tloecking, Vienna. 10 tons of unaniiel lacquer f rove , Vienna LU,,*(4) The electric motors "ore manufactUred by A,,-Union 60 tons of steel. drums, each having a capacity of 200 l zters, from F.,A, Dreihholz & Co:. wiener tAecb_, Fassfabrik Komfnarzditgesellschaft, Vienna Yii ?n (6) 2 or 3 carloads of radiators for staa;r, heating from i iesaen.Jerkc Vienna flV.. 6 cable winches, each wei r;izing 2,9 tons, from the Nibelungenworke of ,3tevr- A ,G,, a St? Va!entint,> 5 carloads of oak barrels from Johann Drexler u, Sohn, Vienna XXV.. 75 tons of school notebooks from Croe 11, I'abrik,Teaafc:l.derz,, 2 carloads of school notebooks from. Crceilvitza.Obermuehl Fa.bri.k; carloads of nne?vsprin.. (R.otationspapier) from "">z~ocl' v~.l6 ,-C3bea?sx?uehi Fabrik. ? 490,000 electric iighL bulbs from Os.ram G,.mz b.H,. 3Q carloads each containing one ton of hend....hloun fir sr; bulbs for electric lights from Wiener Glashttttenwerke ALGa; Vienna XU, Jusehwrzesch- trans dispatched an average of two earl.oads per day.:3(7) 9 carloads of paper purchased by the Soviet Trade !3elegat.i.orz in Vienna from a paper m:i.l1 in Zeltveeg, St.yri.a. 1;,200 kilograms of tyrpevtriter it ribbons from Gucni-Jr, 20 tons of enamel. paint from Vinzenn1, 4e,rnf,r, Vienna : al, (4)* j_0 tons of enamel lacquer from fl. Megcrie*. Lackfa'br -LKcn 'u,: Rival.inwerke Vienna XXi:. (4) 30 tons of veneer f r. opn lil ouut.erneuburger Hoizindustri t_ '0 tans of rayon yarn from Criari ,scoff Wager L.k . St, Potciltcn. 8 fiat carloads of corrugated ? etal Larracks front iiara.g. ncx Biro AG. Vienna, Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004700310004-9 Approved For Release 2003/197IA-RDP82-00457R00470031000HX1 CU: i3'AL fITutLIGBTICI A?C717CY t~ f carloads of corrug ted meta;, barracks f rrori BahnhcIdarf A U , , Vienna. Y,ari.oacs of corrugated atet ]. barracks f; om raiener Brue',kenba,i.....t... Ct isen1const ruktioras A. C ? , V ienn & ,. :a.ricads of corrugated metal. barracks from the Nibelungenwerke of teyr?g azxrtler>Fazc,i A, G , . t . Valentin.., 9_5 carloads of corrugated metal barracks from R,-x-arerk G,,m?tr?H?, rv_iener t. tune of bone 1*1ue from a'~i:t i ..en e 3ellscha.f t fuer Chemische industrie, itanner.=.i,torf be-1 ,chwechat 15 tons of industrial pelatin from Aktiengesellschaft fuer (hemische Indiastrie:, hannersdorf., 2 carloads of scythes from Gustav :lei.l:liner., Tuernitz, Lower Auastx La.,. 15 tons of scythes from Custa'4' Ze.i11in^er., Tuernitz.. Mnich were About 1.00 car rloae s of excej,.jor by the Soviet _Vradrt Delepatioi, were shipped via Mukachevo to the U Skt be- twee, 1.5 December 1949 and 16 February 1950 from Lenzinge r z,e11wo11.e== and Fapierfabrik A G.,, LenzingUppo Aust^ia.:* 9 >t13 }mGnt9 t a -& astern Germ, ala 0 tons of brass sheets from, a 1J-L .';arehcuse at nzes.fe?.d. W rsisenbahra Di rektiort ~Jhe~;aa_t2 ~H i trersdnri P.0 tcrris of agresi to shipped on a legal ustri_r'an export pr rs :Lt from . ? rrzten &' agnes]Ltwerke to flT)fl during .he-latter apart of January 1950 for shipment by baxrge and subs.. 1mte:n'~ly sent by .. il_ V. f/uI- tvhcavo~ Comment Our j? .th fzx^ st, k reek:r of February 1>50, the 'JDSG resumed sh3ppix via t.hom Danube to 0 Commneart : Somme meta k products are mm-,anufacturvcd. a ~ 1.his USIA warehouse. 25X1 Comments it j,s possible that the 5 carloads of St:;s*.al.srms=. drums reported I Iwore a1:o shipped from Dre3_bho:i.z Rr Gcr.., Corrmmentn Ju~,c:h..rm.e:,rktt,taan, desnat,ched 20 carload::: or gasoline drums 'a + t t his firm. to Rumania some time be.force tllari s":tmas 19I4.9., 25X1 :, e~? to I holloir and ,la ss bulbs which apparently A.... aid ,asc to " ,,cctr?ic light bulbs in the Soviet Union. Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004700310004-9 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release~2/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457ROO4700310004-9 25X1 %w (8 l 25X1 25X125X1 25X1 25X1 oral a 10) 25X1 (ii) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL C.'?^rAT~ IF?~' ;LLIC"C~"::~"'Cy Cor nt: These shipments of cor rur atec metal b r ! y . . a rac cs cpx eserzt, ,,art of a tiovi~:t order for 1;00 corru:pated steel sheds tiiere part of a soviet order for s. 40 corrugated S ; .F s e s ordered from lkSlA some time r go by etsi 7 .p ?.r t. for ahi ;tent 'Go Hungxy anti t,zeenos.Lovayau wpure -cni uw+ " Uo naoAv military vehicles comment: Kaernten ! agnesittiverke orobafbi , refers to uesterr?eichtsch._ Purer ikanische Magnesit A ;G:. 9 itadenthein, Carin'th_ia, Comment; It is possible that this shipment of bricks, may be pelt o f r Isut xis.=C;.echoslovak comoe,nsatjon -agreement According to the terns of this transaction, sec: os ovar[%G ag'.ree deliver l9Cl?t! ^acloads of'wa... bricks to Austria in exchange for a votai nt i..;000 tons of paving stones,, Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004700310004-9